magic eye doctor

Chapter 2535

Chapter 2535

The guests came to congratulate with heavy gifts, Bian's family hurriedly moved the gifts out and put them elsewhere, and brought milk tea, milk skin and other food for the new guests to taste.

Little Lolita was surrounded by people talking, Lan San was a witty and handsome guy, he stood firmly in the air, drank milk tea, and ate snacks.

Little Lolita was not the last group of guests. Herdsmen from various villages also came one after another. They usually sat in the tents, greeted the guests and then went out.

The guests sitting in the tent are all respectable old people, or the heads of various villages, or the elders among the relatives and friends of the host's family.

Le Yun couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the crowd, so she sat for a while, and went out with Lan Shuai and Helian clan elders to visit various places. While strolling, she caught a group of children playing freely, and ran with the children. play on the grass.

The new daughter-in-law's house is far away from Bian Yuan's house, about a hundred miles away. Bian's family used a car to greet the bride, and the welcoming team didn't return until after eleven o'clock.

The groom’s car was rented from the city, and there were nine carts in total, some carrying people, some pulling horses and some things, and the bride’s family had a wedding cart, which carried dowry cattle and sheep and other dowries.

Part of the wedding team parked on the road outside the tent area. The couple's car circled the yurt three times before getting out of the car and passing between the two burning fires in front of the main tent before entering the tent.

When the newlyweds enter the tent, they first worship the fire stove, and then the groom's parents, elders, relatives and friends.

After the ceremony is completed, the couple goes to the couple's tent, combs their hair and re-combs the bride's hair, and waits for the wedding banquet to begin after dressing up.

The man's side has already made preparations. When the bride goes to wash and groom, the guests are arranged for the table.

There were more than [-] groups from the bride's family, and the husband's family arranged for them to sit on the table and the teacher, and invited someone to accompany them.

There is also a bull head feast at noon.

At the beginning of the banquet, the groom is holding a silver jug, and the bride is holding a silver bowl with hada, toasting and presenting hada to elders, relatives and friends.

While sitting at the banquet, Le Xiao and Lan Shuai didn't escape, and sat at the table with the bride's parents and seniors, and the Bian family arranged for them to sit with the old lady Baoyin.

Bian Yuan led his daughter-in-law to toast to relatives and friends, and made a toast to the table of little Lolita. Looking at the little Lolita who was dressed up to attend, he smiled and showed his neat steel teeth.

He wanted to have a few words with Little Lolita, but there were so many guests, and there were many old people present, if he only talked to Little Lolita alone, he would neglect the others, which seemed impolite.

Even if one can't favor one over another, Bian Yuan didn't deliberately chat with the little Lolita, or toast with his wife.

His daughter-in-law, surnamed Bai, is a Manchu girl. She is 1.7 meters and [-] meters tall.

Compared with classmate Bian, who is tall and burly, Ms. Bai is slender and tall. Standing together, she has a sense of sight of a beast and a beautiful woman.

The couple first toasted Grandma Baoyin, then toasted the wedding wine to Little Lolita, and then toasted each guest in turn before going to the next table.

The bride and groom made a toast to the guests at the table. The young guy and girl sang and danced on the matouqin, and the atmosphere of the wedding banquet was instantly ignited.

Because the bonfire banquet at night is the highlight of the wedding, the luncheon only lasted until after three o'clock.

After waiting for the banquet to end, classmate Le, Lan Shuai and He Lian went to He's tent, sat and chatted for a while, and then went to unload supplies.

The Helian family arranged the tent and its surroundings neatly, and added four more Lele carts, which were mainly used to store fuel and food.

In order to make effective use of the space, a foot was set up under the shaft of the Lele car to keep the vehicle balanced, a shelf was placed on it, and some items loaded in boxes were placed on it, and a rain cloth was covered on the top.

A new horse pen or sheep pen was added, but it was only fenced together, which can probably hold three or four horses. The Helian family also bought a horse for daily travel between the settlement and Lejia’s pasture, or to go around.

The vegetable field was opened up and vegetables were planted, and an elevated shelf was built at the corner of the vegetable field. The planting boxes were placed on the shelf, and the bottom was protected with a net ring. If chickens and ducks were bought from outside, they could be kept under it for a period of time.

There is also space on the base of the tent, and several planting boxes filled with soil and green onions and garlic are placed.

