magic eye doctor

Chapter 2516

Chapter 2516

Xiaoyi, the robot, likes to do errands for the master.

Happily running to the scrap iron pile, the robot Xiaoyi ignored the high temperature remaining on the scrap iron lumps, and pulled the humans out of the cab with a burst of pawing.

The right arm of the driver of the car was scorched by the high temperature, and the right side of his face was also burned. He looked half dead.

Xiao Yi dragged a certain person in front of his master like a dead dog, and ran swiftly to another pile of scrap iron lumps.The overturned front of the car was turned over.

The head of the person trapped in the cab was cut by the glass and blood was flowing.

Xiaoyi pulled the person out again and dragged him in front of the master.

There are helpers to do rough work, and Le Yun acts as the shopkeeper with peace of mind, throwing the two half-dead guys into the man-made cave, and then goes to check for iron bumps.

The right eye of the robot Xiaoyi is an advanced high-tech product. It is a special energy source composed of special elements extracted from the lunar soil and certain chemical elements in other types of ores.

The special energy source is very cruel. A beam of energy light with a thin needle tip can penetrate a 20-meter-thick steel plate in an instant.

It is not difficult to use lunar loam and special ore to form a certain energy light, but it is difficult to solve the problem of carrying special energy carriers.

Classmate Le Xiao exhausted an unknown number of billions of brain cells, and fused several special new materials to create a box that can carry an energy source.

Xiaoyi's right eye is the eye of light that works with a special energy source through laser light.

The special energy source cuts off the thick steel column without any effort, and the width of the incision during cutting is about the same as the seam created when the wire of the same thickness is used in the wire cutting machine.

The disadvantage is that high temperature cannot be avoided during work, and objects within [-] to [-] centimeters will be burned to a certain extent. Fortunately, the speed is fast, the light flashes by, and the high temperature will not last for too long.

The robot Xiaoyi is also a freshly baked local robot. Even if the materials used for the parts are new materials, they can still be found in raw ore materials on the earth.

After graduating from Cambridge University, Le Xiao spent all his time researching energy sources and robot parts, except for the necessary practice of medicine and teaching his younger brother.

The brand-new robot Xiaoyi has only been successfully released for a few days, and its capabilities have not been tested. Now is the time to test the results.

Judging from the results of wounds on a pile of scrap metal, the pulsed light energy of the energy source has good lethality, but the grasp of the amount of energy output is not fine enough, and it is still far from the ideal state.

Therefore, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

After checking the iron bumps of the waste, Le Yun collected the gasoline in the fuel tanks of the two cars, and directed Xiao Yi to cut up the remaining parts of the cars and throw them into a corner of the man-made cave as waste.

After disposing of the scrap iron, he poured a few barrels of potion on the grass polluted by gasoline to break down the oil, and sprinkled the smell-removing powder.

After tidying up the venue, let Xiaoyi enter the man-made cave, and continue to rush to the next goal.

The magic circle covers a range of three miles. If you don't follow the steps, it will only be one step away. The two people who are clearly close at hand will be separated, and even though they are only three to five meters apart, they will not be able to see each other.

Le Yun walked in the formation by herself, also advancing and retreating in a certain way. It took about 10 minutes to transfer to the location of the left-behind personnel who were waiting in the northeast direction.

Elder Ai and his party consisted of 12 people, and six people were left to respond. Those who followed Elder Ai caught the target person, and returned three people, leaving nine people to stay behind.

Because the important target was caught, the people left behind are also very confident in Elder Ai's actions, and believe that Elder Ai will definitely return to the most important target when he comes back.

The nine people waited for Elder Ai and Mr. Luo, and they didn't worry about not returning after a long wait. They were in a good mood and ate some dry food for supper.

And when the light came on not far from the car, they thought it was Elder Ai who had returned, and got out of the car excitedly.

And when the people who got off the car ran towards the light, some shouted "Elder Ai" and "Mr. Luo", but before they could utter their words, their voices disappeared because they saw the people in the light.

The nine people looked at the girl holding the night pearl and the intelligent robot beside her, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"You are waiting for your elder, aren't you? He is still busy at the bonfire banquet. Seeing that you guys are chatting happily, I'll come over to join in the fun. Don't stand still, you guys continue chatting."

A group of middle-aged people stood still in unison. Le Yun grinned and walked towards the crowd with Ye Mingzhu in her hands.

A group of people were stunned for a while, and they also realized that they quickly stood up and were ready to fight. The two turned around and ran back to the car, grabbing the Le family couple in their hands.

With chips in hand, you are not afraid of people not compromising.

With the chips in their hands and confidence, the two stood by the car door, and each put a sharp fruit knife on the necks of the Le family couple.

"Stop, your parents are in our hands, if you go any further, I won't be polite!" One person threatened.

"I'm also quite curious about what kind of impolite you say you're being impolite. Just be unreserved, so that I can learn a lot." Le Yun didn't stop walking.

