Chapter 267

The immortal is not dead yet!
Hate, Zhao Zongze gritted his teeth, Wang Yuxuan called and said he was going to the He family. He thought that the He family finally announced that the old man was dead. He was very excited. As long as the old man died, they could start the second step;

Unexpectedly, what Wang Yuxuan gave him was not the news of the death from the He family, but the good news of the immortal recovery of the old He.

The unexpected result caught people off guard. If it wasn't for his good patience, he would have scolded him at that time.

At the beginning, the Wang family heard the news that the hospital could not do anything about the death of the old man, and the He family took the person home to wait for death. Why is it that after only [-] days, the person who stepped into the gate of hell is alive and well again? come alive?

Who the hell used what medicine to let He Lao escape unscathed?
He Lao is still alive, and grandma can't send that broom star to meet his dead ghost mother and grandmother for the time being. If the broom star is alive for a day, the Zhao family's fortune will not fall on him. If the broom star didn't hang up years ago, He had to find a way to make up for the funds that had been removed, otherwise, Broom Star would be embarrassed if he went back to check the accounts.

If the old man is immortal, he will send the broom star to the underground to reunite with his mother. The Zhao family is his, the Yan family's property is still his, he can do whatever he wants.

Old He must die if he doesn't die, Broom Star must die, and the old man of the Yan family must die too!

Whoever stands in his way must die!
After gnashing his teeth and cursing for a while, Zhao Zongze angrily put away his mobile phone and left from the gate of the compound. After reaching the noisy street, he found a parking spot and stopped temporarily and called his grandmother. Such important news must be communicated to her in advance.

Jia Ling's life has been very unhappy recently. Old man Yan is not salty or indifferent to him, whether she is gentle or dignified, whether she is a knowledgeable housewife or wants to be Jie Yuhua, old man Yan loves it. Reason, indifferently indifferent.

Now, old man Yan sleeps in the former master bedroom. She sleeps in the second bedroom and lives in separate rooms. If he wants to go out, he can go wherever he likes, and she will never be allowed to follow.

She also didn't try to wait for old man Yan to go out for a walk, and then meet her grandson quietly. However, as soon as she met her grandson, she was caught by old man Yan. The dead old man was furious on the spot, and went home to find a household registration to get a divorce.

At that time, she said something, cried and begged, and almost knelt down and begged him, and he reluctantly calmed down and did not go for a divorce. After that, he no longer believed her. After he went out, he would call the nanny Cha Gang at any time.

The nanny, she can't buy it, and she can't move it. Once the nanny has any accident, old man Yan will think that she did it. If he insists on divorce, she will get nothing.

She couldn't follow him, she didn't know what he did at all, because she used to offend all the people in the compound calmly, and no one came to the door, so naturally she couldn't hear the news. It was the first time for Jia Ling I have tasted what it means to shoot yourself in the foot.

Trapped at home, she couldn't do anything, her heart was irritable, and she couldn't express herself, forcing her to lose several pounds, and her rosy face was a little haggard.

Thin and more agreeable, Jia Ling deliberately did not wear makeup, and shook her haggard face in front of Old Yan every day, trying to arouse his pity. However, Old Yan's face was hard-hearted, he just turned a blind eye, didn't care, let alone Ask her why she lost weight.

On the contrary, the nanny Jin's sister-in-law said, "My wife has lost weight." At that time, she was overjoyed, thinking that Old Man Yan should always care, but Old Man Yan said coldly, "It's normal to think too much and lose weight. ", made her so angry that she almost vomited blood, didn't the old man mean that Huai scolded Sang and said that she always wanted to mix with her grandson and granddaughter, so she lost weight?

Life was not going well, Jia Ling could only stay at home, watching TV every day in addition to watching TV. At noon that day, the old man Yan hadn't gone out for a walk. She also stayed in the living room and watched TV series bored.

When the phone rang, she subconsciously looked at old Yan. He was still reading his newspaper. She picked up the phone on the coffee table and checked that the caller ID was her grandson. , and soon rang again.

Something must be happening!
If the grandson has something to discuss with her, she will send a message, make an appointment to discuss it, and make a direct call, which means that it is urgent. If you make one call and then call it a second time, it means that you are in a hurry.

