magic eye doctor

Chapter 2544 Suspicious Identity

Chapter 2544 Suspicious Identity
After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather in the capital is getting cooler every day, and the chills are getting heavier every morning and evening, and the colors of the autumn clothes of flowers, plants and trees are also becoming more and more colorful with time.

The vines entangled on the shelves of the two plant corridors in the paradise, or red leaves like fire, or yellow like gold, or green as old, are really beautiful.

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao accompanied three groups of visitors from Guanyu Pond to Yinyue Lake, and finally walked along the plant corridor from the east to the north behind the Fu Huan Land.

When people pass by the plant corridor, they can often see bunches of grapes hanging on the branches and a large bowl of purple-red cold rice balls, two kinds of fruits that are about to ripen and not yet ripe, exuding an attractive natural fragrance.

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao accompanied a group of monks through the corridor without changing their expressions.

The owner of the paradise doesn't care much about the harvest of flowers and fruits in the paradise, but the group of big and small radish heads care about it, especially the cold rice balls, count the fruits when there is nothing to do, and tie the cold rice balls on each section of the plant corridor. Several fruits are clearly counted.

If anyone picks the cold rice balls carefully guarded by the big and small radish heads, those little guys will cry to death when they come back.

The monks who came to the Paradise for enlightenment did not touch the fruits in the corridor, even if the ripe grapes touched their heads, no one picked them to taste.

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao led three groups of monks to stroll around the garden, and Jiang Shao and others also moved all the boxes full of manuscript books to the east courtyard.

Jiang Shao and the others left, and Xuan Shao and Hua Shao did not accompany the visitors to hang out anymore. A group of guests arranged their time freely, and they went to the east courtyard to bind books.

Fang Shao and the others entered the academy and started the experience of meditating in the paradise. A group of people from the Fang family were in the upper room, and they were meditating in the East Wing or West Wing for casual practice and meditation.

The three groups of people sat down until noon to go to a restaurant outside to eat, and by the way, they also negotiated with the restaurant owner in advance about the cooperation of the restaurant to deliver the food.

They didn't stay outside the garden either, and returned to the paradise after eating. Just a few minutes after returning to the Huixian Hall of the academy, Miss Ji Jiu helped the host deliver tea into the hall to greet the guests.

A few minutes later, Miss Le, the owner of the park, entered the living room accompanied by Young Master Xuan.

The little girl wore a high ponytail, an autumn jacket and a skirt, and a soft smile on her pink face. As soon as she appeared, it made the hall brighten up.

Xuan Shao acted as an intermediary again, and introduced who was the winner of the Gu Xiu Gathering Cutting Competition.

Le Yun smiled and listened to Xuan Shao's introduction. Although the mental fluctuations of the group of Fang's people were a bit high, there was no problem in judging their identities.

The people on the meditation side are also fine.

Only one person's identity is suspicious - a middle-aged and elderly person among the three entourages brought by the casual cultivator who is tied for No.3.

The man who looked like a middle-aged man was actually 87 years old. There was nothing special about his figure and appearance, and his face was ordinary. However, he was not an ordinary casual cultivator, he was a disciple of the Poison Sect!
The middle-aged man also had a kind of half-poisonous fragrance that only disciples of the Poison Sect possessed, which was exactly the same as the half-poisonous fragrance on Ai Ming.

Of course, the smell is so light that most people can't smell it.

The Poison Sect disciple is good friends with the master of the loose cultivator who won the ranking. He was able to get a place to visit the paradise from the loose cultivator master, which shows how close he is with the middle-aged loose cultivator master.

Getting into a casual cultivator group or establishing a solid foundation of friendship with disciples of a certain sect is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It needs to go through the test of "seeing people's hearts over time", and this process may take two to thirty years.

Seeing the disciples of the Poison Sect mixed in the loose cultivator group, Le Yun also confirmed a guess - there is no way that a certain soul has only a ray of distraction in Ai Ming's sea of ​​consciousness!
That soul must have other souls that were fostered on the elders of the Poison Sect, and it is not ruled out that some souls were fostered on some loose cultivators in the ancient cultivation world or monks from certain ancient cultivation sects or aristocratic families.

The split souls of a certain soul are fostered on different people, collect different soul powers, and finally return to the main soul when they are distracted, and the main soul can gradually recover after absorbing the power of the split souls.

It also takes a long time to collect soul power by using split souls, which is much faster than directly devouring the consciousness and souls of other monks.

However, devouring the soul of a monk is not allowed by the way of heaven, and there is a certain risk to bear the cause and effect.

If you use a split soul to foster in someone else's body to collect soul power, even if you do something outrageous, the original owner of that body will bear the karma.

It can be said that at some point, sending souls is the best way to transfer cause and effect.

