magic eye doctor

Chapter 2545 Overwhelmed with happiness (2 more

Chapter 2545 Overwhelmed with happiness (second more
Le classmate flew to Han City, and then rushed to the hospital from the airport. It was almost noon, and Du's father, mother, Du Xiaodi and Xue Yunlang were both in the ward.

Du Miaoshu's due date is from the 2nd to the 5th. Du's mother, Du's father, arrived in Han City two days earlier on October 10th, just to prevent her daughter from starting early.

Classmate Du's cub is also a peace of mind. He was born on the weekend. Not only his father is at home, but his uncle and his father's uncle and grandpa are all at his home.

Because of this, his mother was accompanied by family members when she started the operation, and she was sent to the hospital immediately when she found signs of childbirth.

Du Ma went back to her son-in-law's house to make chicken soup at dawn, and sent her to the hospital early.

When classmate Le found the ward, Mama Du was feeding the girl chicken soup, and Xue Yunlang was changing the baby's diaper under the supervision of his little aunt.

Manager Zhang was talking with Du's father, and when he saw the little girl in Hanfu with pipa sleeves who pushed the door, he stood up excitedly: "Miss Le, you are so busy and come to see Shushu, thank you!"

Du's father and younger brother Du also stood up, and Aunt Zhang and Xue Yunlang also rushed to greet the little girl, all of them enthusiastic.

"Le Xiaoniu, Le Xiaoniu, my sister loves you!" Du Miaoshu stopped drinking the chicken soup, screaming to get out of bed.

"You are a mother who is so excited, just stay there! If the wound is torn, don't cry to me about the pain, and I will ignore you if you cry about the pain."

Le Yun gave an angry look. A certain little belly had a few stitches after giving birth to a cub last night. When she called to announce the good news, she cried and complained of pain. It was only a few hours ago, and she wanted to jump again.

Others forget the pain when the scar is healed, and forget the pain before the stomach hurts.

"Aww, I almost forgot." Du Miaoshu was so excited that the wound was aching, and she immediately withered.

"You deserve it! Stay honest and drink your chicken soup, and I'll give you an injection later." With disgust in her mouth, Le Yun approached and reached out to rub a certain woman's head: "The little belly is so good, and she gave birth so naturally. Big cub, how brave! You are now the greatest mother!"

Du, who was praised, grew a tail behind him and swayed up 3000 meters, almost going to the sky!

Complacently, Classmate Du, with a proud face: "Yes! Although the birth was painful, halfway through the birth, I didn't want to give birth. When I was born, I took a look at the baby, oh my god, I gave birth to such a beautiful baby, and I was instantly happy Feeling overwhelmed!"

Dad Du and the others: "..."

When you gave birth, you cried so hard that you scared me to death!
Now it's blowing up again, let's see if you can get it!
People don't let go, not to mention the treatment of pregnant women, the family members have a super tolerant heart, let her say whatever, and don't expose the shortcomings.

A classmate with a small stomach cocked her tail as soon as she was praised, Le Yun was so angry and funny, she poked that guy on the forehead and told her to drink chicken soup quickly and go to see the little cub by herself.

Aunt Zhang gave the little cub to the little girl.

The cub changed his diaper and fell asleep again, his skin was still pink, and the lanugo on his head was bright yellow, like the fluff of a chick or duckling that had just hatched.

Xiao Zai Zai has a broad forehead and a big face, his face and facial features are just like his father.

Le Yun looked at the child, unwrapped the quilt, uncovered the clothes and did a physical examination for the baby. There were no birthmarks or defects, and the development was sound.

After checking that the little boy was in good health, he dressed him up, wrapped him in a quilt, and took out a golden longevity lock from his backpack as a gift.

Xue Yunlang and Mrs. Du's manager, Mr. Zhang, gave way again and again, but in the end they couldn't resist, so they accepted the gift for the little boy.

Father Du and the others hadn't eaten yet, Le Yun asked them to eat first, she stayed with Xiao Tuo in the hospital room, and when they came back, asked them to guard the door, and she gave Xiao Tui acupuncture.

When the little girl was closed for acupuncture, the medical staff from the hospital came to inspect and heard that it was Miss Jiudaole who was doing massage for the parturient, so she went to the next room without asking any further questions.

Le Yun was not polite to her belly, so she stripped her naked and gave her whole body acupuncture, once on her chest and back.

The two-hour acupuncture treatment was over, and the tear wound on the lower abdomen due to childbirth has healed, the bloated belly has lost weight, the pregnancy spots on the face have disappeared, and the collagen is full again.

After pulling out the medical needle, put on the hospital's uniform large maternity clothes for the little belly, cover the quilt, and tidy up the bed. Student Le took the needle and went to the bathroom, scalded it with boiling water, soaked it in disinfectant water, and threw it away. Back to the storage container disinfection.

The door was opened only after the medical needle was disposed of, and the person who had been sitting at the door for two hours was allowed to enter the room to accompany him.

Du's mother and others entered the room and saw that Du Miaoshu and the child were sleeping soundly, and did not disturb the mother and child. Manager Zhang politely invited the little girl to dinner.

Classmate Le declined the suggestion to eat, and took out the pills and gave them to Mama Du, asking her to take them on time.

She was explaining some doctor's orders, and one by one the doctors and nurses entered the room, explaining to the family members that another pregnant woman would be staying in the room, and hoped that the family members would understand.

Another woman also had an appointment in the hospital in advance, and she was waiting to be admitted when she was about to give birth. That woman had already started and went to the delivery room to wait for delivery.

Manager Zhang and the others naturally cooperated with the hospital's arrangements and packed up some of the items they had prepared, putting them in the wardrobe and bedside cabinet corresponding to Du Shushu's bed number, and putting some supplies under the bed.

The little belly was taken care of by family members, Le Yun did not stay with her in the hospital, gave her pills, ordered some nursing matters, and took her luggage to the airport to catch a flight to Province Q.

After the little girl left, Du Xiaodi and Manager Zhang belatedly remembered that the little girl didn't bring a bodyguard this time. Is it because of this that she came to the hospital and left in a hurry?

Thinking about it, they didn't say a word.

Du's mother sent the little girl away, and took her son back to her son-in-law's house to cook chicken soup. She didn't know the way and would faint by herself. Du Xiaodi was responsible for leading the way to buy vegetables and take the car.

Du Miaoshu slept until dusk and woke up, only to realize that her deskmate had flown away again, her eyes were red as she yelled, Le Xiaoniu went back to E North only to go to the hospital for postpartum acupuncture, she is too lucky!
So, classmate Du immediately posted the group photo taken at noon on Weibo. It's too embarrassing to have such a good tablemate without showing off.

"I lost the goods last night, and the chick at the same table flew to the hospital to see me today, happy!"

A short line of words, accompanied by a photo of Le Xiaoniu bending down to take a group photo with her lying on the bed, there are pictures and truth.

Not long after the picture of the little belly classmate was posted, people who have closed their circle of friends liked each other and attached a unified question - where is Zai Zai?
The person who asked where Zai Zai was almost said that you didn't take Zai Zai with you when you took a group photo, you have no sense of public morality!
People in Fang County No. [-] Middle School who paid attention to Student Du also praised him without saying a word. Luo Ban knew about it, and even sent a red envelope to Student Du with his old wife, and called to care about him.

The student with a small belly received a wave of concern and was in a happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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