magic eye doctor

Chapter 2541 Mr. Hu is here

Chapter 2541 Mr. Hu is here
It is said that "getting drunk solves a thousand sorrows". In order to let Chen Xuechang get out of the shadow of broken love earlier, the talented Deng Shao, Li Shao and other buddies gave up their lives to accompany the gentleman, blowing bottle after bottle with Chen Xuechang.

Not to mention that narrow-footed ghost deliberately found an old song "Happy Breakup" and played it on tour.

In the tear-jerking singing, senior Chen cried while drinking.

Although it is worth celebrating to stop the loss in time because of the discovery of Du's character problem, but I suddenly realized that my sincerity has been paid in the wrong way. That kind of heartache and sadness is too easy for people to collapse.

After drinking, "Happy Breakup" kept echoing in his ears. Under the double stimulation, Senior Chen found an outlet for his emotions and exploded all at once.

Chen Xuechang cried like a wounded little beast, Deng Shao and others were completely relieved.

It's good to be emotionally broken!

If he keeps holding back, he really acts as if nothing is wrong, but if he gets into a dead end, it is easy for people to go to extremes.

A group of buddies were afraid that Senior Chen would go to extremes and do something irrational. For example, one day he would be so angry that he would take a scalpel to someone Du or Guo to "talk about anatomy".

Chen Xuechang is now emotionally broken, and when he vents his depression and anger in his heart, he will be fine when he calms down.

Li Shao and the others, who were completely relieved, did not persuade Senior Chen and let him cry. When he was almost crying, they took him to the bathroom to wash his face, and then continued to drink.

Anyway, what I drank was beer, the alcohol content was low, and there was no danger if I drank too much, at most, I was in a hurry to urinate.

Besides, isn't there a little loli sitting there, she is watching, if anyone gets sick from drinking too much, she will rescue him.

The handsome Xueba is confident, he doesn't need a cup to drink, he blows directly into the bottle.

The handsome guys went to comfort Chen Xuechang and got together to drink with him, and a few ladies got together too.

The top students drank a lot and pulled Senior Chen to start the mad song mode.

A group of academic masters each have their own strengths, but they also have their weaknesses. Some of them are not good at singing, and their pentatonic notes are incomplete. K songs are just howling.

The tone-deaf roared to their heart's content, and the noise was like a tsunami, one wave after another, and each wave was higher than the last wave.

Unable to bear the magic sound piercing through their brains, a few ladies moved some things and ran to sit on the floor near the door to cheer themselves up.

Young Master Yan happily left a group of young people behind and joined Little Lolita.

It was estimated that the noise was too loud. The person in the room next door called the waiter, and the waiter knocked on the door to ask why.

Yan Xing went to open the door and explained to the waiter: "One of our brothers and girlfriends cheated. He was in a bad mood and could only vent his pain by drinking and singing. His voice was loud and made a lot of noise. I'm very sorry! "

After explaining the reason, he sincerely paid and ordered two boxes of red wine, which were given to the guests in the two adjacent boxes as an apology.

The waiter got the answer, moved the red wine to the box, and explained the reason to the guests.

The people in the box next door received the sincerity sent by the waiter on their behalf, and they were all very graceful, and they didn't care about the noise from the next door from time to time.

The handsome guys in K song howled for a variety of ghosts and wolves, and their voices became hoarse, and finally stopped.

The party lasted until after nine o'clock, and Senior Chen also passed out drunk.

Classmate Le Xiao waved his hand and assigned Handsome Yan to carry Senior Chen on his back. He also invited Senior Cai who hadn't found a hotel to stay with him in the paradise.

The talented man originally planned to go to Senior Chen's dormitory to squeeze in after the party, but because Senior Chen broke up in love and drank, he was picked up by the little Lolita, so he happily followed him to live in the paradise.

The beautiful boy also went with Xiaotuanzi.

Yu Shao, Deng Shao, Li Shao, Luo Shao, congratulations, Xiao Fifteen, Chao Er, Miss Xu, Miss Zhou and others did not bring spare clothes, and went back to their respective homes with regret.

Because Senior Chen was drinking, it was inconvenient to take the bus or subway, so Lori and her group took a taxi when they went back, and it was more than eleven o'clock when they got back to the paradise.

Brother Fu mentioned the captain's call and cleaned up the guest room in advance.

Major General Yan Da, the drunkard Dr. Chen Da, carried him into the guest room in the West Wing of the "Begonia Court" of the Four Seasons Courtyard, threw it on the bed and ignored it.

Chen Xuechang has a good character, and his wine taste is also very good. Except for two episodes of emotional breakdown and crying, he didn't play crazy or talk nonsense when he was drunk.

Yan Shao didn't mind Chen's smell of alcohol, and he was willing to be a toolman, because Dr. Chen worked in the Military General Academy and was one of his own.

In the same way, he would investigate Chen Shuyuan's girlfriend because Chen Shuyuan was one of the future successors that the General Academy focused on training. Naturally, he also needed to investigate Chen Shuyuan's marriage partner.

