magic eye doctor

Chapter 264 Prom

Chapter 264 Prom
First try on clothes
Le Yun worked out her own travel plan, booked a ticket, put it aside, and studied carefully. As for what others think of her behavior, who cares, whoever likes to think about it, just think about it.

On Thursday night, she also took up her post for the first time, took on the heavy responsibility of the study committee, and went to the medical department to participate in the study committee meeting.

She just went to hold a meeting. Of course, the work was done with the help of the classmates. It was impossible for Guan Yunzhi and other eight boys to let Little Loli take the lead.

The student union is very busy. The school's annual sports event is about to open on the weekend, the qualification review of the sponsors of the student union is coming to an end, and there are exchanges with other schools. As the president, Chao Yubo has to bring a new The vice president is familiar with official business procedures and is very busy, and no matter how busy he is, he will return to the Zhuangyuan Building on time for dinner in the evening.

The reason why he had to rush back for dinner was because he didn't trust Xiao Lele to stay with the boys, not because he was afraid that the boys would bully her, but because he wanted to prevent others from gossiping at the root. With him present, anyone who wants to spread rumors must first Weigh the consequences.

Li Shao, Classmate Chen, etc. are extremely jealous of Classmate Chao. Having a younger sister is different. Every day there is a sumptuous dinner, and they want to eat it too!

A few foodie tyrants really wanted to run with Xiao Chao to grab a meal, but they also knew that Xiao Loli's dormitory was a little space like a slap in the face, and it couldn't hold too many people. If they went there, they wouldn't have a place to sit.

In order not to cause trouble for Little Loli, the school bullies watched Xiao Chao go to the fourth floor as a guest every day. They could only smell the fragrance in the air to relieve their hunger.

As a scholar, Professor Wan Cheng is very busy. During the working period from Monday to Friday, he hardly ever visits anyone's house, nor does he have time, nor does he like to visit everywhere.

However, before going to work in the morning, his wife asked him to come back early after class at noon to pick her up for a visit with his primary school students. He didn't even give a refusal, and agreed very readily.

After the last class in the morning, Professor Wan Cheng took the students' homework, rode on a motorcycle, and galloped home. He really did not stop for a while on the road, and he ran so chicly.

Back downstairs in the teacher's dormitory, he saw that his wife was waiting for him in the car. Professor Wan Cheng also put the students' homework into the car, got in the car, and set off.

He was still a little worried, and asked his wife, "Ma'am, if we passed by so suddenly, would Xiaole be caught off guard?"

"You think I'm as clueless as you. I told Lele in advance this morning that I'll go to her dormitory at noon." Mrs. Wang glared at her husband with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

"So, Xiaole must have prepared lunch for us in advance." Professor Wan Cheng was overjoyed, his wife was too witty.

"What else is in your mind besides eating?" I remembered to eat, eat, eat, eat all day, why didn't I kill him?After You Qi got the health tea from Xiao Lele, her appetite became better than before, and she couldn't help but feel jealous.


"Old hooligan!" Mrs. Wang spat at the old guy, and the old guy in his [-]s and [-]s is not ashamed if he still learns how to turn a corner and talk about love.

Professor Wan Cheng laughed, drove very fast, rushed to the Zhuangyuan Building, and helped his wife carry things with a smile on his face. When he saw the two boxes filled with mineral water that his wife had put together, he was stunned. What are you going to do?

He thought it was heavy, so he secretly started to hold the box so as not to be embarrassed. Who knew the box was light and not heavy at all? He was even more confused, what was in it.

He was worried about asking Mrs. Ning's flower fist embroidered legs, so he didn't ask and went upstairs with the box.

Professor Wan Cheng's suits are neat, and Mrs. Wang wears a long autumn dress with a shawl on her shoulders. She is dignified and dignified. She has a small handbag in one hand and a slightly smaller box in the other. , Climbing upstairs.

A couple went to the fourth floor and saw that the door was half-open. They happily entered the student dormitory. The sound of pushing the door alarmed the host of the dormitory. A sweet and pretty little girl with short hair rushed from the kitchen to greet her with a cute smile. , soft and crunchy called "teacher, teacher".

Mistress Wang was so happy that she threw down the box, pulled the little girl around the apron, and reached out to squeeze her pink cheeks: "Xiao Lele's face is so tender that she can squeeze water, it's really fun."

"Master, you pinched people's faces again, what should I do if the flesh is soft and drooping and it's not pretty?" There is a mistress who likes pinching her face, and Le Yun is also drunk.

"Okay, I won't pinch it anymore." Being hugged by the little girl and acting coquettishly, Mrs. Wang beamed with joy, touched the little guy's white and tender face, and asked her to do her work.

He was originally his primary school student, but was snatched away and loved by his wife. Professor Wan Cheng wanted to protest, but he couldn't match his wife's majesty, so he was very helpless.

The couple sat down, and the little girl presented a plate of dragon fruit slices, which were brightly colored and fragrant. The two tasted a piece with toothpicks.

The two of them were not polite, they ate slowly, piece by piece, and killed them all.

