magic eye doctor

Chapter 2784 A Big Order

Chapter 2784 Thousands of Big Orders
Patriarch Yan and Patriarch Lin visited Little Fairy again in the name of giving a thank you gift. When they saw the master, they naturally expressed their sincere thanks first, and then gave them a thank you gift.

Le Yun accepted the thank you gifts from Yan and Lin, and felt at ease.

Patriarch Yan and Patriarch Lin were also relieved to see that the little fairy had accepted the thank you gift, and then they had the audacity to make a request to book the spirit boat as well.

The two of them also had self-knowledge, so they didn't dare to pre-purchase a small spirit boat with a speed of less than a million miles.

Le Yun directly rejected the Yan family's reservation request: "The Yan family has already exchanged for a spirit boat last time, so we must give other families a chance.

The Lin family can prepare resources and go to Wanghai City to try their luck in 200 years. If the Lin family is lucky and I have an extra little spirit boat in my hand, under the same conditions, I might consider making a deal with the Lin family first. "

The reservation of the spirit boat failed, and the patriarch Yan and the elders were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe.

Yan Zhen said nothing.

The little fairy didn't promise to refine the spirit boat for the Lin family, and the head of the Lin family and the clan elders were also very melancholy. Fortunately, the little fairy said that they could try their luck, which comforted them a little.

Lin Qianyi also remained silent.

The elders of the Yan family and the Lin family also knew that staying for a long time would attract people's suspicion, so they calmed down and bid farewell to their masters and went back to their camp.

Yan Zhenlin Qianyi was unable to speak the whole time, and left with the elders of the clan. When he got off the boat, he looked back at the spirit boat next to the boat, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The people from Lin Jiayan's family left the building and the boat, Hanmei spit out the pistil hairpin, jumped up, and ran into the air circling, and the male and female voices sounded leisurely: "Little fairy, why are you also giving a thank you gift and talking about booking a spirit boat?" You accepted the Yinjiao family's reservation, but rejected the Yan family and the Lin family who are both human?"

Regarding the hairpin with her own thoughts, Le Yun ignored it and gave it an explanation: "I am a human race, but it does not mean that I will favor the human race without limit.

The purpose of my refining the spirit boat is to exchange the resources I need. Naturally, it depends on the value of the resources. Whoever has the resources that suit me, I will refine the spirit boat for that family.

The Yan family and the Lin family probably thought they belonged to the same human race, and I had raised their children before, so I must have given them some face. I didn't bring a list of natural treasures and precious resources, so I was so red-mouthed and white-toothed. Talking about exchanging resources for the spirit boat is not trying to do nothing for nothing.

Although the elders of the Yinjiao family did not make a list of items, they gave me all the precious resources in their hands as a thank you gift. I saw the sincerity of the Yinjiao family, and I was naturally willing to accept the Yinjiao family's exchange of resources. The deal of the spirit boat.

Yan's family and Lin's family are too deep in the city, lack of sincerity, and I'm not stupid, so it's impossible to promise them. "

"Little fairy, is it true that the young monks of the Lin family have a deep friendship with you, so the elders of their family think you will give them face?"

Hanmei Turui did another somersault in the air, and floated back to the top of Little Fairy's head, playing on her forehead.

"There is no friendship. Speaking of it, I have the meaning of supporting the children of their two families..."

Le Yun roughly talked about how a certain person was borrowed by a villain, she saved him once, took them on a trip, and took them to help stop Tianlei yesterday.

I heard that a certain little fairy led people to help Mahayana monks to block the thunder calamity of the promotion, Hanmei Turui Hairpin almost fell down, it slid into the air, and hurriedly crawled back to the top of the person's head.

It's unbelievable!
It had spiritual wisdom when its master was still at the Mahayana stage, and accompanied its master, Fairy Miaoyan, Xiao Feixian, and had seen a lot. As far as it knows, even His Majesty Qian Xing and Fairy Miaoyan did not dare to become golden immortals. To interfere with the thunder robbery of other monks.

It has also seen with its own eyes that for the sake of the younger generation, with the heart of luck, the magic weapon helped the younger generation to protect the younger generation from the thunder disaster, and was struck to death by the sky thunder.

The little fairy not only scratched the thunder calamity, but also brought other people to help them block the thunder calamity. Not only was she not punished by the heavens, but she was also alive and kicking. This was seriously beyond its cognition.

After being stunned for a while, the Hanmei Turui hairpin stuck it on the little fairy's jade crown again. It was frightened and needed to be quiet!
The hairpin stayed there obediently again, and Le Yun didn't ask him if he was hit, and sorted out the deposit that he had just collected.

