magic eye doctor

Chapter 2539

Chapter 2539
Senior Chen introduced his best friends, Chao Shao, Li Shao, Deng Shao, great talents, and Wang Yuzhe from the same school. The focus is on Luo Shao, He Xiaoshiwu, Wan Qi and Xiao Shao.

When introducing Ren Shao and Wu Shao, they only said that they formed friendships during their study abroad in country Y. Little Lolita was more simple and clear, but to Yan Shao, she just introduced her surname.

Du Junyao and Chen Shuyuan were admitted to Youth University in the same year. She had never met Deng Shao and Yu Shao, but she was no stranger to the famous talents Jun, Chao Shao and Li Shao in the Youth University Student Union.

When classmate Le entered Qingda University, Du Junyao was in her senior year. She only knew that classmate Le was the number one science subject in the country. During the challenge competition during the freshmen's military training, she was present to watch the excitement, so she knew that classmate Le and Chao Shao had a close relationship.

Among the many people present, the ones she cared most about were the brothers and sisters of the Chao family, especially Chao Shao's younger sister.

Based on how much he defended Le, if he offended one of them, he would at most indirectly offend one or two of his best brothers, and if he offended Le, he would basically offend a large group of them.

Du Junyao was also very concerned about Chen Shuyuan's friend's impression of her, and she was nervous, trying to maintain the most appropriate smile, trying to remember the surname of the friend Chen Shuyuan introduced.

After Chen Shuyuan's introduction, she stood up and said hello somewhat restrainedly: "Hello, I hope to have a good time with everyone in the future."


Xiao Shaoguo and others also got up to respond, and out of courtesy, Deng Shao, Li Shao, Da Cai and others also got up and said hello.

Du Junyao and Chen Xuechang are fellow villagers, both of G Dong people. At the beginning, Chen Xuechang liked Du, but failed to pursue him because of his height. Deng Shao and Li Shao also knew about it, but they didn't know Du Junyao deeply.

Now that Senior Chen and Du Junyao are together again, it is the first time for Li Shaoda and others to know Senior Chen's girlfriend as friends, and they are all extremely polite.

We greeted each other and sat down again.

As soon as the person sat down, he heard the weak voice of little Lolita: "I have a question to ask, can I?"

When everyone looked over, they saw little Loli raised a small hand, like a child in a kindergarten raising a hand to ask a question to the teacher, so cute and cute.

"Yes." The great talent Li Shao and the others were overwhelmed by the cute little Lolita.

"You guys are not masters. If you say you can't do it, senior Chen and Ms. Du have to express their opinions." Le Yun pouted, her big watery eyes fluttering, with a serious face: "Brother Xiao, Brother Li, Brother Luo, Brother Deng Talented seniors, you are also guests just like me, don’t overwhelm the guests.”


"It doesn't matter what we say, Dr. Chen, you and your girlfriend."

Little Lolita spoke in a coquettish tone, Xiao Shao Luo Shao Li Shao couldn't help laughing, and couldn't figure out what little Lolita wanted to do again.

Yan Xing turned his face to the side, looking at the little Lolita who was clinging to Shao Shao like a bird, with deep eyes.

"Little Lolita has any questions, feel free to ask." Senior Chen took up the conversation generously, and what little Lolita wants to ask must be a big one, and must not be ignored.

Du Junyao also agreed: "Student Le can ask whatever you want, we know everything without saying anything."

"Okay!" Le Yun put down her raised little hands, hugged the arm of the beauty's brother, and looked at Senior Chen and Meimei Du curiously: "Senior Chen, are you and Miss Du going to announce that you are planning to marry your son? "

There was silence.

Senior Chen's eyes widened at first, and then he laughed: "Little Lolita, you have a really big brain! I am a conservative and traditional man, and I don't support cohabitation before marriage. Junyao and I are in a serious relationship. There is no skin-to-skin relationship, and there is no funny thing about marrying a son."

"But, Miss Du is pregnant." Le Yun threw a bomb out, blinking her big eyes as if she didn't realize it, and muttered innocently: "This is strange, Miss Du and Senior Chen are In the relationship between lovers, Chen Xuechang and Miss Du have never had a relationship between men and women, so where did the child in Miss Du's stomach come from?
Without the reconciliation of male ** and yang, it is impossible for a girl to conceive a child. Ms. Du became pregnant without reconciling Yin and Yang with Senior Chen. "

When little loli said that Miss Du was pregnant, the air in the box became quiet.

The smile on Senior Chen's face suddenly froze.

