magic eye doctor

Chapter 275 Here Comes

Chapter 275 is back

Little Loli was embarrassing herself, Yan Xing secretly laughed until her intestines were knotted, and secretly waited to see Little Loli's depressed expression every three days.

However, is the little loli really depressed?
The answer is definitely "no"!
Le Xiaoxiao encountered seven or eight monkeys and two wild boars fighting for territory under a wild walnut tree at noon, and really wanted to take advantage of the fisherman, but when the monkeys found out her existence, they all ran around her, picked up walnuts and smashed the wild boar, and the wild boar was provoked. , regards the man and the monkey as a group, and launches an attack on the monkey and the man.

She avoided and climbed the tree at first, but the wild boar came up with stubbornness, and it couldn't get past her, chasing after her, she climbed the tree, and it bit the tree.

Le Xiao's classmate was so angry that she simply fought with them. The monkeys cheered, picked up mud dumplings and smashed walnuts. She was also busy tearing up with wild boars, and she was thrown into mud.

However, the result was naturally satisfactory. One wild boar was beaten and ran away from the pain, and the other, er, of course, was an honorable sacrifice and became her trophy.

The monkeys used a handful of humans to drive away the wild boars that were robbing food, but in the end they also brought the pigs into the house. The human two-legged beasts swept away the wild walnuts with the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, looting more than half of them.

Classmate Le Xiao caught a wild boar and also picked up N walnuts, and returned with a full reward. Even if she was a little depressed by being trapped, in front of the spoils, that little depression can be completely ignored.

Therefore, although she couldn't help but complain, she didn't hold back. She played with the little black monkey for a while, found clean clothes and found a place to take a bath.

Yan Xing was very clever and quickly helped her set up a tent. They had to stay in place for a day or two, and they needed to rough up some medicinal materials.

Le Yun took a bath, washed her clothes, and returned to the camp refreshed. She found the medicinal herbs and boiled a pot of medicinal soup for the little monkey to take a bath to heal and sterilize. .

When the medicine was being boiled, Yanxing cut and chiseled two very thick bamboo tubes according to Little Loli's request to make a nested tea cylinder, with ventilation holes for ventilation, tied with ropes, and Pretty cool.

Le Yun packed the tea leaves she picked in a bamboo tube, and made bamboo tube walnut rice in the evening. The original bamboo rice was very ordinary, but she made a dish fried with medicinal herbs, which made Young Master Yan almost eat his tongue.

They boiled the medicine all night and processed most of the medicinal materials. The next day, the two people who had sneaked into the mountains for nearly half a month packed up and left.

When entering the mountain, it took a lot of work to go around, stop and go, and it was time to leave the mountain in just a day and a half.

In a place near people, Le Yun put the little black monkey into a bamboo tube for tea, and stuffed some unboiled medicinal materials and things that could not go through security inspection into Yanren's big backpack. Drilling out of the deep mountains did not attract attention.

It was almost noon when they walked out of the deep mountains, and the sunshine in Wuyi was just right. The season was the best time to travel before winter came, and there were many backpackers.

During the day, there is no need to take a special taxi. The tour bus of Dashao Yan and classmate Lexiao returned to Wuyi City East Station. Without stopping, they went to the high-speed rail station to buy tickets.

When entering the station, Le Xiaoxiao checked her big backpack for security, while Yan Shao carried Xiao Luoli's bamboo tea tin and showed the certificate to the waiter. The items did not enter the security inspection area, and after showing the certificate to the inspector on the other side, The waiter personally brought him the ticket.

The two arrived in time, and they were able to catch up with the second of the two high-speed trains going to the capital after 15:[-] noon. The time was extremely tight. It only took [-] minutes from buying tickets to getting on the train. The certificate issued by the young master was a non-commissioned officer certificate, and he acted urgently. Not only did he buy a ticket, but he also bought a special seat ticket.

I used a fake identity to get back a special Yan Shao. Without blushing or panting, I brought a little loli into the station to check the ticket, and hurriedly boarded the high-speed rail. It was too late, and I didn't run to the front of the train. Go forward slowly.

It was not until the car started for more than a minute that Yan Shao and Le Xiao went to the No. [-] car, and the waiter led them into the special-class car, also called the sightseeing area.