She was in a good mood, but she didn't know much about the various races who pre-ordered the spirit boat. She didn't put the messenger talisman with the list of resources into the storage bag on the wooden pier in front of the building until the hour passed.

A jade slip is tied to each person's communication talisman, and the jade slip contains the treasures of heaven and earth and various resources used by each family to book the spirit boat.

All the clans did not leave, they put their wishful houses on the open space of Lingzhou Square, and waited for news in the wishful houses.

There were a lot of monks who wanted to reserve the spirit boat, and it took as long as a cup of tea to cast the communication talisman.

After no one passed the message talisman, Le Yun took back the storage bag, sat in the wishful room, and took out the jade slip from the bag to read the message.

Rao has a strong spiritual sense and can read more than a hundred jade slips at one time, but there are more than 17 copies of the communication talisman, and it took three hours to read all the jade slips.

After reading all the jade slips, Le Yun meditated for half an hour, and then took out the jade slips that were sieved first, and conducted a second screening.

Eight thousand pieces of jade slips were screened for the first time, and one thousand pieces were left after the second screen.

Refining spirit boats is a hard and tiring job, and a thousand spirit boats is undoubtedly a huge project.

Rarely, Loli Le was also tangled.

However, she was really reluctant to ask her to screen out some of them.

After two rounds of screening, each of the thousand buyers had resources that she couldn't refuse, some were spiritual plants for alchemy, and some were materials for refining weapons.

After struggling for a while, I finally decided to make a final decision.

Since I can't bear to send the fat to my mouth, I can only make myself work harder, take more orders, and get more smoked.

Deciding to collect the resources, Le Yun looked at the communication talisman attached to the jade slip, and read some messages left by the master in the transmission talisman, and it took another incense stick of time.

Knowing the wishes of each family, he tidied up, walked out of the wishful house, stood on the bow of the building boat, and placed the thousand copies of jade charms left over the building boat.

Then announced the news: "Thanks to the great love of fellow daoists of all races, we have sent a total of 17 copies of communication symbols from each family. However, this fairy has limited energy and cannot accept all orders. Most of the fellow daoists will be disappointed." up.

This fairy has finished reading all the communication symbols. The owner of these thousand copies of communication symbols, please board the boat for an interview, and the remaining communication symbols will be returned later.

According to what I said last time, this fairy has read the communication talisman and will never reveal to others what you have. If you violate this statement, there will be a thunderbolt. "

She swore an oath of secrecy, and above the sky, a beam of golden light broke through the clouds and bathed her body.

The monks of various races who were waiting for the result in Lingzhou Square, when the little fairy appeared, guessed that there must be a result, they all got out of the wishful house.

When a batch of communication talismans appeared on the top of the building, I guessed that those must be the lucky ones, and as expected, the owners of those communication talismans were all lucky ones!

Countless people's spiritual senses floated over. Those monks who found the communication talisman that echoed with them were overjoyed, and immediately sent voice transmissions to their companions, and flew to the building boat one after another.

The monks who couldn't find their own communication talisman were extremely sad. They were lucky enough to meet the master who could refine the high-speed spirit boat, but they lost in resources. What a shame!
Le Yun and other owners of a thousand copies of communication talismans all boarded the upstairs boat, first received the talisman slips, and then took out the communication talismans in the storage bag in batches and lined them up in the air for the owners to retrieve.

In order not to cause confusion, every [-] communication jade talismans were divided into one batch and returned to Zhao in [-] times.

The monks who were not selected took back their jade slips of communication, feeling extremely regretful in their hearts, they couldn't bear to return empty-handed, and they didn't leave immediately.

When the little fairy returned the communication talisman to its owner and put away the storage bag, the monks who had been waiting for the opportunity immediately asked: "Little fairy, I haven't been able to book the spirit boat this time. , may I ask where to find the little fairy?"

"My whereabouts are uncertain, and I have no fixed place. When and where I meet is destined. It is inconvenient to disclose Yunyou's whereabouts. Because I have an appointment with a friend, I will go to the appointment in about 200 years, and I must pass through Wanghai City.

If any fellow Taoists present want to exchange for the spirit pill or the spirit pill of good fortune, they can try their luck in Wanghai City after 200 years. At that time, they will give priority to trading with those who have not reserved the spirit boat today.

Of course, the pills are also limited. The spiritual plant in my hand can refine up to [-] Jingling Pills, and three to five thousand Good Fortune Returning Pills. There may be more potions.

If I want to pre-purchase the spirit boat, it's hard to say. If I'm in a good mood and refine a few small spirit boats during my travels, whoever is lucky will have the opportunity to trade them. "

The monks of all races also understand the voice of the little fairy. She will refine more spirit boats if she is in a good mood. Will refine the spirit boat again.

