magic eye doctor

Chapter 2540 Happy Breakup

Chapter 2540 Happy Breakup
Li Shaodeng and his buddies did not express any further opinions, and handed over the choice to Chen Xuechang.

They all say "to persuade peace and not to persuade division", but at this time that view is obviously not applicable.

A real brother will only stand in your position and consider your mood, instead of being a good guy, only persuading peace whether it is right or wrong.

If a friend knows that you are wearing a cuckold, but still persuades others to forgive you for being a bastard willingly, it means that he has never regarded you as a friend. He wishes you a bad life from the bottom of his heart, and wants to send you into a quagmire of fire.

Therefore, when encountering such a thing, you can directly break up with those friends who persuaded you to make peace. Such friends are not worth making.

After Wu Shao and Miss Chao Er broke through the suffocating and embarrassing scene, they didn't say a word anymore.

Li Shao's group of people didn't speak a word, and the little loli who broke the secret was even more low-key. She huddled beside her beautiful brother like a quail, reducing her sense of existence.

Chen Shuyuan resolutely proposed to break up. Du Junyao burst into tears, grabbed his hand eagerly, and begged: "Shuyuan, give me another chance, okay? I was wrong, I shouldn't be alone with other men Dinner with friends. I... I didn't think about betraying my feelings, I just had a meal with my blue-faced bosom friend..."

"Stop, you don't need to explain, because I really liked it, so I don't want to say bad things, I will save the last bit of decency for you, if you don't want this last decency, then I don't mind if you embarrass me .”

Chen Shuyuan shook off Du Junyao's hand without hesitation, not wanting to have any more entanglements with her, got up and stood aside, and made a final spy with a cold face: "The moment you have sex with other men, your soul and The flesh is dirty, we have no chance, even if I am a bachelor for the rest of my life, I will not be able to accept you again, I think it is dirty! You go! Get out of here immediately!"

When Chen Shuyuan was in love, his feelings were strong and deep, and he treated Du Junyao wholeheartedly. Because she had a miscarriage and curettage, her body was injured, and she also suffered from uterine cold. She conditions the body.

No matter how busy he is, he still finds time every week to accompany her, buy her favorite clothes and jewelry as gifts, cook and wash her hands and make soup for her.

Because he really likes her, he doesn't care how many boyfriends she has had, or how many times she has lived with her ex-boyfriend, what he cares about is the present and the future.

When Du Junyao cheated during their relationship, the two had no future, and the cold-hearted Chen Shuyuan was also resolute, so resolute that he would not leave any room for himself.

He didn't leave room for himself, which means he didn't leave any retreat for the relationship between him and Du Junyao.

Being thrown away, Du Junyao stretched out her hand to grab it again, but it was empty. She raised her head in a daze, and looked at Chen Shuyuan who was standing three or two steps away, panic welled up in her heart.

Chen Shuyuan said he thought she was dirty!
Du Junyao looked at the others. A group of handsome men and beauties looked at her with ridicule and sarcasm in their eyes. Under those eyes, she felt as embarrassed as if she had been stripped naked.

There was a suffocation in my heart.

Du Junyao's gaze finally fell on Chen Shuyuan again, with the last bit of hope: "Shuyuan, you said that you don't care about my past, I will definitely change it in the future, and never see my ex-boyfriend again, give me another How about a last chance?"

The handsome men and beautiful women who were on the sidelines were collectively shocked, this... what a thick face, to say such shameless words!
"When you're in a serious relationship, it's natural to break up if you don't agree with the three views on feelings. If you have a room with a man other than your boyfriend during a relationship, that's a bitch!"

Chen Shuyuan couldn't bear it anymore: "Get out! Get out now!"

The man who had always been gentle and calm suddenly flew into a rage, and there was a hint of anger in his voice that was about to erupt.

Even the talented man and the others were startled, and couldn't help but sit up straight.

It's fine for an honest person not to be angry, but once angry, it may erupt like a volcano and get out of hand.

Li Shao and the others were afraid that Senior Chen would run away and do something irrational, so they were all ready to rush to save the scene at any time.

Chen Shuyuan looked like he was about to turn into a raging lion, Du Junyao trembled in fright, grabbed her bag, and rushed to the door in a panic.

She escaped from the sofa seating area, stopped again, and turned her head unwillingly: "Shuyuan..."

"You are no longer worthy of calling my name, get out! If you don't get out, I don't mind throwing you out with my own hands!" Chen Shuyuan clenched his fists, holding back the veins in the temple area pulsating.

"..." Du Junyao's words of begging for forgiveness stuck in her throat, and tears of grievance rolled down her face.

Chen Shuyuan was so unfeeling, Du Junyao turned her head away crying, and trotted towards the door, she thought that those friends of Chen Shuyuan might persuade Chen Shuyuan to calm down first, and then consider breaking up.

If Chen Shuyuan calms down, and when he returns to his senses, she admits her mistake and begs his forgiveness before starting over again, there must be a chance to get back together, after all, he used to like her so much, it is impossible to just break up.

But when she ran to the door, no one persuaded Chen Shuyuan, no one found him a step down.

Chen Shuyuan had no steps to go down, and neither did Du Junyao, so he opened the door and ran out.

