magic eye doctor

Chapter 2785 Flower Elf

Chapter 2785 Flower Elf

Seeing Thumbelina with long wings, Le Yun watched in amazement the good luck above the heads of several Mahayana true monarchs in Zhengyi Palace, and helped them meet each other. A sign of bad luck.

Inadvertently helped people to watch their luck for free, and asked: "This is the spirit raised by the sun flower, that is, the flower elf. I don't know where the sun flower plant is? Why aren't you with the flower elf?"

There are two kinds of flowers called "sunflowers" on the earth. One is a perennial flower of the genus Portulaca oleracea, which is a frequent visitor to the balconies of residents everywhere.

The other is gerbera, which is also called sunflower.

The sun flower in Yunlan Lingjie is the kind of sun flower called gerbera on earth.

"It turned out to be a flower elf." The tribes were surprised, the elf was a soul creature, without any aura, and no characteristics that could distinguish the race, so the tribes didn't know what kind of creature it was.

"The disciples of this palace picked up the flower elf under a spiritual plant when they were digging the spiritual plant. At that time, the little creature was in such a sleeping state, and there was no sun flower plant at the place where it was found. No sunflower plants were collected either."

The little fairy recognized the origin of the little creature, and the true masters of Mahayana in Zhengyi Palace were frank and frank, telling the truth.

"This elf is equivalent to a newborn cub. It must be playful. It flew too far, lost its way, couldn't find its own home, and because of seasonal climate and other reasons, it fell into a deep sleep directly under exhaustion. "

Le Yun probably guessed the reason, and then met the faces of the true kings of Xiangzheng Yigong, and praised: "Zheng Yigong is indeed the mainstay of the righteous monks of the human race, with a firm heart and a benevolent heart, not because of this little elf It is a soul body and eats it to help increase the soul, so it avoids some troubles."

Zhengyi Palace is a big sect with more than a million disciples. Although it has a strong background, but because it needs to support the entire sect, it controls resources very strictly. It is rumored that it is a relatively stingy fairy sect.

In order to reserve the spirit boat this time, although a lot of rare resources were listed, their total amount and quality are slightly less than those of the other immortal sects. .

But Zhengyigong did not insult the word "zheng", and the monks of Xianzong were upright.

It was also because of this that Le Xiaoluoli looked at Zheng Yigong with admiration.

"Here, could it be that eating flower spirits will cause disaster?" The monks of all races were terrified, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Some family had never collected spiritual objects, and every family had Mahayana or immortals who had eaten heaven and earth spiritual objects.

"When encountering heaven, material and earth treasures, each depends on his ability. Whoever gets it, eats it and refines it is his chance. The Yaoguang Palace is a rather special place. In the Yaoguang Palace, the spirits of heaven and earth that are transformed into intelligence, can you To eat or not to eat is the best."

Le Yun reassured people: "Some creatures have their own curses, and those with great luck will be fine if they eat it, but those who are not lucky will generally not be able to withstand the celestial thunder calamity of Ascension or Feixian after eating it.

This flower elf is a little creature with its own curse. Whoever eats it bears the power of the curse, which is roughly equivalent to the karma of killing [-] innocent creatures.

Fortunately, the monk who picked up the little flower essence was soft-hearted and did not refine the flower spirit, otherwise he himself would be wiped out in the lightning calamity of promotion, and the luck of Zhengyigong Zongmen would be affected, and there would be a period of downturn for a hundred years. "

The monks were shocked, and immediately counted whether their sect/tribe or family had ever eaten the spiritual objects found in the Yaoguang Palace.

If you don't look carefully, you don't know. After careful analysis, it is found that most of the monks or immortals who have refined special creatures have died, with only a few exceptions!
At this moment, the monks of all ethnic groups broke out in a cold sweat secretly. They had never suspected that those monks who died had something to do with the refining of certain creatures!

Those who found some special creatures in the Yaoguang Palace are monks with good luck. The monks or immortals who refine the spiritual objects of heaven and earth are also the hope of various fairy sects, tribes, and families. Many of them are amazing talents Yan generation.

All races let those extremely talented people refine certain creatures because they have high hopes for him and want to devote all their efforts to cultivating them. Who would have thought that it would cut off their immortal journey.

In the past, the monks of all ethnic groups only thought that the Yaoguang Palace was a blessed place, and it was easy to accumulate natural treasures and spiritual objects, but they never thought that the creatures in the form of heaven, material and earth treasures cultivated in the Yaoguang Palace must be eaten by those with great luck .

This is roughly the same as "misfortune comes with blessings, and blessings come with misfortunes."

Fortunately, it is not too late to know the secret now.

After the monks of all races were shocked, they all expressed their thanks: "Thank you, little fairy, for your guidance!"

If the little fairy hadn't revealed the secret of it today, in the future there would be talented people from all races refining the spiritual objects collected from the Yaoguang Palace, and there would be geniuses who would repeat the same mistakes one after another.

The Mahayana True Monarch of the Zhengyi Palace is even more fortunate that the sect's purpose has always followed the Tao and nature, self-cultivation is the strategy, and the method of using external forces to boost the cultivation is the worst strategy. The sect mainly focuses on hard work, and rarely borrows pills Medicine and other resources are piled up for cultivation.

Because of this, the disciples who picked up the little creatures didn't think about devouring spiritual things to fuel their spirits, and the high-ranking true monarchs of the sect didn't think about refining the little creatures.