Young Master Yan was also protecting his shortcomings. When he found out that Dr. Chen's partner was not a good man, he immediately searched and collected some information. If little loli didn't come, he would also give the information to Dr. Chen after the party.

Little Loli pierced the window paper during the party, and the opportunity was too late, Young Master Yan seized the opportunity to make up for it, and the two of them easily exposed Du's character.

The talented man ignored Senior Chen and let him sleep reeking of alcohol while he took a shower, washed his clothes and dried them before resting.

Not to mention Ren Shao also lives in the hospital, the beautiful boy is the happiest, he follows the cutie to the east courtyard and lives in the study.

Le Shan finished meditating in the morning, packed up and went to morning exercises and saw the beautiful brother, screamed and rushed over to hug the beautiful brother: "Brother Mei, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you, do you miss me? "

"Think about it, I'm not going to see Le Shan now. Let's go to exercise." The beautiful boy stretched out his hand to pinch Le Shan's fleshy face, and led Le Shan to the backyard for morning exercises.

Le Shan smiled so much that her eyes almost turned into crescents.

The brothers went to the backyard and did warm-up exercises first.

Le Shan first practiced running on the log, and the other end of the log has been raised very high. Although it is not at a right angle of ninety degrees to the ground, it is not far away.

Le Shan strode like flying on the log, ran from the bottom to the top, leaped onto the roof of the Chaoshou Corridor, then fell backwards to the top of the log, ran back to the ground, and then ran up again.

He practiced light kung fu by stepping on the "flowing clouds and flowing water" steps. His body is vigorous, flexible and light. He runs up and down on the log every morning, repeating it thirty or forty times.

The beautiful young man first practiced light kung fu with Le Shan, and after seeing Le Shan run for more than a dozen times, he also went to practice boxing and kicking.

Li Zhao went to the backyard to supervise the practice of his junior brother. When he saw Chao Shao punching, his eyes widened in surprise. Chao Shao's body and boxing skills were like the Luo's boxing technique taught by a little girl to the big and small radish heads and her own "spiritual boxing technique". A Thousand Changes of Apes".

He quietly watched from the sidelines, and waited until the young man had practiced boxing three times, approached him, and humbly asked for advice: "Young Master Chao, your boxing style looks familiar to me, I don't know which expert you learned from."

"The martial arts I learned came from my younger sister. Xiaotuanzi was worried about my safety and gave me martial arts cheats. I practiced according to the scriptures and only learned a little bit." The beautiful boy did not shy away from the source of the martial arts he learned.

"No wonder it looks familiar to me. You can practice so skillfully according to the scriptures. It can be seen that Chao Shao is also a genius in martial arts. It's a pity that he didn't meet a famous teacher when he was young."

Li Zhao was greatly impressed, Chao Shao was delayed by his body, if he hadn't been congenitally weak when he was young, he might have been introduced into the world of ancient cultivation by Wan Teng's professors.

The beautiful boy smiled and said nothing, he was born with a congenital deficiency, even if he meets a famous teacher, it will not help.

Li Zhao didn't mention it again, and the two watched Leshan's morning exercise again.

When Chen Shuyuan woke up, it was already daylight. He stared blankly at the antique carved canopy bed and the carved ceiling, unable to recover for a long time.

After finally remembering what happened yesterday, he hugged his head, feeling shy that he couldn't look directly at himself.

He actually cried yesterday!
Also drunk!

Isn't it just that I paid wrongly with sincerity, so I just pretended to feed the dog with sincerity, what's there to cry about?

It's too useless to cry for a woman with bad character!
Holding his head and humming a few times, Chen Shuyuan got up, got out of bed, walked to the door with his shoes on, and pushed open the carved door.

Outside is the atrium of the courtyard house, where flowers and trees are thriving.

The talented man was practicing boxing and kicking in the yard. When he heard the door slam, he closed his fists, looked towards the west chamber, saw Senior Chen, and grinned: "Senior Chen, are you awake? Go wash up, you stink too much." !"

Chen Shuyuan: "..."

It is said that people cannot be dismantled when they are difficult, but great talents are professional dismantlers.

He was about to ask where the bathroom was, but the talented man was already explaining to him where the bathroom was, and he went to get a set of his own clothes for senior Chen to change.

Chen Shuyuan took the clothes to the bathroom, washed them, changed into clean clothes, and dried his hair with a hair dryer.

The talented man waited for Chen Xuechang to come out with a new look, and went out of the Begonia Courtyard with him, went for a walk in the paradise, wandered around twice before going to the big kitchen.

Carrot heads, big and small, did not enter the kitchen until after their morning exercises.

Le, who meditated until one o'clock last night, got up to make mooncakes from cat kitchen and noodles. He worked half the night and made more than 100 mooncakes.

After my younger brother finished his morning exercise, we went to Wuweicui to have breakfast together. After the meal, we didn't teach the big and small radish heads in person, and continued to make mooncakes.

Mei Shao, Wu Shao, Ren Shao, Senior Chen, Senior Talent, and Young Master Yan, Wan Tuo also came into the kitchen to help.