Anyone who has seen Helian's tent will understand that they are planning to stay there for a long time, not for a short time.

Naturally, the bodyguard team I invited couldn't treat them badly. Classmate Le brought several tons of rice, noodles, millet and other storage grains for the winter, more than a dozen boxes of charcoal, and some dried vegetables, dried bamboo shoots, dried mushrooms, and several jars of sauce. And sauerkraut, a jar of salt and two boxes of smoked fish, cured chicken, duck and bacon.

There were so many things that the elders of the Helian family were stunned.

After moving the winter items prepared for Helian's family, classmate Le sent things to the aunt's house, including some rice, flour, oil, salt, dried vegetables, smoked fish and fish.

The elder of the Helian family and Lan San worked as porters, and each went seven or eight times before moving the things to the old lady Baoyin's house.

The young people at Mrs. Baoyin's house all went to the neighboring house to help with work. They were so busy that they didn't have time to carry gifts.

After delivering the presents to the aunt, Le Yun and Lan Shuai each took a basket of smoked fish to Bian's house, handed the smoked fish to Bian's mother, and said goodbye.

When Bian's mother heard that the little girl was leaving, she was so anxious that she grabbed someone and called her son over.

Bian Yuan was entertaining guests, and he was too busy to be distracted. He was called by his mother, and when he heard that Little Lolita was going back, he was anxious: "Little Lolita, why are you leaving just now?"

"It's a good day for you to get married. I should have thought about celebrating all night for you tonight, because a classmate in Songhai City is getting married tomorrow. I have to rush back to the capital and take the earliest flight to Songhai tomorrow to catch the wedding banquet. "

Her college classmate, Bada King Kong, was still studying abroad and didn't even have a partner. Naturally, it was impossible to get married, but several of her classmates during military training were already married.

When those students in the military training class got married, little loli was still studying in country Y, and she was abroad, so it was understandable that she didn't go to the wedding.

This time, classmate Wu Tan from the military training class got married, even though it was the National Day holiday, and she didn't retreat to do research in China. After knowing the date of classmate Wu Heng's wedding, she naturally had to go to a wedding.

What's more, classmate Bian and classmate Wu Heng got married on the heels of each other. She participated in classmate Bian's wedding. If she didn't go to Wu Heng's wedding wine, and didn't tell others that they would have other ideas, she would feel that it was not kind.

"Oh, that's right, then I won't keep you, let's get together again next time we have a chance." Bian Yuan understood the reason and understood little Lolita, so he didn't want to keep you.

"Okay, let's meet again next time. If you have a vacation, or pass through the capital on a business trip, you can go to the park to play. Even if I'm not at home, you can stay for a while. Brother Fu and the others know you."

"I'll go." Bian Yuan didn't talk nonsense, he called a brother from his family to give some instructions in a low voice, and he and his mother sent little Lori to board the plane.

The person who got Bian Yuan's confession immediately called a few more people, rushed to the sheepfold, grabbed five sheep, tied their feet, and ran to the helicopter with them on their shoulders.

Bian Yuan and Bian's mother didn't inform other people to see off the little girl, but the mother and son saw them off. When they got to the helicopter, the man carrying the sheep also chased after them.

Regarding Bian's move to send sheep, a sentence flashed in Le Yun's mind - go away without food!
Bian Yuan and his brothers carried the bound sheep into the back cabin of the helicopter, and said goodbye to little Lori.

Little Lolita was in a hurry, and they didn't talk too much nonsense. After saying goodbye, they turned around and walked towards the tent.

The elders of the Helian family watched the little girl board the plane.

Student Le and handsome guy Lan sat in the cockpit. After the helicopter lifted off, it circled half an arc in the air, turned around, and flew towards the capital.

Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bian and the others were busy entertaining the guests. They didn't know the little girl had left until the helicopter took off. They were in a hurry. When they saw Bian Yuan coming back, they asked the reason.

Everyone in the Bian family heard that the little girl didn't stay overnight because she was rushing back to attend another classmate's wedding, and they were immediately relieved. They were still worried about whether they neglected the little girl because of their poor hospitality.

The guests heard that the little girl had to go to different provinces for two days for her classmate's wedding, and they were moved by the little girl's friendship with her friends, and they had a good meal of praise.

