magic eye doctor

Chapter 2536

Chapter 2536

Wu Heng's family is an ordinary white-collar family. When they got married, the guests were all relatives of the couple's family. Parents and some of his colleagues set up more than 30 tables.

There are not so many guests, and the toast is to the whole table, and the speed is relatively fast, and the toast is finished in less than 10 minutes.

After the bride and groom toasted, it lasted about an hour, and the wedding banquet ended.

Dai's father and mother greeted the little girl before leaving.

Little Lori and a dozen or so boys from the military training class waited for Wu Heng to see off the guests, talked with him for a while, and then bid farewell to the host.

Wu Heng looked surprised: "Little Lolita, aren't you going to eat up my private coffers? You haven't even eaten hairy crabs yet."

"Save the hairy crabs and come back to eat. I have a group of brats waiting for me at home. I have an appointment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I have to rush back to Beijing today to prepare." Le Yun looked at classmate Wu's daughter-in-law, showing a bright smile: "I hope next year I can Drink your ginger wine!"

There is a grand flag-raising ceremony on the National Day every year. In the past, some veterans or veterans of scientific research came to Beijing to participate in the grand event.

Xiao Luoli told Yan's team before that if there are veterans or senior scientific researchers coming to Beijing on the National Day this year, they can arrange for those who are not in good health to stay for a few more days until she attends a classmate's wedding before going to see a doctor.

Little Lolita didn't say what appointment it was, and Wu Heng also guessed that it must be an appointment for seeing a doctor, and the identity of the person who allowed Little Lolita to go to the doctor during the National Day is also ready to be revealed.

Little Lolita was a benevolent doctor, and Wu Heng didn't want to keep her anymore. He sent a group of classmates out of the restaurant and called a taxi to take them to the station or the airport.

Le Xiaoluoli booked a flight ticket to Beijing in the evening. It was a little time before the evening, and she took a detour to a commercial street, found a domestic brand sports series franchise store, and bought leisure and sportswear for the big and small radish heads in the family. and sneakers.

The little loli didn't blink when she bought things, and in the end the store had to use cardboard boxes to help pack them. Therefore, when she left, the handsome bodyguard Lan San had a box in his left hand and a box in his right, and he became a tool for carrying boxes.

When the tool man Blue Handsome and Little Lolita returned to the Paradise, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. The school and the big and small carrots who were playing in the Paradise were still awake. When they heard the sound of the helicopter, they all ran to greet them.

Brother Fu and the others were also there, and they were overjoyed to see the tool man Lan San handing out boxes one by one from the cabin, saying that they were the things the little girl swept up.

The handsome gardeners helped move the box into Jiahezhai, and then unpacked it.

The bags in the box are all labeled, and each of the big and small radish heads has a copy, and Chen Fengnian, Chen Zhaonian and his friends, Zhou Tianqing and Chen Xiaozhu also have a copy.

Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Brother Chai, and Brother Jie also share one portion per person.

The handsome guy Lan, a tool man, received a gift from himself, with a dazed expression on his face, so what, he also has a share?
Happiness comes too soon!

A group of people surrounded by happiness went back to the room with gifts, and their dreams at night were fragrant.

Le Xiao said that he was going to see a doctor, so he did what he said. He got up early on the 3rd morning and didn't go to eat with everyone. He and Lan San had something to eat before going straight to the guest house under the logistics department of the Ministry of National Defense.

There are several hostels in the capital city that are managed by the public logistics department. It is impossible for Le to go to one by one. He negotiated that only two of the hostels will be concentrated for medical treatment, and those who live in other hostels or hotels will gather based on the principle of proximity.

Lan Sanhu took the subway to catch the bus with the little girl to the first guest house that was reserved, and it was also the time when the guest house served breakfast.

The management staff of the guest house arranged people with intractable diseases in the lobby to wait for consultation, while those who were healthy or had tiny moles went to have breakfast.

Lansan's team considered that Lansan was alone with little Lolita, and the manpower was a little short, so Hei Jiu also rushed to the guest house to protect little Lolita with Lansan.

There are quite a few people living in the hostel, and there are only a dozen or so veterans who suffer from intractable diseases. Classmate Le saw the doctor, and arranged for those who needed acupuncture. If they needed to make money, they would give away medicine pills, and those who could take medicine to regulate their bodies Humanoid, to open a prescription.

Black Nine and Blue's three gangs packed medicine pills and made records, and little loli went to do acupuncture, and they guarded the door.

A group of people doing acupuncture entered the treatment room arranged by the guest house, and not long after, people from other hotels or hotels also arrived.

Classmate Le Xiao went to see a doctor in his free time during the acupuncture treatment, and he also arranged whatever he wanted.

There were not many people this time, and acupuncture was divided into three rounds, and the treatment ended before [-] pm.

After finishing the free clinic, Hei Jiu Lan San escorted little Lolita back to the paradise to rest.

October 10rd is also the twelfth day of the eighth lunar month, the birthday of the ancestors of the He family.

Ancestor He went to the villa on the top of the mountain before the National Day. The children of the He family, except for He Xiaoshiliu who was still studying abroad, all returned home to celebrate the birthday with the ancestor.

During the National Day holiday, some relatives and friends also celebrated Mrs. He's birthday, and the He family's hilltop villa was very lively.

But at noon, the relatives and friends discovered that the grandson of the He family, Yan Xing, hadn't returned to the He family. It must be said that it was a surprising discovery.

