magic eye doctor

Chapter 268 The first hug worth ten thousand gold

Chapter 268

Zhao Zongze waited until the evening to call and ask Wang Yuxuan to see if she could find out from the He family who was the one who saved the old man from death, but unfortunately he got a disappointing answer.

He didn't know that the He family gave the grandparents of the Wang family shame, and Wang Yuxuan would not expose the family shame. Therefore, he was very relieved and encouraged her to go to the He family more when she had time to chat with the old man.

Jia Ling received a text message from her grandson saying that she hadn't found out anything for the time being, and she was so anxious that she couldn't help it.

When a dark night passed, it was Monday again.

On the same day, the two ladies of Le's family finally found out that their husband was in the game, and nearly fainted.

Not long after the two Mrs. Le left, the Le family brothers relented, and all of them unanimously passed the responsibility to Le Shiyun. Le Shiyun took care of everything, and they just provided what she needed.

After the two confessed, they waited for verification and trial, which was estimated to take ten and a half days.

Ancestor He took a walk as usual in the morning.

Some people in the compound didn't quite believe the news of Ancestor He's recovery. When they saw her blushing face with their own eyes, everyone spread the news from ten, ten to one hundred, relatives to relatives, and the news spread like wings. In three days, the entire circle of elites knew that Ancestor He had recovered from his serious illness and was healthier than before.

This is incredible, the powerful circle is frying.

The result of the frying pan was that he suspected that the news of the former military general hospital was false. He ran to inquire again, but got a more shocking answer than before. The chief military medical expert confirmed that He Laozu would not survive for September.

On the fourth day when the ancestor He walked out of the hospital, when the experts from the General Hospital of the Military Medical Hospital heard that the ancestor of the He family had recovered, he was as shocked as he heard that the end of the world had come. He couldn't sit still, put aside all official business, and rushed to the He's house to see the miracle.

When they arrived at the He's family, the He family courteously received the expert group, and the ancestors of He also met the guests and drank tea and chatted with the experts.

Seeing the appearance of the ancestors of the He family, the experts' eyes were about to fall to the ground, like flies seeing flesh, they swarmed up, surrounded the old man to diagnose the pulse, listen to the heartbeat and measure the blood pressure.

The examination results stunned the experts, and the old man really recovered!
The old experts were stubborn and hard, and they asked the He family who invited the expert to bring the old man back to life. The He family resolutely refused to disclose it. Under the circumstance that the experts repeatedly promised not to disclose it, they only revealed one piece of information: the expert is They were invited by Xiaolongbao.

Expert: "..." Young Master Yan again?

All the people also realized instantly that the expert who was always inseparable was the one who performed surgery on Young Master Yan to dig out bullets and used herbal medicine to heal the wounds.

They also wanted to ask for a prescription from an expert to treat the elderly. The He family was confused, what kind of prescription?The master did not prescribe the medicine, okay? The medicine is all prepared by the master himself.

The experts almost vomited blood, the experts are too cautious, and they don't give others a chance, they are so anxious!
After only getting a clue, it was not a trip in vain. The experts returned to the general hospital in a hurry. They immediately contacted the head of the station where Young Master Yan was located. Yes, the return date, um, the return date is undetermined.

Expert: "..." I feel that to get useful information from Young Master Yan, it is necessary to use the rhythm of force.

The experts at the General Hospital couldn't bear the commotion, let alone the others?

The circle of powerful people in the frying pan acted immediately. The older generation went to the He family to walk around, and the younger generation naturally ran to the He family without a trace. Some of them could not get close to the He family. He ran to get close to the relatives and friends of the He family.

Visitors came one after another, wave after wave like waves. He Sanga Er and others received visitors every day and were overwhelmed.

The dignitaries eagerly went to talk, but unfortunately, the He family's mouth was too tight.

They couldn't open the mouth of the He family. All parties could only play cards of friendship and run to the He family frequently to enhance their relationship. Therefore, people who were close to the He family and relatives who were close to the He family. Worth has also risen.

The dignitaries in the capital of Huaxia frequently ran to the He family, but naturally they could not hide it from the eyes of some people. Roberto also knew from his own channels that the He family was rescued by a child Milo knew. His medical skills are superb, and he can save people who are dying. Of course, his disease is not a problem.

