magic eye doctor

Chapter 2518

Chapter 2518

The magic circle is divided into several domains, each domain is independent, and there is an invisible barrier between the domains, which isolates the sound, light source, and scenery.

A domain is an independent world.

There are only two people in one area.

The girl's crisp and soft sweet voice was like a gust of wind, light and leisurely, making people unable to distinguish between joy and anger.

Elder Ai understands that the girl's words are not mixed with water. Luo San has no power to fight back in front of the girl. If the Zhen family sneaks into the tent area with someone, it is even more impossible for the Zhen family to survive alone. There is no doubt that the entire army will be wiped out. of.

He pondered again for a long while before giving an answer: "My surname is Ai, and Ai from Ai Cao, each word has its own name. Our small group is just an alliance formed by huddling together to keep warm. One of the ancestors of the alliance is Tang. Disciple, taught some poison techniques."

"You always blame the Tang Sect. Are you bullying that the Tang Sect is not what it used to be, or are you bullying me that I can't tell the truth from the fake because I don't read enough?"

Mama Ai, another person pretending to be Tang Sect.

Once, Le Xiao was assassinated in Xiaowutai by a guy who claimed to be a disciple of the Tang Sect, and now another person came out saying that the predecessors of their organization were disciples of the Tang Sect.

This one or two, if they did something bad, they blamed Tang Sect, and Tang Sect almost became a professional blame man.

"What I'm telling you is the truth, tell the truth, little girl, you won't believe it." Elder Ai didn't understand why the girl didn't believe it.

"If you, you didn't drug the people in the door to control them, I would really believe it." Le Yun sighed: "Your Poison Sect is really so shameless that you don't even have the courage to admit your identity?
However, it is also understandable that the Poison Sect has never appeared aboveboard, and has always been secretive, like a mouse in the gutter, secretly doing some shady deeds, and then dumping the blame on the Tang Sect. "

When the girl said the word 'poison sect', Elder Ai's eyes showed a murderous look.

He controlled his emotions in an instant, and the murderous aura disappeared in a flash.

If so, Le Yun also felt it, and smiled crookedly: "Your Excellency, there is no need to hide your intention to kill me, if you don't want to kill me, you won't appear here.

From the time I became a teacher to the present, I have no intersection with the Poison Sect, let alone a conflict of interest, but the Poison Sect has attacked me again and again, why? "

"You think too much, we have nothing to do with the Poison Sect, I have no grievances with the little girl or your family, let alone murderous intentions, and I have never done anything against you before.

The predecessors in our alliance once owed the Zhen family a favor, this time she invited you to attack you, it is to use needle money to eliminate disasters, and to repay the favor. "

Except for the only emotional leakage that Elder Ai was noticed, Elder Ai has already taken it as a warning and has no more emotional fluctuations.

"A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, it really is true." Le Yun smiled: "Mr. Cao, how comfortable is the Huang's house in Shishi?"

"!" Elder Ai's heart shook, and his emotions shook again. How did the girl see through his other identity?
Before he could figure out what to say, Le Yun had already continued on her own: "Mr. Cao, there is no need to find an excuse to deny it first. You can just say it bluntly. I once went to the Huang family's old house to visit the guards hired by the Huang family. Unfortunately, the night I went, Mr. Cao and Mr. Weng slept soundly.

In order not to disturb their sleep, I did not wake them up, but only took a few photos of them.

That Mr. Weng later went to the Paradise to give me a birthday gift, but when he went to the Paradise, he had already changed his appearance and changed another name.

Mr. Cao didn't go to Paradise, but the Poison Sect sent people there.

If you want to ask me how to see through your identities, to put it bluntly, it is your smell, everyone has their own unique smell.

Therefore, as long as I have met a person once, no matter whether it is disguised or wearing a human skin mask, as long as there is no change of bone or blood, I will still be able to recognize it when it appears in a different form next time.

I visited you at night in Huang's old house, so I naturally remember your taste.

People from the Poison Sect are better able to recognize that in order to control the disciples of the Poison Sect, the Poison Sect has put medicine on each of them. The medicine is half-poisonous and usually does not harm the body.

If someone from the Poison Sect disciple defected, he could use the smell of the medicine to track him down, or he could add other poisons to stimulate the half-poison in the defector, causing people to die from the poison without knowing it. "

The girl said plainly that she had visited Huang's old house at night, and Elder Ai gave up the idea of ​​self-defense: "We made a mistake, I didn't expect your sense of smell to be so sensitive.

If you visit the Huang family at night and enter the land of no one, then the Huang family's ancestral grave, the Huang family's hemophilia, and the Huang family's descendants are all sealed in the dark well of the Huang family's ancestral hall. "

"Look at what you said, how can I have such a great ability, I have never blown up the Huang family's ancestral grave, and it has nothing to do with Huang's descendants being sealed in the dark well."

Le Yun blinked her eyes and smiled harmlessly: "The outbreak of Huang's hemophilia has something to do with me. I actually didn't do anything. I just threw it into their old well when I went to visit Huang's house that night. A few tonics.