Lan San and Xiao Luoli rushed on the road non-stop, and only rushed back to the capital after two in the morning. The helicopter stopped at the platform of the East Yard, and the two of them did not call anyone else, and carried the five sheep to the poultry yard to graze.

Because the dog sleeping on the roof of the workshop saw the flashlight light and called twice, Brother Jie woke up, got up to check, and found that it was the little girl and Lan San, so he hurried to help.

It was time to set off again in the morning, and classmate Le drove away the handsome blue guy who wanted to clean up the helicopter, and asked him to catch up on his sleep. She went back to the east courtyard to wash up.

Handsome Lan took a catch-up sleep, woke up at 05:30, washed up, changed his clothes, ate breakfast, and set off with little loli.

He drove another small helicopter for transportation, parked the helicopter at the airport, and boarded the flight to Songhai City with little loli.

The plane arrived in Songhai City less than ten o'clock. However, the two experienced the turnaround of the shuttle bus, public bus and subway. After twelve o'clock.

Wu Heng graduated from a bachelor's degree and went to graduate school, got a master's degree certificate, and returned to work in Songhai. His partner was also acquainted when he was a graduate student.

Wu is a native of Songhai. Dai Liangyu Dai’s hometown is S Province. He was born in his hometown. Later, his parents went to work in Songhai City.

Classmate Dai has not yet graduated, and his parents attended the wedding of Classmate Wu in the same city on behalf of their son.

Wu Heng's family also wants to hold a wedding banquet on the 1st, but their family is just an ordinary family. The major star hotels in Songhai City have undertaken many weddings and special banquets of rich second-generation or upper-class youths, and they simply cannot squeeze in. .

For this reason, the Wu family had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and set the wedding on the 2nd.

The hotels in Songhai City are almost full every day during important holidays such as National Day, New Year's Day, and May Day. In private, some people say that they "open for three years during the holidays".

Although the No. 2 seats of each hotel were not as crowded as on the National Day day, they were also full.

The banquet at the Wu family started at 11:[-], and the pre-wedding process must be skipped. The banquet started at nearly twelve o'clock. When Le Xiao arrived, the banquet had already started for a while.

But it didn't take long, because it took time to serve the food, and the guests also ate for about ten minutes.

Wu Heng greeted the guests with the bride and the elders, and just sat down and didn't take a few bites, when he saw the hotel waiter ushering a little loli, who was wearing a half-armed blue jacket and skirt jacket, light purple double-breasted short trousers, to stand up in embarrassment. up.

"Little... loli?"

Rao Wu Heng had seen the world because of his advanced studies in Qingda University, and his concentration was not bad, but at this moment he was stunned by the unexpected joy.

The groom stood up in a daze, and all the guests at the table and the leader looked at the bridegroom in unison, and their gazes swiveled between the groom and the two people led by the waiter.

Wu's father and Wu's mother were stunned at first, but then they bounced up like a spring under their buttocks, and they pulled the chair away and walked out.

"Oh, rare guest! The little girl came from a long way, and the Wu family is lucky."

"Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu are very polite. Wu Heng, I'm sorry, I'm late! Fortunately, I'm late, so I wish the bride and groom a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together!"

Le Yun also deeply apologized for her late arrival, and bowed slightly to the guests in the hall: "I'm late, and disturbed the ladies and gentlemen's meal, I'm sorry!"

"Young girl is polite." The beautiful little girl in Hanfu was cute, cute and polite, and all the men and women present smiled back politely.

While talking, Wu's father and Wu's mother also walked out of the table and ran to the passage area. The couple held the little girl's hand tightly, expressing their gratitude in agitated mood.

Wu Heng was a little too late, dragging his daughter-in-law a little behind, and standing beside his parents.

When the son came, Wu's father and Wu's mother let go of the little girl's hand.

Le Yun took out a box and a stack of gift money from her backpack to give to the newcomer, and patted classmate Wu on the shoulder: "Fatty, you are not very kind, you have done a good job of keeping secrets, so that I didn't hear the news of the relationship." I just heard the good news of your marriage.

I thought, if I was not in China, maybe when I heard the news, it would not be the good news of your happy marriage, but the news of your happy baby. "

The chubby little chubby Wu Heng rubbed his head and laughed: "I'm busy, so I don't have the nerve to share my personal love history with you. I heard that you have been busy doing research, so I don't have the nerve to call you. I didn't expect you to leave your own affairs and come all the way."

