magic eye doctor

Chapter 2532

Chapter 2532


The big and small radish heads started school, and Li Zhao only taught one student, the younger brother, and his work was light.

Xiao Leshan doesn't need to go to school. She is a happy little baby. She is loved by her elder sister and senior brother. She has the same daily schedule. She studies martial arts in the morning and cultural classes in the afternoon and evening.

Carrot head doesn't need to worry about it himself, classmate Le can make medicine with peace of mind, several batches of medicine are completed intermittently, and the last batch is also closed on the 5th.

One of the newly made medicines was a nutrition pill for those guys locked in the "small black room" in the man-made cave. Her own bigu pill was reluctant to be eaten by scum, so she had to make some new low-grade versions.

The efficacy of the low-preparation version of the nutritional pills is far inferior to the nutritional pills she gave to Handsome Yan and the others. It will be eaten by the scumbags, and it will also prevent those families from starving to death.

The scumbags had a ration to eat, and Xiao Le gave them a medicine every day and then went to the workshop to tinker with mechanical parts.

She first assembled a small semi-manual nail hole machine, which is specially designed for punching handwritten books.

I finished the little machine, tried it out, and thought it was pretty good, and then I threw it to Mr. Li and the handsome guy Xuanjia, asking them to help punch holes and thread the handwritten books when they are free.

The books copied by the monks were not stapled, and they were stored in boxes. Some were still placed in the upper and back halls of the academy, and some were moved to the private study in the east courtyard.

The three groups of people who were retreating in the academy each provided their own meals, while the handsome guys from the Xuan family ate with the guys from the Fu family. They had nothing else to do except help with the cooking.

Little Lolita gave them a job of binding books, and the handsome guys from the Xuan family were very happy. They entered the east courtyard and bound books in "Dianmozhai".

Wan Tong is a freelancer. He helps out when he is not working, and busy with his career when he is alive.

Ren Shaowushao hadn't officially set a job yet, and they had a lot of time, so they became tool workers.

Based on the principle of "blessed and equal" as Xiao Luoli said, Shao Xuan called Hua Shao, Zhou Shaoji, Jiang Shao, Xin Shao, Chen Shaozhu, Lu Shaozhu, He Lian Qinghui, and brought in a group of assistants.

The young men who were arrested each quickly collected a piece of luggage, each brought a personal guard, and rushed into the paradise to help.

The work of a group of handsome young men is very easy. They work for two hours in the morning, then practice in "Dianmo Studio", work for two hours in the afternoon, and then meditate.

There are tool workers to help with the work, and Xiao Le is super relieved. Apart from teaching his younger brother martial arts every morning, he spends the afternoon and evening working in the pit.

The three groups of people who studied in Paradise, apart from eating and going to the bathroom every day, were reluctant to leave the academy for half a step, and wished they could come out 24 hours a day.

No matter how much they cherish time like gold, it will be the middle of the month in a blink of an eye.

On September 9th, the three groups of people reluctantly ended their trip to enlightenment, and each set foot on their way home.

On the fourth day after the participants left the paradise, Le classmate also went out with his luggage—the reason was to go to Yanshan to observe and study plants.

A group of Guxiu handsome young men left their "jobs" and went to the autumn together.

Following a group of handsome young men who were little tails, they followed to the foot of the Great Wall, took little Lolita to camp in the wild, and played for a day before returning.

All the young men returned to the city, and each went back to their respective courtyards, but only a few young men still went to the paradise.

After parting with the young and old, the little Lolita entered Yanshan Mountain, and then sneaked on the flying sword at night, quietly crossed the mountains, left the customs, and sneaked to Chishi in M ​​province at night.

She found a small road not far from the road, threw Luo San, Aiming and his party into their vehicle, moved the car out of the man-made cave, and threw it beside the small road.

In order to prevent others from knowing where they went, Luo San's group didn't install driving cameras.

Therefore, even if they woke up, they couldn't find the reason why they suddenly came to Chishi from the depths of the grassland. As for their experience of going to a herdsman's settlement, Le had already hypnotized them to make them forget that memory.

Abandoning Luo San's group of people, Le Xiaoluoli quickly left, found a remote no-man's land, returned to the star core space to rest for a day, and then sneaked to Ximeng City, which is connected to Chishi, to capture Li Shi's men were thrown into the wilderness.

Their two cars have been scrapped. If the traces of the cuts on the vehicles are found, it will easily lead to speculation.

Mrs. Li kept it for experiments and was still locked in the small black room.

Le Xiao is not afraid of the anxiety of Li's descendants. Li often goes out, sometimes disappearing for three to five months, and his descendants have long been used to it.

Throwing away some cumbersome things, little loli went into the Yanshan mountain range for a few days, and did not return to the paradise until September 9th.

The 27th and 28th were originally weekends, but because the National Day is on Wednesday, they will be on holiday again. They will go to work on the 27th and 28th, and the holidays will start on the 29th and 30th. The National Day holiday will last from the 29th to October 10th.

October 2025, 10 is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it should be a day off. The advantage of having the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival together is that there is an eight-day long holiday.

Office workers and students are excited and looking forward to the arrival of the long holiday with great anticipation.

The time shifted from the morning of the 28th to the evening, and those who finished the last class/one-day class before the festival finally ushered in the long-awaited National Day holiday.