In the morning, Le Yun received a call from Mrs. Wang and prepared meals in advance. When her teacher and her mother were eating fruit, she also took the last soup out of the pot and brought the dishes to the table.

Three people, six exquisite home-cooked dishes, enjoyed by both young and old. Professor Wan Cheng ate the fruit after the meal again, carrying a packet of healthy tea from the filial piety of the elementary school students, and left with a smile. He has a class in the afternoon, and he has to watch the students. work, very busy.

When Lao Wan was gone, Mrs. Wang smiled and called the little girl to move the box: "Lele, let's go, let's go back to your bedroom and try on the clothes."

Le Yun was a little stunned, and took a box from her mother's hand: "Mother, what clothes?"

"Tonight there is a freshman dance in your department. Of course it's a small dress." Mrs. Wang carried the suitcase and walked happily to the little girl's bedroom.

"Uh!" A black line floated out of Le Yun's forehead. She almost forgot about it. She didn't dare to say it. She pushed open the bedroom door and asked her mother to come into her nest.

For the first time, Mrs. Wang saw the primary school student's bedroom. The things were neat and the quilts were folded in squares. It could be seen that the routine of life was good. When she saw the large plush doll on the bed, she couldn't help laughing. Clever is also a child, and little girls love dolls.

Because she wanted to try on clothes, Le Yun went to close the curtains, ran back to her mistress, and helped untie the ropes of the box. When she opened the box, her jaw almost dropped. Both boxes were full of clothes!

"Mother, I have clothes to wear, so you don't need to buy them for me." She was about to be deceived. Even though her family was poor, her father never cared about money for food and clothing. He always gave her the best he could. Her clothes are not bad. Now that she has money herself, the reason why she didn't buy clothes in a big way is because she has enough clothes.

Clothes are enough to cover the body.

Therefore, the clothes do not need to pay attention to wearing famous brands, which can cover the body and warm the body, which is enough.

"Lele, you have clothes that belong to you, your wife, I just want to have a white and tender girl to help me dress up happily. Now that's my hobby, you can't quench my passion. , hurt my heart."

Mrs. Wang is very happy. Her son is not good enough. She only has sons and not girls. There are also female dolls in relatives or friends. Those people are holding them dearly.

Now, there is finally someone who catches her eye, and she must be caught and dressed up so that she can taste the "buy, buy, buy" fun of shopping.

She happily took the clothes out of the box, took them out and put them on the bed first, red, blue, purple, apricot, white, two-color or three-color, there were thick winter clothes, and spring and autumn clothes. There are also four pairs of stilettos on the bottom of the smaller case.

Folding out the clothes, she took out a red dress and shook it away. It was a mid-length sleeveless dress, which was simple and elegant.

Mrs. Wang gestured the skirt to the primary school student, with a smile on her face: "Hmm, it's quite suitable visually, Lele, quickly put it on and let me see if it fits."

"Teacher... Mistress, I don't wear skirts." Le Yun was confused, she hadn't worn skirts since she was three years old, so let her wear skirts, 囧!
"Why don't you wear a skirt?" Girls should wear beautiful skirts and dress up beautifully.

"Master, wearing a skirt is not good for fighting."

"..." Mrs. Wang was shocked by the reason, and she couldn't help laughing and crying: "Little girl, don't be like your mentor who likes to play fists and dances all day long. Is Shi Wancheng instigating you to practice fists and feet every day? He? Dare to break my little girl, and watch me go home and clean him up."

"Mother, it's none of my mentor's business, it's because I didn't wear skirts since I was a child."

"I was a child when I was a child, and now is now, good boy, change your clothes quickly, and let my wife and me find a sense of accomplishment."

"..." Le Yun was originally very resistant to wearing a skirt, but she couldn't keep up with the expectant eyes of her mother. She turned around, took off her slacks and clothes, and put on a skirt.

The little girl is petite and exquisite, with graceful curves, Mistress Wang's eyes are shining, and Xiao Lele's figure is too enchanting. If she was a young man in her twenties, she would definitely rush up and pack up and take her home as a daughter-in-law.

Seeing that the little guy started to wear a skirt, how could he be so smart when he was busy with cooking, he looked a bit clumsy, but also very cute, he almost laughed out of kindness, didn't he just wear a skirt? , How did you make it look like you were on the battlefield?

Mrs. Wang hurried to help, she successfully helped put the skirt on her body, tidy it up neatly, then zipped up the side zipper, and then looked at Xiaolele, hehe, the length of the skirt just covered the knees, and the waist was closed, which perfectly outlines the S shape. Exquisite curves, slender waist, big breasts, and a good figure.

Staring at the little girl and sizing her eyes, she immediately stroked her palms happily: "Hahaha, I'm so discerning, the size is right, it's like a tailor-made, it fits so well!"

The clothes were neither long nor short, sleeveless, the little guy's slender arms were as white as jade, and the exposed calves were also white and tender. The red color matched her fair skin, it couldn't be more suitable.

The little girl in the dress is like an elf, pretty and cute.

The more she looked, the more satisfied she became. Mrs. Wang was so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She took out a pair of black high-heeled shoes from the box: "Little Lele, try changing your shoes again."

