magic eye doctor

Chapter 2515

Chapter 2515

Seeing that a person was injured by a robot in a single encounter, Zhen's spine felt chills. Who developed the robot that can fight, why has there never been any news?
She also knew that she was doomed to return without success tonight, and was planning to withdraw decisively before the owner of the robot arrived.

She opened her mouth and wanted to order her subordinates to "retreat", but the word was stuck in her throat because of the painful howling of the boxers before it came out.

Almost instantly, Zhen Shi turned around without hesitation and ran towards the parking lot.

Robots are so powerful that they can never be owned by ordinary people.

It can only be owned by that person's bodyguard team, and it is a confidential product!
That person had fooled everyone. She didn't bring bodyguards or quack monks with her on the surface, but just changed to another type of bodyguard.

Zhen knew very well in her heart that the self-defense medicine she carried was effective for people, but it had no effect against robots at all. In terms of force, she was delivering food to robots.

As long as you run out and pick yourself out, it won't be too late to plan again in the future.

If it falls into the hands of that person, it is very likely that the identity will be exposed.

36 Taking action as the top priority, Zhen made a decisive decision, and without any desire to fight, the wind rushed.

She wanted to escape from the scene, but she had to ask the robot if she agreed.

The robot naturally didn't allow its prey to escape, and didn't care about the five defeated subordinates who fell to the ground, and started to run with two legs.

Wearing exercise clothes suitable for action, Zhen Shi ran with all her strength, she heard footsteps coming from behind, and also heard the whistling of the wind.

She flicked from left to right, running in a zigzag route, buying time for herself.

The robot ignored the target's snake-like movement, caught up with the human in a few strides, and grabbed it out with its hand.

The mechanical arm was as fast as lightning, grabbed the target person's shoulder, and pressed the person so hard that he couldn't run anymore.

When the wind came from behind, Zhen subconsciously wanted to bow her head to avoid it, but she just tilted her head, and a cold iron hand pressed down on her shoulder.

The robot's hands are powerful, and when it was caught, Zhen felt that her shoulder blades were about to be shattered, and the pain was so painful that cold sweat gushed all over her face.

The robot caught the target, but there was no pity. The other arm bent at an angle and punched a certain human in the abdomen.

He punched her once, and when she was about to punch her again, a voice floated from a corner: "Xiao Yi, she's still useful, don't kill her."

The robot stopped with an iron fist like a small bowl head, but didn't let go of the woman's hand, and opened and closed its mouth in a snap: "Master, Xiaoyi just punched lightly, this weak chicken should It wouldn't be that easy to die."

"I can't die now, if I punch her again, she might die." Le Yun slowly emerged from the darkness.

After being punched by the robot in the abdomen, Zhen heard the sound of the sternum breaking, and the pain spread to all the limbs. The muscles of the whole body were trembling, and his consciousness was almost blurred.

When he heard the girl's voice, which was clearer than a thrush, his brain suddenly cleared up, and he turned his head with difficulty, looking at the source of the voice.

At first there was no one, but suddenly there was another person in the empty place, and that person was holding a luminous pearl in his hand, which made the Hanfu and jewelry on her body glow with a stream of light.

Seeing the girl who was supposed to be at the bonfire banquet suddenly appear, Mrs. Zhen pursed her lips. If the girl appeared here, Luo San either noticed something and canceled the action, or he was already in trouble and couldn't protect himself.

When the robot Xiaoyi saw the master, he picked up the prey in his hand and walked over to the girl, offering the treasure cheerfully: "Master, these guys are really easy to beat, and they all fell down before I even tried my skills. This weak chicken will give it to you!" You, Xiaoyi, go pick up a few weak chickens!"

"It's okay, there are several little mice on the other side, all for Xiaoyi to practice."

Le Yun tucked the Ye Mingzhu into her sleeve, held Zhen's in one hand, and greeted with a smile: "Mrs. Zhen, long time no see. Although you are not very polite, thank you for your hard work and dedication to bring people to my parents and seniors."

Zhen Shi, who was vigilant in her heart, her scalp went numb, and she squeezed out a voice from her throat: "Little girl, I think there must be a misunderstanding between us. I took my bodyguards on a trip to relax and lost my way. I only saw the light here." here.

I was tired from walking and wanted to rest for a while, but I was attacked out of nowhere, little girl, it's fine, why did you and your robot surprise me? "

"Madam Zhen, you have been resting here since [-]:[-] p.m., and now you have rested just now. It's been a long time."

Le Yun's face changed easily, because Mrs. Zhen was so painful that she couldn't stand still because of the broken sternum from a small punch, she lightly exposed her old background.

Mrs. Zhen was silent for a while, then sighed: "The little girl actually knew when I came here. Ming people don't speak secretly, so let me tell the truth. Someone invited me here, and the purpose was to ask me to wait for someone else. .

The employer gave me 200 million and asked me to wait for someone to send a girl here, and then I would take her out of M province.

