magic eye doctor

Chapter 2547

Chapter 2547

Master Ayu declared that he was innocent, Le Yun really wanted to give him a blank stare, you are so innocent!

Ayufang was mainly innocent, and when she said to stop here, he really stopped talking about the media protection, but he still yelled out and stated his ultimate goal.

The Feng family wants to marry Professor Wanqi's family, why don't they go to Wanqi's house to propose marriage to the master Wanqi?

It's nothing more than knowing that the chance of success is too slim, so she asked her to come forward. If she came forward to find the professor and teacher's wife, the Wancheng family would naturally think more about her because of her face.

Feng's family and Ayu Fangzhu wanted to drag her into the water, and it was a beautiful idea!

Le Yun didn't say anything, just stared at Senior Ayufang indifferently.

Master Ayu was so guilty, he didn't even eat the fruit, got up and ran away: "Time is precious, I went to the study to practice, little girl, you are busy with your work."

He was afraid that the little girl would catch him and give him a first meal, so he slipped away so fast that he rushed out of the blessed land without even a beat, and ran back to the academy in one breath, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The little girl was so scary, he almost thought he was going to be thrown out!
He slipped away by himself, and in the eyes of outsiders, he has all his face, so don't be afraid!
So, Master Ayu, hands behind his back, leaped into Shangfang Mingtang of the academy, regardless of the boy Wanqi who was copying the books, the kid from the Ren family, the kid from the Ren family, and the tomboy, he found a place to sit cross-legged.

The three young masters looked at Fangzhu Ayu, but didn't ask him why the old man came back so soon, and continued to bury their heads in copying books.

After dinner, Li Zhao went back to the backyard of the academy to wash up. He didn't go to the east courtyard to listen to Mr. He talking with the little girl. After washing up, he went to the east courtyard through the east side door, and went to the Jiude hall to accompany the younger brother to do homework.

Not long after he arrived, Luke also entered Jiude Hall with his schoolbag, climbed on the square bed, and did homework with Mr. Xiao.

It was Friday, and among the big and small radishheads, only Yu Chang did not return to the paradise. He also joined the club at school, and there will be club activities tomorrow.

After the senior Ayufang left, Le Yun gave homework to her younger brother and went to the alchemy furnace to open the furnace to make medicine.

She decided to start a new journey in September next year, so some things must be done in advance, the most urgent thing is to produce the medicine to detect the disciples of the Poison Sect.

After refining the medicine she needed, she was going to go to Ji's house in Qin Province to fulfill the promise she made to Ji's family to help refine the Sutra and Vesui Dan a few years ago.

The next step is to deal with Mrs. Zhen's Li family and solve hidden dangers for Handsome Yan.

Since he was going to another world, he had to donate the large amount of ore he was holding in his hand again to allocate some storage capacity so that he would have enough capacity to accommodate new resources when he arrived in the other world.

The matter of donating ore resources still has to be discussed with Handsome Yan, and we can talk about it when he finishes his work and comes to her to solve hidden dangers.

In addition, she feels that the existing houses in the park are still a little short, and she plans to continue to build inverted houses on the west side of the west gate, and build some more houses on the east side of Ningcui Xuan.

The expansion project will not start until the Nanjiang Medicine Plantation Garden is completed. At that time, she went to another world, and the ancient cultivators helped build a house in the paradise, so that she could practice and help take care of the paradise.

In this way, she can rest assured when she "retreats", and the Guxiu family will also benefit, which is a win-win cooperation for both parties.

With a well-thought-out plan, Le Xiao implemented his plan step by step.

Leshan didn't know that her most beautiful sister decided to "retreat" again, and was happy for her sister's return from southern Xinjiang. After finishing her homework, she ate fruit with her senior brother and Luke, and was going to sleep.

My sister wanted to make medicine, so she didn't sleep. Le Shan washed her feet, but she still didn't go back to the west courtyard as before. ,
Le Yun is quite speechless, Le Shan is so old and still always occupies her bed, a stinky brother is a stinky brother!

She didn't ask her younger brother to settle the score, and she devoted herself to boiling the medicine, day and night for four days and five nights, and finally a batch of medicine was released.

Little Lolita put away the newly made medicine, rested in the Paradise for a day, and went to Qin Shengji's house with a simple luggage the next day.

The ancestors of the Ji family and the clan elders knew that the little girl came to refine the marrow pill for the Ji family. A group of centenarians on average were as happy as children and almost jumped three feet high.

Classmate Le's purpose was to make elixir, and the furnace was turned on that night.

The medicinal materials collected by the Ji family are all dry medicinal materials, and it takes a long time to prepare them. In order to speed up the preparation, she also soaks various medicinal materials in water first when opening the furnace.

When the little girl was making medicine, except for occasionally going to the toilet, she never went out at other times. Ji's family delivered fresh melons, fruits and dry food every few days, and never approached her at other times.

On the night of November 11th, Little Loli opened the furnace to make medicine. Because the dried medicinal materials were extremely difficult to stew and melt, it took seventeen days to melt all the medicinal materials into paste.

On the morning of December 12th, I washed the scriptures and made Dandancheng.

She made pills according to the amount of Ji's old prescription, and only got 83 pills in one furnace.

The reason why she was able to get more than 80 pills was because she was the alchemist. If another person made it according to the original prescription, she could get at most forty pills, and the quality would be greatly reduced.

After all, the quality of medicinal materials in Ji's collection is uneven. Many medicinal materials are either not old enough, and some have lost their medicinal power due to being stored for too long.