When she saw the stilettos brought by her mother, Le Yun's hair stood up. She had never worn high heels!
She was embarrassed to attack her mother's enthusiasm, and cautiously stretched out her foot. When she put on stiletto shoes, her heart went up to her throat. Will such a slender heel break?

Putting on a skirt feels like a cloth wrapped around it, with a sense of restraint. When wearing high-heeled shoes, it is like walking on cotton on stilts. It is top-heavy and very unsteady.

Le Yun, who has never worn high heels at birth, and has not worn a skirt for more than ten years, has become constrained, anxious and trembling.

Black and red, perfect!

Helping Xiaolele with a pair of high-heeled shoes, Mrs. Wang took a look at the person and walked around twice. A big piece!

Horses rely on saddles, people rely on makeup, Lele dresses up a little, she is so pretty, there is such a little beauty who was born out of nowhere, what kind of school flowers are all standing aside, such a naturally beautiful little doll is a well-deserved innocence The invincible beautiful girl who has never met in a thousand years.

I wonder if Xiao Chao sees Xiao Lele like this, will that warm and jade-like face change color?
The more she thought about it, the more excited Mrs Wang became, her eyes were bright, and she checked the details again to see if the clothes and shoes were inappropriate. Overall, it was really good. Only because the little guy developed too well, the bust appeared a little bit. A little tight.

"Xiao Lele is too cute, let's try another outfit." With a sense of accomplishment, with a good smile, he urged him to try another outfit.

Still... still trying?

Some of Le Yun, who was at a loss, was shocked by the enthusiasm of her mother. She didn't want to wear skirts or high heels!Who will save her!
It's a pity that no matter how she resisted, she couldn't resist Wang Shimu's enthusiastic offensive, so she had to take off the clothes she just put on and change to a blue skirt, which was still a mid-length skirt that could cover her knees.

Mrs. Wang clicked 36 likes for her vision, the size is right!Appreciate it, take it off again, put on the purple one again, then take it off again, change to the pink one, then change to beige, change to apricot yellow, change...

Red, green, orange, yellow, blue, pretty purple, as well as white, as well as a variety of matching styles, a total of twelve mid-length skirts, two short skirts above the knee, and four ankle-length skirts.

Mrs. Wang was addicted, and she was overjoyed to let Xiaolele try all the dresses and finished work satisfied. With such a cute little girl, she is finally not bored, and she no longer has to envy people with daughters, she can go shopping if she has nothing to do Buy and buy, come back and dress up as Xiaolele. In other words, Xiaolele doesn't seem to have much autumn clothes. When she is free tomorrow, she will take Lao Wan to go shopping to buy and buy!
When she was leaving, Mrs. Wang held the moisturizing skin cream that Xiaolele helped her develop, and laughed so happily that she couldn't help herself.
After sending off the wife, Le Yun closed the door, sat on the ground, mourned silently, she should not wear skirts or high heels... Repeated countless times!

Section [-]

Youth University has a freshman dance every year, usually in October. At that time, the tanned skin of the freshmen in the military training is almost white, and they are familiar with the new environment and integrate into the school atmosphere. It is most suitable to hold a freshman dance.

The Orientation Ball of the Medical Department was scheduled for Friday, which was prepared by the student union of the department and the senior students. Because the medical department had fewer people than other departments, it successfully pre-empted the opportunity to be held in the school's small auditorium.

The welcome dance didn't start until 07:30, which didn't conflict with Le Xiao's invitation to the military training friends for dinner. Therefore, the boys who were scheduled to be guests on Friday went to the little loli dormitory on time.

Two of the last group of boys were from the Chinese and Western medicine classes, Dai Liangyu and Zhou Kangren. Because there was a dance party in the evening, the nine boys first sent books and the like back to the dormitory, showered and washed their hair, and dressed themselves up like dogs. Group departure.

They arrived at Little Loli's dormitory, lined up the seats, and shared the fruits. After a few minutes, Chairman Chao arrived late, and a group of foodies sat and waited for dinner to start, eating and drinking happily.

The boys rubbed together beautifully and waited for the little loli to pack up and go to the welcome dance together.

When Xiao Lele cleaned up the kitchen, washed his hands and changed his clothes, Chao Yubo reminded with a smile: "Lele, Mrs. Wang asked me to supervise you and said that you must wear the red suit."


A big lightning flash flashed in Le Yun's mind. The teacher is so treacherous and asked Brother Chao to supervise her personally. She can't do it without wearing a skirt.


Looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, my mood was bright but sad, and then I went back to the bedroom to change my clothes with that feeling of helplessness.

Zhou Kangren and his friends were confused, what kind of clothes are important?

Soon, they knew the result. When the little loli opened the bedroom door and came out, the boys were stunned. The little loli wore a red skirt and a pair of stilettos, like a little fairy, and the fairy was cute.

"Mother Wang has a good eye and fits very well." Chao Yubo's eyes flashed with amazement, Xiao Lele is so cute in a skirt!
The gentle voice of the youth president woke the boys up, each of them seemed to be waking up from a dream, and then looked at the little loli, the well-dressed little loli was the so-called boy killer!
The boys cover their noses secretly, no, no, no nosebleeds!

