Chapter 269
What is Nephrite Jade Warm Fragrance?

With the fragrant little loli in her arms, Yan Xing finally had a real understanding. It turned out that the so-called nephrite jade warm fragrance is like this!
The little loli is delicate and soft, holding her in her arms like a warm water bag in winter. She has her own body fragrance, a faint fragrance that is elegant and refreshing.

Little Loli wears the camouflage uniform of the school's military training, and she can feel her body temperature through loose clothes. Her scent is lingering on his nose, and the wonderful feeling is intoxicating.

At this moment, nephrite jade was in her arms, and Yan Xing couldn't help being drunk and unable to extricate herself in the gentle village. She tightened her arms and hugged the small little loli even tighter.

? !
Suddenly caught by the Yanren, Le Yun's brain is short-circuited. When did the Yanren become so fast?
Because of the short-circuiting of thinking, I didn't keep up with Jieqin, and I forgot for a while that I was hugged by Yanren and didn't struggle. I never thought that I would be eaten soft tofu in the time of Shinshen.

When Huo Ran was startled to realize that Yanren was holding her, she was anxious and angry: "Bastard, still don't let me down?!"

Yan Xing, who was addicted to the wonderful experience, was blown away by the irritated and coquettish shout, as if his head was being showered with cold water, a jerking spirit was tense all over his body, his heartstrings trembled three times, he bent down, and hurriedly hugged him in his arms. The little loli stood on the ground, enduring the throbbing feeling of her heart, and murmured with lingering fears: "Fortunately, I didn't fall."

Stepping on the weeds, keeping your feet on the ground, the music is not in a single place, and spit fire at the handsome guy: "What are you rushing to do with your name?"

"You fell down, I was afraid that you would get hurt, so I rushed out when I was nervous." Yan Xing only felt the tip of his ear was hot and tried to explain calmly.

"What did you fall? I jumped down by myself. I was less than three meters high, so I could fall? Do you want to be a hooligan in troubled waters?" Le Yun wanted to kill Yan. Take advantage of her while you catch her!

"I didn't know you jumped off. Just now, I, I... I didn't mean it, it was really a coincidence!" He took the personality and swore to the mother who gave birth to him and the mother of the motherland that he would become like that. It's really not intentional, it's purely a coincidence!

"What's the matter, if you didn't rush out because you were worried about my safety, I'd definitely kill you." If it wasn't for his fear that she would be in danger, he would risk her arm to be smashed by a high-altitude object. Maybe she insisted on catching her, just because of his behavior of robbing and eating tofu, she must kill him and dig a hole to bury him on the spot.

"Then, do you want me to dig a hole myself?"


Le Yun never knew that handsome Yan could be humorous, but she was left speechless by his words, frowning and rubbing her waist, handsome Yan was so strong that he almost broke her waist. , the hoop broke her leg, and the place where she was strangled by the hoop is still aching.

After kneading for a few times, I remembered the mulberry parasite that I had worked so hard to pick, but my back was sore and my legs hurt, I jumped up and rushed towards the green plants.

She ran very fast, whizzing, like the wind, she jumped a few steps to the mulberry parasite that was thrown away by handsome Yan, squatted down, lifted a large group of green plants, and checked it again, and found that it was not smashed. It was bad, so he let out a long sigh: "Thank goodness, fortunately it didn't break."

He couldn't help playing a bit of a hooligan. Yan Xing thought that the little loli would be furious. He also prepared for her thunderous fire and punching and kicking. He decided not to fight back and scold him. As soon as he put out the fire, he couldn't help but stunned.

When the little loli turned to run wild, what did he do? Who knew she was the nervous herb, and he was deeply speechless. Looking at the little figure, he couldn't help but look at his hands. He really hugged him. Where is the little loli!

Subconsciously, he looked at Little Loli, she turned her back to him, playing with her herbs, his eyes fell on her slender waist like a willow, and when he saw that he had hugged Little Loli's hand, his mood was turbulent, His face was shamefully red again.

He felt that his face was burning hot, his ears and neck were burning hot, his heart beat faster, his throat was a little dry, and his breathing was not easy.

Yan Xing touched her hot face and walked cautiously over to Little Loli. He walked lightly, walked to her side, and stood three or four steps away from her. Little Loli was sorting out the branches of the parasitic tea. .

He wanted to find something to say, but found that he didn't know what to do. He was a little depressed. After holding it for a while, he pretended to be calm and asked, "Little Loli, do you want me to help?"

