magic eye doctor

Chapter 2519

Chapter 2519

Elder Ai's original plan was to capture a certain yellow-haired girl no matter what, even if the yellow-haired girl found out that he was a member of the Poison Sect and the Qiankun Precept, he would not become angry from embarrassment.

Even if she had murderous intentions in her heart before, she didn't have the determination to make the yellow-haired girl die. At this moment, the yellow-haired girl saw through the deepest hidden secret, and her murderous intentions skyrocketed.

Knowing his secret, the yellow-haired girl must die!
Elder Ai's heart was full of murderous intent, he calmly took the long sword from the ring, poured his true energy into the long sword, and swung the sword to chop.

That is also a magic sword.

There is not enough spiritual energy on the earth, all kinds of magical spells make people sigh, and even magic swords can only be used as ordinary swords.

The long sword infused with true qi burst out a foot-long white light of sword qi, and as the sword master swung the sword, the light of sword qi turned into more than a dozen wind blades, attacking the target together.

Le Yun dared to expose her old background, so she was naturally prepared. When Ai became angry and attacked with a sword, she avoided the sword and the sword light like flowing clouds and flowing water.

At the same time, he also took the Yuehua sword and injected a ray of true energy into the sword.

The Yuehua Sword burst out a nearly two-foot-long cold moonlight.

Jian Munsen was cold.

Elder Ai slashed his sword, and swung his sword one after another. When he saw the yellow-haired girl also took out a magic sword, his attention to the enemy increased again.

He didn't hesitate for a moment, Ren and Jian chased after the yellow-haired girl, and at the same time gathered his spiritual consciousness to attack the target.

Ai was chasing after him, Le Yun was not in a hurry, holding the Yuehua sword in his hand, he went up to him without fear, and waved his sword at each other.

For Ai's spiritual attack, she welcomed it with both hands and feet.

The little fox said that she carries the space of the star core, and she is least afraid of the attack of the outside world's spiritual sense. If there is an attack of the spiritual sense, the star core will automatically protect her and swallow all the foreign sense.

If the star core space can absorb the spiritual power from the outside world, it will be conducive to regional expansion and stability.

Le Xiao, who has integrated with the star core, can absorb water from the outside world for the star core, and she can't do anything about absorbing external spiritual power.

She herself has no way to send spiritual power to the star core. If the star core wants spiritual nutrition, she can only hope that someone will send it to her door to give her spiritual power.

Finally, there was a kind-hearted person attacking with divine sense, Le Yun couldn't help but be overjoyed, so she resolutely didn't stop her, and let the power of divine sense attack her.

What's more, her exposing his background is also to deliberately anger Ai, so as to explore the strength of Ai's soul and spiritual power.

Ai's body is a foundation-building cultivator. Among his two souls, the spiritual consciousness of his own soul is not strong, and the soul power of the host soul is several times stronger than the soul of the body itself.

That soul is also suppressed by the rules, which is roughly equivalent to the consciousness of the Jindan monk.

Le Yun discovered Ai's secret when he first met him, knowing that he was one body with two souls. At that time, Ai was dominated by the soul of his body.

After wandering outside for a while and returning, Ai was still the same person on the surface, but his soul had changed.

The soul of a person is normally gray-white, while the soul of a monk is more solid. The soul of a monk without flying immortals is generally white or jade-white, and the soul of some special people may be golden.

The soul of that body body is off-white, and the parasitic soul is jade-colored, which is a very solid jade-colored soul body.

Moreover, there is a special imprint in the jade-colored soul, and the only people who have such a soul body are immortals who have experienced the celestial thunder calamity.

Why do souls have to parasitize instead of directly seizing the body?

If it is to seize the body, when the body's vitality and longevity die, the soul will either find a suitable person to seize the body again, or it can only be reincarnated.

It is impossible for a soul that has been taken away to be reincarnated in a serious way, otherwise it is very likely that it will be caught and beaten to death in the underworld.

If the rules of the law of heaven find that there is a soul grabbing house, it will directly drop the thunder and blast it away.

The soul is parasitic in other bodies, as long as the original soul does not reject it, the laws of heaven will not be discovered, and the parasitic soul can not only sit back and relax, but also be well nourished.

In the practice world, many monks will choose to give up their bodies when they have to give up their bodies in the face of life and death. Their souls escape to a safe place, and then they find a suitable host to nourish them, and then gather together the treasures of heaven and earth to recast their bodies.

Even if the soul is damaged or incomplete, as long as it does not dissipate and there is a suitable place to warm it up, it can be repaired one day.

It is an excellent choice for someone from the outside world to choose to parasitize in the sea of ​​human consciousness for nourishment.

Ai's body was not the first body of that parasitic soul, and if the soul is immortal, that body would not be the last.

Le Yun didn't fight back with her spiritual sense, the attacking divine sense arrived instantly, and she sensed the killing intent and hostility in the power of the divine sense, and she was terrified.

The divine sense did not successfully invade her head, the moment she felt the fierceness of the divine sense and the skin on her back tensed, the divine sense that attacked her disappeared.

Of course it didn't really disappear, it was swallowed up silently by the star core.

Le Yun didn't know how the star core devoured the power of the external consciousness, but she could feel the slight heat on the birthmark on her arm.