"Chao...Chairman Chao, if Little Loli goes to the dance like this, will the scene of the dance be filled with blood?" Dai Liangyu stuttered. They had been with Little Loli for so long, and it was hard to resist her lethality. , If the little Loli dressed up in makeup is released, he is worried that the boys at the dance will be spraying nosebleeds, and they may bleed into rivers by then.

"Uh, this, I can't handle it." Chao Yubo smiled leisurely, and went to bring Xiao Lele over, help her get the key, and set off to the dance.

Le Yun stepped on a pair of stiletto heels five or six centimeters high, walking like cotton. She always felt that the road surface was uneven, and she walked cautiously, like thin ice.

She was so nervous, so she didn't care what the boys were talking about, she leaned on Brother Chao carefully, and for the first time she felt frightened when she descended the stairs, lest she slip and fall beyond recognition.

Skirt, I feel tired and don't love it!
High heels, her enemy!

The music rhyme that suffers from the pain of high heels, be careful step by step, want to cry without tears in your heart, my wife is a bad person, I don't love my wife anymore!
Mrs. Wang, who was resentful, was in a happy mood. She had dinner with Professor Wan Chuan before driving the private car. When Shi Shiran set off, Professor Wan Cheng was always surprised: "Madam, I feel that you are in a very good mood today, what's the happy event? "

His wife is very quiet, and usually she rarely attends dance parties. For student dance parties, she usually only participates in the art academy and the student union, and the dance or party held by the school.

This time I will be invited to the welcome dance of the medical department. It is naturally because of Xiao Lele. What he doesn't understand is why his wife is in such a good mood and smiles so beautifully.

"I won't tell you, of course, if you go shopping with me on weekends, I can share the happiness with you."

"Ma'am, I won't go shopping. The credit card is in your hand. You can just buy it yourself if you like."

"I have a card myself, okay?"

"...Well, I'll accompany you to go shopping on weekends."

"It's almost there."

Madam Wang was satisfied and beamed with joy. When the car arrived at the small auditorium, and after getting off the bus, she saw the youthful students, her smile became even brighter.

The dance party has not yet officially started, and the students have arrived one after another. The hall of the small auditorium is elegantly and delicately decorated, and soothing music is playing. The old students of the student union are greeting the invited teachers and their classmates, as well as freshmen. The auditorium Full of laughter.

Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang came to visit and were warmly welcomed by everyone, and were introduced into the auditorium by members of the student union of the department.

When Lu Chunfu arrived at the small auditorium, there was an endless stream of people outside in twos and threes.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a cheetah car parked next to his car. Dashao Yan and Dashao Liu calmly got out of the car. The two elders were in black suits of the same color, tall and straight as loose, handsome and handsome.* *Quartet.

"Liu Da Shao Yan Da Shao, I haven't seen you two for a long time. What gust of wind brought the two here tonight." Seeing the two handsome young men, Lu Chunfu laughed and teased.

"Of course it was the fragrant wind brought by the beauties that brought us here." Liu Xiangyang got out of the car and saw Lu Chunfu, who was gentle and fair. I didn't bring a female companion, so that's fine, I'm not afraid of embarrassment."

"Young Master Liu didn't invite a female companion?"

"The resources of school girls are scarce. I'm afraid of causing public outrage, how dare I go and grab girls as female companions with handsome guys." Liu Xiangyang spread his hands and made a statement of innocence.

"You don't want to snatch it, I can't even if I want to. This is the most unpopular thing that programmer men suffer from." Lu Chunfu laughed and walked with the two elders.

The three men are handsome and handsome, walking together, radiant and especially dazzling.

They walked outside the auditorium and saw a group of neatly dressed boys standing together, looking forward to it, Liu Xiangyang greeted happily: "Hello, little girls, are you having a meeting?"

"We're waiting for little loli."

Guan Yunzhi and others saw handsome Liu and answered him with a smile.

"Little handsome guys, you didn't bring any female companions, did you make an appointment?"

"Can't you invite a female partner?" Think they don't want to invite?There are too few girls, and the medical department is even more prosperous and yin.

Lu Chunfu laughed unkindly, Yan Xing's mouth twitched indistinctly, in a world where there are more men than women, competition is cruel.

Before he could sigh, he heard the boys call, "President Chao is here!"

Yan Xing, Liu Xiangyang, Lu Chunfu and the three handsome guys also turned their heads to look. It was indeed President Chao. He had just parked out of the cab, turned around to help open the trunk door, and quickly helped out a girl in a red dress.

When they saw the girl who was helped out of the car, the three handsome guys were stunned. Is Little Loli wearing a skirt? !
The boys were overjoyed and ran to meet Little Loli and President Chao. Even if they heard Zhou and others who came to the auditorium one step ahead and said what Little Loli looked like, when they ran close, they saw the well-dressed little girl. Loli, a group of boys couldn't help but look straight.

Lele didn't walk smoothly in high heels, Chao Yubo held her with one hand, wrapped her waist with the other, and helped her walk. The boys surrounded the little loli and happily went to the auditorium.