"Stay here, don't make trouble and I'll be Amitabha." Le Yun was busy packing up her precious medicinal materials, how could there be no time to take care of handsome Yan.

It's a place where heroes are useless again, Yan Xing pouted, and took the initiative to pick up Little Loli's big backpack, put it next to her, and then open it and bring out the small backpack for her to find tools at any time.

After running together in the mountains for a few days, he basically found out some of the habits of little Loli. She carried a few small scalpels in her pocket, a whole set of scalpels, scissors, silver needles, gauze, etc. in a small backpack, and A small amount of precious emergency medicine.

Carrying her backpack near her, Yan Xing brought over his backpack and the small rattan basket containing the herbs. He sat next to Little Loli and watched her clean up the herbs.

Le Yun removed the rotten branches and residual leaves between the branches of Sangji, and straightened out the intertwined branches. She took out scissors and pruned the branches "click, click", and cut off all the long and short rattan branches. , leaving behind a clump of stems entangled with roots and old vines.

The mulberry tree has a long history, the branches are stretched, fluffy, and the body is exaggerated. The branches are cut off, and the roots and the old vine branches are intertwined with the dumplings as large as a small washbasin, like a crow's nest.

After pruning the branches, first throw away the root ball, pick up the vine branches, and then cut the long branches into sections again, tie the old branches into small bundles, and bundle the young branches separately, each with a dozen bundles, and the harvest is quite good.

Yan Xing also understands his position. He is a handyman. Therefore, he actively helps to pick and bundle the medicinal materials, and then stuff them into the rattan basket.

On the south bank of Jiuqu River, Little Loli only picked up a few kinds of relatively precious medicines, which were small in quantity and easy to carry. When she got to Jiangbei, she took action on the medicinal materials, digging a certain amount to find a secret place to camp and boil them. .

While the medicine was being boiled, Little Loli ran all over the mountain again. He was left to watch the fireman, guarding the boil. Of course, it was only a few times, and the medicine was boiled only twice in total.

Yan Xing, who has worked hard and never complained as a fireworker twice, is deeply aware of this development. If he wants to choose the best medicine boy, he will not say that he can come out on top, and it will definitely be no problem to squeeze into the top three. If a little loli needs an assistant one day, Of course it wasn't him.

Le Yun didn't know that handsome Yan had already secretly wanted to compete for her assistant position. She was in a very good mood. With this medicinal herb, even if other medicinal herbs could not be found for a while, she could control the illnesses of Tian Junsao and Godfather Mi Luo from getting worse. The desired effect at the beginning of the treatment can be achieved.

Tie all the branches of the plant, turn over the backpack, take out the foam box with glass vials, open it for backup, and prepare knives, scissors, gloves and other small tools.

The preliminary work is completed, take small scissors and scalpel to slowly cut and cut the rhizomes of mulberry parasitic, the stems and roots are entangled, and it is impossible to distinguish which is the root and which is the stem.

Yan Xing is bored and patient, resting her chin on her knees with her elbows on her knees, admiring the work of Little Loli. People say that serious girls are the most attractive. Little Lolita is serious and very quiet. No matter how you look at it, it is pleasing to the eye. .

Le Yun was very busy, so he didn't have time to care about what handsome Yan Yan was doing. He cut a hole in Sang Ji's root ball, and poked his gloved claws into the root ball to find something.

"Hey—" Yan Xing was originally interested, but suddenly saw that Little Lolita put her hand into the hole in the middle of the plant root to look for something, she was shocked and took a breath of air, Little Lolita Touch it without looking at it. What if there are snakes and worms in it?
Little Loli's speed was too fast, and he didn't expect her to act daringly, so there was no time to stop her, and Little Loli's little claws stretched into the gap between the plant roots.

Just when his color changed suddenly, Little Loli's whole face blossomed with a smile, her red and tender mouth was wide open, and her excited expression was like she had found a rare treasure.

What's the good stuff?

Yan Xing was also infected by Little Loli's smile, forgot her previous nervousness, and waited curiously to open her eyes to see what fun she could come up with.

Putting your hand into the music rhythm in the hollow of the mulberry parasite, the body and mind are happy, the middle of the entangled roots and branches is hollow, and the inside is covered with white silk nets like spider webs, and covered with silkworm cocoons.

There were roots blocking her, so her hands swirled around in the nest of branches, broke the wire mesh, and secretly threw a part of the silkworm cocoon into her space. Anyway, handsome Yan didn't know what was in the hole, so she could do whatever she wanted.

