magic eye doctor

Chapter 2797 Fire Pit

Chapter 2797 Fire Pit
The feeling of being pulled by the soul is very unlovable. Le Yun went from being calm to being unbearable and wanting to yell, to losing her temper, and then to the small universe about to explode, and her emotions went back and forth.

Tossing and tossing, the whole person is numb.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, when Le Yun herself was tossed to the point of doubting her life, she finally felt the feeling of being thrown away again.

Immediately after the strong jolting sensation of being thrown, there is a burning sensation.

The scorching breath was too strong, even if Le Yun hadn't woken up from the situation where her soul was about to leave her body and her body was still numb, she still felt the burning sensation.

Only then did I feel the burning sensation, and the next moment it was like being thrown into a big melting furnace, the high temperature almost melted people.

Stimulated by the high temperature of the moxibustion heat, Le Yun's numb nerves also woke up, and she made herself still almost immediately when she felt that she was falling.

At the moment of the sudden stop, the flashing white stars in front of him also stopped suddenly, and the hot breath of moxibustion almost scorched the skin.

The field of vision changed from moving to quiet, it was dark at first, and after a while it was barely clear, Le Yun looked down and saw a piece of boiling red magma!

It can be seen from this that either it fell into the crater, or it was transported to the underground fire vein.

"Is it really a fire pit?"

Le Yun was dumbfounded. Before she set off, she joked with the little fox, but it turned out to be a prophecy. This end of the teleportation array is really a pit of fire!

This is outrageous.

To be honest, she joked that the fire pit meant that the teleportation array might be a trap.

Now, it is not sure whether this fire pit is a pit of fire, or a coincidence.

Knowing that she had already left the teleportation array, Le Yun was not in a hurry, and first opened a robe of defense to isolate the scorching heat.

Move the limbs again, let the limbs that are numb due to long-distance transmission stretch, and at the same time shake the head that still feels dizzy, slowly turn the stiff neck, and look around.

After observation, she should have been teleported to a cave in the belly of a certain volcano. The cave is about 3000 meters wide, and one end extends into the darkness. I don’t know how far she has traveled;

The other end of the cave should be connected to the underground magma center, and the red light from that end can be vaguely seen.

The teleportation array connected to the teleportation array of the Yaoguang Palace is impressively embedded in the ceiling of the cave!

The huge teleportation array is like a circular mosaic pattern mosaiced on the ceiling during the decoration of modern society. It completed the mission of teleportation and fell silent again.

Le Yun couldn't tell whether the teleportation array was originally on the ceiling of the cave or on the floor of the cave. Due to the movement of the earth's crust, it has undergone earth-shaking changes, from an embedded type to a suspended type.

Anyway, the current teleportation array is quite unfriendly to the person being teleported.

After observing the general environment, he carefully observed the cave.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but when I look at it, oh my god, the stone walls of the cave are all gold, fire and dark-type dragon pattern black rock god gold!

Dragon pattern black rock god gold is also called dragon pattern sky water gold and black water dragon pattern rock. Although it is a god gold with gold, fire and dark attributes, the natural color of rock gold is as black as thick ink, with exquisite red water wave texture and golden dragon pattern. shape pattern.

Shenjin is naturally not afraid of volcanic magma, and the rock wall of the dragon pattern black rock that came into contact with the scorching magma was not melted, but was only reddened by the high temperature.

Moreover, only a section of the rock wall about a hundred feet above the surface of the magma was burned red, and the color changed from red to dark, and the rock wall further up was still as black as ink.

"Hey, luck can't be so good?" Le Yun muttered to herself, even though she was teleported into the fire pit, if there is divine gold in the fire pit, it's still a good place!
In order to confirm the material texture of the black rock, regardless of the sequelae of the soul leaving the body after the long-distance transmission, he rushed to the cave wall to study.

The water ripples and dragon patterns on the rock wall are so clear, the dragon pattern black rock god gold is really hammered!

The temperature of the magma was too high, and within a short period of time, even with the defense of the magic robe, Le Yun felt the heat again, silently took out a piece of ice, tied it with a ribbon, and held it in his hand.

With the ice, the temperature in the body shield dropped.

Le Yun tied the ribbon tied with ice on her belt, took out a pickaxe, injected real energy, and dug down towards the rock wall.

Going down with the pickaxe, a few sparks were thrown out, leaving only a finger-sized mark on the wall.

This is a tough bone!

Unable to dig out the divine gold with a pickaxe, Le Yun gave up mining first, turned around and flew towards the direction of the red light.

She tried to get as close to the ceiling as possible, her head was only two feet away from the ceiling, and she was about three thousand feet away from the magma. Being far away from the magma gave her a stronger sense of security.

Flying above the magma for more than 100 miles, I finally flew out of the long cave. At the end of the cave, there is a magma pool.

About [-] feet above the magma sea is the ceiling of the rock wall like a sky. Therefore, the volcanic magma is still brewing underground and has not yet erupted.

The red light of the magma illuminated the confined space red.

It is closer to the magma sea, and the temperature is higher. Even if there is ice, the temperature inside the protective cover of the robe is also rising sharply, and the ice is also emitting white gas.

