magic eye doctor

Chapter 2767 Fear of being caught as a husband

Chapter 2767 Fear of being caught as a husband

Queen Snow Bear is very courageous, and the female cultivator of the human race said that Duo Ziguo would give her away, but she did not push back awkwardly, and put away the jade box.

Then, she also gave back a jade box: "This is my return gift."

Since it was a return gift, it was naturally accepted. Le Yun simply took the jade-green jade box with excellent jade color, and opened it generously in front of the Snow Bears.

The jade box is a foot and a half square, and contains a piece of blue mud that is nine inches square. The blue mud is as transparent as crystal, and it looks like a blue crystal at first glance.

But its essence is soil, not a single quartz crystal.

"This is ice spiritual soil, which cost your Excellency the Queen." Le Yun recognized the blue clod as ice spiritual soil at a glance, and put it away.

There are many kinds of spiritual soil, there are fire spiritual soil with fire attribute, wood spiritual soil with wood attribute, metallic golden spiritual soil, and there are also rare wind spiritual soil and ice spiritual soil.

The top of the north is the Jedi of ice, and ice spiritual soil can naturally be cultivated in the depths of the ground.

The female cultivator of the human race was bright and happy, and the bear king was also happy: "A special product, how can it be said to be expensive. Our snow bears have always used three kinds of spiritual roots: water, ice and wind, and the ice spiritual soil collected is often used as a resource to exchange snow bears. Required training resources.

This time, I also got two pieces of spiritual soil in the ancient secret realm. I want to exchange the spiritual soil and other resources for the fairy to return the good fortune. I don't know if it is feasible. "

"Trade is to exchange things for what I need. If the resources brought by the Snow Bear Clan are what I like, I will exchange them naturally." Le Yun readily accepted the transaction. As for the resources of the Snow Bear Clan, how many pills can be exchanged for it is another matter. .

The two sides reached a verbal agreement on the transaction, and the Snow Bears put some resources in storage bags and gave them to the female nun, so that she could screen her favorite items by herself.

Favors are favors, and transactions are transactions.

Since it is a transaction, of course it must be meticulous. Le Yun is very serious about the resources that Snow Bear uses for trading.

The Snow Bears are worthy of being collectors. They have a lot of good things in their collections, and they are basically not precious resources that the Snow Bears themselves urgently need.

The Bear King mentioned two spiritual soils, one is pure pure spiritual soil, black and gray, and the other is a rare white crystal spiritual soil.

Baijing Ling soil is a mixed crystalline soil formed by mixing a certain proportion of fine quartz in the white mud that can be used to make white porcelain.

The mixed soil absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, washes away most of the impurities, and reaches a certain level of purity and transparency, which is the white crystal spiritual soil.

The Snow Bear Clan also collected several pieces of lightning strike wood and spirit wood. Among them, a black piece of lightning strike wood is a section of the core of the million-year-old Yunshen tree that was struck by lightning.

There are hundreds of kilograms of refined ore spirit gold, more than a dozen kinds of spirit jade that can be used as raw materials for making talismans and communication jade slips, as well as more than a dozen kinds of spirit ores, eleven kinds of star stones, and several pieces of thunder ores.

The Snow Bear Clan also installed more than ten kinds of ice field spiritual plants, including snow lotus, snow ginseng and snow velvet grass, but there is not a single spiritual plant suitable for terrestrial growth.

The Snow Bear Clan did not use terrestrial spiritual plants to exchange resources. It is also because the Snow Bear Clan’s territory is a snowy plain. Except for plants that naturally love ice and snow, it is difficult for other spiritual plants to survive in the ice plain. All kinds of spiritual plants they need also need to be exchanged with foreigners. .

In addition, there are dozens of demon pills and some demon beast bones, all of which are demon beast inner pills or beast bones that are not of water, ice and wind attributes.

Looking at the items in the storage bag, Le Yun moved out several kinds of star stones and most of the spiritual ore, several kinds of lightning wood and spiritual wood, and some monster bones. She has those things in her own hands, and the quality is better than that of the Snow Bear clan. Fortunately, three or two grades.

The items that Little Fairy cleared were not of interest, and the rest naturally represented trade resources.

The Snow Bear Clan put away the resources that were thrown out three times, and calculated the value of the resources that were left behind with the Human Race female cultivator, and calculated how many good fortune pills could be exchanged for it.

After calculation, they can only exchange three and a half fortune-telling elixir for a lot of resources they took out.

Dan thought it was impossible to split the two halves to make a transaction. The Snow Bear Clan gritted their teeth and took out a pair of Mahayana-rank amethyst rhinoceros bones.

The status of the Amethyst Rhino in the rhino monster race is like the status of diamonds in jewelry.

There are several species of rhinos in Yunlan Continent, which are classified by skin color, including white, blue, brown, tawny, reddish-brown, pure black, as well as mutant blue rhino, golden rhino, striped rhino, and amethyst rhino.

Amethyst rhino is a rare mutant species, its skin is dark purple, its eyes and horns are also purple, and the eyes and horns are as transparent as purple crystal, so it is called amethyst rhino.

Amethyst Rhinoceros is a thunder-type rhinoceros.

Rare is precious, and the mutant amethyst rhinoceros is extremely rare and rare among beasts.

The amethyst rhinoceros bones collected by the Snow Bears are missing a hind leg, a back bone, four ribs, and a part of the jawbone, but the rhino horn is intact.

It was a giant beast with a body length of 120 feet and a rhinoceros horn more than nine feet long.

The animal bones are also white, but the surface of each bone is evenly distributed with purple textures, and the purple rhino horns are covered with black textures, which are more translucent and crystal clear than amethyst, bright and moving.

