magic eye doctor

Chapter 2528

Chapter 2528

When Le Yun was collecting blood, she didn't mind wasting her saliva and said a few more words to Li Shi. Now that she is searching for souls, she didn't want to hear her beeping and beeping, so she simply pointed at her dumb acupoint.

The dumb acupoint was tapped, Madam Zhen's voice stopped abruptly, because she couldn't speak, her despair and panic were like a big net, and she couldn't struggle to get out.

Because of the fright, her eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, her already pale face turned blue and white, and her muscles trembled like an electric shock.

People are like a dying lamp in the wind, so weak that it will go out at any time.

In fact, it was impossible for her to turn off like a lamp. Her brain was controlled by someone, and the pain like a needle prick made her extremely awake.

Soberly enduring the fear of being searched for souls, that kind of mental blow surpassed any kind of physical pain.

Mrs. Zhen consciously endured the huge mental pressure of being searched for her soul and her secrets were exposed. As time went by, her sense of fear became deeper and deeper.

Ai Ming is also an old monster who has lived for more than 100 years, but he is a monk, and he spends one-third of his life in cultivation and researching strange medicines, so he spends less time traveling around the world.

Therefore, there are not as many trivial things in Ai Ming's memory as Luo San.

Li Shi is also an old monster who has lived for more than 100 years. She is not a serious monk, but a businessman. There are as many trivial things in her memory, and it is even more chaotic than Luo San's memory.

Classmate Le started searching for Li's soul around 10:30, and it lasted until 04:30 the next morning.

Because I have been "reading" Li Shi's memory, I also naturally know Li Shi's life.

Li's family and her father are not good people. The ancestor of Li's family was originally a member of a group of water robbers entrenched in the Lihu area. Due to the current situation, water transportation gradually declined, and the band of thieves broke up to make a living.

The ancestors of the Li family saved a little money, washed their hands in Jinpen and bought some land to live in. Li's grandfather has been a good citizen for three generations.

The Li family knew some kung fu, and Li's grandfather also worshiped a martial arts bodyguard as his teacher. The bodyguard's master was an ancient martial artist in the cultivator world. With his master's guidance, the Li family was able to join the ancient cultivator world.

In Li's generation, Li's father had wives and concubines, but he had no heirs. When he was forty, he hooked up with a widow and got a daughter, named Li Zhenniang.

Father Li had a daughter, so he naturally cherished it and recorded it under the name of his original spouse, which gave Li Zhenniang a glorious identity.

Because the Li family is not good at management, Li's father's family property is not much left, the men of the Li family can be martial arts masters, and they make a living by helping people escort or guarding the home.

Li's father was robbed by a gang while helping others with bodyguards. A group of people including the owner and bodyguards were either killed or seriously injured. Li's father was also seriously injured. Saved by a small team.

Li's father knew that Le Shuisheng was the owner of the caravan, he was modest and courteous, so he used the pretext of thanking Le Shuisheng for saving his life, so he insisted on Le Shuisheng.

Knowing that Le Shuisheng was widowed and his family was rich, he became attached to him and betrothed his daughter on the grounds of repaying his kindness. Seeing Le Shuisheng's handsome appearance and rich family property, Mrs. Li naturally hit it off with his father.

In order to catch Le Shuisheng's son-in-law, Li's father and daughter stalked Le Shuisheng's son-in-law. Shui Sheng marries a wife.

Li Shi got her wish and married into the Le family. She would pretend to be a daughter-in-law in her in-laws' house with a gentle and virtuous face, and gradually gained her in-laws' trust and let her take charge of the house.

After gaining the power of the family, Mrs. Li also knew the rich family background of the Le family, and her hidden ambitions grew day by day. In addition, Le Shuisheng was often away, unable to bear the loneliness, and hooked up with Le Shuisheng's second brother, Le Shuisheng. Jin Sheng.

Le Jinsheng was adopted under his uncle's name because his uncle had no children, and his uncle taught him very strictly for many years, which made him feel depressed.

Especially after getting married and giving birth to children, she became rebellious, treated her uncle yin and yang, went out to do nothing, only made friends with people of various religions, ate, drank and had fun, visited Qinlou Chu Pavilion, and did everything.

Mrs. Li was quite pretty, and he himself was jealous of his younger brother's family property. When Mrs. Li took the initiative to seduce him, he didn't care about the morals, and sneaked into Mrs. Li's room every night to steal incense and jade.

The two sneaked around for a while, and were accidentally spotted by Le Yu. Fearing that Le Yu's leak would be discovered by his in-laws, Li had a malicious plan, and together with Le Jinsheng sold Le Yu to Pai Huazi.

Le Yu disappeared, Le Shuisheng and the two elders of the Le family who often ran out of business were busy looking for their children, and Le Jia's uncle and others also helped to find them. Naturally, the Le family didn't care much about what Li Shi and Le Jinsheng were doing.

The two elders of the Le family and Le Shuisheng are struggling to find a child, but Li Shi and Le Jinsheng are fighting fiercely.

When Mrs. Li and Le Jinsheng were carrying Le Shuisheng behind their backs to make dew husband and wife, the two elders of the Le family also got up one night and heard movement in the daughter-in-law's room. At first they thought it was the son's return in the middle of the night, but the next day they If you don't see anyone, you have to ask your daughter-in-law.

At that time, Mrs. Li lied and said that Le Shuisheng came back in the middle of the night, and went out in a hurry before dawn.

She found that the two elders of the Le family might be suspicious of her, and they often squatted and patrolled the courtyard wall from time to time at night. Once, without warning, Le Jinsheng tried to find her in the middle of the night, and was almost caught.

Li thinks that the two elders of the Le family are in the way, and in order to live a chic life with Le Jin, he has a vicious plan and intends to "give" his in-laws a ride.