Old man Yan didn't care about her, so he just gave her a chance to pick up the phone and go upstairs without a trace.

Looking at Yanming in the newspaper, he didn't even lift his head. He didn't even need to ask. He could guess with his knees that it was either her grandson or her granddaughter who called Jia Ling.

He said that Jia Ling should sever ties with the Zhao brothers and sisters. He could also guess that Jia Ling had a relationship with him behind his back, but it didn't matter. Everyone knows that he doesn't actually recognize the Zhao brothers and sisters. If anyone has a good relationship with the Zhao brothers and sisters, don't pull him if there is anything. He has nothing to do with the Zhao brothers and sisters.

As for the Zhao brothers and sisters, Xiao Longbao said that he wanted to clean up by himself, and his task was to stumble upon Jia Ling, trap her in the house, and give her some mental torture first.

Xiao Longbao has his own decisions. If he can't help, he will not make trouble for him on his own initiative, and he will stumble upon Jia Ling.

The Zhao brothers and sisters called Jia Ling, it was definitely not a good thing, and Yan Ming didn't care. Xiao Longbao called a few days ago and said that he had a mission to go out. If the Zhao brothers and sisters have anything to ask Jia Ling, he doesn't need to worry about it, he just needs to wait for the following.

Jia Ling grabbed the phone and went upstairs, went into the bedroom, closed the door, and called back. Hearing his grandson answer the phone, he asked in a low voice, "Ozawa, what's going on, are you in such a hurry to find grandma?"

After making two calls in a row, grandma didn't answer. Zhao Zongze guessed that Yan Lao was not dead at home, and grandma was temporarily inconvenient to answer, so she didn't dial again. After a few minutes, grandma called back, indicating that there were no outsiders around her.

"Grandma, Mr. He didn't die, but came alive again." For his grandmother, he didn't need to suppress his emotions, he gnashed his teeth and went straight to the topic.

"What did you say?" Jia Ling suspected that something was wrong with her ears. How could it be possible that Mr. He was still alive?

"Grandma, Mr. He is not dead. I heard that he has recovered. This morning, he was walking in the compound. Mrs. Zhang went to the He's house to accompany Mr. Budie for lunch at noon." When Wang Yuxuan called him, even if the conversation time was not Long, all the key points are still inseparable.

"How is that possible?" Jia Ling was taken aback, and her voice couldn't help raising a few decibels. Ozawa was sure that Wang Yuxuan had seen the old immortal taking the tonic. She also asked Wang Yuxuan while chatting, and Wang Qianjin had seen Lao immortal take the tonic and sent it with her own eyes. Li, there is no doubt that you will die if you are old, how can you still be alive?Fraud, or hell?
"Grandma, this is true. Wang Yuxuan and I were shopping, and her grandmother called her back to the compound and said she would take her to the Hejiajianmen, so I told my grandma as soon as I got the news, and I'll call again in the evening. Call Wang Yuxuan and see if they can find out who saved the old immortal."

Zhao Zongze grinds his teeth and wears his back teeth. When he finds out who saved He Lao from dying, he doesn't mind talking to him about life.

"Okay, I see, you pay attention to the news over there, I'll think about it..."

After saying a few words to end the call, Jia Ling grabbed the mobile phone, her veins burst, and Mr. He didn't die. It means that someone has solved the poison in the old man, and there are still people who can solve the hidden poison?

That person can detoxify the poison from the immortal He Lao, doesn't it mean that it is possible to diagnose the problem on the little broom star?If the little broom star is diagnosed with a problem, then, once it is checked...

Jia Ling's heart was terrified for a while, her heart beat faster and faster, her chest rose and fell rapidly, her face was white and blue, her green child was white, and it changed back and forth.

In order to keep the secret, the person who saved He Bulao died must not be allowed to visit Yan's house to see Old Ghost Yan and Little Broom Star!Never let that person intersect with the little broom star!
At present, she can no longer attack the big and small ghosts of He Laofu and Yan's family, so as not to be found out, she can only hope that the little broom star has not seen the guy who saved the old He, or the little broom star. The stuff is too old to be diagnosed at all.

