magic eye doctor

Chapter 276 Are you going to be stripped again?

Chapter 276 Are you going to be stripped again?

Because there is a small tail behind, Yan Xing did not directly send Hu Yong back to the military area. He got off the bus halfway, changed to another car and returned to the army station, and handed the trophies and python skins he brought back to his subordinates for disposal. , I wash off my makeup first, then hold my computer to work overtime to deal with my stranded work when I'm not in the capital.

He stayed up for half the night, finished work at five in the morning, quickly packed himself, drove his cheetah car, and left the military district swaggeringly, Chao Youyou's downtown ring road.

Young Master Yan hurried all the way back to Qingda University at 07:30. At that time, the students were busy eating breakfast and rushing to class. Therefore, when he walked to the Zhuangyuan Building, the students had almost left. Three or two kittens are also in a hurry, so the Zhuangyuan Building can be regarded as quiet.

Right now!

The handsome young man who finally replied to his beautiful face, smiled secretly, put on sunglasses, and carried a bag of things upstairs happily, slipped to the fourth floor, and knocked on the thick red door.

In the dormitory, Le Yun was next to the wall, with two fingers of her right hand on the ground, her feet were suspended in the air, and she performed a difficult movement. It is very likely that it is Yanren again!
Someone came to destroy it, so she had no choice but to flip the book on the ground, flip one upside down, clapped her hands, and walked to the door. When she opened the door, she saw handsome Yan, who was wearing a black suit and a white shirt. Black and white are distinct, standing straight at the door, like a green pine tree welcoming the snow, sturdy.

"Is it too early for lunch?" She glanced at handsome Yan, and didn't tell him to enter the room, she turned around and left. Yesterday, handsome Yan helped her take cover and brought back the little black monkey. human.

"I'll rush for breakfast." Yan Xing didn't blushed and panted, and calmly walked into the house, closed the door, and quietly looked at Little Lolita, who was wearing autumn sweatpants, valiant, charming and lively.

"!" Le Yun twitched silently and grumbled dissatisfiedly: "I only said that I would like to have three big meals, but I didn't promise to provide breakfast for free. If you want to eat breakfast, it is also a full meal."

"Little Loli, is it alright for three breakfasts to be worth a big meal?" Yan Xing immediately raised the most beautiful and charming smile, and discussed it gently.

"Don't even think about it. Others bargain with me and throw it out. For the sake of your humanity yesterday, I won't throw you away. Three breakfasts equals two dinners. This is the biggest concession."

"Three meals are worth two meals, doesn't seem like a good deal." The handsome man's plan didn't work, Yan Xing felt anguish in his heart.

"That's your business, you have the choice."

"Then, three breakfasts are worth two large meals, and one large meal is not offset."

Whoops, another big meal saved!
Yanren made a choice, Le Yun closed her eyes with a secret smile, and decisively went into the kitchen to get a bowl and spoon, took out the electric casserole and put it on the table, smiling like a spring flower: "I had breakfast at 06:30 in the morning, this I saved the portion for lunch, and I reluctantly parted it with you, this is the first meal of three to two."

Yan Xing sat at the table and waited to eat. As a result, Little Loli brought out the casserole. He was a little confused. Did Little Loli want to kill him like this?

Although the pot of porridge was very fragrant, he could feel his thirst for it, and he also knew that the pot of porridge was extremely precious, but he still wanted something special, for example, to help him cook a few meals.

"Little Loli, I didn't have any food..." He didn't dare to help Little Loli, and muttered unhappily.

"I only came back so late yesterday, and I made porridge so early in the morning, where do you want me to buy food?" Le Yun sat happily across from handsome Yan Yan, watching him deflate, she couldn't be in a good mood.

Pit him again!Yan Xing later realized that he seemed to be trapped by a little loli again, and he promised to invite him to a big meal, but instead he came to pay three to two, or to use porridge, a typical way to cross a river and demolish a bridge.

Thinking about it again, well, he brought it up to her to pit himself. He thought that if he rushes sooner or later, Little Lolita will give him something delicious if she is soft-hearted, but Little Lolita doesn't buy it.

Mistake ah.

As soon as the chess was short, Yan Xing could only recognize it, and picked up the bowl to hold the porridge. The porridge was still a little warm, and it didn't need to be reheated.

The rice porridge is thick and contains a lot of medicinal herbs, and he only recognizes matsutake mushrooms among them.