The sightseeing area can seat eight people, and there are no guests. The waiter invites two guests, one older and one younger, to sit, and bring slippers, towels, snacks and tea, and exit at the request of the guests so as not to disturb the rest of the guests.

When the waiter left, Le Yun quickly opened the bamboo tube, poured out some tea leaves, and observed the little monkey hidden in the tea. In order to prevent the little monkey from suddenly jumping out or making noises on the road, she kept the little black monkey in a sleep state.

Although hiding in the bamboo tube, the lid is not closed, and it can breathe, the little black monkey did not suffocate, and slept soundly.

Confirming that the little monkey is all right, Le Yun half-opened the lid of the bamboo tube, and then opened the glass window to watch the scenery. She and Yanren were both middle-aged and a girl, sitting in a compartment alone, which was easy to be criticized. Let people see, so as not to cause suspicion.

The location of the sightseeing area is excellent, you can see how the driver in front of the car drives, and you can see the scenery outside the window and directly ahead.

The special room service is very good. It is for eating, drinking and dinner. The classmate Le Xiao, who is served by the uncle, is embarrassed. Fortunately, the total journey is only more than seven hours, and the high-speed rail arrives in Beijing safely at 10:20 pm.

Before leaving the station, Le Yun didn't dare to be careless, and Handsome Yan helped him with the bamboo tube. He still didn't check his luggage. When she got out of the high-speed rail station to the square outside the station, she held her bamboo tube and brought it back to Handsome Yan. some luggage, take a taxi back to school.

Yan Xing watched the taxi that Little Loli was sitting in, and then he got into the taxi parked in front of him. He sat in the passenger seat and squinted at the driver: "Hu Yong, you guys are very clever this time, and you know how to stand guard."

"Hey, captain, boss, if we don't be smarter, we won't really become elm heads. Boss, what's the gain this time?"

"Yes, I chopped off the two elites of the K-shaped organization, and used one of them. I got the corneas and came back. You can check whether there are any family members in the team who need corneal transplantation. The family members of your own team members If you don't need it, ask the brigade headquarters again, and if you don't need it at all, send it to the general hospital."

"Pfft, the resources are collected by small... little classmates, right?" Their boss is very good at killing people with a knife and a gun, and letting him use a scalpel to make use of parts such as the cornea is completely impossible.

"It's good to understand." Yan Shao returned to his subordinate brothers with a blank eye.

"Boss, uh, that, after you left Beijing, the He family was very lively." Hu Yong quickly changed the subject.

"It's okay, my uncles and uncles are not vegetarians, so they can handle it. Any news from E Bei?"

"No, the saliva, hair and other objects extracted from the things that were picked up have collected some data, and the rest has not progressed for the time being. The only good news is that the data collected by the Ministry of Information shows that many people who have stayed in Beijing have There is a trend of leaving Beijing one after another, and the data analyzed by Liu Dashao also shows that the number of hackers who have invaded the network since a week ago has also decreased significantly."

"Is Jiang Yi or Jiang Er the one who sent Little Loli back to school?" Yan Xing asked what was wrong.

"Jiang Er." Jiang Yi and Jiang Er are twins. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to tell them apart.

"Just so Jiang Er doesn't have to perform other tasks recently. He has been a professional taxi driver for a few months, focusing on the area near Qingda University."

"Yes!" Hu Yong understood in seconds that the leader of the captain was not worried about the safety of the younger classmates, and asked Jiang Er to secretly investigate the hidden dangers in that area.

He drove for half a lap and smiled at Mimi's report: "Captain, there's a little tail behind."

"Let him follow." Yan Xing squinted his eyes amused and followed him in the capital, destined to be a fool.

Hu Yong nodded, ran two laps in the streets and alleys of the capital, walked into the most complicated old courtyard block in Beijing, turned left and right for a while, and put down the captain in a dark place. He drove the car. Going around again and again, out of the old area, and carrying passengers on the street, happily earning extra money.

"¥¥¥..." The two people in a car that followed Hu Yong out of the old street, saw the car in front pulling in the new guests, and scolded a long string of words at the computer. , and followed a pass not far and near, and took another road to fork.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, the lights in the student dormitory of Qing University Park were turned off, the gates of the school were all closed, and it was very quiet inside and outside the gate.