Le Jinsheng also felt that his parents had adopted him and abandoned him, so he felt resentful towards them. Knowing that Mrs. Li wanted to send his biological parents away, not only did he not object, but he even got "good medicine" from his friends in the world to give it to him. Li Shi.

Mrs. Li had tampered with the food of the two elders of the Le family, and was very happy that the two elders of the Le family "fell ill" in bed one after another, and died one after another not long after they were sick.

Because of Le Yu's loss and no news, the two elders of the Le family were depressed. The members of the Le family and the people around them only thought that the two elders of the Le family fell ill one after another because they missed their grandchildren.

The two elders of the Le family are gone, and Le Shuisheng has to take care of the family's shop business and look for his daughter. The family has become the world of Li, and he and Le Jinsheng hang out day and night.

And the reason why Li Shi and Le Jinsheng want to get rid of Le Shuisheng quickly is because Li Shi is pregnant!

When Lee was pregnant, Le Shuisheng hadn't been home for four months. If you could say that Le Shuisheng came back in the middle of the night, Le Shuisheng would never pass that test.

Once Le Shuisheng knows that Li's stealing a man, she will definitely let her kill the child for the sake of the face of both parties, and then reconcile.

Mrs. Li doesn't care if the child can be kept, but what she cares about is the Le family's money. If she is swept out, the Le family's wealth has nothing to do with her. She absolutely cannot accept such a result.

Le Jinsheng is also jealous that Le Shuisheng has inherited all the family property of his parents. Li and him jointly get rid of Le Shuisheng's future troubles. He naturally agrees without hesitation. With the family property, they can still be husband and wife with the Li family in an open and aboveboard manner.

Le Jinsheng knew some people of various teachings and high-ranking schools, and spent a lot of money to find someone to match him with. He found outlaws who would work for whoever paid for them, and planned a plan to siege and kill Le Shuisheng.

Those people lived up to expectations, successfully surrounded and killed the target, took the money and flew away.

Although Le Shuisheng fell into the river in the end and did not find the body, both Le Jinsheng and Li felt that the person would never survive. After waiting for half a month, Le Jinsheng informed his younger brother Le Shuisheng on the grounds that he heard a clue about Le Yu. .

Afterwards, Le Jinsheng made a corpse to replace himself. He had someone beat him and scratched his face, and asked someone to send him and the corpse home.

He risked abandoning Le Shuisheng, saying that Le Jinsheng had found him, and that his brother was robbed by mountain bandits on the way to find Le Yu. On the way to be hunted down, the two jumped up the hillside to escape. Le Jinsheng blocked him and jumped. He fell heavily behind the hillside and died.

Brothers Le Jinsheng and Le Shuisheng were originally similar in shape and appearance, but Le Jinsheng himself cut his face and disfigured his appearance, and the real Le Shuisheng was not at the scene. Without comparison, it is difficult to distinguish.

Besides, for no reason, who would have thought that Le Jinsheng would pretend to be Le Shuisheng?

Le Jinsheng replaced Le Shuisheng without any surprises, and became husband and wife with Mrs. Li. After recovering from her injury, she also went to inquire about her daughter Le Yu, but she stopped working so hard. Then implicate others for her daughter.

In addition, his daughter-in-law is pregnant, and for the sake of the unborn child, he can no longer often neglect his family.

As for the child in Li's womb, because "Le Shuisheng" didn't say anything, no one doubted that it wasn't Le Shuisheng's child.

After Le Jinsheng's son Le Jinsheng's accident, his uncle and aunt were overly sad because a black-haired man sent a black-haired man away, and within two years they both withdrew from each other.

And "Le Shuisheng" is grateful to his elder brother who was in distress for saving him, and Li Shi has taken good care of his elder brother's widow and children, and has won a good reputation for being kind and righteous.

When Le Yun read the memories of Li Shi and Le Jinsheng's combined harm in Li Shi's memory, she wished she could tear Le Jinsheng apart.

Mrs. Li is vicious, but she is a foreign daughter-in-law, and she is not soft on the young and old of the Le family. You can only say that she is a cruel and merciless poisonous scorpion woman.

And Le Jinsheng, who abducted and sold his niece, poisoned his biological parents, and murdered his younger brother without hesitation, such a person is like a pig and a dog!
Le Jinsheng also said that his parents abandoned him first, which is pure nonsense.

At the time of adoption, the parents and uncle talked about the adoption in front of the three brothers. They asked him and his younger brother who would be his uncle's son, and they made their own choice.

Naturally, the eldest son cannot adopt, so the only ones who can adopt are Le Jinsheng and Le Shuisheng.

If the two brothers can't make a choice, the younger Le Shuisheng will be adopted.

Although Uncle Le's family wealth at that time was not as good as his elder brother's, it was not much less. If the adoptive son would naturally inherit the entire family property.

And if the family property of the two elders of the Le family is divided into three parts, one part of the family property is equal to half of the uncle's property.

Le Jinsheng was already seven years old that year, and he chose to be his uncle's son. When he was adopted, the two elders of the Le family gave him two prosperous shops, ten acres of high-quality paddy fields, as well as [-] yuan in cash and a gold bar.

The two elders divided the family property into three shares at that time, and gave the share belonging to the second son to the second son in advance.

Later, Uncle Lejia's business lost some money, and the family property shrank.

However, the eldest son of the Le family died of illness and had no intention of running the business. They handed over the business to the youngest son, Le Shuisheng. Le Shuisheng was flexible and willing to endure hardships.

Le Shuisheng's hard work earned half of the Le family's later property.

Le Jinsheng said that the family property Le Shuisheng inherited should have belonged to him, it was purely incompetent and distorted thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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