Some of the cocoons were transferred, the small claws were retracted, the gloves were covered with filaments, and more than a dozen cocoons were grabbed. The white and yellowish cocoons were about the size of a thumb.

"Cocoon?" Yan Xing, who was waiting for her eyes to open, looked at the cocoon that the little Loli pulled out, and raised her brows in amazement. There are only a few cocoons, is it worth the little Lolita's mouth to close her mouth?
"Wrong, it's not a cocoon, it's a cocoon." She corrected his misunderstanding.

"A silkworm cocoon isn't a worm? How can there be silkworms in the barren mountains and mountains?" Yan Xing stretched out his fingers to pull the silk wrapped around the little loli's gloves.

"Wild silkworm. The dead mulberry tree is a wild mulberry tree. Isn't it normal to have silkworms on the mulberry tree? The most primitive silkworms were originally wild, and later they developed into silkworms after continuous breeding and breeding."

Le Yun glanced at handsome Yan with the look of an idiot, took a glass tube bottle to put silkworm cocoons, put more than a dozen cocoons in it without plugging the lid, and bound the mouth of the bottle with gauze, so as to prevent the air from suffocating the silkworms in the cocoon, and then wrapped the cocoon. The silk on the glove was also rolled into a ball and put into another vial.

Put away the silkworm cocoons, then cut the roots and branches of the mulberry parasitic in a group, divide it into several parts, shake off the tree shavings between the roots, and put them away together.

Dispose of the medicinal materials, put on the backpack, and continue to set off.

Yan Xing, who was stared at, didn't talk to Little Loli about silkworms, nor asked her what the silkworm cocoons were for. When she packed up the medicinal materials, he carried his big backpack, picked up the rattan basket for the medicine, and followed the little girl. The loli continued to run behind her ass.

In fact, he didn't think about going ahead to clear the way. However, the little loli decisively refused, disgusting that he would step on the medicinal materials, disgusting that his sense of smell was not good, and he didn't know how to take a detour when encountering small animals. Senior wild explorers who have survived in the tropical rainforest become useless in seconds.

In this regard, Young Master Yan was also deeply drunk. After being drunk, he still followed behind him, and he only worked as a porter, a handyman, and a fire maker without any complaints.

Before, he had several jobs and worked hard. He called to pick up a little loli in the air, and after the first close contact, he was more willing to be a sidekick.

Because the collected medicinal materials were not enough, after camping that day, Le Yun did not boil the medicinal materials, but drilled in the mountains for two more days to find a small valley, and camped by the woods along the stream bank to extract the medicinal juice.

The third time to boil the medicine was a bit long. It took a day and a night to add another half a day. All the medicinal materials were boiled into a paste. After cooling, they were bottled and stored, and then set off again.

After wandering around in the mountains for two more days, Le Xiao finally found one of her main targets for running Wuyi - Bamboo Ginseng, Bamboo Ginseng, a special product of Wuyi in F Province, which resembles a bamboo festival.

Artificially introduced and planted, there are many bamboo ginseng plantations in F province, and the wild ones have been mined wildly even in the Wuyi Mountain area. Now it is rare to see them, only in nature reserves.

Finding a place with bamboo ginseng, Le Yun secretly moved a few trees into the space for seed ginseng, dug out a few trees, and left some to grow in place.

After digging up the bamboo ginseng, the last kind of tea tree was left, and he continued to drive towards the deep mountain.

After continuing to walk for a day and a half, I drove deep into the mountains and mountains, full of primitive dense forests and shrubs, and some places have not been seen for decades and are isolated from the world.

Because of the dense trees and mountains, the speed of the two slowed down, and Le Xiaoxue was very excited. The mountains were unvisited all year round, and the medicinal materials were everywhere. For her, it was a paradise.

It was another morning, and the dew in the deep mountains had not evaporated yet. Yan Xing followed Little Loli's ass, walking through the dense forest. After walking for a while, the person in front suddenly stopped, and he also stopped. Little Loli sometimes walked. Will stop to do reconnaissance work, choose direction, he's used to it.

After a few seconds, the petite girl jumped up and rushed to the depths of the jungle: "Yanren, someone is following, run!"

track?Yan Xing understood in seconds, maybe some people decided to do it!
 Cute people, Xiao Lele was hugged, do you have any opinions?
(End of this chapter)

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