Busy in the middle of the morning, tidying up, Senior Chen and Yan Shaowan, the youngest, went to drink some wedding wine with the brothers and sisters of the Chao family.

Ren Shaowu stayed in the paradise and made mooncakes with the bread prepared by the little lolita.

Xu Shao got married, and the hotel where the banquet was held was also the one where Deng Shao got married last time, so it was easy to find.

When the beautiful boy and the others arrived, the guests had almost arrived, and Xu Shao, accompanied by his parents, received the new friends at the entrance of the banquet hall.

When Xu Shao saw Chao Shao, Xiao Luoli and others, he complained dissatisfiedly: "You are so unkind, you didn't call me at the party yesterday, you are xenophobic!"

The talented man patted the groom's shoulder: "What are you complaining about? You already have wives, and most of us are still single, why don't us singles get together to lick our wounds?"

"Yu Shao Deng and Xiao Shao, they are also married." Xu Shao refused to accept, why can he call Yu Shao Xiao Xiao and Deng when he is licking his wounds at a single party?

"That's right, they are married, and you just held the wedding today. You were the groom-to-be before, who would dare to kidnap the groom-to-be to spend time and drink."

Xu Shao was speechless and kept silent: "I got my marriage certificate before the long vacation, and I am also married."

"Oh, it turns out that you have already started working with a certificate, so tonight is not a wedding ceremony?"

The talented man smiled meaningfully, stuffed the red envelope into someone Xu's hand, and quickly got out of the way.

The bride blushed embarrassingly.

Xu Shao rolled his eyes angrily: "What are you talking about, my wife and I didn't do anything we shouldn't do before we got married..."

Then, he reacted and said something, covering his mouth.

The talented man laughed, Senior Chen patted Xu Shao's shoulder sympathetically, handed his red envelope to the bride, and sent blessings.

The Xu family and the Zhang family accompanied the newcomers to greet the parents of the guests, helplessly watching the young people playing around, and waited for the young people to give red envelopes, and hurriedly invited a group of young guests into the hall.

The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. Zhang, so Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang naturally have no shortage, and they all come to support the granddaughter of the clan, not to mention Mr. Xu, the groom is his grandson, and the parents must be present.

Several parents of the Chao family had arrived long ago, and some elders of the Xu family and the elders of the Zhang family were greeting the guests. Knowing that the brother of the Chao family had brought his younger sister, they ran to invite them with a happy face.

Wan Teng's young master Chen Xuechang and the talented man entered the hall, found out where Yu Shao and the others were, and went to find his friends.

Several parents of the Xu family and the Zhang family invited the Chao family brothers and sisters and Young Master Yan to the main table.

Mr. Xu happily chatted with the little girl again.

After chatting for a few words, Le Xiaoluoli slipped away, ran to the Chao family's parents to act coquettishly and cutely, and then slipped to Brother Xiao and his group of young people to join in the crowd.

My little tuanzi was frightened by Mr. Xu's head-touching and killing, so the beautiful boy had to accompany the little tuanzi to hang out with his friends.

Young Master Yan, that's where the little loli goes, he's got a proper little tail.

It is rare for a group of academic masters to gather together, so they are naturally happy.

While Xiao Shao and the others were talking, the handsome He Xiaoba ran up and gave the little doctor a big smile: "Little beauty, long time no see! Take a look, am I a little more handsome?"

"Yeah, yeah, Xiaoba uncle's skin is a healthy wheat color, so handsome!" Le Yun opened her eyes and said nonsense, which was as real as the real thing.

"That's right, my Xiao Longbao actually said that I am a little older, and I said that he has a problem with his eyesight, but he is still not convinced."

He Xiaoba suddenly felt proud of having found a confidant, and then said in a low voice: "Little beauty, when are you free? My ancestors talked about you very much. When you are free, we would like to invite you Come to our house as a guest."

"Being busy all the time, I may not be able to spare time to visit the He family." Le Yun declined the invitation.

He Xiaoba didn't feel any regrets, and jumped into a group of handsome young men who were academically dominant and chatted happily.

Many young people who are good at Fa Xiao are next to the tables of young people of the same age in your circle. They are all young people, and most of them are familiar people, and they get along very well.

He Xiaoba's friends heard that Young Master Yan was in the Paradise and made moon cakes with the little girl in the morning, so they were so jealous that they wanted to take him to the curb to chat.

When their hearts were sour, they saw Liu Qianjin and Liu Shuhua coming, and they all looked at Young Master Yan leisurely for a moment, ready to watch the play, hum, young master Yan's peach blossoms are here, let's see how he is still doing!

Before Liu Qianjin came over there, Yu Shao also found another person, and pulled Xiao Shao's back clothes: "Xiao Shao, Hu Shao is here!"

"What?" Xiao Shao turned his head in surprise, and asked Yu Shao with his eyes, is the Hu Shao Yu Yu said the Hu Shao he thought of? .

Yu Shao pointed to the direction behind him with his finger: "Look, that's not Hu Shao, it looks like he should be running towards us."

(End of this chapter)

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