Chapter 263

"Li Si, what do you think?"

"Look horizontally and vertically."

In the hotel room, John was holding the computer and asked Li Si, who was holding the mobile phone, what he thought about something, and Li Si replied with a smile.

John and Li Si are Chinese people of M nationality, their grandfathers are Chinese, and their parents are also married to a native of M country. Both of them are of mixed blood, probably because the genes of the Chinese people are strong, and their genes are also biased towards Chinese people. If you don't look at your passport or ID card, but just look at your face, you will run around the world in Huaxia, thinking that they are native Chinese.

John has a national character face, and the bridge of the nose is somewhat similar to the features of the Persians, tall and straight; Li Si has a gall-dangling nose, fair and gentle, and wears a pair of glasses.

Both of them are young people who are less than [-] years old, and they are young and strong.

"Are you going this time or am I going?" John continued the boring topic at his leisure.

"It was you last time, this time it's my turn." Li Si finally calmly took his eyes back from the phone and showed a narrow smile: "Of course, if you still want to try the good taste of climbing mountains in the middle of the night, I don't either. I'll take a chance with you."

John narrowed his eyes: "I hope you have that day too."

"Maybe it is possible that whoever calls the other party is a child, the child is capricious and energetic, and it is completely understandable to have strange thoughts."

"Speak as if you know children well."

"If I really understood the changes in children's personalities, I would have found a chance to get to know each other directly. It would be better than this. Like the one today, I can chat and drink tea with people. How pleasant it is to get along."

"Today, how did you check?"

"It's just like that on the bright side. They are all businessmen who are doing serious business. They accompany their elders to seek medical treatment. The information is consistent with the facts."

"Li Si, why don't you go meet them tomorrow, either by chance collision or sudden fainting."

"You let me touch porcelain?"

"It's not a touch of porcelain, it's an accident. You are handsome, and it's guaranteed to be effective."

"Do you think my face is more handsome than those two? Those two handsome guys are unfathomable. I made the handsome man not laugh out loud, so I don't want to see it by chance. I'm going to travel to province F tomorrow for a few days. "

"Tomorrow? Is it too early?"

"Huaxia soldiers have never been vegetarians. Wait a few days before leaving. I bet that all foreigners who go in that direction will be the target at that time. Fortunately, this season is also suitable for tourism. Otherwise, they will be the main suspects."

Li Si was right, but John didn't object and asked calmly, "Li Si, when will the replacement for us arrive?"

"It depends on the situation. If the result this time is the same as last time, there is no need to continue. They don't have to appear, and we can return to China."

"Ah, good, I miss the sunshine in my hometown of California."

Li Si didn't joke that John was a baby boy who couldn't bear his mother, so he booked tickets, packed his luggage, and made preparations for a trip in the morning.

While John and Li Si were discussing the action plan in a joking way, there were also people in other parts of the capital researching the truth and falsehood of a certain piece of news.

It was only at night that Milo knew that Xiao Lele was going to F province to find medicine, and it was his godfather who told him.

In the morning, after a brief conversation with the little girl from the East, Roberto and the others still went to the second-hand market.

After returning to the hotel for dinner and washing, Roberto went back to the study to listen to the daily secret report, his intelligence network, no matter where he went, it would not be interrupted.

After listening to the intelligence report of his subordinates, Roberto calmly asked Milo to chat in the study, and Enzo and Oscar were also used to it.

Milo entered the study, thinking that the godfather had a new order, but what he heard was the happy voice of the godfather: "Milo, your little friend is in such a hurry, she only saw me today, she made a reservation in the afternoon, and departed on the 22nd. Yao, guess which direction she is going?"

"I can't guess," Mr. Milo smiled, his eyes couldn't hide his joy: "When I sent Lele to find her friend, she said that she needed to find a kind of tea tree, so the only thing I can think of is that she went there. The place may be the origin of growing tea."

"Looking for a tea tree? The little girl went to Wuyi, province F, which is one of the tea producing areas."

"Lele goes to F province, it's a bit far."

"Yes, it's far away. When the cute little girl comes back, I have to thank her. Milo is a lucky child and has met good friends..."

Milo chatted with the godfather for a long time. When lying on the soft and comfortable luxury big bed in the hotel, thinking of the smiling face of the cute little Lele, he fell asleep leisurely, and slept very sweetly.