When a group of boys approached with a little loli, Liu Xiangyang wanted to cover his eyes, oh my god, the little beauty's figure is too perfect to look at!
"..." The corners of Yan Xing's eyes jumped three times fiercely. Whoever dressed Little Loli like this, he really wanted to drag that person out and beat him to death, and also Xiao Chao, why would he dare to bring him out? , are you not afraid that the boys will take advantage of the little loli?

"Little beauty, you are so beautiful." Liu Xiangyang touched his nose, but there was no nosebleed, and he rushed up to send his warm praise.

"Thank you." Le Yun was bitter, her feet were sore, okay?

Chao Yubo also didn't mind Liu Dashao, Yan Dashao and Lu Caizi coming together. A group of people entered the auditorium. As soon as they stepped into the hall, they attracted a lot of attention. Men and women saw the pretty girl in red dress beside President Chao. , the eyeballs are about to fall to the ground.

Chen Shuyuan and Cai Zijun responded quickly, caught Xiao Huang and accompanied them to meet the teachers.

"Oh, my God, my lady, is this your masterpiece?" Professor Wan Cheng immediately became uneasy when he saw his primary school student. Don't guess, he also knew that it was his wife's masterpiece, his dear early morning. Just looking forward to grab a little girl doll and play with nothing to do.

It's over! It's over!

In turn, the old professor was in a cold sweat. His wife dressed Xiaole so amazingly. What if the boys were all excited and ran after his elementary school students?
"Old Wanti, what's the matter? My eyesight is good, right? I personally chose the clothes. Look how suitable they are on Lele's little girl, and how pretty she is. I feel that I can't love enough. "

Mrs. Wang proudly shared her great achievements with her husband, and her whole person was like a flower, bright and happy.

"My lady's eyes are very good. Xiaole is dressed like this by you. It really adds to the clothes and clouds. It can't be more perfect." Hastily joined.

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed when she was praised and praised. When President Chao brought someone over, she held her husband's hand and looked at the pair of people like a pair of people, and her heart was flying.

The men and women present were particularly powerless. Mommy, the little loli primary school girl is already cute and charming. You always dress up like this to make this dance burst into rhythm.

"Xiao Lele, why don't you look so happy?" The pretty little girl walked to her side, and Mother Wang pinched her tender face lovingly.

"Mother, it's too painful to wear high heels, can I throw them away?"

The crunchy girl's voice was tender and sad, so everyone couldn't help but stroke their foreheads, don't tell them that she had never worn high heels before.

"Little Lele, bear with it, you will get used to it slowly." Mrs. Wang also felt sorry for the little guy, but she must not be soft-hearted. In the future, she has to attend a banquet and wear a dress with high heels. She has to slowly cultivate Xiao Lele. The habit of wearing high heels.

It's useless to act like a spoiled child, Le Yun is a little depressed.

The dance party is about to start. The host first invited senior classmates from the art department who act as choreographers to teach everyone the dance steps on the spot.

The dance steps are not complicated, you can learn it three or four times.

After the on-site dance instruction, the dance started. The invited teachers and senior seniors started dancing. Couples of young men and women also came off the stage to dance. Their dresses were fluttering, their postures were graceful, and they formed a beautiful painting.

Chao Yubo led Xiao Lele to dance the first dance, Lele's first dance in life, he must accompany him, and he must not let other boys take it away.

Le Yun is not used to high heels and walks awkwardly, but she has a good memory and remembers every step of the dance, so even if she dances very hard, she doesn't make a mistake.

People at the ball can invite any man or woman who are not dancing to dance. Generally, the invited party cannot refuse. Therefore, boys without female companions can also invite other ladies. When cold.

At the end of the first dance, Guan Yunzhi and the other boys did not say a word, and invited Little Lolita to dance. One by one, everyone wrapped Little Lolita around, so as not to give other boys a chance to take advantage.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were secretly annoyed and wanted to kick people, a group of stinky children, they were too blind!
The two handsome guys waited, waited, waited until the second half of the dance, and finally got a chance. Liu Da Shao snatched the little beauty and danced together gracefully, and then Yan Da Shao came on stage.

Yan Shao is 1.8 meters 1.9 tall, wearing shoes is more than 1.5 meters, Le Xiao has grown a little bit, 1.6 meters [-], wearing high heels is only about [-] meters [-], there is still a gap of more than [-] centimeters between the two.

Yan Xing bent down slightly, gently embraced Little Lolita's slender waist with one hand, and held her jade hand with the other, trying her best to maintain a gentleman's demeanor and not touch the position that should not be touched.

Little Loli is too beautiful. He doesn't like the way boys look at Little Loli. Those eyes are green and faint, like a wolf seeing a lamb.

Rao is that no matter how Yan Xing wanted to occupy people, when he finished a dance, he had to let Lu Chunfu, who came to invite the dance, take away Little Loli.

"Elementary school girl, are your feet still enough?" Lu Chunfu asked thoughtfully, hugging the pretty little girl.