Chao Yubo set off from the dormitory to the west gate at 11:30. The car was parked on campus. He went to say hello to the security guards. After a long chat, he went out to wait outside the campus. After waiting for less than 5 minutes, he saw a taxi Drive from the road to the school gate.

No need to guess, he also knew [-]% that Xiao Lele was back, and greeted him with a smile.

When the taxi saw someone beckoning, it slowly drove past and stopped less than two meters away from the gate of Qingda University. The young man who was waiting there trotted to the side of the car and opened the rear seat door.

"Lele!" Chao Yubora opened the door and saw the little girl with her neck stretched out. She smiled brightly with phoenix eyes, and quickly stretched out her white fingers and pinched her face. In the winter, everyone lacks skin. Water, Xiao Lele's face is still so tender that water drips out, and it feels incredibly good.

"Brother Chao, I'm back." Le Yun stretched out half of her body, pinched her face, wrinkled her nose, and stuffed the big bag she was carrying, and asked the pretty boy to help.

"Well, it's good that Lele is back." Chao Yubo smiled brightly, helped carry the bag, and patted Xiao Lele's head. When she got out of the car, she couldn't help but say again: "Why are you wearing so many clothes? The temperature in the capital is low. , November is winter, Lele is still wearing autumn clothes, it will be frozen into a dog."

"Brother Chao, you're a boy, not an old mother." Le Yun smiled and made a face at the teenager, closed the car door, said goodbye to the taxi, and then took the beautiful teenager's arm and walked to the school gate.

Jiang Er sent the person back to Qingda safely, and watched Major General Chao take the little girl away. He raised the received fare and looked at it. Mo Ming felt the pain in his eggs. The little girl is such a monster, and the boys will definitely go forward and follow up. , there is a possibility of being kidnapped at any time. The boss of the captain is trying to prevent people from stealing the little girl, and he has to think hard to abduct people back to the army. The brain cells of the boss must be exhausted. I don’t know how many billions.

Fortunately, fortunately, he is not the captain, so he doesn't have to take on big responsibilities. Jiang Er touches his nose and drives happily. The advantage of being a little girl is that you just follow orders and don't have to worry about your brains. How wonderful!

President Chao greeted him, but the school security did not ask the little students to show their student cards to register, but directly opened the small door on the side of the gate and asked President Chao to lead the little girl into the school.

Chao Yubo put Xiao Lele's backpack and bag in the passenger seat, waited for her to get in the car, and helped her buckle the safety buckle before driving around the driver's seat on the front of the car. It was rare to see vehicles in the school road at night, so it was safe and secure. Seeing Xiaolele smiling, she didn't know what she was laughing at.

The teenager didn't ask the reason, so as not to ask too much, Xiao Lele was too excited to talk, and after a while back to the dormitory, he couldn't fall asleep quickly because he was still in the excitement period.

When she got back to the dormitory building, Le Yun didn't let Brother Chao take him upstairs, but carried her backpack and luggage back to the dormitory.

What good things did Xiaolele find?

Seeing Xiao Lele go upstairs happily, Chao Yubo walked to the west stairs amusingly, Xiao Lele always looked like he had found a treasure, and that smug look was mysterious and itchy, Want to knead her face into dough.

He smiled and went back to the dormitory on the second floor. The three roommates had already slept, and he also went back to the bedroom lightly to sleep.

Le Yun returned to the dormitory in a hurry, went straight to the bedroom, threw down her backpack, turned on the lamp, opened the lid of the bamboo tube, and poured out the tea and the little black monkey.

The little black monkey was still in a drowsiness, except that everything was normal. She was relieved and gently rubbed the little monkey a few times to loosen its acupoints.

Animals have their own unique acupuncture points and blood flow rates just like humans.

The little black monkey was acupointed and slept quietly, crossing two provinces without realizing it. After it was acupointed, it took three or four seconds to wake up slowly. Gulu sat up from the heap of tea leaves and looked around curiously.

In the mountains, the injury of the little black monkey was basically improved due to the use of three medicines in a row. For the sake of safety, the broken arm was kept reinforced with branches. The other parts were plastered sooner or later. Guys can be alive and kicking.

The little black monkey first looked around for a while, then jumped a few times, jumped from the tea pile to the writing table, ran to the lamp, happily climbed on the lamp holder, and climbed up holding the lamp pole.

