magic eye doctor

Chapter 2538 Running for Marriage

Chapter 2538 Running for Marriage
In order to attend his buddy's appointment, the talented man traveled from T city to the capital city, rushed to the vicinity of the quiet spot, contacted his buddy first, and asked if he had arrived.

He was the farthest away, but arrived first, and the others were still on the way.

The talented man also knew that Chen Xuechang was in love, and this time he would definitely bring his girlfriend with him. He felt that he went to the private room first, which was a big light bulb, and he was waiting for his friends in front of the bus stop outside the entertainment city.

Li Shao was the second person to arrive.

Li Shao doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment, and the talented man is also single. The two single dogs share the same illness and love each other. After meeting, they must have a feeling of confidant.

The two of them were feeling overwhelmed by Chen Xuechang leaving the singles, Deng Shao and Deng Yuxuan and his wife were also present.

Li Shao is a member of the circle and knows his daughter-in-law. Deng Shao only introduced the talented man and his daughter-in-law to each other.

When Deng Shao got married, the talented man was too busy to get away. He didn't come to Beijing for the wedding banquet, and the wedding ceremony didn't arrive. The girl from the Xu family knew well that when they met for the first time, there would be no distinction.

Followed by Deng Shao are Luo Shao and He Shiwu.

Luo Shao and He Xiaoshiwu didn't have a deep friendship with Chen Xuechang before, but their intermediaries are Chao Shao and Li Shao, friends of friends are also friends, and brothers' friends are also brothers, so the relationship has naturally become stronger.

Followed by young master Wan Tuo.

On the contrary, during the National Day, Wan Teng was a bit busier and was working, so he was not in the paradise, and he did not go with the little Lolita.

When the buddies met and chatted casually, Xiao Shao's second aunt Chao and Chao Shaosan also arrived.

As soon as Miss Chao Er arrived, she went to find Xiaotuanzi first, and chatted with peace of mind after making sure that the little cutie hadn't arrived yet.

A few minutes later, Wang Yushao arrived with his wife.

"Young Master Yu, it's okay for the two of you to throw the child out to be cool?" When Young Master Deng saw Yu Shao, he smiled at him and his wife Zhou Xuerou.

Yu Shao and the girl from the Zhou family had a good relationship after they got married. They were pregnant with a baby last year and gave birth to a fat son in the first half of this year. The young couple became parents.

"The children are taken care of by the elders. We are very free. Hurry up and give birth to a cub, so that the cubs will have companions, and there will be no shortage of babies in the future." Yu Shao smiled and Mimi gave birth indirectly. a handful.

Young Master Deng rolled his eyes. To be honest, he has only been married for less than a year, and he hasn't had enough of a two-person world yet. The plan to have a child has not yet been put on the agenda.

Chao Yufu didn't care what the men were talking about, so he got Zhou's cousin and Xu's girl together to talk.

The buddies were chatting while waiting for the little loli.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I finally saw the little loli.

Little Lolita, Ren Shaowu, Shaoyan, and Young Master Yan changed the subway twice, and then transferred to the bus, but they became the last group of people to arrive.

When Miss Chao Er saw Xiao Tuanzi's head up, she rushed over cheering, hugged the little cutie in a bear hug and kissed her.

Their little dumpling is pink and juicy, and no matter when they meet, they feel that they don't love enough.

Miss Chao Er, who likes the little cute girl very much, seeing Xiaotuanzi is like a bee seeing a flower, and she resolutely grabs her and doesn't let her go.

The beautiful boy saw Xiao Tuanzi who was kissed by the second sister so much that he hugged his head like an ostrich, went over and grabbed the second sister by the collar, slipped him away, and then stuffed it to Brother Xiao.

"Brother Xiao, take your daughter-in-law away." Then he glared at his second sister who was barking her teeth and claws angrily: "Second sister, every time you see Xiaotuanzi, you attack her in the face, you are so good at making troubles, hurry up! Make a little padded jacket by yourself, and play with it as you like."

"Ahhhh," Miss Chao Er, who was forced to separate from the cutie, waved her arms and yelled, "Smelly brother, you put it lightly, do you think you can give birth to a little padded jacket if you want to? If you want to give birth can give birth, can there still be so many people who look forward to their daughter's white hair?"

"You haven't given birth before, so how do you know if you can give birth to a little padded jacket?" The beautiful boy didn't care about the furious second sister, and took the rescued Xiaotuanzi under his wings to protect him, lest the second sister be free and come back to harm people.

Major Xiao held the daughter-in-law brought by his brother-in-law in his arms, and happily directed at the little loli who poked out a small head from behind Brother Bo after being protected by Brother Bo.

The beauty's younger brother let go, and Miss Chao Er was free, straightened her clothes, and muttered angrily: "If I could guarantee that I would give birth to a little padded jacket, I would have given birth earlier."

Hearing his daughter-in-law's words, Young Master Xiao smiled with joy in his heart. Angry, the daughter-in-law also wants a daughter. It seems that the important life plan of having a baby is on the agenda!
Once the Chao family siblings met little Lolita, a similar scene would happen once. Li Shao, Luo Shao and other buddies were used to it, and no one tried to persuade them.

Except for He Xiaoshiwu, the others were quite surprised to see Young Master Yan. They really didn't know that Young Master Yan was in Beijing, so they actually went to Xiao Luoli's place.

Everyone is here, and they are all acquaintances, there is nothing to talk about, not to mention the time has passed 05:30, senior Chen is still waiting, and many small teams marched into the entertainment city.