"It can last for a while." Le Yun suffered from the pain caused by high heels, her feet were almost broken, and she had to work hard to maintain a smile and a mental outlook, not to mention how sad she was.

"Don't be too reluctant, you can take a break when you are too tired."

"Well, when I can't take it any longer, please take the senior off the dance floor to rest."

"...Tingxue elementary school girl has a wide range of interests. I wonder if you are interested in getting involved in IT?" After chatting for a while, Chen Chunfu asked with a smile.

"Yes, I want to learn network technology."

"I'm studying IT, and elementary school girls are interested in getting involved in this field. You can find me any books if you need them."

"Okay, when I have time to learn network technology after my professional course, I will ask the senior for advice. I have no foundation, will the senior think that I am stupid." As long as it involves the knowledge that he wants to learn, Le Yun is very motivated.

"How is it possible, the primary school girl is talented and smart, and I am willing to serve the primary school girl at any time."

Lu Chunfu took the elementary school girl to dance together, and took her back to the edge to take a break. However, he was still standing still, and the boys he knew and didn't know rushed forward and invited the pretty little loli to dance.

Le Yun's heart collapsed, when will this dance be the best!

Section Three

Chao Yubo accompanies the girls who invite to dance to complete a dance, and quickly rushes to Lele's side. When no one else arrives, Lele is invited to leave again by the boys. He wants to hide and avoid being invited to dance by the girls, but he fails. This year's line of flowers, this year's new beauty - Wang Ziyan, Wang Xiehua cut Hu.

Wang Xianhua is a native of Sucheng, S province, the three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. She was born in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and was nurtured by the warm climate of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. She is tender and graceful.

She has jet-black hair, long straight and draped over her back, reaching over her shoulders, with eyebrows and bangs, a melon-seeded face, and a thin application of makeup powder. The corners of her eyes are naturally charming, revealing the graceful elegance that is unique to water-town girls. .

If you want to be pretty and be filial, Wang Xiehua has beautiful features. She wears a long white dress with one shoulder and ankle. When walking around, the skirt is elegant and graceful, like a shy white peony, which is lovable.

The gentle water town beauty swayed the delicate and elegant, elegant and beautiful young president: "President Jiu Muchao is unparalleled in elegance, and the demeanor of osmanthus orchid, I wonder if I will be fortunate to invite President Chao tonight. dance?"

The Jiangnan beauty looks like a willow, and Wu Nong speaks softly, with a unique flavor.

"It's a great honor to be able to dance with the school girl." Seeing the beauty stop, Chao Yubo knew that his plan to take a break was in vain, and the gentleman extended his hand to invite the beauty to the dance floor.

When a woman invites a man, it would be rude to refuse, especially when several senior sisters and sisters did not refuse to invite a dance before. This time, it is even more impossible to refuse, even if it is impossible to refuse, it is better to accept it.

Wang Ziling approached President Meiyan, took the initiative to hold his arm, and stepped off the dance floor; moving into the dance floor, Chao Yubo put the back of his hand on the lady's waist and led the schoolgirl to dance.

Yan Xing finished dancing with a girl, sent her to the resting area on the edge, evacuated quickly, and hid in the group of boys who were admiring others dancing.

Liu Xiangyang also doesn't want to be the villain who grabs beauties with the boys.

The brothers kept changing places, but the focus was on Little Loli. When they saw her dancing with the boy, the two quickly passed through the crowd and ran up to cut people off.

The two handsome guys were tall and big, and they showed a slight aura. Even if they smiled lightly, their cold and threatening aura made the boys have no reason to fear and dare not get too close.

With two handsome guys escorting them, temporarily isolating the boys a few steps away, Le Yun was finally able to catch her breath and moved step by step to hide from the professors who were watching the fun.

Li Shao didn't arrive until the second half of the dance. He got an invitation from the medical department's student union. Because his department's orientation dance was also on Friday, he went to his department's orientation dance first, and then went to the medical department's dance after halftime. field.

When he arrived, he chatted with the medical student host staff, and talked to the teachers for a while. When he saw that Little Loli wanted to hide in peace, he rushed to escort her.

Greeting the cute little loli, Li Yubo stretched out his hand to support the little Lele who was walking unsteadily, and couldn't help sweating: "Lele, why are you so tired?"

"Brother Li—" Le Yun saw Brother Li coming and grabbed him as a crutch.

Yan Xingjun's face darkened indistinctly. He and Xiang Yang were right here. Little Loli was struggling to walk, but she insisted on not relying on them. When she saw the Li family, she passed by. Are they really that scary?
Xiao Lele's appearance was not very good. Li Yubo put his arms around her waist and helped Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang. They were resting, and seeing the weak appearance of the primary school students, they hurried to the place The little girl grabbed her and hugged her, rubbing her head distressedly.

Professor Wan Cheng didn't care about being rude or rude, he squatted down and asked the elementary school students to take off their shoes to check if they had sprained their feet. When the elementary school students took off one shoe, he almost didn't scream. Her white and tender feet were swollen from the torment of the shoes. Get up, like a red pork trotter with sauce.

