magic eye doctor

Chapter 2526

Chapter 2526

Little Lolita also visited the whole village in one afternoon, and went to a classmate's house for dinner in the evening.

In order to entertain the guests, Uncle Bian and Dad hurried home from the ranch, and had a dinner for the host and guest.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening after eating at Bian's house, and everyone sat down for a while before resting.

Le classmate waited for the children to fall asleep, sprinkled a handful of powder in the tent, took out the artificial mobile cave and put it in the space in the tent, and entered the cave by himself.

She closed the door of the man-made cave, then took Mrs. Zhen to the side, prepared a potion, washed off the disguise medicine on Mrs. Zhen's face, and then relieved the acupuncture points.

Zhen's consciousness was awakened by a burst of pain. Because of the pain, her face was convulsed, and it took her a while to fully wake up. She struggled to get up and changed from lying down to sitting up.

When I sat up, my eyes were uncomfortable, and I couldn't see what was in front of me. I rubbed my eyes a few times with my hands, and when my vision became clear, I looked around.

There were two rows of people lying not far in front, one row was her people, and the first person in the other row was Mr. Luo, who cooperated with her. It was known that the other people were Mr. Luo's subordinates without asking.

There is a pile of scrapped vehicle remains behind her, and there are two cars not far from Mr. Luo and his people, and further away, there is a light white wall across an open space.

Zhen's gaze was indifferent at first, but then became tense all of a sudden, and looked to the right hand side. About two meters away on the right hand side stood a lotus-shaped candlestick with a height of a person, and on it was a night pearl the size of an egg.

Standing next to the candlestick was a girl wearing a light green half-arm jacket skirt and a white short-shouldered gown.

The girl in green is like a flower shining in the water, playing with a mirror in her hand. When she looked over, she met the girl's eyes, and the girl smiled at her.

"Madam Zhen, it's been seven years since we last said goodbye at the Guxiu gathering. Are you all right?"

The girl's voice was sweet, and Zhen's pupils shrank slightly: "Little girl, you have misunderstood the wrong person. My surname is Zhen, from Xituyouwa. I have never attended the party you mentioned."

"Really." Le Yun smiled, playing with the round mirror in her hand, and floated in front of a certain person as soon as she took a step, and pointed the mirror to a certain woman's face.

The moment the girl raised her feet, she was in front of her, her body was like a ghost, Zhen was afraid and wanted to stand up, but her waist and legs were so stiff that she couldn't move, and she was forced to face the mirror.

The mirror is the most common round mirror with a plastic edge in the street shops on the market. It is nothing special, especially because the mirror prints a person's face.

When Zhen Shi saw the face in the mirror, she paled in shock. The face in the mirror did not belong to Zhen Shi, but another most familiar face.

Her face was a familiar shape, but her lips were chapped, her eyes were dull, her skin was dry, and there were fine nasolabial folds on her eyes and forehead.

Although his youthful beauty can be seen from the outline of his face, it is undeniable now that the person in the mirror cannot withstand the years and is already aging.

Seeing her own face, Mrs. Zhen screamed "Ah" in horror.

"Madam Zhen doesn't even remember what she looks like, does she? Or do you prefer wearing a little vest compared to your original face?"

Le Yun watched Mrs. Zhen's expression change suddenly, and she was in a particularly good mood. Some people don't cry when they see the coffin.

"What did you do to me? Why did you make me look like someone else?" After being horrified, Zhen denied it to the death.

"Hey, you came to Wula Grassland, didn't you just doubt the identity of my great-grandfather and my great-aunt? Why pretend to be vague now." no tears.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm here to use people's money to eliminate disasters, and I didn't intend to hurt your relatives. The employer asked me to invite you and your aunt to have a few words."

"You and Luo San's people have similar personalities. They are both dead ducks with a hard mouth. You must know that if people fall into my hands, it doesn't matter whether you tell the truth or not. After all, I never believe the confessions of people like you. , I like to find answers in my own way."

Le Yun threw the mirror aside, and gently lifted Li Shi's chin: "Li Zhenniang, there is a word "Zhen" in her name, she is not worthy of this word in terms of morality, and she conspired with her husband's elder brother behind her husband's back to seek family wealth. , abducting and selling daughters, buying murders to kill husbands, all these things are not human affairs.

With your face shape, you are neither beautiful nor coquettish, but you are able to fascinate so many people in the Xishi family, and even make the people of the Jianghu willingly worship under your pomegranate skirt to go through fire and water for you. "

Zhen's chin was pinched by one hand, so she was forced to look up, and when she heard the girl call out the word "Li Zhenniang", fear flooded her heart like a tide.


She doesn't believe it!

She would rather believe that her suspicions were false than accept the fact that they were true.

"Impossible? Is it impossible for Le Yu, who was sold to traffickers by you, to survive, or is it impossible for Le Shuisheng, who was hunted down by you and your adulterer, to fall into the river after being seriously injured?"

Le Yun wished she could directly crush Li Shi's bones, and let her taste what it means to be smashed to pieces, what life is better than death.

It's a pity that Mrs. Li can't die yet.