A group of high school masters didn't forget to get close to Young Master Chao when they moved, and secretly attacked little Lolita's head, you rua, I rua.

They didn't dare to go too far, rua withdrew after one or two clicks.

The beautiful young man loses his eyes, and each of them has a lot of bosses, and he likes to rub Xiaotuanzi's head like a child, what is it like? !
So, he resolutely protected the little cutie even tighter, and in order to coax his little dumpling, he put one hand on her head, gently rubbing her head.

Chao Shao's behavior is typical, only allowing the state officials to set fire and not allowing the people to light lamps, Luo Shao and Li Shao buddies dare not speak out.

A group of people entered the building where the entertainment city was located, took the elevator to the floor where the entertainment city was located, and when they were looking for a private room, they also saw Chen Xuechang who was staring at the door of the private room.

Finally, when a group of buddies arrived, Senior Chen resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "You guys are too unkind, why do you have to gather together, I didn't see anyone after waiting for a long time, almost thought you all let me go!"

"It's rare to have a chance to have a meal with you. It's impossible to release pigeons. We don't want you to introduce us again and again. We just wait for everyone to come together."

"Dr. Chen, I didn't hear that you had a date a few years ago, but suddenly you got out of the singles. If you don't make a name for yourself, you will become a blockbuster."

"When did Dr. Chen become enlightened, and he was willing to take time out of his busy schedule to have a relationship..."

The young and old were joking about senior Chen, and followed him into the box, otherwise they would all stand on the corridor, causing traffic jams.

Chen Xuechang smiled and let others make fun of him, entered the private room, pushed away Li Shaoluo who was a stumbling block, rushed to Chao Shao, and attacked the cute little Lolita's head.

Le Yun was slapped by rua, and immediately shrank behind the beautiful brother and hid.

"Old Chen, enough is enough, don't scare little Lolita."

"Big Chen, you scared little Lolita."

I only rua a few times, the great talent Li Shao, Luo Shaowan, and the young master don't want Senior Chen to have more rua little loli's little heads than himself, and they all ran out to protect the calf.

Chen Xuechang was so angry that he wanted to break up with others. These bastards cut off the little girl outside. I don’t know how many hand addictions they have had, but it’s too much to let him touch the little girl’s head. up!

Talented Li Shaoda and the others didn't care whether Senior Chen was angry or not, and pushed him to sit on the sofa in the box.

The great talents who graduated from Qingda University, Li Shao, Deng Shao, Yu Shao, and Chao Shao all knew who Chen Xuechang's girlfriend was. When they arrived at the sofa area, they nodded to the young women who were standing and waiting, and everyone filed to sit in a row in the sofa area.

When sitting, the beautiful young man had to protect his little dumpling. Naturally, his sister was on the left, Wu Shao occupied the right hand position, Miss Chao was next to Wu Shao, and after that were Xiao Shao, Yu Shao, Zhou's girl, Xu's family, etc. Miss, Deng Shao, Luo Shao, great talent.

Everyone knew that Young Master Yan was the official bodyguard of Little Lolita, and they didn't take his place, so Young Master Yan was next to Little Lolita, and then there were Young Master Ren, Young Master Wan Teng, He Xiaoshiwu, and Young Master Li. .

Li Shao is on the other side of Chen Xuechang and his girlfriend.

There are 18 people in total. Chen Shuyuan and Xu hope that Shao Xu is also a buddy, but Shao Xu is too busy because he will get married tomorrow, so he was not invited to the party.

Le Yun was at a low altitude, and she was blocked from her sight by someone before, and she didn't see Senior Chen's girlfriend. She didn't see the true face of Lushan until everyone entered the seat and the people dispersed.

Chen Xuechang's girlfriend is a student of Art at Qingda University. Her surname is Du, and her last name is Du Junyao.

Jun is a kind of beautiful jade, Yao also refers to beautiful jade.

Generally speaking, girls whose names contain the character "Jun" and "Yao" are all beauties with good looks and good temperament.

Du Junyao herself is also worthy of the word "Junyao". She is 1.7 meters four, tall and slender, with fair skin and an oval face.

She has been well-dressed, wearing a new-style cheongsam, which highlights the curve of her figure. She has relatively thick hair, combed into a ball head, and a strand of hair hangs down from each ear, curled into waves.

Turned into a nude outfit, her skin has a pearly luster and jelly-like Q elasticity and a strong sense of sight. She is wearing a pearl necklace and crystal gemstone earrings.

She wore a string of crystal chains on her wrist, and beside the seat was a small double C brand handbag with interlocking backs.

Standing there, it shows everyone's ladylike temperament and dignified elegance.

Chen Xuechang is a good young man who belongs to the handsome guy category. He lost to the altitude before, and his height of 1.6 meters nine became a flaw. Now he is nearly 1.8 meters tall.

Talented and tall, the handsome and calm Senior Chen is no longer Wuxia Amon. Standing with the tall and sweet Du Junyao, he looks like a man and a woman.

Le Yun, who moved forward following the beauty brother, looked at Senior Chen's girlfriend once, looked away, and sat down with the beauty brother.

Senior Chen greeted his buddies to sit down, and then formally introduced his girlfriend to his buddies: "Brothers, this is my girlfriend Du Junyao, who graduated from the art department of Qingda University. Brothers who graduated from Qingda University may have heard of it. I am in love." I went there for the purpose of getting married, please take care of my brothers in the future."

Then introduce my brothers to my girlfriend one by one: "Junyao, you are surrounded by a talented man, you know him, and then go to Luo Shao..."

(End of this chapter)

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