"My feet are all swollen, Xiaole, I can't dance bravely anymore, Xiao Li, go find Xiaochao and send Xiaolele back." The old professor felt even more distressed when he saw the swollen feet of the elementary school students: "Yaya, let's go back in the future. Don't toss the child, you see, how pitiful it is."

"Okay, we won't wear high heels all the time." Seeing the little guy's pink foot turned into a braised pig's trotter, Mrs. Wang's liver is hurting. I'm sorry, Xiao Lele must be in pain and learn to wear high heels. Let's put it off for a few years and wait until she's older.

Le Yun's feet hurt so much that she couldn't stand up. She lay in her mother's arms, looking for support to support her body weight.

Li Yubo didn't say a word, he hurried to the vicinity of Brother Chao, and when Xiao Chao and the beautiful girl finished a dance, he rudely caught Fa Xiao: "Brother Chao, Xiao Lele's foot is injured, Professor Wan Cheng called. Let's rush Lele back to apply the medicine."

"Lele slapped his feet?" Chao Yubo panicked, hurriedly said disrespect to the beautiful schoolgirl, and turned to look for Lele in a hurry.

Wang Ziyan originally wanted to ask President Chao to dance another song. If President Chao had something to do, she couldn't force it, so she could only watch him leave in a hurry.

Chao Yubo and Li Yubo hurriedly returned to Professor Wan Cheng's place. Le Yun saw Brother Chao, and the tip of his nose was sore: "Brother Chao, my feet hurt."

"Le Le good, let's go back, my brother will carry you." Chao Yubo's heart was clenched, he quickly approached, turned around and squatted slightly.

"Xiao Chao, let me carry Xiao Lele."

"Little Chao, let me carry the little beauty."

"Little Chao, I'll carry Little Loli."

Li Yubo, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang rushed to be porters in unison.

"You all go aside, I'm my brother, and of course my own sister is carried by me." Chao Yubo firmly refused, and each one came to collect what?You want to wipe the oil, don't you?

One small, two big and three handsome guys sighed silently. With such a guard Chao Shao, it is really difficult to get close to Xiao Loli.

Le Yun didn't say a word, and leaned on Brother Chao's back. In order to avoid suspicion, he put both hands on his chest and hugged Brother Chao's shoulders, so as not to stick to Brother Chao's back and embarrass him.

Xiao Lele leaned on his back, Chao Yubo frowned, why is Xiao Lele so thin?He turned his hands behind his back, folded Xiao Lele's skirt, supported her again, carried her on his back, and walked away. Xiao Lele was very light and had no trouble walking.

Li Yubo, Yan Xing, Liu Xiangyang, and Wan Cheng, Professor Wang and Mrs. Wang, did their part to protect him. They left the stage together first. When President Chao passed by with Little Loli on his back, the boys and girls were stunned. The chairman is too weak to hold back the wind and has no strength to hold the chicken in his hands?How could he be so attractive?

After thinking about it carefully, everyone understands that the little loli is so cute, and President Chao must not worry about letting others carry it, so he will personally go on the stage to carry his sister.

In an instant, the eyes of the classmates filled with infinite admiration. President Chao is too great. For the sake of his sister, he is desperate, he is a peerless brother.

The freshman dance usually ends at eleven o'clock. Although President Akira and others leave first, it does not affect the overall situation. After a brief period of surprise, the boys and girls dance happily and play intellectual games.

Professor Wan Cheng and his party went out of the auditorium, went to the parking place outside, and sent the little girl and classmate Chao into the car first, then they drove their own car and followed classmate Huang's car to the Zhuangyuan Building.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang wanted to rub the Chao family brother's car, but there were Li Ge'er and Professor Wan Cheng's husband and wife, so they couldn't be so obvious that they approached Little Loli and followed Li Shao's car.

Le Yun was taken to the passenger seat. The first thing she did after she was seated was to take off her shoes. At the dance party, in order not to be rude, she did not take off her shoes and go barefoot no matter how painful her feet were.

Freeing her hot feet, she felt much more comfortable in the cold air. She also sympathized with women who bound feet in ancient times. She couldn't stand wearing high heels for a few hours. If she wrapped her feet with cloth, The pain of restricting the growth of her feet must be ten times worse than her current pain.

"Lele, is the pain really bad?" Chao Yubo didn't know medicine, so when he saw Xiao Lele's red feet, he thought it was serious, and he felt very uneasy.

"Brother Chao, I didn't sprain or sprain my foot. I'm not used to wearing high-heeled shoes. My feet are swollen. I'll be fine after a night's rest."

"You really don't have a foot?"

"No, I won't lie to Brother Chao if I lie to anyone."

"It's fine if you don't get sprained." Chao Yubo's tense heartstrings loosened. When he first heard Da Li say that Xiao Lele was injured, he thought it was a sprained foot, and the heart flew away.

He took a deep breath, and asked in a low voice, "Lele, what did Senior Lu talk to you when he invited you to dance? Lele, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to spy on your privacy or restrict your friendship, it just feels a little strange. , Senior Lu looks gentle and gentle on the surface, but he is actually a hard-to-approach person, and I am worried that he will become interested in you."