They have no position to persuade the little fairies to make more spirit boats. It is often said in the secular world that "every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." impermanence.

Everyone bid farewell to the little fairy and left one after another. Although no one made a clear statement, most of the monks or various forces have decided to go to Wanghai City to try their luck in 200 years.

After saying goodbye to all the monks, Le Yun turned back to the building ship, opened the defense array, and discussed business with the thousand buyers.

The winning bid was 8000 companies. Since all parties were teamed with three or four or five people, there were actually more than [-] people on board the building, and the lowest level of cultivation was the late Dzogchen.

The monks lined up on the east and west sides of the deck in the order of first come, first come first. When the little fairy came and greeted each other, the guests of honor sat cross-legged.

The owners of a thousand communication talismans include the human race, the beast race, the half-demon race, and the skeleton race. Among them, there are 430 human sects, immortal cultivators, Liberty City, and loose cultivators.

The total number of orcs is more than that of humans, with [-] families; there are [-] branches of skeletons, and the rest are half-monster or half-monster tribes.

The number of human races is less than that of orc races, but this ratio is already the result of Le Xiaoluoli releasing water because she is a human race and intends to support the human race.

If it is really fair, in terms of the amount and quality of resources, then at most 350 family forces will be shortlisted.

Generally speaking, the resources in the hands of the human race are much inferior to those of the orc race, both in terms of quantity and rarity.

In order not to let the human race be left too far behind by the monster beast race, Le Xiaoluoli gave up some resources, and opened a back door for some human race practice families, Liberty City, and casual repair groups whose resources were not as good as the beast race. The opportunity for them to pre-order the spirit boat.

If the spirit boats owned by the various forces of the human race are much less than those of the monster beast race, then the human race will have no advantage when competing for resources.

The monsters and beasts are blessed with resources, and there are more and more high-level monks, and their overall strength is getting stronger and stronger.

However, if the human race lacks resource blessings, the number and strength of monks cannot keep up, and in the long run, the gap with other races will become wider and wider.

The coexistence of thousands of races is the world rule of Yunlan Spiritual World, and Le Xiaoluoli can accept it frankly, but she still hopes that the human race will prosper and will never be enslaved or bullied by foreign races.

And the people who let her open the back door are all orthodox monk groups in the human monk world, and they all have awe-inspiring righteousness or meritorious deeds.

Naturally, there is no owner of Mount Saga in the Terran team, and little loli looks down on Saga Sect, throwing it out three times.

The Skeleton Race is built with aura, and they are all high-level, all in human form, wearing robes that can isolate the visitation of the divine sense, and also wear magic weapons that can conceal the breath, just like the monks of other races, it is difficult to see them It's a skeleton.

The guests of all ethnic groups sat on the floor as they wished, without asking each other where they came from, they all pulled out their pockets and took out the storage bags or storage containers containing the resources reserved for the spirit boat.

One of the elders of Zhengyi Palace first apologized to everyone kindly: "Thank you for your convenience, let us be in Zhengyi Palace to delay everyone's time, and ask the little fairy to identify something."

"Fellow Taoists in Zhengyi Palace, please go ahead."

All clans are also very generous, let Zheng Yigong come first, anyway, the little fairy has already agreed to accept the deal of booking the spirit boat, so it's okay to talk about it later.

There were four Mahayana true monarchs in Zhengyi Palace, and they thanked them unanimously. One Mahayana true monarch took out a wishful house from his sleeve, and then grabbed a one-foot-long jade box from it.

He opened the jade box, teleported it through the air, and sent the jade box to the little fairy with his spiritual sense, and then explained: "This spiritual object was obtained by a disciple of Zhengyi Palace in Yaoguang Palace. I only know it is a spiritual object." , but I don't know what kind of creature it is.

Because the origin of the spiritual creature is unknown, and it has not been included in the list of treasures of heaven and earth, please let the little fairy see if you can see what kind of creature it is. "

The Mahayana True Monarch of the Zhengyi Palace opened the jade box in front of all the tribes, and all the monks present saw the spiritual thing in the box—it was less than two inches high, with a pair of Winged elf.

As for what kind of elf it is, I don't know, it seems to be sleeping.

The jade box was delivered, and Le Yun also saw the "Thumbelina" in the box clearly. The little elf was a female, only as big as the thumb of a human nun, with a pair of dragonfly-like wings.

The little elf is wearing a yellow amber knee-length, sleeveless skirt. The ice-colored transparent wings are as thin as a cicada's wings. The small body is curled up into a ball, and it doesn't feel any vitality. It seems that the modern technological world is made of resin Toy.

(End of this chapter)

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