Milo also secretly rejoiced, Xiao Lele has excellent medical skills, and has a wonderful rejuvenation technique. As long as the godfather is cured, no matter how high the price of who wants to hire S members to assassinate Xiao Lele in the future, the entire S will not take his business.

There is a saying that "Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind", Xiaolele has the ability to bring back the dead, and he will inevitably attract jealousy. It is not ruled out that someone uses dark methods to assassinate, etc. Even if S does not represent the entire world of killers, it is not weak, one less. A dark organization that is hostile to Lele is better than one more hostile organization that will send killers to assassinate at any time.

He was reluctant to be the heir before, but now he is willing to take over. If he is in charge of S, he has the right to dispatch personnel to protect Lele when necessary, and Lele's safety is also guaranteed.

Milo, who is happy in his heart, sits and waits for Xiaolele to return to Beijing.

Wang Yuxuan and her grandmother failed to return from the He family, and they were not in a hurry to go back. Mrs. Wang also hoped that she would stay for a few days to see if she could wait for a favorable opportunity to reconcile with the He family.

They all know that they should start with Yan Xing, but unfortunately, Yan Xing has been late to return to the courtyard, and the way to start with Yan Xing cannot work; if they want to start with people who have visited, others are also thinking about it. Going to the He family, who will help them.

People who can enter the compound and those who live in the compound are not fuel-efficient lamps. They are very smart. The Wang family and the He family live in the same compound. A few words, of course, it means that the He family is not happy, and they are not stupid, so they will not be used as gunmen.

People from the elite circle visited the He family twice every three days. Many people in power who were in power did not visit the He family in person, but they sent people who could represent them to walk around the He family.

Old Mrs. Wang watched the group of people come to the He family, and her heart was sour and her eyes were red with envy. If their family also knew an expert, those connections would of course belong to the Wang family.

When the elite circle of the Yan family was doing all they could to excavate high-ranking people, Le Xiao, who was the party concerned, and Yan Da Shao, who had left Beijing to avoid suspicion, were roaming the mountains in Wuyi, F province, running around. Also happy.

The two arrived in Province F on the evening of the 22nd, and started climbing on the 23rd. It is now October 10. They also stayed in the mountains for seven days, and it is now the eighth day.

Yanxing is a follower, and he goes wherever Little Loli goes. Little Loli sometimes has to put down her things to find medicinal materials. He helps guard things, helps to camp at night, and helps to collect tents in the morning, like a handyman.

In view of his good performance, Le Yun did not throw him in the mountains and let him follow him as a drudge.

Because they are looking for medicine, not traveling, they have to avoid people. They often run in the mountains for a whole day. They don’t make a fire for food at noon every day. Make food so that no smoke will be discovered when the fire is burning.

The two first wandered around the Jade Girl Peak in Wuyi Scenic Area for a day, then went northwest, and spent another day at the most famous bends 5-8 of the Jiuqu River. On the third day, they crossed the river and arrived at the north of the river. to dive into the northwest area.

After seven days of hard work, they traveled all over the mountains. They walked near famous peaks, climbed unnamed hills, touched shrimps, caught fish, and ate them.

On the eighth day, I arrived at an area with the fewest residents not far from the nature reserve.

The nature reserve is prohibited from collecting herbs, hunting, etc. It is a forbidden area. Only if there is a scientific research or important need, can herb specimens be collected in the reserve, and small animals can be captured.

Le Xiaoxiao never thought to know the law and break the law, and ran to the reserve to steal medicine. Her purpose was an area adjacent to the reserve. The area is sparsely populated with mountains and sparsely populated. Some places are inaccessible and belong to the primitive sub-forest and primitive sub-wilderness. zone.

Arriving at the area with many mountains and dense forests, Le Yun was like a duck in water, like a bird returning to the forest, looking for medicinal herbs happily, and in the middle of the afternoon, she found a mulberry tree in the woods.

Mulberry parasitic is a kind of plant that is adsorbed on big trees or dead trees. It is called mulberry parasite. It does not mean that it must be parasitic on mulberry trees. The parasitic tree on the tree can be used as medicine, and the parasitic tea on some trees is useless.

A mulberry tree found by Le Xiaoxue grows on a dead tree. The tree does not know what kind of tree it is. The waist of the tree is as big as a washbasin. The crown and branches are broken due to decay. rod.

