magic eye doctor

Chapter 2766 Many Fruits

Chapter 2766 Many Fruits

When the Snow Bear Clan reported their home, the monks of all ethnic groups did not pay any special attention. Until the little cultivator revealed the identity of the Bear King, he couldn't help but be surprised that the Queen of the Snow Bear Clan also came to the Golden Lion City?
The Snow Bear Clan lives on the top of the North, and the Shining Sun Golden Lion is not on the coast, but its continent belongs to the southernmost continent in the western part of the Northern Continent. The two are far away.

The Queen of the Snow Bear Clan came to the Golden Lion City in person, indicating that she also believed that something good would come out of the Fluctuating Light Secret Realm.

And some of the monks who had seen the little girl rescue the snow bear when the Fluctuating Secret was closed, suddenly became sour. The snow bear that the little girl rescued turned out to be the child of the Snow Bear Queen, which is too coincidental. !

And then, suddenly it's not a good taste, why haven't the people who were seriously injured by the little nun rescued on my side?

If there is, maybe they can also talk to the little sister for similar reasons, and have the opportunity to interview the little sister alone.

In the spirit boat, Bai Yin and his friends heard that the little fairy invited the queen of the Snow Bear clan to board the boat, and immediately grabbed Xuan Ge'er, Yan Ge'er and Zhiren Zhima, and ran into the Ruyi House in the cabin.

The two young masters were also very clever. They used a few dust removal techniques to clear the air in the spirit boat, and then closed the door of the wishful house.

Le Yun is quite surprised, the humanoid beast can operate this wave, it is simply a resolute.

The resolute beasts and the two brothers stayed in the Ruyi room, and sat around a table, placed a plate of mutated golden cicadas, and happily ate snacks.

The Snow Bears passed through the cultivators and the Dan Xiu group and walked to the spiritual boat of the human female cultivator.

Le Yun opened a door to the Lingzhou's defensive formation, invited the Snow Bears to board the boat, and closed the door when all the guests entered the light screen.

She greeted the guests to enter the cabin, and took a seat at the large round table area. There was no need to boil water to boil the spirit tea, and she put two plates of fried mutant golden cicadas and two plates of spirit fruit to entertain the visitors.

The little snow bear, who was a good treasure in the mother's arms, saw the mutant Jinchan who was entertained by the little nun of the human race, and was furious: "You little cub is not only stingy, but also looks at people through the door! My mother is here! You used the rare mutant golden cicada to entertain you, why didn't you make this prince delicious and delicious, and eat some fruit shells, you still think that this prince eats free food!"

The bear king threw the cub, who seemed to be ignorant, to his feet: "Little Fairy, this cub has been spoiled by the Snow Bear Clan. Don't take it to heart, Your Excellency."

"It's okay, this fairy has experience in treating bear children." Le Yun stretched out her hand and grabbed the little snow bear, who was about to climb back into his mother's arms, and slid up her back: "Oh, when I was in this fairy's spirit boat It's not so arrogant in Shang, and now there are supporters, so you are fat, right?"

The little snow bear was grabbed by the back, and he tried to catch the little human cub with his teeth and claws, but he didn't catch it, and asked the backer for help: "Emperor Mother, save me!"

His mother emperor looked at the cub being carried and slipped, and smiled: "Little fairy won't say anything to you, what's your name?"

The mother emperor did not save himself, and Xiao Xuexiong changed his goal instead: "Eldest father, the second father and the third father help!"

The Bear King has three husbands, one of whom is present on both sides, and the eldest husband is also in the Mahayana order.

The three husbands glared at him when they saw the little cub's cowardly behavior, ignoring it.

The little snow bear failed to ask for help and shrank into a ball: "Wuwuwu, the mother emperor and fathers don't love me anymore! Do you have other bears, so you don't care about me?"

Le Yun slapped the little snow bear on the buttocks with a slap: "You are a four-hundred-year-old bear, and you are a new-born little cub who is too pitiful, do you lose the bear?

Just like a bear like you, in my hometown, you will be beaten every day.Fortunately, you are not my brother, otherwise, I would have to throw you to Leizhou and let you stay in the thunder for a hundred years.

Noisy again, eat bear's paw tonight. "

"You are too cruel!" Little Snow Bear shrank into a small ball, hiding his claws.

"Ruth? Would you like to show it to you? This fairy can dismantle all the bones in your body, so that you won't lose a single hair, and that you won't die from pain for a hundred years."

Le Yun threw the little snow bear into an empty chair: "Be honest, I don't have the heroic spirit of being a male anymore, I will tear your bones, or give you a knife, and just turn you into a female snow bear. ."

Whoosh, the little Snow Bear, who was rolling and crawling on the ground after falling off the chair, wanted to find the mother emperor for comfort, and was instantly quiet as a chicken, and he honestly enlarged his body and sat well.

Snow Bear Clan: "..." In terms of being ruthless with words, it is still necessary to count the female cultivators of the human race. She can even say the words of turning males into females. This trick is cruel enough!
After quelling the noisy little snow bear, Le Yun greeted the guests of the snow bear clan to eat snacks: "I rescued the little snow bear, and he also paid him a reward. At that time, the two were cleared. Her Excellency the Queen and everyone from the snow bear clan will follow. Don't worry about it anymore."

"Little fairy rescued the little cub, I will keep it in my heart." The little human cultivator did not embarrass the snow bear clan. The bear king and the humanoid snow bears were relieved, and they were very relaxed and enjoyed the snacks .

The adults moved their hands, and the little snow bear gently took the mutant golden cicada and ate it slowly.

