magic eye doctor

Chapter 2527

Chapter 2527

Le Yun always respects the old and loves the young, and will not take the initiative to create bad karma, let alone scold the elderly for no reason. Mrs. Li is purely looking for scolding for her own crime.

Mrs. Li has a bad style of work, abducting and selling her husband and children, buying murderers to kill people, and seizing family wealth. She has done disgusting things herself. Now that it has been exposed, she still refuses to be honest. Concubine, which onion does Li Shi think she is?
If it wasn't because she wanted to keep Mrs. Li to remove her adulterous son from her grandfather's name, Le Yun would have invited the old bitch to have a taste of being crushed.

Mrs. Zhen was slapped for a while, and she heard Le Yun calling herself "Grandma", her eyes were bloodshot with anger, and she wished she could tear up the yellow-haired girl, when she suddenly heard the yellow-haired girl say that Le Shuisheng went back later and saw her and Le Jin A newborn baby, like cold water pouring on his head, froze all of a sudden.

Just when she lost her mind for a moment, Little Loli picked up her left arm, without any preparation, directly inserted the needle into the vein.

The blood flows into the needle and then through the catheter into the blood bag.

The pain from the needle prick brought back Mrs. Zhen's erratic thoughts. When she looked up, she saw her own blood pouring into the blood bag like water, and her face suddenly changed color.

She couldn't move her body, couldn't pull out the needle on her arm, and yelled fiercely: "You short-lived ghost who chopped off his head, what are you trying to do?!"

The old slut's roar is just bluffing. For the incompetent and furious Li Shi, Le Yun felt that she was angry with the old woman. She still had the heart to explain the old woman's questions.

"Didn't you see that it's blood drawing? Don't worry, I know the limit of your body. I only draw four to five hundred milliliters a day. It won't kill you."

"You...why are you drawing blood?" Mrs. Zhen's heart was trembling, guessing that drawing blood must be a bad thing, even if she pretended to be harsh, she still felt weak.

"Have you heard of Gu? In ancient times, a tribe in southern Xinjiang was good at raising and releasing Gu, and I happen to be able to do it too. I have bred a kind of Gu worm that eats blood.

This kind of Gu is bred with the blood of a specific person, and after being cultivated, it is released. The Gu insects will find living people according to the taste of the food they are used to eating, and then parasite, and then inject the virus into the host's blood vessels and muscles of the whole body. A month can kill a person.

The rubbish you and your concubine gave birth to occupy the name of my great-grandfather and grandchildren. It’s disgusting, and I don’t want to get blood on my hands, so I’ll use your blood to feed some worms, and then let the little worms find you Those descendants play.

You can rest assured that small bugs parasitizing the body will not cause any pain, and modern high-tech technology cannot detect it. Even if an unknown virus is detected, it is good to die. Hasten death. "

The conjecture that made her frightened was confirmed. Mrs. Zhen felt the deep malice from the cold tone of the yellow-haired girl, and felt a chill in her bones.

"Even if my child is not Le Shuisheng's own flesh and blood, he is also the blood of the Le family. He shares a great ancestor with you. If you dare to kill the same family, the ancestors of the Le family will never forgive you if they find out. You want to make them angry. Crawled out in the middle of the night and tore you up!"

"I know that your concubine is the son of my great-great-grandfather. That person hooked up with his sister-in-law, murdered his brother and father and mother. He is the scum of the Le family. The existence of his adulterous son and a bunch of trash offspring is a disgrace to the Le family. To die is to erase Lejia's shame.

What's more, after Le Jinsheng was adopted under the name of my great-uncle's grandfather, and after he got married and had children, I cleaned up the garbage that you and your adulterer had recorded under my great-grandfather's name, and I didn't touch the ones under the name of my great-uncle's grandfather. The future generations, uncles, great-grandfathers and Le family ancestors will only support it if they know it. "

"Le Yun, you god damn, if you dare to harm my children, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"You did a lot of evil. You killed my great-grandparents, sold my great-aunt, and killed my great-grandfather. Now you still want to do something to me and my great-aunt. Do you think you still have a chance to be a ghost? Are you thinking fart eat!
I like to cut grass and roots, so I won't give you a chance to be a ghost. There is only one end for you, that is, your soul will be scattered and you will die without a place to die. "

"Le Yun, I like Le Jinsheng. It was Le Shuisheng who married me back then. I don't want to be with the person who forced me. I just want to be with the person I like. What's wrong with me?

Even if I shouldn't be born with Le Jin without a divorce, but my descendants don't know anything, what are you doing to me, let them go, they are also bleeding from the Le family, yes your blood relatives. "

The yellow-haired girl doesn't take hard things, and she is determined to get rid of her descendants after eating and weighing. Mrs. Zhen is furious but helpless, so she can only change her method.

Li still wanted to reverse black and white, but Le Yun couldn't help but slapped Li's big mouth again: "Fart forced! You can reverse black and white if your father is gone, right?
It was my great-grandfather who saved your father's life back then. Your father and you fell in love with my great-grandfather's family being rich and talented, and asked my great-grandfather to marry you on the grounds that he wanted to repay my great-grandfather for saving his life. Grandpa told you that he didn't want to marry another wife, and rejected your father and daughter several times.