Amethyst rhino's animal bones are the materials for refining thunder attribute magic weapons and instruments, and animal horns can not only be used for refining weapons, but also raw materials for alchemy.

The Snow Bear Clan also worked hard in order to create a magic pill, and they also took out their treasured amethyst rhinoceros bones for trading.

With the animal bones and horns of Amethyst Rhino, even if it is not enough to exchange a pill, it is similar.

Le Yun had the rarest rhino horn, so instead of letting the Snow Bears make up the difference, they gave them five fortune-telling elixir.

The Snow Bear Clan exchanged for the Good Fortune and the Spirit Pill, and the joy in their eyes could not be hidden.

Good Fortune Huiling is a quasi-sacred pill, a life-saving pill for immortals. If a monk under immortals is seriously injured and eats a whole pill, it is indeed a waste of life, but it can be diluted or divided before eating.

If one pill is evenly divided into ten parts, the medicinal power of only one pill is more than enough to save the life of a Mahayana man or beast who was seriously injured and died frequently.

Below the Mahayana level, about one-fifteenth of the medicine is enough.

The Snow Bear Clan exchanged five fortune-telling elixir at one time, which is equivalent to nearly [-] life-saving pills, how could they not be excited.

Considering that there was a large group of people outside waiting to exchange divine pills with Little Fairy, the Snow Bear Clan sat for a while and then voluntarily resigned.

Little Snow Bear didn't make a fuss, and let the big father take him away obediently.

One visit, that is, to express the gratitude of the Snow Bear Clan, to get a lot of fruit, and to exchange for the sub-sacred pill.

Le Yun did not leave the spirit boat, so she opened a corner of the defense mask on the bow of the spirit boat, and let the Snow Bears go out and then closed the defense cover.

Some of the monks outside the spirit boat have already put the communication jade slip into the storage bag on the wooden pier.

The monks watched the Snow Bears come out of the spirit boat, and were extremely envious. Although they didn't know what resources the Snow Bears used to trade the pills with the little fairy, they could guess that 100% of the Snow Bears had exchanged for the elixir of good fortune.

If the Snow Bear Clan's resources for medicine pills include the treasures they want to use to exchange pills, they may be one step behind and may not be able to exchange pills.

It can be said that the Snow Bears took the lead.

The Snow Bear Clan walked out of the cultivator group, collected the spirit boat, and floated away in the eyes full of jealousy and envy.

After the snow bear clan left, the people and beasts who closed the small black house took the initiative to leave the customs again, running around the bow of the boat and surrounding the little loli/fairy, chatting.

"You don't want to see other beasts in order to make a sneak attack, so why did you drag the two brothers into the wishful house?" Le Yun wondered why the four humanoid beasts took two young men to the small dark house.

"The queen of the Snow Bear clan is a female. What if she sees Brother Xuan and Yan, and wants to rob him and go back to be the husband of the village? This is not because he is afraid that the brothers will be caught and become the husband of the king, so she takes them and hides them together. up."

The humanoid beast was plausible, and was quite proud to show an expression of "We are very smart and witty" asking for praise.

Well, the reason is strong!
Yan Shaoxuan was speechless, and they were not the most beautiful men in the world. How could they be in danger of being snatched up by Queen Snow Bear to be the "husband of the village".

The beasts and beasts are close to Zhu Zhechi, and from the "Mrs. Yazhai", the "Mrs. Yazhai" is derived. It can be seen that the true meaning of Mrs. Yazhai's words is clearly understood.

Le Yun nodded seriously: "You are very thoughtful, and your responses are fast and fast. Your brains are becoming more and more flexible, and you are becoming more and more human-like."

The four humanoid beasts cocked their little tails proudly and looked at it, this is the importance of choosing a good partner. If you choose the right partner, you will become smarter and more promising, and they will become smarter and smarter when they follow the little fairy!
Yan Shao Xuan Shao: "..." Little Loli is a big fool, doesn't her conscience hurt when she fools the beast like this?

The little Zhiren pouted: "Why did you drag us away too?"

"Humans and beasts don't know what type of wood-type monster I am, even if I want to eat it, I just smell it, and I will not have to eat me.

The two of you are Chi dolls, more conspicuous than me, but mortals or beasts who are not blind can guess that you are spiritual beings. If the Snow Bears see you two, if they fail to catch you and take a few bites, you will regret it. There is no place to cry. "

The gourd baby hates the two little creatures. These two little creatures have no sense of crisis, which is really heartbreaking!
Zhiren Zhima is bitter, their transformation is like this, what can they do?
Zhiren Zhima likes to get close to the gourd baby, and the gourd baby also protects the two little ones. No matter how they bicker, Le Yun takes out the demon pill and gives the beasts a demon pill with the same attributes.

Zhiren Zhima is currently too weak to digest high-level demon pills, so they gave them golden pills. The four humanoid beasts have already crossed the Nascent Soul. Beast inner alchemy.

For the monsters and demon pills below the celestial beings, it is useless for the little fox to eat them, so he did not leave any part for him, only one for Xiao Huihui.

Keep the remaining demon pills first, and when you have time, use low-level demon pills to concoct pills and feed them to the beasts.

The beasts got demon pills, and there were stars in their eyes, sparkling.

Yan Shaoxuan couldn't help but feel jealous. Little Lolita is so good to the beasts, I feel that they are not as good as the beasts!
Think again, sigh, the four humanoid beasts have their own contract beasts, and Little Loli cares for her own contract beast friends, doesn't that mean it's good for them?
So, in an instant, the handsome guys calmed themselves down and didn't have to worry about their physical and mental health.

(End of this chapter)

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