The fried mutated golden cicadas tasted crunchy and crispy, and had a slightly sweet sweetness, which was very popular with the snow bears, and they all tasted delicious.

The Bear King is a woman, of the same gender as the master, and has something to talk about. She initially thought that the little nun had used the spiritual plant space to raise the mutant golden cicada, and she asked straightforwardly.

She wanted to ask the female nun about her experience in raising golden cicadas. If it was easy to raise, the Snow Bears would also consider planting some golden cicadas to keep them. When they heard that golden cicadas were not raised, they were caught near Skull Island. The nun was in awe.

No matter how the little girl went to Skull Island, it was not only luck, but also proof that she had extraordinary strength.

Le Yun also asked a question, that is, why did Xiaoxuexiong go to the Fluctuating Realm.

The bear king's expression was indescribable: "That little cub is the Golden Lion City that was stolen from the city. There is an ancient secret realm in the territory of one continent separated from Pinghaizhou by three continents. It is the opening period. The secret realm contains the resources that our Snow Bear Clan needs. I Went to the secret realm with his fathers in person.

When I came out, I was worried that I had left the territory for too long, and the little cub was restless in the territory, so I took it with me. Who would have guessed that when I entered the secret realm, the little cub, who did not know the heights of the sky, would sneak out after listening to the instigation of people with unpredictable confidence. , ran to Fluctuating Rift.

Fortunately, he was lucky this time and met the little fairy. Otherwise, he would not be able to escape the poisonous hands of the squatter. "

"So it is. I must have never been beaten before, so I don't know what pain is, so I beat him a few times to give him a long memory. I think he will learn to distinguish between right and wrong in the future, and he will not trust the words of others."

Le Yun knew it well, so let's just say, the Snow Bear clan is not rich, how could it be possible to let the only direct blood inherit the bear to take risks, and to treat the arrogant child like Little Snow Bear, there is only one way: beat it and it's over.

Xiaoxuexiong widened his eyes angrily. He had been beaten several times, and the abominable human cub even went so far as to make the mother emperor and fathers beat him!
"It really should be beaten. In the past, it was because he was reluctant to attack that made him lawless." The Bear King felt that it was reasonable.

Little Snow Bear was so angry that he didn't dare to provoke the little human cub.

"I was reluctant before, because there was only a cub like him, and he dared to be lawless, and also because he was the only royal blood in his generation, and there was no pressure.

Her Majesty the Queen might as well have more children. He has more brothers and sisters, and he is under a lot of pressure. As the eldest brother, he has to set an example for his younger brothers and sisters, and he will surely grow up. "

Le Yun ignored Little Snow Bear's anger and gave the bear king a very friendly suggestion to have more children. If you want to be rich on earth, you should have fewer children and more trees. For monsters, if you want a strong race, you should have more children. Practice diligently.

The little snow bear is so angry that the human cub is really abominable!
The husband of the Snow Bear Clan and the few elders who went with the Queen and acted as guards in a low-key manner unanimously agreed with the suggestion of the little human cultivator, isn't it, there are really too few descendants of the royal family!
The bear king sighed helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to have more children, the higher the cultivation of the orcs, the harder it is to have children. I have a brother above me, and it's not my turn to lead the snow bear clan. Son, after his death I had to inherit the throne.

When I succeeded to the throne, it was already in the early stage of union, so it was difficult to have children, and it took a lot of trouble to conceive such a cub. "

"There is a kind of spiritual tree called the multi-child tree, and the fruit it bears eats many children and many grandchildren."

The Chinese people have a strange book called "Shan Hai Jing". The book says that there is a tree with round leaves, white calyx, and red flowers with black texture. Many children.

That magical tree is called a multi-fruit tree, and its fruit is called a multi-fruit tree.

The Snow Bears were shocked.

"Little Fairy said that there are many sub-trees and many fruits, but unfortunately, that kind of spiritual tree is difficult to find." If he could find it, the Snow Bear Royal Family would have very few descendants.

"That's relative. I think Her Excellency the Queen and the Snow Bears will like this kind of spiritual fruit." Le Yun smiled and handed the bear king a jade box.

"How many fruits are there in the little fairy?" The bear king was also greatly surprised. He took the jade box and opened it. The jade box contained four fruits the size of the small fists of newborn babies.

The golden-red peel of the fruit is covered with cyan patterns, and through the nearly transparent peel, small pearl-like, half-red and half-pink seeds can be seen.

"It's fruity!" The husbands were surprised.

"Yes, it is a multi-fruited fruit. At least [-] multi-fruited pills can be refined from one multi-fruited fruit. It is also possible to eat it directly. After eating one fruit, the growth period can last for a hundred years."

Fluctlight Mystery is a good place, there are many exotic flowers and fruits, even the Five Elements Spirit Tree, how can there be a lack of many sub-trees.

The Snow Bears were overjoyed, and the eyes of the princes were shining: "We are short of many fruits, what does the little fairy need to exchange?"

"This box of fruit is given to Her Majesty the Queen, and there is no need to exchange it." Le Yun smiled brightly: "If the eldest prince of the Snow Bear clan runs away from home because of this, he will not do this fairy's business. Her Majesty the Queen and Everyone, please don't scold this fairy behind your back."

Little Snow Bear was furious: "Is this prince so ignorant?"

"Yes, outside the North City Gate that day, you scolded Fairy Ben for being stingy and stingy in front of humans and beasts." Le Yun lightly described Snow Bear's dark history.

"You..." Little Snow Bear was so angry that he wanted to wave his claws, but he was afraid that the little human cub would chop his own slap, so he immediately hid his claws again.

(End of this chapter)

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