Young Master Yan was on his way back to Beijing, he had a strange face on his face, even if someone saw him, he would not be able to recognize him.

Yan Shao, who had changed his face, didn't rush back to the station until after three o'clock in the afternoon. He changed his makeup first, and then rushed to the He family's villa on the top of the hill.

Hurrying slowly, he managed to catch up with dinner.

When the old ancestor He saw Xiao Long Bao, he hugged Xiao Long Bao in his arms and felt distressed: "Xiao Long Bao has lost weight again, look at this face, which is dark and thin, and looks unattractive, if girls see him like this, you will find him No daughter-in-law."

The young people of the Ming generation of the He family, currently He Xiaoba, He Xiaoshi, He Xiaoshi, He Xiaoshi, He Xiao16 are single. The other brothers and sisters are all married, and half of them have children.

The single He Xiaoba, He Xiaoshi and He Xiaoshiwu were afraid of being urged to marry, so they mixed with a group of married brothers and sisters and resolutely acted as gourds.

Married people such as He Xiaoyi and He Xiaoer raised their hands to speak, suggesting that Xiao Longbao take care of his skin and try to keep his handsome and beautiful image.

Being indirectly urged to get married, Yan Xing's face turned bitter: "Grandma, your little grandson is almost exhausted, please be pitiful, don't urge the marriage."

"There is someone who just takes care of you. When you are tired, beat your legs and rub your shoulders, cook you delicious meals, give birth to one or two children, and make sure you see the smiling faces of your wife and cubs, even if you are tired. It can also be alive and well in seconds."

He Xiaoyi, who is already the father of two children, drew a big cake for him with a smile.

"Brother, please don't come up with bad ideas. What do you say to let your wife beat your legs and rub your shoulders? Is this something a man can do? A wife is used to hurt, not to be a cow and horse for myself. If I have a wife, I can I can't bear her to let her do the work of beating her legs and rubbing her shoulders, but it's almost the same if I beat her shoulders and her back."

Yan Xingchao rolled his eyes at his elder brother, who doesn't know that the He family loves his wife, ordering his wife to beat her shoulders and back, it's a joke in the He family, just listen to it, don't believe it, you will lose if you believe it .

"Yeah, Xiao Longbao knows that he loves his wife, and he wants to start a family. I think good things are not far away. Congratulations."

He Xiaoyi was overjoyed: "Xiao Longbao, hurry up, look, not to mention the brothers getting married and having children, several younger brothers and sisters are also getting married and having children, if you delay it for a few more years, when you get older, you will feel uncomfortable when you have children. What’s more, people of your age picked up their grandchildren, and you picked up your son, how embarrassing it was.”

"Brother, I know why your second child is still a boy." Yan Xing sighed: "You are really hated when you talk about it. It is strange that others don't wish you a boy."

He Xiaoyi, who had been looking forward to the little padded jacket for many years and finally got a small jacket for his second child, his smile disappeared from his face, and he gave Xiao Longbao a bitter look, and ignored him.

The juniors were bickering, the elder ancestors He San and He San were watching, and Xiao Longbao successfully silenced He Xiaoyi again, laughing happily.

In the evening, there were no outsiders in the He family, and several relatives were in-laws of their children and in-laws, so there was nothing to avoid, and the atmosphere was exceptionally good.

Because He Xiaoyi and Xiao Longbao quarreled for a while, the old ancestor He didn't feel sorry for his little grandson anymore, the old and young laughed for a while, and had dinner lively.

Because Xiao Longbao has been very busy in the past year, he didn't have much time to come back, so the He family brothers naturally caught him to chat with him at night, and they didn't sleep until very late.

Young Master Yan stayed at the villa on the top of the mountain for one night. He got up early the next morning and left without even having breakfast. The young and old of the He family took it for granted and didn't ask about his itinerary.

Yan Shao didn't return to the station, and ran to the second spot where he made an appointment with Xiao Luoli to wait.

When Black Nine and Blue San escorted little Lolita to the second appointment point, they were very surprised to see the handsome captain standing at the intersection after getting off the bus: "Captain, what are you doing?" When did you come back?"

"Yesterday afternoon." Yan Xing answered his teammate, and leaned towards Little Lolita with a smile on his face: "Little Lolita, you are doing free medical treatment again. You are really a kind-hearted little angel. Have you had breakfast? I will pack it for you." I ordered a pair of mixed wontons, the small wontons in this shop taste very good, try it.”

Lan San Hei Jiu had a shocked face, oh my god, the captain's dog-legged appearance is so masculine, he really should call the whole team to watch.

I haven't seen him for many months, Yan is still in the second grade as usual, Le Yun looks at his doggy smiling face, and walks forward calmly with his little hands behind his back.

"I ate dry food on the road. It was pickled cabbage buns and toast that I made myself."

"..." Yan Xing swallowed, he hadn't eaten the medicinal meal made by little Lolita for a long time, he really wanted to eat it!
"That's all right, don't waste food, I'll eat it myself." I bought it for the little Lolita, and the little Lolita won't eat it, come by herself, so the fat and water won't flow into other people's fields.

Black Nine Blue Three: "..."

Two people of their age are here, and the captain doesn't seem to have seen them. He didn't even ask them if they had breakfast.
Yan Xing ate whatever he wanted, and before entering the hostel, he stuffed all the breakfast he had packed into his stomach, threw away the packing bag, wiped his mouth, and went in with Hei Jiu Lan San protecting the little loli The door of the guest house.

(End of this chapter)

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