As if struck by lightning, Du Junyao froze, her eyes frightened: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible, how could I be pregnant!"

The talented man and others looked at Senior Chen.

Senior Chen, whose limbs were not well coordinated, slowly turned his head, looked at Du Junyao beside him, stretched out his stiff hand, grabbed Du Junyao's hand, and felt his pulse.

Du Junyao struggled subconsciously, but she couldn't break free, she kept shaking her hands, and explained in a panic: "Shuyuan, you have to believe me, how can I be pregnant, classmate Le must be joking."

"I'm not joking. You can disagree with my appearance and aesthetics, but you can't doubt my medical skills. Ms. Du is really pregnant, about five days. That is to say, Ms. Du should have been pregnant at the end of last month In those two days, I had sex with other people."

Le Xiaoluoli, who has already pierced the sky, is not a person who is afraid of things, so she just keeps telling the truth: "The man who is in harmony with Ms. Du's yin and yang has type B blood, and Senior Chen has type O blood. Miss is blood type A."

Girls from the Xu family and the Zhou family stared wide-eyed in shock, oh my god, little Lolita actually deduced the biological father of the child from the phenomenon of a person being pregnant?

This... is beyond the outline!

No, this is not super-class. This kind of ability can no longer be explained by science, but can only be explained by theology.

It was the first time for girls from Xu's family and Zhou's family to face little Lolita directly, but they believed in little Lolita's judgment without any hesitation or doubt.

"Student Le, I know that you are good at medicine, but you can't just rely on your good medical skills to frame me up and destroy my relationship with Shuyuan.

I rejected Shuyuan before, you can't be prejudiced against me just because of this, and try to break up Shuyuan and me. "

Du Junyao didn't let go of her hand, tears flowed down, and she complained with her eyes full of tears: "Shuyuan regards you as best friends, and wants to get your blessings, so you don't have to bless him, how can he let him wear it?" Unnecessary green hat.

Classmate Le, you are humiliating me, and you are also humiliating Shuyuan. "

Yu Shao, Li Shao, he, Xiao Shiwu and other buddies didn't speak. They were too aware of Little Lolita's temperament, so she didn't bother to do things that humiliated people.

What's more important is that Little Lolita's medical skills are superb, it can be called straight-talking, she said that whoever died in three months, that person could live for less than four months, and she said that someone had stomach cancer, that person is absolutely impossible It was lung cancer. She said that Du was pregnant, so Du Junyao definitely had a seed in her stomach.

The talented man was silent for a while, and slowly told the truth: "Du Junyao, you are guilty, your hands keep moving around, and you won't let Chen Shuyuan feel your pulse."

"I don't, I don't accept such humiliation, Shuyuan, don't you trust me?" Du Junyao kept trying to break free from Chen Shuyuan's hand.

Chen Shuyuan grabbed Du Junyao's hand and examined it again and again. The hand that was helping to diagnose the pulse was moved away feebly, and his voice was dry: "You have a problem with cold palace, and I have prepared Chinese medicine for you. In mid-September, I will ask for a safe pulse for you. , Now, your pulse condition is indeed different, it is undoubtedly the slippery pulse."

Huamai, the main pregnancy.

The talented man, the beautiful boy and others were stunned.

Du Junyao was stunned.

At this time, none of the young masters noticed that young master Yan had already walked to the TV cabinet in the private room, and was fiddling with the digital box.

Little classmate Wei Le stared at Handsome Yan with a smile hidden in his eyes.

Yan Xing got up quietly when Du Junyao said that Little Lolita was humiliating her, because everyone's eyes were on Chen Shuyuan, so naturally no one paid attention to him.

Even if someone saw him leaving his seat, they only glanced at him and didn't pay attention to what he was doing.

Yan Xing, who nobody cared about, walked to the TV cabinet, fiddled with it a few times, connected his mobile phone to the TV, and turned on the TV.

The sound of the TV turning on attracted everyone's attention, and all the people looked at Young Master Yan in unison.

"Brother Long Bao, what are you doing?" He Xiaoshiwu sweated for Brother Long Bao, even if Brother Long Bao wanted to change the subject, it is not appropriate to turn on the TV, it will fill up the hatred.

"No hurry, I'll let you see who is humiliating Dr. Chen." Yan Xing stepped aside and clicked on the things saved on the phone.

The large LCD screen of the TV lit up, first the light curtain shook, and then a picture appeared.

All eyes were on the screen.

