magic eye doctor

Chapter 2533

Chapter 2533

Someone wants to find an excuse to sneak into the paradise, what should I do?
Brother Fu just had one idea - to hate him!

The little girl's paradise is not something that cats and dogs can enter, especially those who only have interests in their eyes and are unkind, unjust, loyal, filial, and kind.

"The Paradise is a private residence. The owner has a pharmaceutical studio in the park and often does scientific research. For safety reasons, strangers who have no relationship with the owner are not allowed to visit. Yu Chang's grandma is the cleaning aunt of the Paradise. You are the children of Grandma Yu. If you are not a relative or friend of the owner of the paradise, it is impossible for you to allow you to enter the paradise with a word of accommodating."

Brother Fu was not prepared to be flexible, and said another sentence: "You can't reach your own mother on the phone, so you should reflect on what you did wrong to make the old man feel cold.

I will tell Grandma Yu that you are looking for her, and whether she sees you or not depends on Grandma Yu herself.In the future, you can settle the private affairs between mother and son and father and son by yourself, and don't come to the paradise frequently to disturb the life of the owner under the guise of missing your mother and children. "

Brother Fu threw down a sentence, closed the iron gate, locked it, and turned to look for Grandma Yu.

Yu Da was so angry that his face was red, and Yu Huan, who had been silent all this time, was so angry because he was scolded by a guard that he couldn't even swear.

Mrs. Yu didn't say anything, and acted as a virtuous and good wife the whole time.

The three teenagers kept looking around, as if they didn't know what the adults said, as if they had no affection for strangers.

Brother Fu went to the Wuwei Cupboard and found Grandma Yu who was choosing vegetables: "Grandma Yu, someone came to you at the door, claiming to be your son and daughter, and said to visit you and Yu Chang."

Grandma Yu was happily choosing leeks, and was preparing to get all the ingredients. In the afternoon, she would make the children’s favorite leek dumplings. When she heard from Brother Fu that the children came to her, her mind froze for a moment.
After she took a breather, she came back to her senses and put down the leeks: "That thing has no face and no skin, it's used to being high and low, and if I don't show up, they have even more reason to come here to cause trouble for others. I'll go and have a look."

Grandma Yu has no hope for her two evils, so even at the age of loess covering her neck, she wanders north with her grandson without any nostalgia.

As a result, after only one year of peaceful life, the two evildoers came to the capital again.

She really doesn't want to see the annoying evil, but if she doesn't see it, those two profit-seeking things will definitely use other methods to force her and Ah Chang, and they may even pour dirty water on the little girl, saying that the little girl has divorced feelings of their family.

Yu Yu didn't avoid family conflicts, and Brother Fu's admiration for her grew even deeper. He didn't care whether people were good or bad, and he accompanied Grandma Yu to the guard room, and he didn't show up.

Grandma Yu went to the gate area of ​​the west gate, and through the iron fence, she also saw her two sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren.

The little grandson and the little granddaughter are the treasures of their parents, and they have not been close to her since they were young. Except for the incense, there is not much love between grandparents and grandchildren.

For the little grandson and granddaughter, Grandma Yu couldn't love her even if she wanted to. Fortunately, Ah Chang, who was loved by her and the old man, was not like a parent.

The old couple once thought that their parents' education failed, and their children became unrecognizable. When the grandson who was raised by the same education method grew up, they realized that their education method was correct. It was the children who were fascinated by the outside world. Only then did he become mercenary, vain and money-worshiping.

Living under someone else's roof, Yu Da and Yu Huan didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction after the guard closed the iron gate and entered, let alone say anything, for fear that too many words would lead to failure.

The brothers and sisters only pulled the children who were looking around, and told them to be polite when they saw grandma.

The siblings stared at the doorway, and waited for a few minutes before they heard footsteps, and then a radiant elderly woman appeared through the opening of a fan-shaped door leaf.

When seeing the energetic and ruddy old mother, Yu Dayu Huan could hardly believe his eyes, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Mom?"

Last summer vacation, they went back to visit. At that time, the old mother was a hunched little old lady with dull skin and very obvious age spots on her face. She was just like those old people who were dying, without much energy.

It's only been a year since I last saw the little old lady in their memory. Her back is no longer hunched, her legs are stronger, and the age spots on her face are gone. His mental energy has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The appearance of the old mother now is just like the forty-year-old mother in their memory.

If it wasn't for the fact that the face was familiar, Yu Da and Yu Huan wouldn't dare to recognize it.

The shocked brothers exclaimed, and rushed to the iron fence in a few steps, looking at the old mother with extremely eager eyes. Needless to say, it must be the little girl's credit that the old mother can have this appearance!
This also shows that Yu Chang must have got the little girl's attention, the little girl loves the house and black, and is willing to spend all her money to take care of Grandma Yu Chang's body.

Yu Da was excited, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Yu Sheng, Xianxian, come here quickly. Didn't you say you miss grandma and want to come to accompany grandma? Grandma is out."

Yu Huan also hurriedly called to his son: "Baolin, come here quickly, grandma is here."

Yu Chang and Yu Xianxian heard his father's yelling, stepped forward reluctantly, stood beside his father and called out "milk".

Zhu Baolin also came to his mother and called out "Grandma" without emotion.