Xu Xiake and others returned to the paradise after school in the evening. Yu Chang was far away from home. It was past seven o'clock when he returned to the paradise. He was followed by two little tails, Chen Fengnian and Chen Xiaozhu.

Chen Fengnian didn't go to the little cousin at night, and ran to the gate of the east courtyard early the next morning to guard, until the little cousin took the little cousin out for dinner, and rushed to join him.

Le Yun touched the little cousin's dog's head, and asked with a straight face: "I came here early in the morning to wait for the rabbit, what's the matter?"

"No, no, I just miss my sister and Le Shan." Chen Fengnian salivated with a smile on his face and happily patted his little cousin's head.

"There are two weddings for National Day, so you can play by yourself." The little cousin didn't say anything, and Le Yun didn't ask further.

Chen Fengnian frantically nodded his head.

Student Le Xiao has a lot of things to do. After breakfast, he took time to care about Chen Xiaozhu's studies during the digestion time. After that, he brought his younger brother to practice martial arts for two hours, and then went to practice the big and small radish heads.

Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue, Chen Zhaonian and his little friends, and Chen Fengnian's little friends arrived in the middle of the morning. Chen Zhaonian and his little friends have already graduated from bachelor's degree.

Wang Ruixuan is a school track and field athlete. He participated in the National Games and the University Track and Field Games in August and September, and achieved very good results. He is a key track and field athlete. He went to the training base for training during the National Day holiday and had no time to go to the paradise Play.

A group of young guys came to the paradise, let themselves go, and had fun.

Yu Chang and other big and small radishes were exhausted every day, but no one envied the little handsome guys to play freely, and they were busy making up their homework and learning martial arts.

And when the big and small radish heads were busy practicing martial arts, on the morning of the 30th, an unexpected visitor visited the paradise.

Brother Fu, the dedicated doorman, heard the sound of the door opening to the west gate, glanced over several people at the door, and asked sternly, "Who is sir? Do you have an appointment?"

There were six people at the door, three middle-aged men and women, one man and two women, and three children. The children were two men and one woman. One boy was about fourteen or five years old, and the other was slightly older. The girl was about eleven or twelve years old. .

A middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman, and a slightly smaller boy with a face similar to Grandma Yu.

Seeing the middle-aged man and woman, Brother Fu also vaguely knew that the middle-aged man and woman with similar faces should be Grandma Yu's son and daughter.

Yu Da arrived in the capital yesterday afternoon with his younger sister, wife, child, and nephew. He didn't dare to come directly to the paradise to find someone, so he first found a hotel for placement.

Paradise, he knew it.

Yu Da went to the school dormitory where his parents used to live several times during last summer vacation, wanting to wait and see which university Yu Chang got into, but he never did.

When the school was about to start, he went to the old mother and Yu Chang, and suddenly found that the house had been emptied and returned to the school. He asked the school to find out where the old mother and Yu Chang had gone.

Later, I went to Yu Chang's high school to find out that Yu Chang was admitted to Qingda University.

Knowing that Yu Chang was admitted to Qingda University and left without notifying him, even the old mother left with her grandson, feeling that she was abandoned, Yu Da was angry.

Unfortunately, anger is of no use either.

Because there was no holiday at that time, he couldn't find the capital. He only had some time during the National Day last year. He went to the capital to inquire about Yu Chang's situation at Qingda University.

It took him a lot of thought to find Yu Chang's new mobile phone number and the number in the contact family member column of Yu Chang's contact column after looking for the student management office of the school.

After the grandparents left Songhai, the mobile phone number in Songhai City was also suspended, and they changed to a new number in the capital.

Yu Da also knew that the grandfather and grandson had stopped the old account because he didn't want him to find it. He found the contact number from the school and called, but he couldn't get in touch. He guessed that the grandfather and grandson had set his phone number on the blacklist.

Last year, he failed to find out where Yu Chang and his old mother lived. After guessing for a long time, he guessed that he might contact a little girl who had rescued Yu Chang and found him alone, so he paid a professional to inquire about the news.

The professional detective really wasn't bragging, and he had collected the information he wanted.

During the summer vacation, Yu Da didn't have time, and there was an eight-day long National Day holiday, so he immediately came to the capital with his wife, children, sister and nephew.

Watched until the heavy gate of the noble family opened, and saw a middle-aged man with a strong figure and sharp eyes, Yu Da knew that he was the gatekeeper of the paradise, and immediately smiled with him: "Brother, we are... the father of classmate Yu Chang." And aunt, we know that our old mother works in the paradise, and Yu Chang also lives here with his grandma. Our brothers and sisters haven’t seen our mother and Yu Chang for a long time. We are very worried about their grandma, and the children haven’t seen grandma for a long time. We bring the children to see Look at grandma."

"You said you are Grandma Yu's son? Do you have a phone appointment with Grandma Yu?" Brother Fu just wanted to roll his eyes, and he didn't even choose a good reason for lying, worrying about the old mother and Yu Chang?Who are you kidding!

"This..." Yu Da smiled a little stiffly: "I have a little misunderstanding with the old mother. The old mother has been unwilling to answer my phone. It is... that there is no appointment by phone. Can you please accommodate me and let us meet the child grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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