Miro and his party in the capital of China ate well and slept well. Moriti, who was still searching for things in the deep mountains, worked hard all day and found nothing again and again, and tossed and turned at night, making it difficult to fall asleep.

He tossed for a long time, and he didn’t sleep well in the second half of the night. When he woke up in the morning, he ate instant noodles hastily, dismantled the tent, and moved to another place to camp. The area has been searched, and the search area has been expanded. far, not very convenient.

He moved the tent to a place about two miles away and devoted himself to the search again.

Busyness can make people forget the time. Moriti was concentrating on searching for things. Unknowingly, after nearly an hour, he was moving with the detector, and suddenly his ears stood on end, and the dog barked?

Where did the dog bark come from in the deep mountains?
After listening for a while, he didn't hear any sound. He suspected that he had heard it wrong. When he was about to continue working, he heard a low bark, as if his mouth was covered.

Moritiy was clever, ran to the camp quickly, turned on his mobile phone, and found that his small device was malfunctioning, and he could no longer search for signals.

This time, he vaguely guessed the reason, and no longer bothered to search for things, he put away the detector and tent at the fastest speed, packed it up, put on his luggage, and evacuated as quickly as possible.

Moritiy ran in the direction that he had pre-selected and ran quickly without delay. He ran halfway across the mountain and reached a river without taking off his shoes. He walked into the river, and went upstream along the river. Fork in the land, along a small river, and drill into the deep mountains.

About half an hour after he left the camp, the eight-member team of the anti-terrorist assault team set off from the capital of E province to Shennong Mountain yesterday afternoon, took two police dogs over the cliff, crossed a forest, and arrived at Moriti yesterday. place to camp.

The small team arrived at the Shennong Mountains in the dark yesterday, sneaked into the mountains in the dark, and camped only a little less than half a day away from the area searched by the superior's secret order.

The reason why they no longer sneak is because the latitude and longitude area given by the superior is the place where black bears live and clouded leopards live. When they meet, they think they have the ability to shake off the beast, but that may also reveal their whereabouts.

A small team rested for the night, and when the sky brightened, they ate dry food and headed for the target location. They entered the clouded leopard habitat area, and unfortunately met a leopard on patrol.

The two sides were far apart, and the clouded leopard did not attack. The police dog, by nature, encountered a roaring beast and demonstrated. Although the team members quickly covered the mouth of the police dog, there were still two chirps.

A team and the leopard each took a step back, and the two sides missed. When they sneaked into the target point, they approached from two directions. A team of four people sneaked to the positive coordinates of the latitude and longitude coordinates, only to see only one spot on the edge of the forest. The grass and trees that were trampled down, and the charcoal piles left by the fire.

The charcoal piles were buried in mud, and there were no fireworks.

"Let's go?" The eight commandos who came from the mountains and waters quickly looked at the traces of the fire and the tent.

When the fire was pulled out, the ashes had been extinguished, and there was still a little residual temperature inside, indicating that the campers had used fire in the morning.

A team member untied the cover of a police dog's mouth and let the wolf dog sniff it.

The police dog was eager to try it in the morning, got instructions that he could go to work, bury his head in sniffing, turn around, and trot forward along the road that people walked.

The team members followed, and the other team also sneaked out of the woods, untied the muzzle of the other police dog, and let the two wolf dogs track together.

The two dogs proceeded along the scent, through the place where the person had been trampled, and led the person to the exact location where the suspect who left the scent camped for the second time.

The eight people checked and found that the traces of trampling were still new, and they knew that it was not long after the person left.

"Maybe it was the dog's barking that alerted people." The team members found the reason after a little thought. There are generally no dogs in the deep mountains and old forests, especially in Shennong Mountain, where hunting is prohibited. Therefore, if someone brings a dog into the mountain, it is almost certain that it is a special person. .

The mountain watchers of Shennong Mountain will not bring dogs into the mountain. Dogs will bite protected animals or startle small animals. When encountering large animals, the presence of dogs may irritate them, but it is more dangerous.

As for travelers and villagers, they will not go deep into the mountains and forests. Therefore, those who bring dogs into the mountains are basically search and rescue personnel performing special tasks, or armed police officers and soldiers trained in the field.