The person left, and the door slammed shut again.

After Du Junyao left, Chen Shuyuan's unbearable emotional breakdown, sat on the sofa and hugged his head, a big man like a small abandoned animal, let out a suppressed cry.

The talented Li Shao and others surrounded him to appease and comfort him.

"Senior Chen, just cry out loud when you're sad, just cry out."

"Senior Chen, you lost her, and there will be better ones in the future. It is the biggest loss in her life that she didn't cherish you."

"You don't have her, and you still have a large grassland. If she misses you, she misses the best forest."

"Old Chen, that kind of person is not worth feeling sad about."

"Old Chen, although this incident is heartbreaking, it's never been a blessing among misfortunes. Seeing who she is now is tens of thousands of times better than finding out who she is after getting married, isn't it?"


The buddies went to comfort Senior Chen, but the beautiful boy didn't go, and sat quietly without speaking.

Yan Shao, Wu Shao, Chao Er and others did not go to comfort people.

Classmate Le showed a small head from behind the shoulder of the beautiful brother, and poked the beautiful brother: "Brother Chao, does any of you know the handsome guy who had a room with Miss Du?"

It's fine for little Lolita to keep quiet, but when she speaks, the air becomes quiet again.

The young masters helplessly looked at the little loli who only picked up which pot was not opened, and had one thought in their hearts: little ancestor, if you don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb!
"Why are you looking at me? I asked if anyone knew the handsome guy who had a room with Ms. Du. The man who had a room with Ms. Du had a good appearance and looked like he had a lot of money..."

Le Yun stretched out her small head, not afraid of death, and mentioned the adulterer who was in collusion with Ms. Du again, who didn't want to hit Brother Mei's right hand side, Wu Shao beat her, and yelled: "Oh, Wu Shao, why are you beating me?" .Could it be possible that you also fell in love with the guy who hooks up with other people's girlfriends?"

"Little Lolita, don't be so nonsense, I don't like that kind of embroidered pillow with oily head and pink face." I wanted to remind the little Lolita not to poke Senior Chen's wound, but the little Lolita opened her mouth and talked nonsense. Shao was so angry that he wanted to strangle her.

"It doesn't have to be an embroidered pillow, otherwise Miss Du would not be willing to have a romantic relationship with someone..."

Xiaotuanzi was still chattering, the beautiful boy tore the cutie off her back and held her in his arms, covering her mouth, the beautiful Danfeng's eyes were full of fierce light: "Mrs. Things, it's okay for her to flirt with others shamelessly, but it has brought such a bad influence, and it has misled my Xiaotuanzi's thinking!"

Li Shao, Deng Shao, Luo Shao, He Xiaoshiwu's eyes widened, oh my god, Chao Shao is too unreasonable!Little Lolita is a bit dirty, it doesn't seem to have much to do with the surname Du, right?

Not less: '...' I suspect that little Lolita is driving, but the evidence is not obvious.

The handsome young masters were stunned, looked at Shao Shao who was bristling with anger, and looked back with a smile, um, it is Shao Shao who is famous and double-standard!
Senior Chen, who had been comforted at first, still had some saline on his face, and he also had a fierce look on his face: "Does any of you know the guy who put the green hat on me?"

"do not know."

"never seen it."


"I don't think I've seen it before, maybe it's from a second-rate or third-rate circle."

Handsome guys, just say one sentence to me, just one sentence: a green onion came out of nowhere.

Le Xiaoluoli pulled away the beautiful brother's hand, and lifted her little head from the fragrant arms of the beautiful brother: "Check the license plate number and you will know, the license plate number is Jxxxx."

After reporting a series of license plate numbers, his eyeballs rolled bluntly, with a clever look on his face: "Or, ask Handsome Yan, the evidence was found by Handsome Yan, he should know a little bit."

"Yes, yes."

All the handsome guys nodded and looked at Young Master Yan.

Yan Xing, who has attracted the attention of everyone because of the little Lolita's words, did not change his face: "I didn't do an in-depth investigation here, but only found a little basic information. They are from the local aborigines. The surname is Guo, the owner of the Guo family, and some people Serving in the official department belongs to the circle of second-rate wealthy families."

He told the basic information about the man, and seeing that everyone was still staring at him, he had to reveal a little gossip: "It is reported that Guo Qingnian spent money abroad a few years ago and returned to China two years ago. After returning to China a year and a half ago, it is not clear what the relationship between the two of them was abroad, but after returning to China, the two had contacts."

Chen Shuyuan's hand clenched into a fist: "So, I'm the receiver?"

"Uh." It's not good for Luo Shao and his buddies to comfort, and it's not good not to comfort others, it's quite embarrassing.

"Speaking of which, Senior Chen, you are so heartbroken. Finding out the truth and getting rid of the cuckold is not a happy event. You should be happy, right?"

"Yeah yeah, when no one is blind, this is the luckiest breakup, don't you think so?"

"Yes!" Chen Shuyuan came back to life full of blood, full of energy: "Wait for me, I'll post a Weibo, and then come to celebrate!"

Just do what you say, Chen Xuechang took out his mobile phone, sent a message, and then asked the waiter to serve food, drink with his brothers, and karaoke.

(End of this chapter)

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