The Mahayana elders sincerely asked: "Don't bother the two masters with one thing, and then ask the little fairy, how is the most appropriate way to arrange the flower elves?"

"The most appropriate way is to find a way to send it back to the Yaoguang Palace, send it back to its original place, and let it fend for itself."

Le Yun also knew that she had said a nonsense, and continued: "The secret realm of the Yaoguang Palace has been closed, and it is unrealistic to send it back, so let it be raised with the treasures of heaven and earth that can nourish the soul, and wait until the next time the Yaoguang Palace When it is turned on, it will be sent back to the secret realm.

However, there are also huge risks in keeping it. If it has been sleeping, it will be fine. If it wakes up and does not improve its cultivation, it will be difficult to live to 10 years.

If it is advanced, the Huamu family is too weak to withstand the thunder disaster, then someone has to help it protect it from the lightning disaster, otherwise, it will still have to bear certain karma if it is struck to death by lightning. "

Zheng Yigong: "..." This is not a flower elf, it is simply... an ancestor!

Various races: "..." Fortunately, they were not the ones who picked up that little creature, and Zhengyigong now has a headache!

Seeing the changes in the breaths of the monks, Le Yun smiled again: "Even if Zheng Yigong is willing to give up the resources to support the flower elf, he can't afford to protect it from thunder. Why don't you give me the flower elf, and I will use two purification pills in exchange."

"This...isn't appropriate. Swapping the flower elf with the little fairy is equivalent to transferring the cause and effect to the little fairy as well." The True Monarch of Zhengyi Palace was not surprised, but hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, I can afford a flower elf, and I can also ensure that it successfully survives the thunder disaster of the advanced rank. It can be said that looking at the Yunlan world, no one can say that it can help other creatures to resist the thunder disaster except me."

Le Yun was very straightforward, took the bottle containing the Jingling Pill and sent it to Mahayana Zhenjun in Zhengyi Palace.

The True Monarchs of Zhengyi Palace were silent for a while, thanked them together, and put away the pill bottle.

Transferring the sovereignty of the flower elf from Zheng Yigong, Le Yun took a palm-sized Yunshen wood and put it in the jade box containing the flower elf, and put the box away.

The matter of the flower elf is just a small episode, and the rest is the business.

Le Yun also directly told each family that she was going to find several kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, and she could not stay in Golden Lion City for long. She planned to deliver the spirit boat in Wanghai City after 200 years, so that all clans could prepare according to the resource list in their jade slips. Good fare, pay for the ship when the time comes.

The reason she gave to the families was the same as what she said outside the ship and with the Yinjiao family. They all said that she had an appointment with someone, and when she went to the appointment from 200 to 240 years, she had to pass through Wanghai City.

All clans are overjoyed, some of their clans or sects have treasures of heaven and earth still in their clans/families and tribes, they have to go back to get them, and if they are traded after 200 years, they will be counted as immortal clans, humans, and beast clans in the Southern Continent/ The tribe also has enough time to go back and forth once.

Of course it is no problem to trade the spirit boat again in 500 years, but the deposit must be given!
Fearing that the verbal agreement would be unreliable, each family used the resources in their hands as a deposit, and sent the storage bag containing the deposit to the little fairy.

In addition to the storage bag, the Black Ink Rhinoceros also has a cage covered with black gauze.

The cage was filled with Jade Essence, and the Mo Xi family kept their word, saying they would use it as a spirit stone for pre-purchasing the spirit boat, so naturally they didn't drop it.

The buyer insisted on paying a deposit in advance, and Le Xiao was not polite, and "looted" all kinds of ores in the hands of each family by the way.

The ore needed to refine a thousand spirit boats is massive. She traded and exchanged a large amount of ore, although the amount was large, it was still not enough to refine a thousand spirit boats.

As for the spirit mines dug by Handsome Yan Xuan Shao and the beasts in the gray world, they are naturally reluctant to use them to refine spirit boats. At most, they take some of them and add them to the ores for refining spirit boats to increase the stability and firmness of the materials.

If she can't bear to part with the ore in her hand, she has to buy some more. The buyer in front of her is the best customer. She buys the ore in their hands, and they can use the ore to buy the spirit stone.

She got the ore, and they were able to deal with the backlog of spiritual mines, and both parties benefited from each other.

It's a good deal.

The ore is also considered as part of the ship's fare, and the monks naturally "donated generously" and transferred all the ore in their hands to the little fairy.

The monks only released the communication talisman at the end of the hour, and it took Little Loli three hours to read the jade slips, and some time to screen them. She herself had a half-hour break, and the overall calculation was about four hours in total.

Then, I handed over the spirit mine to the monks, and it was already past the middle of the afternoon.

It was getting late, and the monks of all races also understood the interest and bid farewell unanimously.

Le Xiaoluoli collected a large number of spiritual mines without leaving home. She was super satisfied, closed the defense formation of the building ship, and sent the monks of all races to leave.

Thousands of monks disembarked from the spirit boat, and drifted away under the envious attention of countless monks.

After all the staff had left, Le Yun put away the boat in the building and entered the spirit boat parked next to her. She didn't talk to the two handsome men and the beasts, and flew the spirit boat high into the sky.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao, and the beasts who had been waiting for the little loli all the time were shocked when they found the spirit boat taking off, but they were smart enough not to ask why.

The spirit boat rose from the ground, rising with lightning speed.

Many monks found the spirit boat of the master craftsman soaring into the sky, but they didn't understand why the little fairy was in such a hurry to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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