She was trapped in the family compound, could not get out, and could not find out much information. I hope that the Wang family will do their best to find out who the person who saved the old from dying, and Ozawa can find him first.

As long as someone is found, it will either be used by me, or be obliterated!Potential threats must be eliminated one by one, and that kind of time bomb must not be left behind.

Jia Ling's heart was beating wildly, her hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably, she took a deep breath, paced slowly, and tried her best to calm herself down. Go downstairs as if nothing happened.

She went back downstairs, Yan Ming was leaning against the sofa comfortably watching the news channel, her heart pounded, does Mr. Yan know about Mr. He's immortality and illness?
The dead old man often goes out to find someone to play chess and drink tea. It is impossible not to hear the news that He Lao is immortal, but from last month to this month, he has not had much emotional reaction. He knows that He Lao It's fine if you don't die, or do you really not care about the He family?
Jia Ling has endured for so many years, and her forbearance skills are very good. Her heart is full of emotions, her face is calm, and she sits calmly in the place where she usually sits, as if nothing happened.

Zhao Zongze finished the phone call and drove to a sauna in an entertainment city. He was in a bad mood today and needed a massage from a beautiful woman to soothe his nerves.

After Wang Yuxuan called Zhao Zongze, she took a shower and changed her clothes. The ancestors of the He family liked dignified girls. She put on an ankle-length dress and pulled up her hair to show her as a lady.

Mrs. Wang waited for her granddaughter to pack up and carried the gift box, and the grandfather and grandson went straight to the He's house.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived. Ancestor He woke up early from a nap and sat under the eaves of the upper house, wearing reading glasses on the soles of his shoes. Lu Xuemei, Guo Qingqing, and Chai Xi were also doing needlework. He Xiao Wu He Xiao Twelve was also lively in Ling.

He Qili and his brothers were at home, and He Xiaoba was also there. When Mrs. Wang and her grandparents came to visit, Qian Yuying and her concubines invited the guests to the West Hall, and Chai Xi went to meet the guests.

Mrs. Wang laughed warmly, took Mrs. He San's hand to ask questions, and was concerned about the health of Ancestor He. After sitting for a while, Wang Yuxuan proposed to talk to Ancestor He.

He Mingjing entered the west hall from the corridor, said hello to Mrs. Wang first with a smile, and cut off the way for the guests: "Oh, Miss Wang, I heard that you are scheduled to get engaged in January and will soon become the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, our ancestor. I don't dare to ask Wang Qianjin to accompany you to speak, we are grateful for Wang Qianjin's kindness."

Mrs. Wang's face changed suddenly, the meaning of the children of the He family, Ancestor He knew that Yuxuan was going to be engaged to Zhao Zongze, so he didn't want to see Yuxuan again?
Wang Yuxuan's pretty face flushed red, if Ancestor He didn't want to see her, then the whole He family would no longer remember the love she and Xiao Longbao had grown up with, so she would look good on her face.

"Little Twelve, has the ancestor told you not to see guests?" Chai Xi asked knowingly.

"Yes, grandma, the great grandma told you to greet Mrs. Wang, and then the great grandma told you to bring back the gifts for guests. Now she doesn't touch anything except what the doctor ordered, so there is no need to waste any gifts. "He Mingjing conveyed the words of his great grandmother, and turned around with a smile: "Grandma, aunt and aunt, you are with the guests, I went to learn embroidery with my ancestors."

"Go, go, don't cry when you tie your hands."

"No, my great-grandmother also said that I'm smart and learn fast, and the veil I embroidered looks good." After He Mingjing finished speaking, she happily ran to the room.

"Grandma He San, did I do something wrong? Ancestor He doesn't like me anymore?" The little twelve of the He family turned a blind eye to herself, and Wang Yuxuan blushed. Several girls from the He family were very friendly when they saw her before. hot.

"Xiao Longbao came back a few days ago and told his ancestors many, many things, including the fact that Wang Qianjin and a certain member of the Zhao family united to ruin Xiaolongbao's reputation. Xiaolongbao said that he and Wang Qianjin had no childhood sweetheart. I would like to ask the ancestors not to love Wu and Wu any more."