"Which one is Brother Chao talking about? Well, is that the senior who was with handsome Yan and handsome Liu?" There were hundreds of people who were invited to dance at night. Some boys invited to dance did not introduce themselves in detail. There seemed to be six boys surnamed Lu who invited her to dance that night, and she couldn't analyze in seconds which brother Chao was talking about.

"Yes, the one who entered the auditorium with Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu."

"The senior asked me if I was interested in the field of IT, and I was also very interested in network technology, so I chatted with him a few more times. He said that if I want to learn IT knowledge by myself someday, he is willing to guide me. Thinking that it should be a polite word, several seniors have said the same thing, telling me that I am interested in their majors and welcome me to find them to study together."

"I don't know that senior Lu very well. If Lele is interested in network technology, he will find Da Li first, or I will help you find an expert. It is better to learn from someone who knows the basics."

"I know."

"Well, Lele is very talented, I'm very relieved, but I'm going to have a headache from tomorrow. Lele is too cute and his popularity has skyrocketed. After tonight, there will definitely be many boys writing love letters to you. As a brother, I have to help my sister guard against wolves, and I feel a lot of pressure."

"I'm only 15 years old. Who would write a love letter to a child? Brother Chao is just worrying." Le Yun almost didn't laugh. Did Brother Chao think too far?

To tell the truth, she didn't believe that anyone would write a love letter to her. She was a minor. The boys in Qingda were basically half adults or adults. Protected, how could they knowingly commit suicide and destroy the Great Wall.

Xiao Lele didn't take it seriously, Chao Yubo smiled without saying a word, and didn't remind her that Xiao Lele was too simple and devoted herself to researching medicinal herbs and medical techniques. She didn't know that boys like cute loli girls the most, Xiao Lele is long She's sweet, has a good mind, and her body is so good, how can the boys not want to chase after them and be their little girlfriends.

Li Shao's car was at the front, and he rushed to the house first, followed by Yan Shuai and Professor Wan Cheng. They got off the car first and waited for Xiao Chao and Le Xiao.

Back downstairs in the dormitory, Le Yun did not let Brother Chao carry her back, nor did she accept the kindness of other handsome guys. She carried her shoes and walked barefoot, which made a group of people especially worried, fearing that she would catch a cold.

After taking off her high heels, she kept her feet on the ground, and Le Yun no longer felt restrained. She was no longer constrained by her hands and feet. Even if her feet were sore, she walked steadily. She climbed back to the dormitory, first found slippers, washed her feet, and then found ointments. Apply medicine.

After the primary school students finished applying the medicine, Professor Wan Cheng took her medicine bottle, put some medicine on the back of his hand, felt it, and shouted excitedly: "Xiao Le, have you ever thought about selling the medicine? Your medicine is a good medicine for bruises, It is more precious than Baiyao, if you are willing to sell the prescription, there will definitely be medical families and pharmaceutical companies vying to buy it.”

Mrs. Wang almost wanted to pinch Lao Wan Cheng's ears. The old guy had tofu dregs in his mind. He didn't want to help Xiaole burglar, but also wanted to instigate Xiaole to sell medicines. He was crazy.

The corner of Yan Xing's mouth twitched, Little Loli's medicine was exclusively owned, and the old professor made a fuss when the medicine was cured.

"Exclusive secret recipe, no rumors."

"It's really shocking. If this formula is sold as an ointment, it will be very popular among outdoor sportsmen and athletes."

"Professor, think about it again, there is no supper."

"Haha, I'll just say it casually, Xiaolele is just like a strong wind blowing." After a few lines of sight, Professor Wan Cheng said ahaha and never mentioned that again.

Liu Xiangyang Yanxing heard that there was a late-night snack, and his eyes were full of stars. Chao Yubo wanted to help, but was kicked out of the small kitchen, so he and Da Li were in charge of accompanying the professor, Mrs. Wang, and two handsome guys Yanliu.

After applying the medicine, the pain in her feet was relieved. Le Yun found green vegetables and mushrooms, and went into the small kitchen to make noodles, thinking that several people were concerned about themselves and could not be treated lightly. She took out the pancakes reserved for tomorrow's treat and heated them up for supper.

Young Master Yan and others were in a good mood when they had a late-night snack. They were afraid that staying for a long time would delay her rest. They waited for classmate Li to wash the dishes and say goodbye.

When they got downstairs, Professor Wan Cheng took the last four pancakes that the elementary school students had packed for him and his wife for breakfast tomorrow morning, and walked away under the jealous eyes of Liu Dashao and Yan Dashao.

"Xiangyang, I will take you back to the dormitory and then back to the base. You may not be in Beijing for many days. Pay attention to who." On the way back to the dormitory, Yan Xing instructed Faxiao Xiangyang.

"Why me again? Why is it always me who stays behind!" Liu Xiangyang howled sadly, why did he want him to stay behind again?He doesn't want to hold the computer every day, he also wants to go all over the world!

Yan Shaocai ignored Liu's complaint and sent the person to the dormitory building. He drove the car and Shi Shiran left Qingda.

(End of this chapter)

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