magic eye doctor

Chapter 2520

Chapter 2520

Student Le is not very interested in magic swords, but more interested in the Qian Kun Rong ring on someone's finger.

It is speculated that the ring should be refined on the earth, but I don't know how wide the space is.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Little loli loves money, and usually she doesn't take the initiative to rob others, but she doesn't mind counter-robbing.

She cheerfully forcibly erased the soul imprint on the Qiankun Ring, and pushed it off someone's finger.

Without the imprint of other people's souls, all the information of Rong Jie can be seen at a glance.

The main material of the Qiankun Ring is the ore on the earth, and it also incorporates a little ore from other worlds. It is more than 1000 years old.

Probably because of the tolerance ring refined on the earth.The space is relatively small, 1.8 meters in length, width and height. There are some precious medicinal materials, bottles and cans, a few small boxes, a few weapons in one corner, and some dry food and food reserves.

At first glance, there is really nothing of value.

Le Yun checked briefly, threw Rong Jie into her storage container, then threw Ren into the man-made cave, took out another bottle, and poured some powdered medicine on the ground.

The Gu raised by someone Ai is not a well-known Gu insect. He was ingenious and raised fleas as Gu.

Fleas are small in size but strong in jumping. They are good high jumpers and long jumpers in the insect world.

The flea gu that kept was bigger than normal fleas, like a female flea that only lays fleas, it was dark and dark in color.

When he released Gu, he scattered more than 200 fleas at once. Those fleas got into the grass or stopped on the grass, looking like small sesame seeds.

Gu will move when it smells fresh blood, if people or animals come in, fleas will definitely jump all over the ground.

And when Le Yun stepped into the small world, those fleas didn't jump around, but were as honest as dead things.

Until now, when the medicine powder fell to the ground, the little Gu worms released by Ai seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, jumping up one after another, and all ran towards Yaomo.

The little black dots scrambled to jump up and down, like sesame seeds jumping.

Classmate Le doesn't have dense phobia, so she doesn't feel anything when she sees densely throbbing little black spots, and she doesn't care whether they will kill each other for food or not, so she picks up poisonous needles.

The poisonous needles are very thin, and it is definitely unrealistic to pick them up one by one.

Little Lolita has a unique trick - take out a round magnet, walk a few times to the area with poisonous needles, and those poisoned needles will automatically bounce and stick to the magnet.

Walked around, pulled the poisonous needles off, walked around again, glued out all the missing needles, and found all the poisonous needles.

For Xiao Le, who is also an expert in poisoning, she doesn't like those poisonous needles, and ordinary monks will use poisonous hidden weapons to carry out surprise attacks. In the eyes of high-level monks, such hidden weapons are almost useless.

Collecting them is also to prevent herdsmen or animals in settlements from accidentally stepping on poisonous needles.

After cleaning up the poisonous needles, Le Yun, with her little hands behind her back, slowly swayed out of the small domain that was separated by itself, and arrived at a place where the soul body was trapped.

The spirit body, who didn't believe in evil and couldn't think about the boundary wall of the collision formation, was shrunk by the thunder, and stood quietly as before when he dominated the body.

With a glance, Le Yun knew that the soul was holding back a big move, and reminded indifferently: "Friendly reminder, self-explosion of the soul is useless. I'm going to trouble you, but it's useless when I get here.

Of course, if your soul is at the Nascent Soul level, self-explosion is still a bit useful, but unfortunately, your soul could barely exert the power of the golden core stage before, but after being struck by lightning, your soul power is not even as good as the golden core stage. Self-explosion is to let me hear it. "

Ai Ming was planning to blew his own soul, and dragged the yellow-haired girl to his back when he was about to die, but the fig leaf was uncovered again by the yellow-haired girl's light words, and his soul almost exploded in anger.

"Who are you?" He felt that the yellow-haired girl was definitely not the real person named Le Yun, and it was very likely that someone had sent her soul or taken her home.

"You've been staring at Le family. If you're not even sure who I am, why don't you all wipe your necks to save yourself from embarrassment." Ask who she is, isn't she the fourth-generation granddaughter of Le family?

It is said that a certain yellow-haired girl has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and her mouth is venomous, and Ai Ming has also learned that the yellow-haired girl is always irritating with her lips.

Unfortunately, he is only in the state of soul body, expressionless.

He just stared at the yellow-haired girl: "You are not the original Yue Yun. It is impossible for an ordinary person to see the soul, and it is even more impossible to see that there are two souls in the sea of ​​consciousness. You are also the one who takes the house, or the one who sends the soul."

"I'm ugly in my mind, thinking that everyone is equally ugly, what's wrong with that!" Le Yun rolled her eyes: "I can see so many things, not only can I see that you are a soul-storing person, I also know that you are The current soul body is not the main soul, but a branch soul separated from the main soul.

I also know that your original body is a cultivator who has experienced thunder disasters.Although this world is no longer the world of comprehension, the power of the rules and the will of the world are still there. Outsiders like you are suppressed by the power of the rules. was sealed.

In order to avoid the suppression of the rules and prevent the soul and body from being destroyed by the will of a world, you have to hang on. It should be that you have hidden the body and the main soul seal somewhere, and only separated a strand of soul to parasitize in other people's shells. In this way, even if you mess up the situation in this world, you have less karma to bear.