The big tree is too big, it used to grab the sunlight, and the surrounding trees grow slowly. When the big tree dies and there are no branches to block the sun, the light near the big tree is more abundant, and the ground is covered with creeping plants and weeds.

This season, the grass and trees are bitter in autumn, and most of the leaves are yellow, and only some evergreen plants are green and green.

When she found something, Le Yun put down her backpack, looked up at the green herbs on the tree, and thought about how to pick it. The mulberry parasite grew very tall, and the big tree was too rotten, so it was very weak, and the dead tree could not bear the weight of people , so you can't climb trees directly.

"Little Loli, I'll go pick it up." Yan Xing threw down her backpack and saw Little Loli wandering around twice, her brows wrinkled and wrinkled, and volunteered to help her solve her problems.

"Go, go, go, don't make trouble," Le Yun glared at him angrily: "Your weight is as heavy as an ox, climb up a tree, fall down, and fall to pieces, and finally you have to pay for it. I'll help you pick up your legs and legs, and you want to climb a tree to make trouble for me on purpose."

"Am I that bad?" Yan Xing was so choked up that it was unpleasant. Little Lolita looked at people from the cracks - he looked down on people, he wasn't that bad, was he?
Little Loli doesn't need him to climb cliffs and walls to pick medicinal herbs, she doesn't need him to go fishing in rivers, she doesn't need him to climb trees, she makes herself feel that he is a useless waste.

"Originally, where you need to use brute force, you still have a place for heroes. Like this kind of technology, you can only stand aside. To tell the truth, it doesn't matter if you fall, I am afraid that you will destroy my medicinal materials, like this The medicinal materials have been grown for more than a hundred years, but they are not always found, they are precious."

"I'm not as big as a living person as a medicine? It makes people doubt life."

"Speaking of which, you really can't compare to some precious medicinal materials, such as ten thousand years of ginseng. In the face of such treasure-level medicinal materials, human life is worthless."

"Little Loli, when are you not hitting people?" Wannian ginseng?The legendary thousand-year-old ginseng has been robbed of its head. If there is a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng, the world's richest people may be willing to hire a mercenary army to fight for a snatch battle, killing a river of blood, and no one knows how many people will die.

"No, unless you are so good that I can't find a reason to hit him." Le Yun raised her eyebrows and winked, showing a bright smile, it was a little difficult for her not to hit him.

Yan Xing Wangtian, he is a man, he can't care about children!
Handsome Yan didn’t make trouble anymore. After Le Yun’s reconnaissance, he cut down four small tree poles, spliced ​​two long tree poles together, cut one tip into a shovel-like point, and erected the small tree pole on the dead tree. Shang Sangji was next to the nearest tree with a big bowl mouth, hugged the tree and climbed up the tree, then lifted two small tree poles to the tree, and then climbed up to the top of the tree.

The top of the tree is thin, and it can't bear the weight very much. It leans to one side. Le Yun tied a tree pole to her waist, leaned the tree in the direction of the dead tree, got closer to the tree, and raised a sharpened tree pole. Slowly poke the mulberry parasite on the dead tree.

Sangji is so big, like a huge crow's nest, but it grows too high. The tree stems and forks she made are very long, and she needs to raise her hands to barely enough.

Le Yun was very careful. When she was about to peel it off, she used another tree pole to fork it. With one hand, she used the branch to poke the root of the parasitic tea. Peel it off, pick it up with two tree poles, and slowly recycle it.

Get Sang Ji, tie it to a tree pole, carry it down the tree, go to the place where handsome Yan can catch the tree pole, give Sang Ji to handsome Yan, and then go down to the one closest to the ground. On the fork of the circle tree, Le Yun glanced, not high from the ground, and jumped down vertically.

"Little Lolita!" Yan Xing thought that Little Lolita slipped and fell down, so she jumped up in shock and ran to pick it up.

Le Yun jumped down cheerfully, thinking about landing with a beautiful golden rooster and standing alone, or squatting with a beautiful bow. I didn't expect handsome Yan to come out suddenly, and the whole person was not well at that time.

She stretched out her hand and wanted to press the shoulders of handsome Yan when he rushed to jump away, so as to avoid physical contact. However, it was too late, and Yan Xing rushed to the place where the little loli fell. As soon as the ape arm was retracted, she firmly embraced the petite little loli.

(End of this chapter)

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