People from the Poison Sect sneaked into Paradise, and the purpose was naturally to run after her!
That soul actually had an old grievance with Le Jia's ancestor, and has been secretly staring at Le Jia. It is impossible to let her grow up, there must be many tricks.

Going to the grassland to catch her and the eldest aunt was just a move in the chess game.

It is another trick to use the disciples lurking in the casual cultivation to sneak into the paradise to explore the truth.

If Paradise is beneficial to the recovery of the main body of that soul, he can't be indifferent, and he will find a way to get Paradise as a private sanatorium for warming his golden body.

How can I make those souls of that soul appear on their own initiative?

In just a short moment, Le Yun's thoughts had been turned back and forth, and his face was calm. When Xuan Shao introduced three groups of people, he politely invited the guests to sit down.

The guest of honor took his seat, exchanged a few words of greeting, and three groups of guests presented the small gifts they brought to the host.

What they sent were all local specialties from their own family or the place where the sect was located, including tea, and some medicinal materials that were hard to find outside.

Student Le Xiao accepted the guest's gift with a smile, and cared about everyone, and said friendlyly: "I'm busy, and I basically don't have time to drink tea with you every now and then. If there is anything missing, tell Shao Xuan and the others, it’s cold in autumn, and you need to dig the floor to help you pick up the supplies in the guest courtyard.”

"Thank you, little lady, for your concern." Everyone thanked in unison.

Le Yun's time is precious, there are many things to be busy, so he stopped chatting, greeted the guests, went back to the east courtyard to get some things, and went to the workshop.

Xuan Shao chatted with Fang Shao and the others for a while before going to the east courtyard.

The people who came to Emei were all nuns, and Liu Ningshuang was a disciple of the lay family, and had no companions of women of the same age. Naturally, she was happy to see Ji Jiufeng, so she invited Ji Jiufeng to talk.

The hospitality is hard to come by, Miss Jijiu risked her life to accompany the gentleman.

The two young women went for a walk in the park, and even chased them to the Yinyue Lake Bird to see the BMW eating raspberry leaves there.

Miss Ji Jiu saw two big horses gnawing raspberry leaves, and screamed: "Chasing the moon day after day, leave a tree under your mouth, the tree under your mouth is the favorite fruit tree of your sisters and brothers, how dare you eat all the trees?" Raspberry leaves, your little sister’s baby brother cried when he saw it, and my little sister will deduct your food!"

She was really worried that the horse would eat up all the raspberry leaves, so she ran to drive the horse away.

The two BMWs flicked their manes, gave a certain human a supercilious look, then twisted their buttocks at her, slapped their hooves, and walked away.

Miss Ji Jiu, who was despised by the two horses, was so angry that her teeth were itchy: "You are really good, I just said a few words to you, and you dare to kick your hooves. If you have the guts, try to kick your hooves!"

What responded to her was the two horses turned their heads in disdain, bared their teeth and snorted and laughed.

Liu Ningshuang was dumbfounded: "Ji Jiu, are you sure they are real horses?" Damn, this is almost perfect.

"It's a horse!" Miss Ji Jiu stroked her chest with a gloomy expression, "The horse is the BMW you are familiar with, the difference is that their owner is that pervert Le Xiaomeimei!
You haven't seen the two dogs in Paradise, whose cleverness can sometimes make people doubt life.

Anyway, regardless of whether it is a horse or a dog, after being trained by the little beauty, except that they cannot speak, they are similar to humans in other aspects, and they are often irritated to death. "

Liu Ningshuang wiped off her sweat silently, and she was able to make Ji Jiu jump in anger, which shows how much the little girl's horses and dogs can irritate people!

At the same time, it also shows that the relationship between Ji Jiu's family and the little girl is very close, so Ji Jiu dared to do things like tricking cats and dogs in the park, and he also knew that raspberry is the favorite fruit tree of the little girl's brother.

Because the little girl was doing experiments in the medical studio of the workshop, the two girls went around the small island and turned back instead of going to the east of the lake.

The most important purpose of coming to the paradise is enlightenment. Liu Ningshuang took Ji Jiufeng to stroll around Huanyu Pond, and went back to the academy after wandering around endlessly.

The three groups of monks also cherish time like gold, except for eating or going back to the guest house to wash up, they don't go out every day.

Le Xiao’s schedule is also the same. Every morning, he teaches his younger brother, and spends afternoon and evening in the workshop, tinkering with mechanical parts day and night.

Even if she is not tinkering with parts, she still spends time in the workshop, drawing drawings or writing books silently.

After working for a few days, at the end of the day, one day at noon, instead of directly going to Zuokeng, I went back to the East Courtyard, and invited several young masters or prospective young masters of monk families to Jiude Hall for tea.

In late October, the weather was cold, and most of the people wore winter clothes in the morning and evening, and Gu Xiujun and young men also put on thick autumn clothes.

The elegant young men held warm purple sand teacups, smelling the tea fragrance lingering around their noses, feeling relaxed and happy.