Surely, in the past 1000 years, you have made a lot of trouble. You are the person behind the scenes who advised the Huang family to let my aunt marry someone who has been dead for 800 years. The warlock who wrote the yin and yang marriage letter is still you. . "

Ai Ming stared at the yellow-haired girl, as if he hadn't heard what she said behind her. He stared at the person and looked again and again. His soul shook suddenly, and he was shocked: "Tianditong! You got Tianditong!"

The pupil of heaven and earth is the most miraculous kind of spiritual eye in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The pupils of heaven and earth can see everything in the world. In a word, all creatures belonging to the world cannot escape the peeping eyes of the pupils of heaven and earth.

No matter what, if Tianditong glances at it, there will be no more secrets, even if it is the innate hidden ability, there is nothing to hide in front of Tianditong.

The heaven and earth pupil is also the rarest spiritual pupil. No one knows what conditions it must meet to appear, and no one knows what kind of creatures can have the heaven and earth pupil.

As far as he knows, there are 33 spiritual worlds, more than 3000 immortal cultivators, and more than [-] small worlds in one world. There is only one world pupil in history.

The one with the eyes of heaven and earth is an eight-winged unicorn with a trace of the blood of the ancient god beast unicorn and dragon, and it was also born in a middle-level world of cultivating immortals.

That eight-winged unicorn, which has all the unique congenital conditions, is the darling of the world in that small world, and it was successfully transformed at a young age.

It's a pity that the pupils of heaven and earth were accidentally exposed, attracting the covetousness of countless human races, beast races, wood races, and demon races who wanted to climb the road.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant with Bi is guilty. The eight-winged unicorn finally failed to escape the poisonous hands and died unexpectedly.

However, none of the human cultivators and demon cultivators Moxiu who besieged and killed the eight-winged unicorn got the heaven and earth pupils. Those heaven and earth pupils disappeared with the death of the eight-winged unicorn, and never appeared again.

Of course, those guys who coveted the pupil of heaven and earth did not have a good end in the end. They either died early or died in the thunder calamity.

Even, because the spirit beast bestowed with the pupil of heaven and earth died unexpectedly, the way of heaven punished him. Since then, no spirit pupil appeared in that small world for hundreds of millions of years. getting worse.

In that world, no one successfully ascended to the upper realm for millions of years. It was not until the blood of those people or beasts was cut off that someone cultivated demons and demons successfully ascended to the upper realm again.

In a hundred years, how many people or demons have cultivated Mahayana?How many people have cultivated the Mahayana realm of demon cultivation and died unwillingly?
Because of a pair of heaven and earth pupils, heaven and earth sent millions of punishments, which is not to say that it is not harsh.

The reason why Ai Ming knows those secrets is also because the spirit world he lives in is the upper world of the world of the unicorn who was born in the world.

By the time he ascended from the spirit world to the fairy world, the punishment of the small world below had just ended for less than a thousand years, and only five people had successfully ascended to the spirit world.

Suddenly, he guessed that the yellow-haired girl might have the eyes of heaven and earth, and Ai Ming's soul couldn't help trembling. The person or monster who was given the eyes of heaven and earth was 100% the darling of heaven and earth, loved and favored by the will of heaven and earth.

To be an enemy to the owner of Tianditong is to be an enemy to the will of heaven and earth!
It is true that cultivating immortals is going against the heavens, but it does not mean directly confronting the heavens. People or demons who dare to directly confront the heavens are all powerful with the same divine power.

If you don't have the same divine power as the power of the Heavenly Dao, if you fight against the Heavenly Dao, isn't it courting death!

At that time, he observed that there was purple energy in a certain place, and traced all the way to the source. He found that the Le clan had great luck, which could influence the fate of the world for 300 years.

At that time, Le Shi had an old grudge with him.

Also, a young boy from the Guanle family also possessed great luck, so he advised the Huang family to have a little girl marry the ancestor of the Huang family, breaking Le's luck.

Who would have thought that Leshi did not completely decline because of this, but instead gave birth to a stronger man of great luck.

Since the birth of the yellow-haired girl, Le Shi's luck has not changed, and he thought that Le Shi was just like that, so he didn't pay attention to it.

It turned out that after the birth of the fourth-generation granddaughter of the Le family, the luck of the family did not change, but because she was loved by the world alone, and the pupils of heaven and earth covered up the luck for her and the Le family, making it difficult for others to see the truth.

Huo Ran understood the key point, and Ai Ming bowed his head to admit his mistake: "Fairy Le, I have old grievances with the master of Xianzi's great-grandfather. It is a fact that I have secretly targeted the Le family, and it is also a fact that I have committed evil deeds.

I came across the border, and my soul and body suffered heavy injuries, so I had no choice but to separate a wisp of my soul to parasitize the body of others to collect soul power, and then replenish the main soul.

This wisp of my soul has been nourished for more than a thousand years, and the main soul can be repaired by collecting another hundred years of soul power. Today, I disperse this wisp of my soul to make atonement for myself. If the fairy finds my hiding place in the future, please The subordinates were merciful to save me a glimmer of life. If I can return to the place I came from one day, I will definitely do my best to make up for it. "

Ai Ming immediately admitted his mistake, and dispersed his soul body without any hesitation.

In a single thought, the jade-colored human-shaped soul collapsed into countless light spots, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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