The grandchildren and grandsons were reluctant to shout at themselves, and Grandma Yu didn't criticize, she nodded in agreement, and stood three or four steps away from the iron fence gate.

She didn't go over, and asked the wicked son whose eyes were shining brightly: "Yu Da, what's the matter with you coming to see me? If you have something to do, just talk about it, and if you have nothing to do, get out!"

The old mother was standing in a place where he couldn't touch her. Yu Da wanted his children to grab their grandma's clothes, but he couldn't help it.

"Mom, we just missed you, so we came to see you. We went back last August and found that you and Yu Chang had vacated the house, but we were so anxious that it took us a lot of effort to find out that Ah Chang passed the exam. Green University.

I didn't know how to contact you last year, and I didn't know where you were staying. I didn't come to accompany you and Ah Chang for the holidays. I only found out where you are staying this year. It's not a holiday, so my sister and I brought our three children to accompany you Mom celebrates the holidays, when the time comes, our family will climb the Great Wall and visit the Forbidden City. "

The wicked son spoke better than he sang, Grandma Yu rolled her eyelids, and snorted: "Looking at Ala is getting old and blurred, you don't even have to draft a lie, right?

What misses Ala and Ah Cheong?What is coming to Allah and Yi for the festival?You can't even lie to yourself by saying this, Ala doesn't need your fake concern, and Ah Changyi doesn't need your fake concern.

Where did you die in the past ten years? Why haven't you been a loving father for a day?

Don't pretend to come here in the name of visiting Ala and Achang, pretending that others don't see that you want to use Ala and Achang to cling to the owner of the paradise. If you can't get in, don't talk about entering this paradise.

Two heartless evil things, when your father is sick, you have time to take the children to the amusement park to eat delicacies, but you don’t have time to take care of your father, and you don’t have time to pay your respects when you die. Now, why are you pretending to be big in front of Allah? tail wolf.

Allah is not dead yet, so it's not your turn to tell Allah and Ah Chang's life.You all go to Allah! "

The more Grandma Yu thought about it, the more angry she became, she turned around angrily, pushed the big bronze door leaf, closed the door with a "bang", and bolted it!

The only use of the evil son is to marry a daughter-in-law and give birth to Ah Chang.

The purpose of the daughter is probably to go back to her mother's house to move things, especially to anger her mother and father.

Apart from that, the two evil obstacles are useless.

After the big bronze door was fastened, Grandma Yu still felt her heart suffocated, she turned her head and went back to the kitchen, as if her son and daughter had been raised, it would be better not to raise them!
Even if it was hypocritical, Yu Da at least expressed his intention to come, Yu Huan had no chance to express his miss for his old mother, and was knocked down by his old mother just like that.

It's okay to be scolded, but also rejected by the old mother.

The brothers and sisters, who had been shut down, flushed as red as liver.

This...can they be blamed?

They didn't know that their father would die when he got sick. They thought it was just a minor illness, so they didn't go to the hospital to take care of him or visit him.

I don't even know that the old mother is still worried about the fact that they didn't go to the hospital to accompany the father because of his illness.

Yu Da and Yu Huan felt that they were wronged, but they had nowhere to say it.

Yu Dayou felt that he was wronged. When he divorced, he sent Yu Chang to his parents. The grandma took care of the child. Does it matter whether he cares?

Anyway, he will provide for his parents in the future. Isn't it natural for parents to help their grandchildren?
Besides, Yu Chang has a congenital heart disease and rare blood, he will die at any time, and several times the child almost died, he and his ex-wife agreed to give up the treatment, but the two elders were unwilling.

The two elders themselves are willing to worry about Yu Chang's hard work, and they are willing to raise their grandson, so why blame him for not caring about it for more than ten years?
Yu Da was so unconvinced that he didn't dare to knock on the door to let the old mother argue. He couldn't help scolding his youngest son and daughter: "Are you two deaf? I told you to respect grandma a long time ago." , How did you all do it, one by one, as if someone owed you millions, who would you show embarrassment to?"

Mrs. Yu doesn't care if her husband is scolded or not, but she doesn't want to if her husband scolds her children: "You are enough, you don't burn incense on weekdays, and you hold Buddha's feet temporarily, what are you doing with your children now?"

After being scolded by his father, Yu Xianxian's face changed. When the mother came to protect the cub, she immediately threw herself into her mother's arms and cried.

Yu Sheng also hid beside his mother, with an impatient expression on his face: "Mom, Dad is so crazy, why do you want to find Yu Chang, what else can you play with such a sick child."

Mrs. Yu quickly looked around and was relieved when she saw that no one was eavesdropping. She immediately dragged her son and daughter away, and whispered: "Yu Chang is cured, don't call Yu Chang sick again, If you say that Yu Chang is sick, others will only say you when they hear it."

"Understood, Mom, do you want to go to that museum?" Yu Sheng responded with concern, still impatiently urging.

"I'll go right away." Mrs. Yu was afraid that the little ancestor would lose his temper at the gate of the paradise and say something bad, so she hurriedly took the child away.

Yu Da's face was dark, and he didn't discipline the child anymore.

Yu Huan also took his son Zhu Baolin and hurried away. This time he failed to mend the relationship with his old mother, so he had to come again next time.

(End of this chapter)

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