"I'm doing research abroad or in retreat. I can't do my own thing to attend the wedding of my classmates. I can only apologize. As long as I'm in China, as long as I don't retreat, if I find out which student in the military training class is getting married, I must have a wedding banquet.

Your home is in Songhai, and this season is the golden season for the local hairy crabs to be on the market. I’m here with my stomach, and I’m not going to return to Beijing if I don’t eat up your private coffers. "

"Don't worry, although my private coffers are not very rich, you can eat enough hairy crabs. It just so happens that a few classmates are here. They have companions. They will go to the streets tomorrow to clean up."

Marriage is also called Xiaodengke. As the groom's officer, Wu Heng himself was excited. His classmates came all the way to attend his wedding, and he was even more excited.

He didn't lose his mind, and introduced his daughter-in-law to Xiao Luoli. His wife is also a medical student, majoring in pharmacy. She is a native of Songhai City. Her surname is Chen. sweet.

Chen Wei smiled and met the little girl: "I heard that Ah Heng often mentioned your name, and I also read reports about your free clinics in Songhai City Hospital and Orphanage. Speaking of you, everyone praises 'good job', you are a well-deserved role model for medical students!"

"Let the elders of Songhai City praise Miao. Due to the limited medicinal materials, what I can do is also very limited, so please worry about it."

"Where, the little girl has both medical skills and love. A free clinic costs more than one billion yuan. If it were someone else, even if they had medicinal materials, they might not be willing to part with it..."

Wu Heng was dumbfounded when his daughter-in-law and little Lolita hit it off.

The son and daughter-in-law were only interested in reminiscing about the past with their classmates. Father Wu urged his son: "Ah Heng, your classmate came from a long way, hurry up and invite your classmate to sit with your daughter-in-law."

The elders of the Wu family at the main table didn't know who it was at first, but when Wu Heng's wife said that the little girl had come to Songhai City for a free clinic, even if she didn't remember it, she knew it was someone, so they quickly adjusted their seats and gave the little girl and her The tall and handsome guy next to him arranges the seats.

Wu Heng and Chen Weiwei were reminded and hurriedly invited little loli to the table.

"Don't bother adjusting seats, first come, first served, I saw the other two classmates, I'll go sit with them." Le Yun didn't want to cause trouble for the master.

Father Wu didn't approve of it. It was said that the little girl always sat at the top of the table in the aristocratic circle of the capital. How could she sit at other places when she arrived at their house.

Wu Heng thought for a while, whispered a few words with his parents, pulled his daughter-in-law, and accompanied Little Lolita and Handsome Lan to an empty table where no food was served, and opened two other seats. He will attend more than a dozen military training classes for his wedding in the future The classmates called over together.

They make a lot of budget, anyway, if they don’t eat at noon, they can take it home. After the banquet, the guests are about the same as those who have pre-requested, and there are four more tables of wine and food.

At this time, there will be two more tables if there are two more seats, so don't worry about not having enough food.

The hotel kitchen was notified and served the food immediately.

There were more than forty students in the military training class, except for the eight who were in the same class as Xiao Luoli, six of them were still studying, and the others were already employed.

Some students didn't come to Songhai City to attend Wu Heng's wedding because they had other things to do. A dozen students who work in the provinces and cities closest to Songhai City came.

The boys haven't met with the little loli for several years, and there are endless things to talk about when they get together. At first, they talked about the experiences or daily affairs of these years, but the content of the chat changed and became a discussion of work.

Wu Heng and Chen Weiwei went to toast the guests halfway, while Little Lolita continued to chat with the boys.

Lan San was so enthralled that he wanted to ask, "Aren't you guys attending a wedding? Why did it become a medical seminar? Aren't you afraid of affecting your appetite?"

When the little loli chatted with the boys about anal fistula, atrophy, stool, sugary gastric mucosa, and so on, they all talked and put food into their mouths, silently choosing to be a quiet and beautiful man.

Anyway, non-professionals should not be able to understand it, just as he is confused, and professionals who can understand it will probably only take the opportunity to learn from it.

Therefore, don’t say anything that is not for encouragement. This group of young people in front of you is the mainstay of the future of the medical field. Salute to them!

(End of this chapter)

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