Some are collections from the end of the last century, some are from the last century, and some are from this century. The time span is long, some medicines are too old and spicy, and some are too tender.

For various reasons, the amount of finished pills is low, and the quality of the pills barely reaches the top grade.

Because Le Xiao didn't deliberately adjust the color of the pills, the pills were yellowish brown, as big as a pigeon's egg, and the grains were round, bright and clean.

The elixir was released, and the fragrance permeated, and the Ji family's ancestral house could be heard everywhere.

The ancestors of the Ji family and the clan elders were so excited that they all ran to the yard outside the cave dwelling vacated for the little girl to make pills, and looked at the closed cave dwelling eagerly.

Student Le took the pills out of the stove, put them in jade boxes and placed them on the table, and then opened the door to let all the elders of the Ji family in.

Snow began to fall in the north at the end of November. The snow on the peaks of Zhongtiao Mountain and Zhushan Mountain in Qin Province has not yet melted, but the snow on the ground has melted, and it is also extremely cold.

The cave dwelling is smoked and baked by fire every day, which is very hot.

Patriarch Ji and the others stepped into the cave dwelling and were hit by a wave of heat. When the heat met their cold faces, it immediately condensed into water and felt damp.

The elders wiped their faces and gathered around the table to look at the results.

Seeing six boxes of round grains, I was overjoyed.

"Thank you, little girl!"

"Little girl has worked hard."

Seeing the results, all the elders thanked the little girl one after another. The little girl imprisoned herself for seventeen days and was burned and smoked every day. It was not easy.

"All the elders are polite." Le Yun replied politely.

The little girl has been practicing alchemy in seclusion for so long, and the members of the Ji family didn't gossiping with her, so they invited her to wash up and arrange breakfast.

Classmate Le Xiao did whatever he wanted, took a comfortable hot bath, dried his hair, tidied up, and followed Miss Ji Jiu to eat breakfast.

The second day after Little Lolita went to Ji's house to help with medicine, the ancestor of Ji's family called Ji Jiufeng back in the capital. After all, the little girl is a girl, and Ji Jiufeng is also a girl. Jiufeng said it was more convenient.

When Miss Ji Jiu saw little Lolita, she rushed towards her like a wolf on a sheep, held the cute little Lolita in her arms, patted her head and killed her, and took her to dinner after she was addicted to her hands.

People are dwarfs and have no human rights, and Le Xiao has no choice but to accept the reality.

The breakfast prepared by Ji's family was extraordinarily rich. They put together four tables and sat around in a circle. The breakfast felt like an emperor's meal.

After eating breakfast and chatting while drinking tea, Le Yun asked about Senior Yu's situation.

Ji's family and Xuan's family usually take turns to deliver daily necessities to Daoist Yu. The winter is cold, and the two families have already sent a batch of winter items to the mountain in early November.

Yu Daochang and Tao Shenzhi are healthy and healthy, and they live happily ever after.

Knowing that Senior Yu is very good, Le Yun didn't plan to go to the mountain to visit. She rested at Ji's house, had dinner and said goodbye.

The patriarch of the Ji family heard that the little girl had something to do, and he didn't want others to find her whereabouts, so he went out at night, and didn't keep her, so he packed a dry food for her, and quietly sent her out of the village.

After bidding farewell to Ji's family who saw her off, Le Xiaoluoli rushed into the vast night, and walked quickly all the way, and then stepped on the flying sword when she reached a safe place.

She flew close to the ground first, entered the mountains, found a safe place, changed into night clothes, and waited until the early morning before flying high into the sky in an aircraft. Under the cover of night, she sneaked to Xi City, S Province.

Little Loli dived to the sky above the most famous Lize Lake in Xishi City and then descended. When she reached a height where she could easily be found, she closed the aircraft and flew by herself, and then flew to the shore of the lake when it was not far from the water surface.

When they arrived at the hidden no-man's land, Le Yun took out a man-made mobile cave to drill in, then grabbed the little fox from the star core space, and sent him to work.

The little fox blinked Jin Tong, and asked excitedly: "Little girl, is it time for this fox to shine?"

Ever since he knew that the little girl decided to go to another world, the little fox was excited every day and worked extraordinarily vigorously. If the little girl had a problem, he agreed without hesitation.

As for haggling?

What is the bargain, the little fox can't remember.

"Yeah, we've arrived at the place I mentioned." Le Yun put the little fox down on the ground, and put on a disguised mouse skin for him.


The little fox obediently put on the camouflage, got out, put the shrunken cave on his forehead, and ran towards the direction of the light.

He ran for nearly a mile before reaching a place where there were people. He found a camera blind spot, took out the puppet puppet made by the little girl, put a backpack on the puppet, and handed him a flashlight.

He put the man-made cave on top of the puppet man's head, got into the cave himself, and directed the puppet man to walk up the small street with a flashlight.

The puppet puppet walked a long way before finding an avenue with taxis, and found a taxi waiting on the side of the road. He didn't speak, but handed over a piece of paper with a sentence written on it.

The taxi driver saw the note, guessed that the customer was a deaf-mute, and told the price. When the customer nodded, he took the order and drove the customer away.

Due to the long distance, the driver ran for more than half an hour before arriving at a high-end residential area in a prosperous area designated by the customer.

When he arrived at the destination, the little fox directed the puppet to get out of the car and paid the fare. He is a good fox who only abides by the law, and he can't let the good-hearted driver do nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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