Even though he was holding on to the opponent's weakness, the man did not cry when he saw the coffin. The fruit knife in the middle-aged man's hand pressed against the woman's neck.

A sharp fruit knife can cut out a knife with a touch, but when he pressed the knife on the neck of the person, it didn't even cut the skin!

The middle-aged man couldn't believe it, and tried hard again. This time, the knife seemed to touch steel.

The middle-aged man was shocked: "How is it possible?"

"How is it impossible? Are you sure that what you caught in your hands is my parents?" Le Yun stopped with a smile, holding the Ye Mingzhu in one hand, and took out a talisman in the other, and stomped on the ground with one foot.

Several middle-aged people looked at the Lejia couple who were held hostage by their companions.

The two who thought they held an important bargaining chip also looked at the person in their hands.

When they looked over, they suddenly found that there was no Lejia couple in him, and the one who was caught was clearly a humanoid puppet!
The two puppets are as tall and short as real people, and are dressed in human clothes.

The faces of the two who held the Le family and his wife turned pale, and they threw away the puppet as if their hands were on fire.

The three people who captured the "Lejia couple" were even more frightened and their hands were shaking. They brought back two living people, so why did they become puppets?

They remembered very clearly that when they caught someone, their hands and feet were warm!

The hearts of several big men felt cold.

The few little mice reacted as if they had seen a ghost, Le Yun didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and said sarcasticly: "You are not nobodies who have nothing to do, can't you even see such ordinary blindfolds and illusions? ?

Even if your knowledge is superficial and you don't know what blindfolds and illusions are, is it possible that Elder Ai didn't see it?

You elders can't even see through this level of illusion, and blinded his status as an elder in your sect for nothing. An incompetent and high-ranking guy like him is as annoying as a person who occupies the latrine and doesn't shit. "

The nine people, who were horrified because the chips suddenly turned into scraps, heard the girl's sarcasm, smoked from the top of their heads, and spat out a few words fiercely: "You want to die!"

The nine men who showed their vicious faces, one of them pumping their fists, the other of them stalking the guy, rushed towards the girl like wolves and tigers.

Facing a group of menacing thugs, Le Yun didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "Xiao Yi, fuck them!"

"Yes, Master."

Xiaoyi, the robot who has been in the air, heard the master's order, his left eye sparkled, he jumped up, and jumped in front of a group of young and middle-aged men like a kangaroo, and started to fight with his iron arm.

Blocked by a group of black shadows, the nine middle-aged and young men really noticed the humanoid robot, but they didn't take it seriously. Even if the robot is a highly simulated robot, so what?

A black technology product robot, to put it bluntly, is a mass of iron without thought. This one seems a little different from the robots on the market. How advanced can it be?
Whether it's a human or a robot, just do it!
The momentum of the nine people remained the same, they swarmed up, all greeted the robot, and also picked out areas that they thought were the weak points of the robot.

Xiao Yi is not an ordinary robot with a clumsy body and body, he is agile, he chooses to avoid the attacks of several people, kicks and kicks to block fights, and moves one by one cleanly, even in the siege with ease.

The robot is resistant to blows, and the fist guy hits it like it is tickling it, but the human is a flesh and blood body, and it hurts to gasp when it is rubbed by the robot.

Within 3 minutes of you coming and me going back and forth, the nine people were forced to parry and had no power to fight back.

One of the young men saw that the robot could not help him, so he withdrew and rushed towards the girl who was alone.

The robot has a steel shell, they can't cut it, and they can't cut the girl?

They also know that the girl may have learned self-defense skills, but there are traces of the girl's history from childhood to adulthood. Apart from running to the mountains when she was young, she has been studying since she was a child. Even if she practiced martial arts since childhood, her time is limited and her achievements Not much higher.

Mr. Luo analyzed that the girl should be good at light work, and the level of martial arts cannot be too high.

The young man swung a machete that the foresters used to chop firewood. Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, he rushed at least not far in front of the girl, and slashed with the machete.

"Hey, are you bullying me for being weak or weak, or are you bullying me for not knowing martial arts?" Seeing the young man rushing towards him, Le Yun laughed.

This is the same "sage saying" everywhere.

She didn't panic either, when the machete struck, she stepped across two feet before taking a step forward, avoided the knife, swung her legs casually, and kicked the young man's back in the air.

With a bang, a person flew out.

"I'll send you away, thousands of miles away." Kicking the little scum flying, Le Yun hummed happily, regardless of that guy's life or death, and hurriedly watched the battle.

Xiaoyi hasn't tested her skills yet, so she has to keep an eye on it to observe whether Xiaoyi's martial arts moves, fighting methods, and movements are smooth and smooth, and if there are any bad points, she will study and improve.

The young man who was kicked into the air with a sharp kick was too late, and the machete in his hand was also released when he flew out. He flew three meters away before landing heavily, and he couldn't even get up.

He was crippled by that kick.

(End of this chapter)

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