"Le Shuisheng... he didn't die?! How could he not die..." Mrs. Zhen's body trembled uncontrollably as if struck by lightning, her eyes were terrified and desperate.

Le Shuisheng didn't die!
Le Yun's great-grandfather... Le Yuan is her husband Le Shuisheng who "died early"!

That's why Le Yun knew about her past and the fact that Le Shuisheng was hunted down and fell into the river.


It suddenly occurred to her that the thing she least wanted to believe had become a reality, Madam Zhen couldn't help screaming, how could this happen!How could it be like this!
Why did Jin Shuisheng fall into the Huaihe River after being so seriously injured?

The real Le Shui is still alive, and there are descendants, then she...wouldn't most of her life be a joke?
Le Yun is by no means a good enemy, and has always been revenge.

Le family's enemies, Huang's family, because of a carelessness, she seized the opportunity to open a breakthrough, and stunned to overthrow the century-old family.

The descendants of the Huang family appeared in the dark well inexplicably, the Huang family's ancestral grave exploded without warning, the Huang family suddenly suffered from a genetic disease, and disasters followed one after another, all of which caught people off guard. Who believes it?

No one in the ancient repair world said anything, because no one had any evidence, no real evidence, and no one would dare to ask Le Yun, who was in the limelight, to question him.

Le Shuisheng, who survived the catastrophe, didn't go back to Xishi to seek revenge on her before. Maybe it was because he was not in a good position, or the timing was not good enough. It is absolutely impossible that he really didn't care.

If he didn't care about it, then it would be impossible for Le Yun to know about Le Shuisheng's experience of being hunted down and seriously injured and falling into the river, nor would it be possible for him to know that Le Yu was sold.

Le Yun knew what happened to her great-grandfather, how could she not avenge her great-grandfather?

Le Shuisheng's descendants want to avenge Le Shuisheng. There is no way to hide the past. Sooner or later, she will dig it out and expose it.

Thinking of the imminent ruin of her reputation, Mrs. Zhen could only feel despair.

Le Yun saw Li Shi's eyes dimmed, and her expression changed, and she reminded her friendlyly: "Don't try to kill yourself by biting your tongue, even if you bite off your tongue, you won't die for a while."

She paused, and added slowly: "Besides, if you run away from the monk, you can't run away from the temple. It doesn't matter even if you die. I am a kind person, and I will send all your descendants down, so that they can live happily with you." The Jinsheng family is reunited."

Mrs. Zhen suddenly shuddered and asked in horror: "What do you want to do?"

"What do you think? The bunch of adulterous children you had with an adulterer are nothing but a disgrace to the Le family, and you dare to act as the descendants of my great-grandfather. Don't you think I will be kind enough to tolerate them all the time?
There are many ways to deal with a group of counterfeit products that dove over Nestlé. When and how to deal with it all depends on my mood. It may make people die without a place to bury them, or it may make people taste purgatory on earth. "

Le Yun didn't want to waste any more words, so she let go of Li Shi's chin, tapped a few of Li Shi's acupoints, dragged the medicine box aside, and took out the blood bag and needle tube.

The little bitch wanted to kill her queen!Mrs. Zhen was furious, and wanted to pounce on Le Yun, and wanted to drag her to die together, but found that she could not move, and roared in pain: "What have you done to me, let me go, I am the wife of your great-grandfather's famous matchmaker!" , is your great-grandmother!"

Le Yun raised her hand and slapped her across the face. What kind of trash dares to call herself her great-grandmother?

Crack, Mrs. Zhen's face was slapped to one side.

The face that was slapped was burning and painful. Madam Zhen couldn't touch her face, she was furious, and cursed: "You, dare to do anything to your great-grandmother, you unfilial grandson, disobedient son, you are not afraid of being struck by lightning ..."

A slut who betrayed her husband, but also wants to occupy the character of filial piety, and restrain her with morality?Le Yun made another three "Pa Pa Pa" backhands, slapping Li Shi's face symmetrically.

The second slap was so powerful that Mrs. Zhen's teeth were knocked loose, her mouth was covered with blood, she was dizzy from several slaps, and her ears were buzzing.

Being slapped in the face, or by her titular great-granddaughter, Mrs. Zhen's eyes were red with anger: "Le Yun, you disobedient son! I am the daughter-in-law of Shang Le's family tree, the wife of Le Shuisheng. Your grandma is an unworthy concubine, if you are a concubine raised by a little mother, you will be struck by lightning and die!"

"Hey, do you want to use chicken feathers as arrows?" Le Yun smiled and showed her good teeth: "Teach you a good boy, don't pretend to be an elder in front of your aunt and grandma, you have to be called an elder if you want to put on airs in front of your aunt and grandma Two catties, see if it matches.

There are only a few people who are qualified to be aunts and elders, and you are not included among them.

Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you, my great-grandfather survived the catastrophe after falling into the river, and returned to his hometown after recovering from his injuries. When he saw the child you had with your adulterer, he had already written a letter of divorce to kill you divorced.

You are a flirtatious slut, and you want to pretend to be an elder in front of your aunt, so I ask you what kind of big cloves you are pretending to be. "

(End of this chapter)

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