magic eye doctor

Chapter 2537 An appointment

Chapter 2537 An appointment
Team Liu didn't come to serve as Little Lolita's little follower, and the person in charge of contact became Lan San, so when he entered the guest house, he was the one who communicated with the management staff of the guest house.

Little Lolita is in charge of consultation and acupuncture.

Most of the guests staying in the guest house as the second clinic are people from scientific research, plus people gathered from surrounding hotels and hotels, there are more patients than the first clinic.

Those who need acupuncture and moxibustion treatment are divided into several groups, and Le Xiao is busy until [-] o'clock in the evening before calling it a day.

Acupuncture exhausted her consciousness, she was too tired to talk, she closed her eyes and rested her mind all the way back, and went to the big kitchen to replenish her energy when she returned to the paradise.

Lunch is provided by the guest house. In the evening, I was doing acupuncture and could not leave. I hadn't had dinner yet.

Little Lolita was too busy to eat, and Lan San Hei Jiu and Yan Shao also risked their lives to accompany the gentleman.

Among the three men, the little Lolita entered the five-flavor cabinet, Brother Fu, Brother Chai, Brother Jie, Brother Qian and Grandma Yu hurriedly brought the hot food to the table.

The three handsome guys eat like fighting, fast and fast.

Grandma Yu and the four handsome gardeners were dumbfounded. How long have you been hungry?

Look at the little girl again, the little girl is not in a hurry, eating elegantly and peacefully.

Brother Fu was really afraid that the little girl would eat slowly, and when she finished a bowl of rice, the pot would be empty.

Fortunately, his worries were unfounded. Although the three wolf-hunting handsome guys were brutal, they were still very considerate. They slowed down in the middle of the meal, and they didn't start their final sweep until the little loli was in the bowl.

Eat well and feel good.

Lan San Hei Jiu was contentedly paralyzed by the panda, Young Master Yan saw little Loli standing up, jumped up quickly, first put his backpack on his back, and then went to pick up Little Loli's big medicine box and sent her back to the east courtyard.

Student Le Xiao didn't reject his dogleg, walked into the gate of the east courtyard, and stopped: "How many days off do you have this time?"

"Because of my grandma's birthday, I temporarily went back to the station to rest for a few days, and I have to go to work after the festival. Is there anything I need to do? If there is something that requires me to come forward, I will make arrangements and go out later."

Yan Xing's ears were pricked up, and the little loli asked him if he had a vacation, did she want to go sightseeing somewhere, and was planning to take him with her?
"It's nothing serious, it's about the hidden dangers of your body. When you have free time, spare some time to get rid of the hidden dangers. If you don't get rid of the hidden dangers, you will never be at ease."

"About the hidden dangers of my body, I probably don't have time before the New Year's Day, at least after New Year's Day. It will take a few days?"

Regarding the hidden dangers of the body, Yan Xing also attaches great importance to them. If the hidden dangers are not eliminated, it is like a sword hanging above the head, which makes people feel uneasy.

He wasn't worried about whether he would have children or grandchildren, but he was worried that if he encountered other messy toxins one day, the toxins would react with the things in his body to form new toxins.

"Some medicines have to be temporarily boiled before acupuncture to maintain the maximum effect. I need to boil the medicine one day before the acupuncture time is determined, plus acupuncture, at least two days.

I don't have time these two days, I have an appointment tomorrow, and I'm going to have a wedding the day after tomorrow. "

"Then wait until New Year's Day to discuss another time? Who do you want to see tomorrow? An acquaintance or a big boss from outside?"

"Bah, bah, who told you that if you have an appointment, you must see a doctor?" Le Yun stared: "Isn't it okay to make an appointment for a dinner party? Is it possible that I can't have my own private time?"

"Okay, okay!" Little Lolita exploded in a second, and Yan Xing hurriedly said, "Little Lolita is a little angel, and whatever the little fairy does is right!"

"..." Le Yun glared at someone Yan angrily, snatched the medicine box from him, and pushed him out of the door: "You always have a way to raise my blood pressure, you go, you go, you go, Out of sight, out of sight!"

Pushing the big man out of the gate of Luan Huan Fudi, Le Yun pulled and pushed an open door to close the gate.

With a bang, the heavy door closed.

Young Master Yan, who was kicked out, touched his nose and scratched his head, with a dazed and depressed expression on his face, did he bother to make little loli unhappy again?

To be honest, he didn't know how to be angry about Xiao Luoli and Mao.

I can't figure it out, and little Lolita won't explain it to herself. With a bitter face, Young Master Yan went back to his guest room in the academy with his big backpack on his back. He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to ask Liu who is in the Houtian Gui circle. marry.

Liu Shao was not in the capital, so he would go to T City to accompany his wife when he was on vacation. In order to save some maternity leave, his wife worked as much overtime as possible when she was mobile, so she was also on duty during the National Day.

She also sits in an office on duty and does clerical work like answering the phone. She is always on the day shift. The work is easy and not tiring, even a pregnant woman can do it.

Young Master Liu, who was accompanying his wife, was enjoying a sweet little life with his wife in the couple's dormitory. When he received a message from someone from Yan, he quickly replied with two words - Young Master Xu.