Obviously it was your father who forcibly married his daughter, and it was you who shamelessly ran to my great-great-grandparents to force my great-grandfather to marry you with death.

You father and daughter have been persecuting my great-grandfather all along. Both of you Li's father and daughter are wolf-hearted white-eyed wolves. My great-grandfather did not do a good job and saved a big disaster. "

The old bitch wants to turn black and white?She is not awake.

Li said that her children don't know anything, and want to say that her children and grandchildren are innocent?

The eldest aunt was also a child who didn't know anything back then, and the bitch and her concubine sold them out anyway.

Decades later, because of suspicion, Li once again colluded with outsiders to come to the grassland to kill her, her family, and her aunt and grandma's family.

When Mrs. Li attacked the Le family and the eldest aunt's family, why didn't she think that she, her younger brother, and the children of the eldest aunt's family were innocent?
Great-grandfather saw that Li Shi's concubine was his own elder brother, and had already forgiven them once. Because Li Shi doubted the identity of her great-aunt, he once again colluded with people from all walks of life to poison the descendants of great-grandfather's blood. She forgives?

If someone does the first day of junior high school, don't blame others for doing the fifteenth day.

Li shi killed her great-grandfather's blood time and time again, and there was no reason not to let her take revenge. Even if she took Li shi's blood in one pot, it would still be a cycle of cause and effect.

Grandpa forgave Li Shi back then, if Li Shi did not attack Grandpa's descendants any more, she would obey Grandpa's will and would not seek revenge from Li Shi, nor would she recognize that lineage.

Now it is Li Shi who is not benevolent, Le Yun does not have the good quality of repaying grievances with virtue, there is no way for her to repay grievances with virtue!

The yellow-haired girl knew everything. When she heard her father being scolded as a white-eyed wolf, Mrs. Zhen was so angry that she rushed upwards. When she got angry, her chest felt like a knife was stabbed, and she felt a sharp pain.

The pain was so fierce that Dou Da's cold sweat broke out one by one. Mrs. Zhen was so painful that she didn't dare to breathe hard, and she couldn't even use the strength to scold the yellow-haired girl.

The old bitch's face was sweating like beans, and Le Yun knew the reason, so she didn't care about her life. Seeing that almost [-] milliliters of blood had been collected in the bag, she pulled out the needle.

Because it needs a lot of Li Shi's blood, and the bitch Li Shi has internal injuries, is also old, and her blood volume is average. If she collects too much blood at one time, it will easily cause her to lose blood.

Le Yun didn't want to waste blood-enriching medicine on Li Shi, so she ordered a blood point on Li Shi to prevent the blood from leaking out of the pinhole, put away the blood bag and blood collection equipment, and pressed her right hand on the top of Li Shi's head to search for the soul.

Mrs. Zhen took a rest, and after a while, her chest felt a little better, and her nerves just relaxed when the yellow-haired girl stretched out her hand to cover her head, and something like a weak electric current poured into her scalp.

A weak electric current spread all over the head at once, and then his forehead became numb as if it had been electrified, and then, his brain felt like it had been pricked by countless needles, exploding with pain.

Mrs. Zhen's eyes were wide open in fright, her whole body was trembling: "You...what did you me?"

"Search for the soul." Le Yun controlled a piece of spiritual consciousness and slowly plunged into Li's memory, and didn't mind explaining: "I am searching for your soul, that is, reading your memory.

The human brain is equivalent to a computer, which records all the experiences of a person from memory to death. Brain memory is the most real record book of a person.

As I said before, I don't believe what people like you say. What information I want to know, I will use my own method to obtain it.

Now, I am using my own way to obtain what I want to know. After I read your memory, I will know how you hooked up with Le Jinsheng, how you conspired to sell Le Yu, how you conspired Embezzling the Le family's property, how to hire a murderer to kill her husband.

Luo San and the people behind Luo San also fell into my hands. I was searching for their souls two days ago, and today it's your turn.

Don't worry, I'm just reading your memory, not extracting your memory, you won't die, and your memory will not be lost, but even from now on, the deepest secret in your heart will no longer be a secret. "

Knowing what the yellow-haired girl was doing, Mrs. Zhen was so frightened that half of her three souls and seven souls disappeared. She had heard of the ancient magic of searching for souls. surgery.

She is a person with secrets, and once her soul is searched, the secret will no longer be a secret.

Mrs. Zhen tried her best to break free from the hand on her head, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get up or move. The hand was pressing on the top of her head, and she couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Le Yun, let me go, let me go, okay? I really loved Le Yu. I didn't kill her directly. I sold her and gave her a way to survive. Now she can have a full family.

I have also been a husband and wife with Le Jinshui sincerely, a one-night husband and wife Bai Yeen... I didn't kill him directly, I really want his life, there are countless opportunities..."

Li-shi begged bitterly, Le Yun didn't even bother to give her a white god. Li-shi said that selling Le Yu was a way for people to survive, so if she killed Li's blood, it could be said that she would send them to the west to enjoy themselves, lest they In order to live, suffer from toil and toil.

(End of this chapter)

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