That's all I know. I don't know what kind of relationship girls have with their employers, or where they are going to be sent. I only do things with money. "

"Tsk tsk, if I didn't know who you are, I might really believe your nonsense."

Women can really talk nonsense, Le Yun didn't discuss with the man who opened his eyes and told nonsense: he pointed at the acupoints, knocked the seriously injured old woman into a faint, and then threw him into the man-made mobile cave.

Except for internal injuries and fractures, old women have no gender worries, and don't have to worry about dying.

Le Xiao, who was not worried about the old woman's problems at all, wandered back to the place where the old woman and the others were lurking.

The robot villain dedicated the captured weak chickens to his master, and hurriedly ran back to the original battle site, and lifted a few weak chickens into a pile.

When the owner came over, Xiaoyi dedicated all the "weak chickens" to the owner, and also got a loving pat on the head.

Le Yun also tapped the acupuncture points of the five seriously injured people, threw them into the man-made cave for confinement, and brought Xiao Yi, the fighting helper, to change positions.

Zhen took five people to ambush and left two to guard the car.

The two people guarding the car were afraid of missing the signal, so they didn't dare to slack off. They had to sit in the car from time to time, get out of the car and walk a few laps from time to time.

After getting out of the car again and moving around for two laps, when he was about to get in the car, a light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

In the soft light, a girl wearing a wide-sleeved Hanfu and a humanoid robot stepped out, walking towards them one by one.

The young girl's steps were light, the beads held by the phoenix hairpin on her head swayed gently with her steps, the beads collided with each other, making a soft sound.

The prairie is vast, dark and dull.

Light and people appear suddenly, as mysterious as ghosts.

The two people whose limbs became hot after the activity felt a chill from the soles of their feet directly to the Tianling Gai, and they were almost dumbfounded at that time.

Even, they subconsciously ignored the humanoid robot.

"Ghost?" The two were so frightened that their bodies were cold, their legs were trembling.

Amidst the screams, the two also woke up from the state of insanity, and ran wildly towards the car.

The two of them approached the car, even though they panicked for a moment, they did not run in the wrong direction in a panic. They rushed to the side of the car, each opened the door of a car, and climbed into the cab.

When he returned to the car, he didn't calm down. He unlocked the car with shaking hands, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and slammed into Guangheren.

It's not that they don't want to turn around and run away, it's really time-consuming to turn around, maybe that person rushed over before turning around, and the two subconsciously chose to collide.

When they rushed towards the car, Le Yun didn't stop her, she stood calmly, seeing the two people getting into the car and driving over, she still didn't move her feet.

"Danger detected, God's Eye of Punishment activated."

The robot villain stood next to the owner, scanned the front with his left eye, and found that the vehicle was rushing towards him like crazy. The owner did not dodge and responded quickly.

It gave a report, and rolled its right eye, the original black and white eyeballs were opened, revealing the red pupil in the middle.

The red pupils turned and condensed into a beam of red light.

The beam of red light was as thin as a sheet of paper and as fast as lightning, and it was projected onto the front of the car in a flash. The vertical red light fell on the car like a red line was drawn on the car.

The red line is projected on the side of the integrated driving seat of the vehicle that is biased towards the main driver. When the light shines on the vehicle, it looks like iron shell and glass like tofu, and everything enters.

In an instant, the beam of light passed through the body from the front of the car.

The flying car was cut into two parts and did not separate immediately. The car continued to rush forward for several meters due to inertia, and because of losing balance, it fell over and over.

And the robot Xiaoyi, after activating God's Eye of Punishment to split a car into two parts, blinked his eyes, and the light beam shot towards the sky, passed the car, and then shot at another van.

When the red light was cast on the van, it crossed diagonally from the door position behind the main driver's seat, cutting the whole car in two.

The van did not disintegrate immediately. Due to inertia, the rear part lost traction and failed to keep up with the speed. The front part rushed forward and separated from the rear part.

The robot Xiao— cut off the second dangerous car, closed its right eye, and kept watching the front with the left eye. If there is any danger again, it will strike at any time.

When the red light fell on the car, the driver in the driver's seat of the car only felt the scorching heat when he saw it. The clothes on his right hand melted and his muscles were scorched.

He didn't understand what happened, the car shook violently, and then overturned to the right.

The driver of the van also saw the flash of red light, but he didn't know that the light was on the car. At that time, he felt as if the back of his head was scalded by a soldering iron. It was like a sudden power failure while playing a movie, and it was interrupted all of a sudden.

The two cars overturned one after another, about seven or eight meters away from the man and the robot.

The red light in the robot's eyes cut off the car's axles and oil pipes. The car was leaking oil, and the air was filled with the smell of oil and hot iron.

Xiao Yi, who overturned the car, didn't know how much damage he had, he rushed towards the car, yelling as he ran.

"Master, the scene is a bit chaotic, don't come close, Xiaoyi is going to catch the little mouse."

(End of this chapter)

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