magic eye doctor

Chapter 2546 Decision

Chapter 2546 Decision
Le did not get a direct flight ticket to Province X, so he flew to Province Q first, then took another flight to HT City in Province X, and then went to the construction site of the Desert Medicine Plantation Garden.

It’s November again, and the construction site is expected to be closed in the middle of the month, and all construction sites are also grabbing time for construction as much as possible at the tail end of the season.

Little Loli went to the construction site and told their leaders that she was going to use a cargo helicopter to transport some medicinal materials back, and asked them to help her send the helicopter to the location before the southeast after finishing work.

After making an appointment, she didn't have lunch at the construction site, and ran away in a hurry.

Entering the hinterland of the desert protected by formations, Le Yun summoned a flying sword to fly, rushed to the foot of Xianren Peak, and found Little Fox and Xiao Huihui who were bringing mechanical puppets to harvest late corn.

Seeing the little girl coming, the little fox grabbed the little monkey and ran away. A few of them flew in front of the little girl, and one flew over.

"Little girl, little girl..."

The cheerful shouts of the little fox, and the "cheeping" cry of Xiao Huihui, were extraordinarily lively.

The little fox wanted to pounce on his face again, Le Yun stretched out his hand to catch him, holding Xiao Huihui in his left hand, and the little fox in his right hand, biting from the left to the right, giving the two little cuties a crazy kiss.

The two, who were dizzy from being kissed, held their little faces together and giggled.

Coaxing the two cuties in the simplest and most effective way, Le Yun led the little beast into the corn field again, and continued to harvest corn.

The two little beasts are super industrious, vigorously developing the planting industry, planting tens of thousands of acres of crops, and harvesting all year round.

They not only planted, but also vigorously developed water conservancy, dug the river channel through the whole area, and the intricate river channel can ensure sufficient water in each area, greatly reducing the demand for artificial rainfall.

One man, two beasts, and the mechanical puppets were busy, and they called it a day when it got dark.

Back at the blessed place at the top of the peak, classmate Le took out the pot to cook sea snail soup and hot spiritual food for the cuties.

Xiao Huihui and Little Fox each occupied one of her shoulders, chirping and reporting on the year's harvest.

The two beasts are not only engaged in planting, they have also developed river water conservancy systems, planted trees in unreformed desert areas, and planted plants that are resistant to dryness and heat.

The little loli listened to the little cutie's performance, and from time to time, she gave the two little cuties a kiss and coaxed the two little beasts to burst into joy.

The soup hasn't been cooked yet, and the main work in the medicine plant garden is also about the same.

The little fox held a shy smile and said something else: "Little girl, there are two more good news. On the island full of dragon blood trees, the gate of time and space opened on the day of Double Ninth."

"What about the other good news?" Le Yun asked cooperatingly.

"Another piece of good news is that the gate of time and space on the island where the bread tree grows is stable on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival." The little fox held his fox face with a look of hope.

"One is stable on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, and the other is opened on the day of Double Ninth Festival. The chances of such occurrences are very low. There must be good things on the other side of the door!"

He almost said, "Little girl, the gate of time and space is waving to you in front, rush!"

"Oh, I got it." Le Yun said calmly that she got it.

"Little girl—" The little fox wanted to ask her about her plans, but she was afraid of being rushed and she would lose her temper, so she only called her out at the end.

"I heard that, didn't you just want to ask me what I think, and the gate of time and space has been stabilized, so get ready and start a new journey in September next year."


The little fox's golden eyes glowed with excitement, and he jumped up and threw himself on the little girl's head in excitement, his big tail dancing wildly.

"Drool, saliva dripped on my forehead! If you keep messing around like this, when I go to play, I will only bring Xiao Huihui and not you, and let you stay behind."

The little fox can get excited if he is excited, he has to lie on the top of her head and dance, his little claws are about to pull up her hair by the roots.

Threats are quite effective.

"Whoosh", the little fox jumped down again, lying on his shoulders instead, with his big tail brushing against the little girl's back, the whole fox was so happy that it was about to fly.

Little Huihui, let's make a ball, let's roll yourself into a little fur ball and stick it to the young lady's shoulders, despise the little fox, the young lady travels to another world, how can she leave the little fox behind, the fox who loves to gnaw on stones will be chaotic if he cares about it.

Xiao Huihui, who has seen through the truth, feels at ease.

The little girl said that she was going to go to different time and space. The little fox was delicious. She drank a big pot of sea snail soup for dinner and ate a camel and a cow. She lay down on the ground and slept peacefully on her belly. Sleep.

Xiao Huihui drank enough to drink, and fell asleep soundly.

The two cuties are super easy to satisfy, Le Yun threw a few marinated sheep into the pot to simmer, added enough fuel to the stove, and went to artificially snow the top of the mountain.

When she came back from work, she turned the stewed lamb in the pot and continued to stew, and the lamb was ready until the morning.

The little fox, Xiao Huihui, wakes up and has delicious spiritual food again. After a delicious meal, he goes down the mountain and goes to work in the field happily.

Le Yun and the two cuties took the mechanical puppets to snatch the crops, and then went to harvest fruits and medicinal materials.

After working for several days, I harvested a lot of medicinal materials and piles of fruits.

Little Lolita made an appointment for helicopter NO.14 to pick her up at the designated point, and she packed Xiao Huihui and Little Fox into the space at night on NO.13, and left the medicinal plant garden at night.

