magic eye doctor

Chapter 2542 Purpose

Chapter 2542 Purpose
Young Master Xiao is busy with business and rarely attends various banquets in your circle, but it doesn't mean that he has never attended.

Before New Year's Day last year, he hadn't met Mr. Hu face to face, but this year he met twice.

Speaking of it, after Hu Shao returned, only a few young people in the middle and middle Beijing circles who were still studying abroad or went to work in other provinces did not meet Hu Shao formally.

Among the young people present, only Bo Geer and He Xiaoshiwu have not met Hu Shao face to face.

Hearing that Young Master Hu was walking towards him, Young Master Xiao became more energetic, and turned his head to look in the direction Yu Shao was pointing.

As Yu Shao said, Hu Shao did come towards them.

Xiao Shao turned his head to look at Bo Ge'er, muttering in his heart, and didn't know whether Hu Shao came here to say hello to them or for other purposes.

Le Yun was terrified of being rua'd by a group of big bosses and old men, so she ran to Brother Chao's group of friends and got another meal.

She wanted to hide her head until she was eating, but when she heard the word "Young Master Hu", she turned her head and asked in a low voice, "Is this Young Master Hu the one who fought with Brother Chao?"

"Yeah, yeah." Miss Chao Er turned her head to look in a certain direction, turned her face, and responded to Xiaotuanzi on behalf of the beauty's brother.

Hearing that it was someone, Le Yun stretched her neck, looked over the shoulder of the beautiful brother, and when she looked around, she also saw three handsome guys walking towards them.

In terms of appearance, the three young men are quite good looking. If they go to the entertainment industry, their appearance is not to say that it is the ceiling of the entertainment industry, but it is no problem to rely on their appearance for a living.

The three young men were wearing shirts and trousers, wearing ties, and specially dressed up. They had exquisite hairstyles and makeup on their faces. Their lips were red and their skin was fair. Their overall image was excellent.

Two of them have a relatively high degree of similarity in face shape, and they are cousins ​​by visual inspection. The other young man's eye shape is similar to those of the two, and they are also related by blood, belonging to cousin relationship.

Seeing the three, Le Yun blinked her big eyes: "Which one is the real master?"

"The one with the blue tie on the left," the beautiful boy also glanced at him, calmly explaining Xiaotuanzi's doubts: "The one in the middle is his big cousin Hu Dashao, who ranks fifth among Hu's cousins, and the one on the right is called Song Shao. It's their old cousin."

"Oh." Le Yun expressed that she understood, her waist softened, and she continued to be an ostrich in the arms of her beautiful brother.

Xiao Tuanzi's lack of interest made Xiao Shao and the others secretly happy. Visually, Xiao Tuanzi didn't like Young Master Hu!
The handsome guys didn't panic because of Young Master Hu's coming, they all continued to talk about themselves calmly.

Accompanied by his cousins, Young Master Hu approached the seats of the He family, the Wang family and other young people. Young Master Hu greeted many young people in the circle with a smile on his face.

He Xiaoba and He Xiaoshiwu sat next to the table where Xiao Shao and the others sat, and also in the direction Hu Shao and the others came from. Hu Shaoruo had to pass by their table when he went to Chao Shao's table.

He Xiaoba ran to Young Master Xiao to join the table, and He Xiaoshiwu and the youth from the Wang family and Zhou family also politely responded to Young Master Hu.

Hu Dashao said a few words with the young people he knew, and when he arrived at Xiao Shao's table, he warmly greeted the young men and young men present, with a very modest tone: "I heard that Chao Shao returned to Beijing for a vacation on the National Day, but it was the dragon who met him Not seeing the end, today can be regarded as seeing."

"E is far away from Beidi, and he is a newcomer who has not yet adapted to the new environment, so he doesn't go home often, and I have to worry about Mr. and Mrs. Hu." The beautiful young man smiled slightly and spoke softly.

The young man's gentle and gentle smile, like a tree full of pear blossoms blooming in an instant, made him holy and elegant, and his eyes were clean and dust-free.

Young Master Chao was polite and alienated, so First Young Master Hu looked at his cousin: "My cousin, Hu Ruixian, wanted to find an opportunity to sit down and have a drink with Young Master Chao after returning home, but he failed to do so. I hope that someday I can have time with Young Master Chao. Go drink tea."

The big cousin opened the conversation for himself, Young Master Hu immediately took half a step forward, nodded to everyone, and finally his eyes fell on the delicate and beautiful face of the Chao family boy, and he bowed apologetically: "Young Master Chao, you were young and angry in the past. Sheng, he caused a lot of trauma to Young Master Chao because of his aggressiveness and victoriousness, so he will come to visit him another day to make up for it, and please ask Young Master Chao to give you a lot of money."

A man can bend and stretch.

Hu Shao, who has studied abroad for several years, has also restrained his sharpness, calm and introverted, flexible and flexible, and the first time he saw him was a straightforward apology, not vague at all,

Xiao Shao and the others also guessed that Hu Shao would express something, but they didn't expect that he would decisively subdue to Chao Shao when they first met, which was exactly what the saying "Students should look at each other with admiration for three days".

"Young Master Hu is polite. People don't frivolously waste youth. Who has never been frivolous when they were young. How can you tell right from wrong when you are a teenager? The past is over. Young Master Hu doesn't have to worry about it anymore. There will be a chance in the future." Let's have a drink together."

The beautiful young man remained calm and calmly accepted the intention of reconciliation revealed by the Hu brothers.

"Young Master Chao has a lot of people, and he can be called a role model for my generation. When Young Master Chao returns to Beijing next time, we brothers will invite everyone to have a drink, and please do us a favor."