When they entered the mountain, they had put muzzles on the dogs, so they basically wouldn't bark, but because they encountered a leopard, they still roared twice. .

The eight people did not hesitate and chased again under the leadership of the police dog.

The police dog first made a few laps in the area, and then found a way and chased for a certain distance. No police dog was needed, and the path could be found along the traces of people stepping on it. With a police dog, it was faster and more economical.

A team chased the river and searched both sides of the river, but the police dogs could not find any trace of people. Eight people were divided into three teams. One team of three took the police dogs upstream, and one team went downstream. The team of two went back to investigate. Traces of the latitude and longitude coordinate area, scout what the man is doing.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang are advanced students. However, they were good students for a while. They went to class on time every day. Recently, they skipped get out of class and went to seclusion. Others were fishing for three days and two days. Didn't report at all.

On Thursday, the two young masters still practiced the old rules as before: dead house in the dormitory!

When the two of the house gods kept their computers in their hands, they were so busy that in the middle of the morning, Yanxing received news from the team sent by E North to Shennong Mountain to perform official duties. After listening to the report, he calmly gave two words. :"search."

"Failure?" Xiao Xingxing hung up the phone, and Liu Xiangyang asked with sour eyes.

"Well," Yan Xing gave a tepid hum and explained calmly, "The coordinates are secret, and it is inferred from the traces that someone may be looking for something. Because the personnel on the mission made a small mistake on the way, the personnel were alert. He withdrew after hearing the news and lost track."

"Looking for something, looking for something..." Liu Xiangyang muttered a few words to himself, suddenly shocked: "Don't tell the person who is looking for something is actually the guy who really got it, he may have lost it..."

Thinking of that possibility, he snorted and almost threw away the computer. What, it wouldn't be exactly what he imagined, right?
If that's the case, he... well, he doesn't know what to say.

Liu Xiangyang's expression is particularly wonderful. He feels that his speculation is inseparable, because the guy lost something, and in order to divert everyone's purpose, he led everyone's attention to the little loli, and then he Search for something in the mountains.

"It's [-]% likely. Visually, that person was not found, so we took over the search to see if there was anything to be gained." Yan Xing had no waves in his heart, and there was no wave on his face. Yesterday, he realized that the coordinates might be related to something. Therefore, the Ministry of Defense contacted the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Defense quickly dispatched the E-province elite combatants closest to the location to the mission.

"Little beauty's foreigner friend, the origin is not simple." Liu Xiangyang tapped his finger on the computer, the foreigner was not a member of a certain organization, and he would definitely be a top ten hacker in the world.

"Well, as long as he doesn't hurt Little Lolita and steal the country's secrets, I don't mind Little Lolita's many powerful friends."

Liu Xiangyang curled his lips, hum, Xiao Xingxing is more and more inclined to protect his weaknesses, what is he thinking?You don't really want to use all 72 changes, call the Xiong children of the He family to come together, and chase the little beauty into your hands to marry her as a wife, right?

The two bears of the He family should have good looks and a family background, which is really good, but, as long as anyone who is about the same age as the little princess Chao, I am afraid that no one can pass Xiao Chao, so there is Xiao Chao standing in front of the little beauty, thinking Chasing a little beauty is not so difficult.

There is a saying that there are good and bad comparisons. The little princess Chao is so good. With the personality that can pick out the bones in the eggs of the little beauty, I am afraid that those young men who have a halo that is almost less than Xiao Chao will not look down on them.

The fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, and if the little beauty falls into the He family, he is happy to see it happen, but to tell the truth, he is not very optimistic about the bear children of the He family. Fifteen is very good, and the little beauty's first impression of him is also discounted.

Liu Xiangyang did not speak his mind to attack Xiaoxingxing. He has a new job, and he has to investigate all travelers who have traveled to Shennong Mountain in North E Province since July, as well as suspicious people who stayed near Shennong Mountain.

When Yan Shaoliu was too busy, Moriti, who was wading in the water, kept moving along the stream, far away from the place where he was searching before, and turned into an adventure crossing that travelers liked. Lu, mixed into a group of passers-by, walked out of Shennong Mountain in the middle of the afternoon, and went to the neighboring province to explore together by car.

(End of this chapter)

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