From the southeast corner, a large formation was formed, and when they arrived at the predetermined point, some materials were transferred from the space and thrown on the sand, and some were transferred at regular intervals.

After dawn, some medicinal materials were transferred and piled up.

The helicopter arrived after nine o'clock, and the two plainclothes soldiers who were the congratulatory pilots were numb when they saw the piles of fruit boxes, sacks, and medicinal materials.

They didn't ask how wide Little Loli's medicinal plant garden had been developed, and helped to carry the things onto the helicopter, and it took them two hours to complete the move.

The helicopter carried the cargo that almost reached the limit of the plane, and went straight to the capital.

The construction site finished its shift on the 10th and had a holiday on the 11th. The helicopter helped the construction site transport some heavy objects to the desert oil field for storage, and then went to pick up the little girl.

There were a large number of workers on the construction site, and they left in batches, and the management personnel withdrew from the site on the 14th.

Therefore, when the little Lolita was still in the desert, the workers had already returned home.

Due to the large number of workers in Shishi City, the Capital Construction Company handled the charter flight business.

Winter in HT City is already the off-season for travel. Many flights are grounded in winter. There are a large number of passenger planes. The construction site builders have contracted a total of six planes to send the people in the city back to their hometowns at once.

Chartered flights sound expensive, but in fact, after careful calculation, the cost of chartered flights is not much different from the total travel expenses of the workers going home by car, at most it is [-] to [-] more.

If the workers have to change cars on the way home, the managers have to worry about the safety of the workers on the road, and they will have to reimburse the workers for the fares next year, which is a lot of work.

Chartered flights cost an extra [-] to [-] yuan, and the workers are sent to their hometowns at one time, saving worry and effort.

The other workers are not all in one place, and the site management will buy air tickets or train tickets for them.

The workers who took the special plane would inevitably show off when they returned home, and successfully filled up their hatred.

Brother Zhou's mother-in-law Ms. Li's natal brothers also took a ride, and flew to Jiudao to see their sister by the way.

The disciple of Guanyindian who is in charge of Yaowanzi went back to Qiongniao for vacation, while Master Ayufang flew to the capital to find the little girl.

He arrived at the Paradise at No. 12, stayed in the guest courtyard with his acquaintances, and stayed in the academy to wait for the little girl.

A Yu Fangzhu waited until the evening of NO.14 for the little girl's helicopter to come back. He hurriedly ran to the platform of the east yard and waited for the rabbit. When the little girl came up from the hanging ladder, he rushed over and caught her with one hand.

This time, he behaved himself, instead of an eagle catching a chick, he just grabbed the little girl by the sleeve and pulled her to his side.

"Little girl, you didn't even go to see my old man when you ran to the desert. My old man had to come and see you by himself. If you look at you, why don't you grow fat?"

Le Yun didn't talk nonsense to the old man, and asked straight to the point: "Senior Ah Yu, Ming people don't speak dark words, what's the matter with you coming to the capital?"

"I'm greedy for your wine. By the way, there is something I want to discuss with you." Master Ayu smiled and rubbed the little girl's long hair.

"I also guess that you are gluttonous."

"It's a fact that you're greedy for alcohol, and it's also a fact that you need to come to me if you have something to do. Let's unload the goods first, and we'll talk about other things in the evening." The little girl didn't refuse directly, but there was room for negotiation, and Master Ayu Fang happily went to work as a porter.

Li Zhao, the four gardeners, Ren Shaowushao, and Wan Tuo, who was at home, also helped with the sale. Grandma Yu cooked in the kitchen first, and Xiao Luootou, who came back from school, ran errands.

All the medicinal materials were moved into the alchemy furnace room of the east courtyard, some of the food, fruits and vegetables were also moved to the kitchen of the east courtyard, and some were moved to the East Pavilion of the Hall of Heroes for convenience.

After unloading the goods, all the staff went to the Wuwei Cabinet for dinner.

The pilot had dinner in the park.He drove a cargo helicopter back to the station with dozens of boxes of fruits and vegetables.

Ayu Fangzhu drank the good wine he had been thinking about in the evening, and was satisfied. When the little girl took her brother back to the east courtyard, he followed secretly to the east courtyard.

Le Yun invited Master Ayu into the Jiude Hall, went to wash a plate of fruit to entertain the elderly, and asked without turning the corner: "Senior Ayu, what do you want me to do?"

"Someone asked me to help, we two have forgotten the year, my apprentice Feng He's family wanted to ask you to help secure a matchmaker, but it was not easy to ask for it directly, so they asked me to open the door.

The hearts of those old guys from the Feng family are too dark, they are too embarrassed to speak, so let me come, if you get angry and throw me out, I will lose face, they are simply irrelevant! "

"You took this job knowing that they didn't do human affairs, and you deserved to be kicked out! For your sake, stop here and don't mention it again."

Protecting the media is the most thankless task, and it is even more risky to protect the media for people in the ancient repair world. One day she will serve as bodyguards for the ancient repair youths, she must be "eating too much salt - idle (salty)".

"It's just that those guys don't do anything about human affairs, they actually want to promise Feng Moping to your grandson of your teacher's wife's family, how could they come up with such an idea!
I just said that if you don't get angry when you hear it, you will throw me in the face. They still don't give up, and they just want me to make this trip.

Little girl, I'm just a messenger. For the sake of my old age, you should save me some money. "

(End of this chapter)

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