After eating two large bowls of porridge, the whole person was refreshed, and Yan Xing's original small dissatisfaction was swept away. Although the breakfast did not have rich dishes, the effect of the porridge was the same as that of the big meal, no loss.

Eat well, feel good, wash dishes and cook pots by himself, and when he finishes cleaning up and go to the small living room, he sees Little Loli spreading out a lot of medical supplies on the ground. She is dispensing medicine with a syringe, and she immediately becomes confused. cool cold.

The next moment, his bad feeling became a reality. Little Loli looked sideways and smiled brightly: "I've eaten and drank enough, take a rest for 2 minutes, and just like last time, I will strip naked and lie down on the corpse."

call out-
At the same time that Yan Xing's face became hot, his nerves straightened, and the [-] cold hairs on his body also stood upright at the same moment.

God knows how hard it took him to convince himself that nothing happened every time he faced a little loli, but in fact, every time he was alone, he couldn't help but think about himself. The picture of being "appreciated" by a little loli wearing only small pants, that feeling can no longer be ashamed.

Now, when he suddenly heard that he was told to strip the corpse and lie down, Yan Xing subconsciously felt the horror, and his muscles and nerves stiffened in an instant.

"Again... take off your clothes again?" The iron-blooded man who was not afraid of bullets and killed the enemy without blinking an eye, was speechless.

"Forget it if you don't want to revive the glory." She worked hard to help him heal, but she didn't say anything. What the hell was he hesitating and hesitating?

Who said no?
Yan Xing pouted, which man doesn't want to flourish?Even if they don't mess with flowers, they don't want to be flirtatious, but all men don't want to be incompetent.

He looked at Little Loli silently, and pretended to be calm and wiped his forehead.

Pretending to be calm, he wiped away the cold sweat. He turned his back and unbuttoned the belt with a stiff hand. While untying, he glanced at Little Loli from the corner of his eye to see if she was peeking, but fortunately Little Lolita lowered her head to dispense the medicine again. No time to follow him.

Mo Ming's, I feel a little lost. Why is Little Loli not interested in his muscles?Could it be that his figure is worse than that of the handsome foreigner?
Then think about it, Yan Xing's whole person is not very good, and his heart is particularly uncomfortable. I can't say why, anyway, he is very unhappy.

Feeling uncomfortable, his handsome face was tense, and he unbuttoned the belt in a pissed-off manner. He took off his trousers and threw it on the ground. When bending over to take off his socks, he glanced back and found that the crisp sound of throwing the belt buckle on the ground was not attractive. Looking back at the little loli, it can be seen that the little loli is really not interested in him, and she feels very angry.

Throwing away his socks, he took off his jacket and used it as an apron to surround him in front of him. With a stern handsome face and inexplicable unhappiness, he walked to the open space in front of the little loli and sat down. Covering his legs with his coat, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

Le Yun was busy dispensing medicine and didn't care about Yan Ren. Hearing the sound of Xixi Susuo, she guessed that he was pulling his clothes and trousers. Rejecting people thousands of miles away, but I don't know if she was scolded stupid or stupid by her acupuncture function, that guy's aloof image is more and more prone to collapse, and he is developing in the direction of rogue.

For Gao Leng, she has her own way to deal with it. It doesn't matter if others are cold and disdainful; but when she encounters a rogue, or a military rogue, she is a little embarrassed. , hit, can not be ruthless, you say, what should I do?
When handsome Yan walked up to the front and sat down by herself, she looked up from her busy schedule, and glanced at Yan's appearance as if she had been aggrieved by the sky. Legs, why don't you just slap him, how can you show that kind of expression that seems like the sky is falling?
Yanren was unhappy, but Le Yun was in a good mood, the depression of being robbed of lunch was swept away, and her brows and eyes were crescent-like with a smile: "Brother Yan, I said, I'm not happy that no one will force you, you You can slam the door and leave, I will never drag you back and force you to strip."

"Humph!" The little loli smiled, Yan Xing was even more annoyed, but he couldn't beat him, so he hummed coldly to show his dissatisfaction.

"It seems to be extremely reluctant. A gentleman can't be hard on others. You can put on your pants and go." He was a patient. She kindly helped him collect medicinal materials and dispensed medicine. , and humming, who does he think he is?

A patient is so arrogant and deserves to be killed.