What I threw was not poison, it was really a good tonic, but it was a pity that the Huang family had no luck, who told them that they had hemophilia in their genes, but if they drank well water with tonic, they met another If you plant something, it will trigger hemophilia. "

Elder Ai kept silent all the time, and when he heard the girl admit that throwing something into Huang's well caused Huang's hemophilia to break out, his mentality almost collapsed.

He considered himself an expert in poisoning, but as a result, someone else was sitting in the Huang's house, and someone entered the Huang's house right under his nose, and even drugged the well, but he didn't know it at all!
He took a deep breath before suppressing the anger that was about to surge: "When did you go to visit Huang's house at night?"

"Before Ching Ming Festival in the year when the Huang family's hemophilia broke out." Some people were not ashamed to ask, and Le Yun was also happy to explain.

"..." Elder Ai gritted his back teeth, he really hunted wild geese all day long, and was pecked in the eyes by wild geese!

"Mr. Cao, by the way, even if you procrastinate, you have procrastinated for a long time. Don't you think it's completely unnecessary?" A certain man was so angry that he could bear it again and again, and Le Yun also admired him.

"I didn't want to procrastinate. I really wanted to negotiate. Whether it was in the past or this time, it was our side who suffered. We admitted it and repaid the favor. In the future, we will not interfere with you and your related matters. .”

"Mr. Cao's words are quite sharp, but he is full of nonsense, avoiding all the important points.

I sincerely advise you that there is no need to procrastinate, the poison you spread has no effect on me, even if I wait another hour, the result will be the same.

Look at the bugs you released, do they dare to approach me?

As for the time you want to delay the spread of the medicine you sprinkled, or let the bugs seep into the ground, burrow and leave this place, it is not realistic to let the poison and bugs harm the people at the bonfire banquet.

I took precautions in advance, no matter how much poison you spread, it's useless.

Gu worms and the like are nothing more than small tricks in my eyes. I have sprayed medicine in all areas of this herdsman settlement in advance. As long as you sprinkle another medicine, all your worms will be dead.

The spies you send to participate in the bonfire banquet, don't expect them to do anything, they are all in my hands. "

"You're too confident, be careful not to capsize in the gutter." Elder Ai couldn't bear it no matter how well-bred he was.

"If you can't turn the boat over, you are good at poison. Your spies have injected half poison twice. Those poisons have been neutralized. It will not help if you inject other poisons."

"You might as well go and see where your parents are."

"You don't have to look, my parents are fine on the helicopter. What Luo San took away were two puppets. Didn't I just say that all of you fell into my hands, except for Luo San who came with you, across the small river? All the people who are more than one mile away are in my hands."

"You really are not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Knowing that the other members of the team who were responding were all taken over by the same pot, Elder Ai finally stopped holding back, his figure suddenly bounced up, and he shot at the girl like a sharp arrow.

When the person moves, his hands send out waves of poisonous needles one after another.

The needles are as thin as ox hair, blue and dense like rain, and the needles rub against the air, emitting a faint light.

The needle was completely wiped with poison.

The needle rain flew out, Elder Ai waved his hands repeatedly, and a water arrow appeared out of thin air.

That wave of water arrows was also mixed with poison, so blue that it turned green.

A certain Mr. Cao struck out when he disagreed with each other, and the music was amused. To be honest, it is more practical to start a fight directly than to talk nonsense.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. Anyway, we have to do it anyway, so why delay the time."

Le Yun dodged lightly, dodged left and right, her body was like a breeze and white clouds floating in the mountains, ethereal like a fairy, making people unable to see the real person clearly.

The sound of poisonous needles piercing through the air can be heard endlessly, and one piece after another goes out.

Those water arrows fell into the air and turned into rain and fell to the ground.

The poisonous water was poured on the grass blades, and the green grass rotted in pieces.

"Mr. Cao, anyway, 'Beating a child on a cloudy day is also idle'. Let me ask you a question. How wide is the Qiankun ring on your left middle finger? Hundreds of feet or thousands of feet?"

Le Yun avoided the poisonous needle and poisonous water arrow effortlessly. Seeing the man approaching, a faint light appeared out of nowhere in his hand, and he stepped on the "flowing clouds and flowing water" step, and opened a distance of three or four meters in a flash.

The origin of the ring in the girl's hand, Elder Ai withdrew his attack and stood still with the dagger in his hand: "Do you know about Qiankun Rongjie?"

"I know, there is a difference between the Qiankun ring and the Qiankun bag and other things, and an insider can tell it at a glance. Besides, I can make talismans and refine weapons."

Le Yun smiled and straightened her sleeves: "Oh, I have one too, mine is a bracelet, only five miles wide.

By the way, I also know another bigger secret of yours, you are not a native, you should come from another world, this body is not yours, your soul resides in this body, this body is one body with two souls. "

The biggest secret was revealed, Elder Ai showed his fierce face, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he swung the sword and cut it: "I can't keep you in this way, you must die!"

(End of this chapter)

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