magic eye doctor

Chapter 2531

Chapter 2531

When I returned to the paradise, my little padded jacket unloaded the things from the helicopter and then flew out again. Happy father Zhou Qiufeng moved the cage into the Huanyuan with the help of the little handsome guys.

Young Master Gu Xiujun and the Eight Great King Kong Gang finished moving the items and ran to the big kitchen to help the four handsome gardeners kill the sheep.

Xiao Leshan was small and couldn't carry anything, so he carried his backpack and ran back to the east courtyard, and then ran into the "Dianmo studio" to find his master to act coquettishly.

Ant is always in the Paradise. Apart from practicing, he goes to "Dianmozhai" to help copy books. Those books are in the little girl's private collection. They are extremely precious, and they are not put in the academy on the west.

As soon as the little apprentice came back, he ran to look for the master. The ant elder was like an old iron flower that hadn't bloomed for many years, and he was very happy, hugging the little apprentice and listening to him talk.

In addition to helping the big and small carrots make up lessons, Li Zhao also helped copy books when he had time. When the younger brother and Miss Le came back, he was still making up lessons for the carrots.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng put the cage back, went to say hello to Mr. Yi, and went to the outside kitchen to help.

Returning from handsome Yan's residence, Le Xiao went to the kitchen.

Four of the Fu brothers killed four sheep, and the other sheep were kept in the poultry yard. There was fodder in the paradise, and it was not a problem for a group of sheep to graze for a period of time.

There is not enough time, it is impossible to have stewed lamb in stone pot for dinner, the handsome guys cooked a small stone pot to make stewed lamb in stone pot.

Classmate Le took a stroll around, went to the garden and the east courtyard and dug more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials, washed and mashed them, added water, and made them into seasonings, and handed them over to the handsome guys to marinate the sheep for stewed sheep in stone pot.

Then I picked up two boxes of prickly cacti and threw them to the handsome guys, letting them pick the thorns.

If you want to eat delicious medicinal food, everyone has to participate in the labor, do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing.

Little loli, she dropped the condiments and went back to the east courtyard, got into the alchemy furnace to start the furnace, and made medicine.

After the medicinal materials were put into the pot, she took out some bottles and cans, prepared a blood material with Li's blood, took out some small insect eggs from the jade box, and put them in a wooden box to hatch.

Eggs are a new variant of blood-sucking insects that have been cultivated for several generations. The first insects are about the same size as flea larvae, and the adults are only as big as fleas.

There are two ways to make Li's sons and grandchildren dead, one is to curse, and the other is to inject drugs or Gu worms.

Although the power of the earth's laws of heaven has weakened, the will of the world is still there. With the supervision of the will of the world, Le Yun does not want to use curses.

Cursing is a language of spiritual speech, and using a curse is to activate the ability of speech and spirituality. Like an oath, it must be supervised by the rules of heaven.

In ancient times, oaths were very powerful. When the oath was violated, what was said in the oath would become a reality, and it was also because the rules of heaven enforced the power of rules.

Modern times have regarded swearing and swearing as a feudal superstition, and swearing and cursing is as common as eating and drinking.

Le Yun's experience is different. Some things in Wenzhong don't exist because they cannot be seen, and they don't swear or curse randomly, so as not to be discovered by the will of the world when they use curses indiscriminately, and keep a small notebook for her.

It is inconvenient to expose the Warlock's ability to cast a curse, so we have to find another way to solve it. Gu worms are undoubtedly the first choice.

It took a day or two for the worms to hatch. Classmate Le calmly threw the wooden box back into the star core space, moved out of the table, sat in the alchemy furnace and watched the fire, and drew the blueprint again.

When it was dark, little Lori left the alchemy furnace to go to the big kitchen to have dinner with everyone. After the meal, she stayed in the cat alchemy furnace to do her own work. At dawn the next day, she took her younger brother to practice. The radish heads are teaching, and occasionally go to the alchemy furnace to add fire and medicinal materials, and only stay in the alchemy furnace wholeheartedly in the afternoon.

Gu Wu Junshao and the Eight King Kong were thinking about the stewed lamb in stone pot. They got up early in the morning and cooked the lamb for breakfast. They didn't eat the long-awaited stewed lamb in stone pot until evening.

I also ate delicious food and played for many days. Although the top students who were going to study were reluctant to give up, they did not procrastinate. On the 31st, they embarked on the itinerary to study abroad.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng was busy at home and set off for home that day.

Mr. Ant escorted the Le family and his wife back to E North. He could practice both in Lejia and Paradise in Plum Village. The old man was also forced to adapt to the life without his apprentice.

The little girl said it well, the chick will always leave the mother bird, and the little student will leave the elder one day when he grows up to venture into the world. It is impossible for him to be by the little student's side all the time, so now he has to Begin to adapt to the way of life that Tuer is often away from home.

Ren Shao and Wu Shao are more fortunate, they still stay in Paradise for a while.

Ant Lao and Xueba set off in the morning, and in the middle of the morning when they left, Xuan Shao arrived at the paradise with four guards.

In the afternoon, Guxiu's disciples who won the top three in the youth group at the Guxiu party entered the paradise one after another. Xuan Shao took the guards to check their identities and arranged for the monks to live.

Since the winners of the youth group are all students, when they were notified by the little girl, they negotiated with the value owner and communicated with the little girl again. After coordination, the youth group will enter the paradise for enlightenment next summer.

The three groups of winners in the youth group did not waste their places. The No. 1 snow mountain disciples brought nine people, the No. 2 casual cultivators brought six people, and the third-ranked Hengshan disciples brought three people.