"Xuan Shao, your family is well-informed, do you have any information about the casual cultivator Li Tong who came this time?" After drinking a cup of tea, Le Yun spread the word, and finally put on the agenda what he hadn't mentioned a few days ago.

"Is there a problem with Li Tong?" Xuan Shao reacted quickly and focused on the key points.

Jiang Shao and others all listened attentively.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, that one is one of the core disciples of the Poison Sect." Le Yun didn't hide anything: "A few months ago on my aunt's birthday, the Poison Sect also sent disciples to sneak into the grassland. They also arranged for people to come to Paradise among casual cultivators, so they must have plans.”

"The Poison Sect has always been mysterious, why did it focus on the little beauty?"

Hua Shao, Zhou Shaoji, Shao Jiang, and others were puzzled.

"They have been eyeing me for a long time, the assassin who pretended to be a disciple of the Tang Sect in Xiaowutai, I found out, he is also a disciple of the Poison Sect.

I guess they will focus on me, maybe I am good at medicine and poison, the so-called one mountain cannot have two tigers, they are good at poison, naturally they don't want to see someone who is better at poison than them appear. "

"The Poison Sect has always been hidden from the world. Even if you are good at poison, little beauty, you have no conflict of interest with them. It is too unreasonable to want to get rid of it just because you are good at poison."

"Poison sect can be called poison sect, do you think he is a reasonable person?"

Everyone chattered about the poison sect so that the atmosphere would not be tense.

Xuan Shao also understood what Xiao Loli meant, and made a guarantee: "Little beauty, you actually said that Li Tong's identity is problematic. We have counted it. We have a chance to ventilate with the elders in the family and arrange for someone to touch Li Tong. pass the bottom.

To gain the trust of casual cultivators, Poison Sect disciples must have been lurking for many years. There may be other Poison Sect disciples lurking in Loose Cultivators. Perhaps some sects or family disciples may also have their secret work. conduct.

I think there will be no gains in the short term, so I can only take it slowly. "

"Okay, with the planning of you, the mainstays of the ancient cultivation world, I won't worry about the affairs of the ancient cultivation world. Next month, I will go to the southern border to collect medicinal materials, and I will dispense medicine that can detect the identity of the disciples of the Poison Sect.

All the disciples of the poison sect planted a kind of incense on their bodies, which was an undisclosed secret of the poison sect. If the disciples of the poison sect rebelled, they could use the scent to track their whereabouts.

I have developed a medicine that can make people react to the incense on Poison Sect disciples without letting them notice it by themselves.

There are not enough medicinal materials in hand, only a few experimental products have been prepared, and when the medicinal materials are harvested, they can be brewed in batches.

When you go home for the New Year, you just take a copy back home. When all the disciples and the whole family gather on major festivals, you will secretly use drug testing, so it is not easy to attract suspicion. "

"Great! Little beauty, you are just in time!"

Zhong Junshao was refreshed.

In addition to their own family disciples, the monk family also has many external disciples, and there are complicated marriage relationships. No one cares to ensure that there are no secret arrangements arranged by the Poison Sect among those people.

The Poison Sect is too mysterious, and the ancient cultivators don't know much about it. It is not easy to find out if there is any meticulous work in the family.

Little Loli unexpectedly developed a medicine that can detect the disciples of the Poison Sect, and solved everyone's worries in minutes.

Little Lolita chatted with Zhong Junshao about the nonsense about the disciples of the Poison Sect, and then floated to the workshop to work hard with a breeze in her sleeves.

Xuan Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao, and Jun Shao didn't continue the discussion, and they didn't even seem to know it. They were calm when they saw Li Tong, a casual cultivator. They never took the initiative to talk to them, and they definitely didn't take the initiative to say hello. They just nodded when they met. I said hello.

Fang Shao and the others stayed in the academy to study hard without leaving home, and they didn't even go out to have fun on the Double Ninth Festival.

Xuan Shao, Zhou Shao, and Jun Shao went to purchase all kinds of ingredients, marinated them well, held a barbecue meeting in the evening, and invited three groups of monks who were studying.

The three groups accepted the invitation gladly. Elder Emei was a vegetarian. There were vegetarian chicken and duck made of flour, vegetables, and grilled vegetarian eggplant cake. They also ate happily.

After the Double Ninth Festival, the day when the three groups of people from Shenwu will leave is imminent.

Time flies like sand between fingers, and it is the last day of the month in a blink of an eye.

The three groups of monks who studied in Paradise also completed half a month of enlightenment, and set foot on the return trip on the morning of the 31st.

Xuan Shao and others lived in the paradise for another day, and they went home on November 11st.

Classmate Le Xiao left her research work and flew to Han City in North E on the 2nd——her tablemate's stomach started to activate in the evening of the 1st, and she gave birth to a fat boy weighing eight catties in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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