Every time he treats him, Yan Ren never cooperates 100%, Le Yun is particularly upset, because she has a promise first, so she will help him again and again, regardless of past suspicions, if it is not because she does not want to break her promise and become fat, he Being so arrogant, she had already put her fist in his face, so she couldn't allow him to babble.

Yan Xing was so choked with smoke that he took off his pants, and asked him to leave again?Isn't this a deliberate joke?
He squinted, Little Loli lowered her eyebrows and smiled, her eyes were shining brightly, and the gentleness of that bowed head was like a peony under the moon, incomparably delicate.

If someone else dared to play him like this, he would directly twist the person into a twist, but it was the little loli in front of him, looking at her white neck and asking him to twist it, he was reluctant.

Under the depression, Yan Xing angrily looked away, leaned back, lay down on the ground, pulled his suit down, covered his thighs, pursed his lips, and unbuttoned his shirt one by one.

Handsome Yan was lying on his corpse obediently, which made Le Yun twitched her brows. Yan people are donkey people, donkeys are idiots, you are kind and gentle, and they are stubborn with you to the end. Instead, it is honest, and Yan people are like that. You tell him what is going on, but he is still arrogant. If you don't give him face to drive him away, he will be shameless, typically eating hard but not soft.

Seeing him unbuttoning his clothes as if he were dying, she couldn't help but hit him badly: "Does a big man need to pinch and twist, I said earlier, your body is nothing to see, you strip it to me I'm not happy to watch it, cover up, do you think you are a supermodel with a top figure? Throw away your clothes, don't get in the way."

Yan Xing's face darkened, and she gritted her teeth and stared at the immoral little loli, couldn't she be as gentle as a normal little girl and save him some face?
Stare, stare, unfortunately, the little girl is immune to his murderous eyes, and birds don't ignore him, they are mixing the potions on their own.

He felt like he was punching cotton, and looked away angrily. He didn't care about the child. Little Loli was just a child. She was younger than their sixteenth child. She was angry with the child. Too unreasonable.

Yan Xing tried his best to convince himself to be tolerant and generous, not to be a chicken belly, not to take care of the small loli's vicious tongue and the bad temper of short-sighted.

Yanren was too embarrassed to take off her clothes, and Le Yun did not urge him one after another. She prepared the medicine and calmly twisted up the men's suit and threw it away without waiting for Yanren to protest. On the back of the hand he put on his lower abdomen covering his clothes.

He took a pat, the back of his hand was numb, Yan Xing angrily put his hand on the side, hmph, now others have to bow their heads under the eaves, when the little loli violates his hand one day, he will definitely beat her The little ass becomes eight petals.

Yanren honestly didn't protest incessantly like last time, but Le Yun was more satisfied, she tore off his shirt and let him bare his chest and belly, revealing his strong muscles.

Handsome Yan's body is actually quite strong and toned. If there are no big and small injuries that make him a top supermodel for fitness advertisements, it can't be more perfect. Unfortunately, all the obvious and hidden injuries destroy the beauty of the human body.

The reason why his scars are still clear and obvious all year round is also related to the toxins in his body. The poisons destroy the body's self-repairing function, and the scars are difficult to disappear.

Le Yun lowered her head and observed Yan Ren carefully. With the X function of her eyes, she once again found that there was a wisp of air in the sea of ​​Yan's breath, a faint wisp of air that was slightly darker than white.

If it is correct, it is internal force, and it can also be called infuriating!

Yan's inner strength is very pure, but because of the poison in his body, many acupuncture points are blocked, which greatly restricts the development of inner strength, trapping it in the sea of ​​qi and unable to form a "field".

Tian, ​​refers to the dantian, there are three places in the dantian, the upper dantian is at the head, the middle dantian is in the tan, and the lower dantian is the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​qi. The cave, but a small area near the sea of ​​qi, the sea of ​​qi, is the central orifice of the dantian.

There is a saying in Taoism that "one who cultivates one's orifices within one's orifices can become a superior person." Only when the qi sea orifices are opened can one truly enter the door of self-cultivation.

Eyes locked Yan Ren's internal strength, Le Yun pressed her Qi Sea Point with two fingers, and gently rubbed it: "Yan Ren, qi sinks into Dantian, five hearts are unified, and run for a small week according to the method you practiced. sky."

"...What did you say?" Yan Xing pretended to be dead, but when he heard what little Loli said, he was shocked. Little Loli was just guessing, or did she really know that he was actually an ancient build?

(End of this chapter)

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