After a while, everyone saw the scene clearly on the screen. It was clearly the entrance of a hotel. There were decorated flower pots and flowers at the entrance of the hotel. It should be evening, because the street lights and the neon lights of the hotel were all on.

There were people coming and going at the entrance of the hotel. After a while, a luxury car drove up to the entrance of the hotel, and a man, a woman and two young people got out of the car.

The young man was tall and handsome, with outstanding appearance, and more importantly, temperament. At first glance, he looked like the kind of aristocrat with a good family background, and his every move was exquisite.

The young woman has long hair loose, wearing a white koko jacket with no straps off the shoulders and a short skirt covering only her hips, holding a small handbag in one hand.

After getting out of the car, the young woman ran up and took the young man's arm.

The young man gave the car key to the boy who came to park the car, and when the young woman came to hold his arm, he turned his head and said something to her. She smiled shyly and clinged to the young man even more tightly. .

The man and woman, arm in arm affectionately, walked into the hotel.

Luo Shao, Li Shao, and others who were staring at the screen silently looked at Senior Chen and Du Junyao—the young woman in the screen was Du Junyao!
Du Junyao and Chen Xuechang are lovers, but she went to the hotel with another man. Therefore, the answer to why Du Junyao became pregnant is self-evident.

What was supposed to be a party turned out to be the scene of a massive rollover.

This a bit big, and it chokes people.

After all, this big melon does not belong to passers-by, but to his buddies.

The expressions of the great talents who were choked by melons, Deng Shao, Li Shaoyu, Xiao Shaowan, Da Shao, Ren Shao, Wu Shao, and others are really beyond words.

When he saw the picture on the screen, Chen Shuyuan's expression was surprisingly calm, so made people feel unscientific.

If he breaks down emotionally, everyone will be more at ease, and his expressionless appearance makes everyone worry.

Du Junyao was also staring at the screen, seeing her clear face appearing on the screen, all she could do was buzz loudly in her head.

"Oh my god, this seems to be a collapsed house." Wu Shao covered his eyes.

"Be bold and remove the look." Miss Chao Er patted classmate Wu Shao on the shoulder.

"Old Chen, you almost want to be a father."

"So, now it turns out that it's clear that the hat with green grass on Senior Chen's head was put on by Miss Du."

"Hey, you have to keep your eyes open when looking for a girlfriend in the future. You can't take it lightly for those who didn't choose you at first and then took the initiative to go after you."

"Correct answer. To be honest, I saw Lao Chen's example, and I believed in feelings again, but the example I regarded as a role model capsized, and I couldn't believe in feelings again."

"You can't say that. There are still pure feelings. Old Chen is just unlucky..."

Yu Shao, Li Shao, Deng Shao, Luo Shao, Xiao Shao, you and I, the great talent got up silently, away from the owner of the collapsed house, and went to the brothers to seek a sense of security.

The beautiful boy hugged the cutie in his arms, covered her eyes with one hand, and showed a helpless expression, "Young Master Yan, I think you have more evidence than this, but please stop it now, if you still If there is an even more exciting follow-up, it’s good that you show the video data to the person concerned, so as not to stain my Xiaotuanzi’s eyes.”

"Okay. What I'm showing you is just a part of the latest news. There are some more eye-catching pictures, so I won't show them."

Yan Xing nodded kindly, turned off the TV, unplugged the data cable, and put the phone into his shoulder bag.

He walked back to the sofa seat very calmly, and sat down next to little Lolita again.

Du Junyao's mind was in a mess and she was completely at a loss. When she accidentally met Yan Shao's eyes, she shivered violently, and her mind became a little clearer.


She knew it was over with Chen Shuyuan, but she still wanted to save it, so she cried and grabbed Chen Shuyuan's hand: "Shuyuan, it's not what you think! I met him abroad, and he took care of me like a brother. Tian asked me to have dinner, so I went, I have never done anything with him, I am innocent!"

"Pfft, you don't even believe what you say." Chen Shuyuan shook off Du Junyao's hand, and said in a gloomy voice, "I don't mind that you had a few boyfriends before, but that doesn't mean I don't mind You have sex with other men when you have established a relationship with me, I'm not that magnanimous!

Du Junyao, we're done!

I'm rushing to get married and fall in love, but I don't want to be a happy father, let alone be a green-headed bastard. The relationship between us is over, and now we officially break up!
From now on, it doesn't matter who you slept with, and it doesn't matter who you sleep with in the future!
I don't want to ask why, and it's even more impossible to believe your excuse. We broke up today, and if we meet again in the future, we will be strangers. Let's go, this is the last decency I leave for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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