All three groups are full.

Major General Xuan arranged the Guxiu youths in Haitang Courtyard, No. 1 lived in the upper room, No. 2 lived in the east wing, and the third lived in the west wing. The arrangement for going to the academy to practice was also the same, and the allocation of residence and practice was well-founded.

If anyone thinks it is unfair, they can try harder next time. If the little girl still has the kindness to reward others with the open paradise, you can also practice in the upper room if you win the first place.

After the three groups of monks had packed their belongings, Young Master Xuan led them into the Paradise through the east gate of the Four Seasons Courtyard, and went to the living room of the Academy.

They sat in Huixian Hall for a few minutes before Le went to the living room of the academy to meet guests.

It is etiquette for the host to meet guests, and there is no such thing as hospitality.

In order not to waste the number of attendants, the Snow Mountain School didn't even come to occupy the head. Among the eight attendants, five were elders who were not far from the deadline, and three were young youths who were carefully cultivated by the sect with hopes.

The casual cultivator who won the second place is also an acquaintance, that is, Li Xiufu, the dark horse among the young monks in the previous session, won the second place in the youth group in the Qichao competition of the previous Guxiu Gathering, and won the runner-up again in the previous Qichao competition.

Of his five entourages, three are members of his sect, and two are close friends of his sect. As for whether their words are true, it is unknown.

The two entourages of the Hengshan School are both elders who are not far from the deadline and who are expected to go further.

The three groups of people also brought a gift each.

Le Yun accepted the gift, greeted the guests for a while, and then returned to the east courtyard.

Xuan Shao and the guard Yuan Xiaoliu sent the gift to the east courtyard, went out from the east gate of the academy, walked through the lane and entered the courtyard through the west gate of the east courtyard.

They put the presents in Jiude Hall where Little Lolita handles official business, then went back the same way, closed the east door of the academy, and went to practice in the Sanqingfang on Yinyue Lake in the garden, and gave the academy to Xin The three groups of guests who came could practice with peace of mind.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng took a plane from the capital to Zhong C City, and then transferred to the high-speed rail to Shishi, but took the bus back to Jiudao, and it was already evening when they returned to Meicun.

Grandma Zhou Man ran into Zhou Qiufeng of Yueqing on the road, and talked with them for a while, and also told them a piece of news——Zhang Ke's wife gave birth.

Zhang Ke first married to help others raise children, and his second wife was pregnant. He was very excited because he finally wanted his own flesh and blood, and took good care of his wife.

His wife, Xiao Yang, suffered from severe morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, which lasted for more than a month, and stopped after the fetus was three months old, and remained stable until the birth.

Xiao Yang gave birth to a daughter by caesarean section on the evening of August 8, the fifth day of the seventh lunar month.

Zhang Ke was not as disappointed as others thought. After experiencing the failed marriage with Wu Lingling, he was already disappointed in the marriage and did not expect to have his own flesh and blood. His wife gave birth to a girl for him, which was considered an accident joy.

Xiao Yang's son, when he knew that his mother was about to give birth, also came to Jiudao and went to the hospital to accompany the delivery. Because the school started there, he hurried back to Yishi on the 30th.

"Oh, I gave birth." Hearing that Zhang Ke's wife had given birth, Father Le didn't feel much.

"Aunt Man, have you gone to wash three?" Zhou Qiufeng's first thought was human relations.

"No, they are still in the hospital. When they come back, we and Cheng Wu will send some eggs. We are in the same village as Zhang Ke. The relationship between your family and Zhang Ke's family is the same as that of Chen Wu and Chen Lei's family. Whatever the relationship between people, it’s good for everyone to go their own way.”


Zhou Qiufeng was wondering whether to give some gifts, but Aunt Man's suggestion was exactly what she wanted. If their family gave some gifts, it would always feel awkward for both parties.

Mr. Yi didn't listen to any gossip, so he went back to Le's house and chatted with Mr. Yan, who was helping the housekeeper.

Not long after Zhou Qiufeng came home from Yueqing, Grandma Zhou also knew about it. After sitting at her son-in-law's house, she also told the news about Zhang Ke's wife's birth.

Cao Bingyue also went to Le's house to find Le Shan to play with, but she couldn't find anyone, and she was still depressed when she went to school to register the next day.

Student Le also received a call from his father and Aunt Feng before dinner. The two parents not only said that they arrived home safely, but also that Zhang Ke's wife had given birth to a girl.

Little Lolita is super calm. Zhang Ke's wife gave birth to Zhang Ke's child, and she doesn't need her family to worry about raising the child. It has nothing to do with her.

She pinched her little hands and counted the days. The tablemate with the little belly should not be ready until mid-October, while Liu Shuai and his wife will not give birth until late December.

Hey, a friend is having a baby, what gift should I prepare?
Thinking silently for a few seconds, well, never mind, let's talk about it later.

While making medicine, Le classmate paid attention to the Gu worms he raised. The hatching worms did not successfully break out of their eggs until September 9 and could be fed.

The hatched worms are fed with blood food, and they have to go through at least three metamorphosis before they become adults, and this process takes about one to two months.

The insects can be tested when they are adults, and only if the experimental results are satisfactory can they be released.

Therefore, Le Yun calculated the time, at least it would have to wait until the end of November before doing experiments on Li Shi. If there is no accident, Li Shi can be released before New Year's Day, which is just in time for Li Shi and her descendants reunion.

(End of this chapter)

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