Chai Xi spoke in a hurry: "The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and the He family does not ask about Wang Qianjin and our little dragon treasure, but whoever slanders the reputation of our He family children and grandchildren, no matter who it is, whether we are old or young in the He family. Will forgive, whoever bullies our Xiaolongbao, the He family, old and young, will not pretend that nothing happened. Wang Qianjin chose to marry someone from the Zhao family, which means that he has broken with our Xiaolongbao. , there is absolutely no reason for outsiders."

Old Mrs. He San spoke slowly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. Old Mrs. Wang's face changed a lot. When she heard the last few words, she couldn't keep the smile she forced out. Her face was extremely embarrassing. She finally understood, Before, when Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze were in love, the He family still treated them with courtesy because Yan Xing didn't make a statement, and the He family didn't say anything for Yan Xing's sake. You don't need to give Yuxuan face on Yanxing's face.

All in all, the He family's attitude towards them was never because her husband and He San were state officials and had worked together for more than ten years.

Yan Xing and Wang Yuxuan drew a line, and the He family and the Wang family became clear from then on!
Her husband's friendship with He San for many years is nothing compared to a word or statement made by the grandson of the He family. This truth is more piercing than a knife.

Mrs. Wang couldn't hold her smile, she stood up and pulled her granddaughter up, and said goodbye calmly: "The ancestors of the He family are busy, so we won't bother."

Wang Yuxuan's face was so white that there was no blood, because Ancestor He didn't like the coquettish dress with heavy make-up, so she didn't apply powder when she came.

"In this way, I am not vain to stay with Mrs. Wang. We appreciate the generous gifts brought by Mrs. Wang. We have worked hard to bring Mrs. Wang back to Mr. Wang to keep fit."

Chaixi is not hypocritical and polite, seeing off guests, Qian Yuying went to pick up the gift and send it to the grandparents of the Wang family.

Mrs. Wang took the pale-faced Wang Yuxuan, fled out of the west hall, went straight to the courtyard gate, went outside, grabbed the gift handed over by the He family's daughter-in-law, and hurried home.

Sending away the grandparents of the Wang family, Qian Yuying shook her head, Xiao Longbao protected Wang Yuxuan like her younger sister, how could Xiao Longbao not be chilled by the child's revenge?
Wang Qianjin hurt Xiao Longbao, and she tried to please their ancestors as if nothing had happened. Her face was really thick. The same was true of Mrs. Wang. Her granddaughter hurt the grandson of the He family. It's probably what people say 'trees don't have bark'.

Xiao Longbao didn't let them worry about his affairs. The elders depended on him and decided by himself. However, if they didn't intervene, it didn't mean they didn't know anything.

Qian Yuying's thoughts flashed, Luo Qun had returned to the hospital, and she did not hesitate to sew, and went back to the eaves of the house to do needlework with her ancestors and mother-in-law.

Mrs. Wang took her granddaughter away from the place where the He family lived, with a cold face. She didn't talk to anyone, she went back to her house, stepped into the house, and threw her things to the nanny. He didn't speak, as if someone owed millions.

"Grandma—" Being embarrassed at the He's house, Wang Yuxuan was so embarrassed and angry that she was afraid that her grandmother would blame her, and she wanted to cry.

"In the future, if you and Zhao Zongze don't think things don't belong to you, you will probably be able to live in peace with Yan Xing. If you are not greedy enough and want to rob Yan Xing's property, I'm afraid it will be... ah, whether you can be happy or not depends on you. Good luck." Mrs. Wang was also angry, angry that her granddaughter didn't pick the pearl, and liked Zhao Zongze, but after all, she loved her granddaughter who grew up, and was reluctant to scold her, so she could only give some advice.

Yan Xing is not an ordinary character, and the He family is not an ordinary family. They are in business, politics and the military. They have all kinds of talents. If Zhao Zongze and his son want something that belongs to Yan Xing, the He family can easily kill the Zhao family and his son.

She originally thought that Yan Xing didn't mind Yu Xuan and Zhao Zongze's marriage, but today the attitude of the He family showed that Yan Xing would not indulge her endlessly because Yu Xuan grew up with him. Soft hands.

Wang Yuxuan was stunned at first, then turned to wow and cried, Yan Xing turned her face on her face, what should she do when people from the capital circle see the wind and step on her?
(End of this chapter)

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