The Xu family in your circle married a girl on New Year's Day last year. This year's National Day, Xu Baxuan hopes to get married. The wedding is scheduled for the 6th, which is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When someone from Liu replied to the message, Yan Xing understood that it was Chao Shao's sent little Xu Ba to get married, and the little girl treated Chao Shao like a treasure, so naturally she would love her house and black, so she must drink Xu Shao's wedding wine.

He was able to find out who was getting married the day after tomorrow in your circle, and wanted to know who Little Lolita had an appointment with tomorrow, so he asked Brother Fu and Lan San, but neither of them knew.

After thinking about it, Yan Xing ran to the upper room of the academy, chatted with Ren Shaowu who was reading and meditating in the upper room, and cared about the progress of their job hunting.

After chatting for a while, I asked casually: "Little Lolita has a dinner appointment with someone tomorrow, will you go?"

"Of course. You are worried about the safety of little loli, right? Don't worry, we will protect little loli."

"The gathering place is very safe, and everyone is acquaintances. You don't have to worry about Young Master Yan."

Ren Shaowu thought that Yan Shao couldn't stay with little Lolita's bodyguard because of something, and he was worried about little Lolita's safety, so he reassured him very readily.

"I'm going too, I just want to ask you, do you wear formal clothes or casual clothes." Yan Xing was not in a good mood, and there was no wave on the surface.

Little Lolita has a party with people, and everyone goes there, what kind of party is it?
"They're all people who know each other very well. You can wear whatever you want, as long as it's not a vest and big pants."

At least I think that Young Master Yan is quite strange, isn't it just a meeting of classmates and friends, and there is no need to struggle with dressing?

"You can't say that," Ren Shao, with a calm expression, smiled: "It's rare for Senior Chen to set up a game, maybe he wants to introduce his girlfriend formally, so you have to show face, and don't dress too casually.

But Young Master Yan doesn't need to care about that, with Young Master Yan's radiant appearance, even if you go out wearing a torn sack, you can still kill both men and women. "

At this moment, Yan Xing finally knew what appointment Little Lolita was going to, and he let go of half of his heart. The next second, his eyes were full of surprise: "Dr. Chen, he has a date?"

"Yes, it is said that she is the goddess he once pursued in Qingda University. He has been dating for half a year. Senior Chen works in the Military General Academy. You and Yan Shao are closely related at work. Yan Shao has never heard of it. You The information seems to be a little behind."

Ren Shao's smile was like a cloud on a sunny day, light and soft.

The Ren family did not directly work in the Military General Hospital, but there were side branches working there, so it was easy to know some gossip about the doctors in the hospital. Chen Shuyuan was one of the mainstays of the Military General Hospital in the future, and his news spread faster.

The Ren family is a monk family, so naturally they also pay attention to Chen Shuyuan, who is also a member of the monk family. Not to mention having first-hand information, at least the news is not too late.

"The work of the past six months has been too busy, most of the time is not in the capital, and I rarely pay attention to the things in the circle." Yan Xing also admitted that his news could not keep up with the rhythm, mainly because his focus of work has been abroad this year. There is basically no time to pay attention to things in the capital circle.

He casually asked again: "I forgot to ask little Lolita what time to leave tomorrow, have you discussed it with little Lolita?"

"It was discussed before the National Day, and we will leave tomorrow in the afternoon."

Not to mention a quick reply, he also asked Yan Shao when Liu Shao's daughter-in-law would take her maternity leave.

Yan Xing didn't know when Liu's daughter-in-law would be on maternity leave, but he didn't panic, he gave a vague answer, chatted with Wu Shaoren for a while, and then left.

After finding out that Young Master Ren and Little Lolita would not leave until mid-afternoon the next day, he knew that it was dinner, so he was not in a hurry and worked overtime to deal with the work.

Yan Sanhei was not on duty during the National Day holiday, so he didn't have to go back to the station to work. The two brothers were also on vacation in Paradise, had breakfast, went shopping with Brother Fu and the others, and then went to catch Chen Fengnian and other handsome guys They teach boxing kung fu.

Little Lolita came back from volunteer work and didn't go to the workshop at night. When she got up in the morning, she caught her younger brother to test his lightness kung fu and martial arts.

In the afternoon, I drew more than 03 parts drawings. I didn't change my clothes until 30:[-] in the afternoon. I carried a small backpack and packed it up for departure.

Ren Shaowu also packed up, and each of them prepared a slanted shoulder bag for men.

Yan Shao stayed in and kept an eye on Ren Shaowushao, changed his clothes after noon, ran to Brother Fu's room and waited, and when he saw Xiao Luoli and Ren Shaowushao coming together, he also joined him.

Classmate Le took a look at Young Master Yan with a half-smile, but didn't expose his little trick last night. That foodie went to make a fool of himself and succeeded. I have to say that he is quite clever.

Chen Xuechang, who was the organizer of the game, set off at two o'clock, first went to pick up his girlfriend, and then rushed to the entertainment city that had been reserved in advance.

Every year during the National Day holiday, both the hotel and various consumer places are full of tourists. In order to get together with friends, Chen Xuechang booked a private room half a month in advance.

The entertainment city he booked was recommended by Young Master Liu, and it was also the place where Young Master Liu and the young people in your circle used to gather. It is a serious leisure place, safe and reliable.

Chen Xuechang arrived, and the foreman in charge of the private room accompanied him to check the music and safety measures of the private room. He first ordered some barbecue and fruit drinks that took time to make, and waited for his buddies to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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