Young Master Hu took over the conversation again, and looked at the crowd: "I saw the little princess of the Chao family coming, why is it gone now? I would also like to ask the little princess of the Chao family to give me a favor, and let's go together." Go drink tea."

"Young Master Hu cares about my younger sister. This child is scared by her elders and friends, so she hides in my arms and refuses to show her face."

The beautiful boy patted Xiaotuanzi in his arms: "Xiaotuanzi, the handsome Hu family would like to treat you to tea, so please get up."

"No, I'm sleepwalking, so I can't forcefully wake me up. Anyway, no matter if it's drinking tea or drinking, Brother Chao will follow me when I go. If Brother Chao doesn't go, I won't go."

Le Yun hides in the arms of the beautiful brother and resolutely does not bubble up. The political and business world is full of opportunities, it is too tiring!
Listening to the coming and going of the beauty brother and the Hu family brothers, one apologizing flexibly, and the other generously keeping the past, in the eyes of outsiders, it is "a smile to wipe away all grievances".

Is this really the case?
What is the truth, only the parties know.

Little Lolita also knew that, judging from the mental fluctuations at the scene, the Hu brothers didn't have much kindness towards Brother Chao, and the sincerity of Brother Beauty's words was also questionable.

In a word, it's just an adult's face effort to smile away all grievances and enmities. In fact, the relationship between the two parties will not change much in the future.

The world of adults is too complicated, no matter what line of work they are in, who really has no chest if they look like an individual?
The boss who is in politics and business is the best at strategizing, and everyone has as many minds as a sieve. Le Yun is most afraid of dealing with that kind of people. In order not to fall into the trap, he is honest and obedient.

"Okay, you are the youngest, you have the final say."

The little cutie shrinks into a little ostrich and refuses to come out to socialize, the beautiful boy smiles apologetically at the Hu family brothers: "My sister's temper can't be coaxed by anyone, and I can't hold her back either, making the three of you laugh. "

"Young Master Chao is too outrageous to say that. We are the ones who have affected the little girl, so we won't bother you anymore. Let's talk later."

Young Master Hu was also sensible, so he accepted it when he saw it, nodded to everyone, and took his cousin and cousin to the next table to say hello to the people he knew.

They have also seen that the grandson of the Chao family is a super brother, offending Shao Shao is tantamount to offending her, anyone who has something to ask, may as well go to Shao Shao, if Chao Shao comes forward, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

First Young Master Hu took his cousin and cousin around to find acquaintances to say hello. The main purpose was to let the cousin talk to the brothers and sisters of the Chao family first, so as to ease the previous relationship.

Now that the cousin has formally met Chao Shao, a breakthrough has been opened for the future. The first step can be regarded as a successful completion, and he can retire.

Of course, you can't just leave right away, the purpose of doing that is too obvious, Hu Dashao greeted everyone he knew or didn't know at the adjacent tables, and then turned a corner and went in another direction.

Young Master Hu left, Young Master Shen and the others didn't feel anything special. At the Xu family's wedding banquet, Young Master Hu could do nothing but say hello.

No one is a fool, and it is impossible to make trouble unless the brain is flooded.

As soon as the three people over there crossed the table, Miss Chao Er's hand climbed onto Xiao Tuanzi's head, and she got the moon first when she was close to the water.

Le Yun felt like being petted like a dog, she dared not speak out.

From time to time, Young Master Xiao would look at his daughter-in-law who was having a great time masturbating the dumplings, and wanted to rub the little head of the little Lolita, but unfortunately, he was far away and had no part in him.

He Xiaoba originally wanted to go back to his seat, but when he saw Liu Qianjin coming over, he stayed there and did not leave, so he shared a chair with Luo Shao.

Li Shao and the others were super calm when they saw Liu Qianjin.

Liu Qianjin greeted all the handsome guys in the circle all the way, and finally arrived at the table with Chao's brothers and sisters, and nodded to Xiao Shao and others one by one.

After saying a few words on the occasion, he extended the invitation gracefully: "It's rare to meet Young Master Chao and the little girl. I would like to invite Brother Chao Shao and the young masters to have afternoon tea together in the afternoon. Would you like to give me some face?"

"Miss Liu remembers our brothers and sisters. Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, my sister Xiaotuanzi made moon cakes. After the dinner, Faxiao and I went to pick up gifts from my sister and then went home to have a reunion dinner with my family. I didn't have time to drink afternoon tea. , I can only say sorry to Miss Liu."

The beautiful boy pushed forward the tea appointment without any hesitation. The person Liu Qianjin really wanted to date was Young Master Yan, and if he invited Yan Shao alone, he would definitely be rejected. They and Xiao Tuanzi were going to drink tea, and Young Master Yan would naturally go to the appointment.

In order to get an appointment with Yan Shao, Liu Qianjin even used the method of saving the country with curves, which made it difficult for her.

However, Young Master Xiao and the others also sighed with emotion that they had absolutely no intention of helping, and they would not do such thankless things as making friends with others.

Luo Lishao, Li Dengshao, He Xiaoshi and the others are also good people. Chao Shao said that after dinner, he would go to the paradise with the Fa Xiaos, and they nodded and agreed without hesitation, regardless of whether it was true or not.

The invitation was rejected, Liu Qianjin was not angry, and found a step down with a smile: "You guys were very busy when you were still studying, and I feel that you are even busier after graduation. You are often only famous but not seen by others. This time, I am abrupt. Alright, I'll invite everyone when I have free time."

"Rookies who have just joined the job are naturally busy." Li Shao and the others laughed,

The brothers and sisters of the Chao family didn't want to go to the appointment, let alone Young Master Yan. Liu Qianjin didn't talk to Young Master Yan alone anymore, and left without occupying everyone's time.

(End of this chapter)

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