Elder Ai turned on the attack with his spiritual sense, thinking that he was afraid that he would not be able to seriously injure the yellow-haired girl, at least he could hurt her a little bit, and he would have a chance to catch her while she was sick and killing her.

Then, the moment his consciousness attacked the target, he was sucked by a suction force, and at the same time, a force followed his consciousness and quickly attacked his sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of the sneak attack came too fast, and when he discovered it, it was too late to cut off his consciousness.

The force of the counterattack invaded the sea of ​​consciousness, like a bloody mouth, devouring his consciousness frantically.

Elder Ai felt that most of the power stored in the sea of ​​consciousness was swallowed up in an instant, and he and his body and soul were also in danger.

Elder Ai wanted to drive away the invading force, but it was of no avail. He even felt that his soul was about to be sucked away. He made a decision in an instant, and immediately gave up his body, and his soul rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Elder Ai's soul came out of the body's eyebrows and rushed towards the sky.

His soul was originally in charge of the body, but when the soul left his body, the body lost its command and immediately stood still.

Elder Ai's soul body soared into the sky like lightning, and disappeared from the narrow space in an instant.

After breaking through the invisible boundary wall of the magic circle and finally gaining freedom, the soul body rushed to the void without any hesitation, just wanting to stay away from the wrong place.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Anyway, the lifespan of the soul-sending body is only a few dozen, and the new soul-sending body has already been found, and it can be directly transferred to the spare body after returning.

As for the body that was abandoned, the Sea of ​​Consciousness was swallowed by the invading force, even if someone wanted to search for the soul, they couldn't find anything useful.

Elder Ai, who is in the state of soul and body, has no desire to fight, and just wants to get away as soon as possible.

When rushing away, he didn't go tens of meters, but bumped into an invisible boundary wall,

When the soul body collided with the invisible boundary wall, a circular light curtain appeared in the void.

There was a "boom" in the sky above the light curtain.

Then, on the top of the light curtain, a golden thunder flashed and hit the jade-colored soul body heavily.

Unprepared, the soul body bumped into the light curtain, Elder Ai only felt the pain as if the soul body was about to disperse, he was dizzy for a while, and was knocked into somersaults twice.

Before he could stabilize, he heard the sound of thunder and his body trembled in shock.

Wanting to check what was going on, there was a golden light in front of his eyes, and then there was a severe pain like the soul body being torn apart.

Lei Guang bombarded the soul body and disappeared.

Elder Ai's soul lost weight after only being struck by lightning.

His soul body, which was solid like a jade man, weakened a little, and fell to the ground like a piece of paper, unable to get up for a long time.

The soul body fell on the ground, it took a while to get up, staring blankly at the light curtain, only to find that there are dozens of thunderbolts flowing in the light curtain as soft as the moonlight, like water currents.

At this moment, Elder Ai finally understood what the yellow-haired girl said before when she said that she added restraint to evil creatures and soul creatures in the formation.

The yellow-haired girl even cut off his escape route by abandoning her body, and she really didn't miss anything!
It's no wonder those rubbish monks respect her so much.

He didn't believe it at first, even if there are any geniuses in the land abandoned by the gods and demons, they can only barely have a better spiritual root. An ordinary genius who can be pulled out from all spirit worlds and small worlds, no matter which world, can beat this world A young monk recognized as a genius.

Therefore, when those rubbish monks said that a certain yellow-haired girl was a peerless genius, he scoffed.

Because he didn't believe that the land abandoned by gods and demons could still give birth to geniuses, he capsized in the gutter.

When a soul-body creature abandoned its body and escaped, Le Yun saw it and didn't try to capture it. There was only one thought in her heart: the star core is good!It not only devoured the attacking consciousness, but also counterattacked back, forcing a certain soul to abandon its shell and flee!
The cow is still a star-core cow, and when she encounters a powerful master in the future, if she can't beat her, she will lure the opponent to attack her with spiritual consciousness, and then let the star core go out to make sure that the opponent will be beaten to death.

Some people don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin.

The same is true for soul-body creatures. If a soul-body creature is not allowed to suffer, he doesn't know that there are people beyond people and others.

Le Yun calmly watched the soul-body creature break through the wall and escape from a small world, and floated very calmly to a certain body that caused people to fall due to loss of balance, and grabbed a certain body.

She didn't know how the power of the star core left her and invaded Ai's sea of ​​consciousness, but she saw a faint light penetrate into the eyebrow palace of the body.

The light was really weak, like the light of a firefly seen tens of meters away, so weak that people couldn't pay attention.

The faint light was still in the sea of ​​consciousness of a certain body, Le Yun supported the human body, poked a few fingers, and sealed the acupuncture points.

The light of star core power in the sea of ​​consciousness swallows all the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness, and even swallows part of the power from a certain soul before leaving.

Shimmer left people's sea of ​​consciousness and disappeared instantly.

Le Yun felt the birthmark on her arm become slightly hot again, and then the place of the birthmark became silent, as quiet as if she had never reacted.

She didn't think about how the star core power left and returned. She took away the magic sword in someone's hand, quickly erased the original owner's soul imprint, and put it into her own storage device.

(End of this chapter)

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