The little black monkey is curious about things that he has never seen before, and the small size is very cute. If its hair is not missing a piece here and there, it will look like it's jumping and climbing.

Even if there is one arm still lingering on the branch, it does not have much effect on the speed and movement of the little black monkey. It hugs the lamp pole, climbs to the place under the lamp head, stares at the big black eyes, and the curious research will heat up. something that glows.

The little monkey just came out of the deep mountains. It needs a process of understanding the new world. It's normal to be interested in everything. Le Yun doesn't stop it. Put a few beans and peanut cloves, walnut cloves.

The little black monkey was studying something that was hot, smelled the fragrant smell of peanuts, climbed the lamp pole and slid down, jumped to his own nest, sat and picked something to eat.

Another foodie!
The little black monkey abandoned the lamp and ran to the food, and the music was almost not bad. Foodies are everywhere in this world.

The little black monkey knows the essence and taste. It remembers the taste of every food it has eaten, and can tell which is delicious and which is slightly worse. Therefore, when there is a choice, it does not look at walnuts, and grasps the peanut petals with one hand and the other with the other. Edamame, nibbling slowly.

The little monkey is smarter than a human. Le Yun laughed so hard that she took out a banana from the space, peeled it, cut a piece, put it on a sweet potato leaf, and took out a small bamboo tube, put it in Set aside the well water in the upper space, and then take out a bamboo tube filled with soil and place it on the ground against the wall.

The bamboo tube filled with soil is the crater of the little monkey. The monkey lives in no fixed place, and there is no fixed place to urinate and defecate. They defecate anywhere in their lives. Of course, they cannot be allowed to spread anywhere in the family. Keep it clean and hygienic.

Le Yun used a bamboo tube to make a thatched pit. The bamboo tube was big and cut short so that the little monkey could climb out. At first, she threw its feces into the bamboo tube to make the bamboo tube smell like it. When you pee and poop, you can also enlarge it and pull it in the bamboo tube, so that it will gradually get used to it.

Monkeys are the most intelligent primates. The domesticated monkeys can be used as human servants. Although the little black monkey is small, it is intelligent by nature. It is almost familiar after being taught a few times. When it can move on its own, it knows how to climb into the big bamboo tube filled with soil Lila Baba and peeing.

Put the little monkey's thatched pit, and put a big bamboo tube that only holds water not far away, and fill it with mineral water. Finally, take out a wooden stick and place it obliquely against the wall, and put one end on the writing table for the little ink monkey. Ladder up and down.

The little black monkey was eating peanuts. When it smelled the aroma of bananas, it decisively abandoned the peanuts and ran to the bananas. , finished eating the banana, stood up, leaned on the bamboo tube and drank two sips of water, then turned back to attack the peanuts.

The little monkey still maintains the traditional habit of the monkeys seeing what they love. Le Yun keeps watching it. Seeing that it doesn't reject the new environment, she quickly threw the backpack back into the space, and went back to take care of her own one-third of an acre. land.

When the human suddenly disappeared, the little black monkey looked around with his eyes wide open, squeaked a few times, saw no response, turned around a few times on the writing table, sat on the ground, and ate his own peanut petals. .

Busy in the space for a while, taking care of the crops that need to be taken care of most urgently, Le Yun did not deal with the medicinal herbs she brought back, and went back to the dormitory. Seeing that the little monkey was quiet, she went to take a bath first, turn off the lights and meditate.

After turning off the lights, the little black monkey was not afraid. Its eyes could see in the dark, and it ate slowly. When it was full, curiosity came again. It climbed up the lamp pole again to study the Just touch the light here, touch it there, and the light doesn't turn on. It probably finds it boring to play for a while, then returns to the table to look around, then climbs the book grid, climbs from this grid to which grid, and has a lot of fun.

The little monkey walked around the book grid, swayed on the table for a while, went down along the wooden sticks against the wall, climbed the chair, drilled the bottom of the bed, climbed the wardrobe... It climbed all the places it could climb to look at it, and finally got tired of playing again. Back on the table, crawled into his own nest and fell asleep.

Le Yun meditated to wake up, observed it, and found that the little black monkey fell asleep. She was very relieved and fell on the bed to sleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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