Le Yun calmly took out a formation plate and put it under his feet, then took out a dozen ice cubes and put them on the formation plate, and grabbed the little fox out of the star core space.

The little fox slept soundly, and was suddenly moved out of the space. He hadn't woken up from the big dream, and shouted: "Damn little girl, you are disturbing people's dreams again!"

"You're not human." Le Yunti shook the little fox's tail, "Little fox, if you don't wake up, I'm going to throw the frisbee."

"Don't, don't, don't!" The sleepy-eyed little fox flipped around quickly, sat on the little girl's wrist, and opened his eyes wide.

Jin Tong glanced over, saw the red magma, and was shocked: "Ah, you really fell into the fire pit?"

"Yes, the volcanic magma here is still the kind that hasn't erupted." Le Yun let go of the little fox's tail and pointed to the magma sea: "Look there, there are a few ground flame lotuses over there, there is a fire crystal over there, and There are two sticks of ointment."

The little fox looked towards the magma sea.

The magma in the confined space is like a huge lake, red constantly surging, some places have magma vortices, and some places are fountain-like magma columns.

There are several fiery red lotuses floating in the red magma pool, and there is a half-foot-long ocher spar floating on the surface of a bubbling magma vortex, and two blood-red stones are surging along with several vortexes further away. The magma waves are swinging around.

"Little girl, your luck is so good that you come here for whatever you need! You have a treasure, why are you still standing there, hurry up and get it!"

When the little fox saw the fire-type treasure, he was so excited that he jumped up and down, oh, there are fire-type treasures, grab more, and when there are many, he will eat them together!
"If I had a way to catch it, I would have done it long ago." Le Yun grabbed the little fox and stretched out his hand out of the protective mask of the magic robe, letting him feel the enthusiasm from nature.

"It's a bit hot, but it's still acceptable." The little fox rubbed his face in the scorching heat that could roast an ordinary monster to maturity.

Le Yun withdrew her hands, took the little fox back, and smiled gently and kindly: "I know you are not afraid of heat, so you should be able to handle this temperature, so the task of finding the treasure this time is entrusted to you."

The little fox turned pale in shock: "Little girl, did you forget that this fox's mana is blocked? Even if this fox is not afraid of heat, this fox can't get close to the magma."

"Isn't there me?" Le Yun grinned and took out another formation disk: "See, this one is made by Jinxian, it can withstand all fires, I control the formation disk and take you to the magma pool, and you are responsible for finding the treasure. "

"..." The little fox stared at Jin Tong, and looked at the little girl quietly, oops, I was tricked by the little girl accidentally!

"Okay, you have a way to get Benhu close to the magma, so Benhu will have no problem." The little girl is extremely smart, knowing that he has the cold poison in his body, and he is not afraid of ordinary fire. Tail.

The little fox agreed to go out, and Le Yun happily took out two storage bags filled with soil to put his treasures in. Then he enlarged the formation disk and threw a lot of ice on the formation disk.

The ice is to cool down the array, not to fear that the little fox will be grilled into skewers.

Then move the array disk out of the mask, put the little fox on the array disk, and control the array disk to fly to the magma pool with spiritual consciousness.

She also moved down herself, and when she descended less than eight hundred feet, she couldn't stand the high temperature of the magma, so she stopped going down and just let the formations fly.

The ice on the formation boat also began to melt under the high temperature.

The little fox stayed on the formation plate, enjoying the hot air comfortably. In order to absorb more heat, he even opened the pores of his whole body.

The formation disk quickly flew above the surface of the magma pool, then slowed down, and moved to the vicinity of the undulating fire crystal.

When it was about ten feet away from the surface of the magma pool, the little fox rolled up the fire crystal with his divine sense, pulled it out of the magma, and threw it into the storage bag.

The fire crystals with scorching magma melted into the soil in the storage bag, causing the soil to emit a burst of black smoke.

Le Yun controlled the formation disk from a distance, and when she saw the little fox succeeding, she let the formation disk fly towards the Diyanlian, and then slowed down and moved closer.

Her spirit is powerful, and controlling the formation disk from a long distance is like commanding an arm. The formation disk and the magma are kept at a safe distance, that is, it will not be sucked in by the vortex, and it is convenient for the little fox to scoop up treasures.

The little fox is only responsible for hunting treasures.

One person and one fox cooperate seamlessly.

For safety reasons, the disk array was not flying fast, without wind, and flew smoothly, avoiding the magma column and vortex.

Soon, the little fox fished out all the treasures in an area.

Le Yun raised the formation plate under her feet several hundred feet away, and flew to the sky above the magma pool, continuing to search for the treasures produced by the magma. When she saw a ground flame lotus, she asked the formation plate to take the little fox to fish it.

Close to the magma sea, the ice on the two arrays continued to melt, and within half an hour they all melted into water.

Little Loli threw another pile, anyway, she has a lot of ice, so she is not afraid of not having enough.

One person and one fox kept changing places, flying around above the magma pool, looking for ground flame lotus, fire paste, and fire crystals, but unfortunately no fire crystals were found, only scattered ground flame lotuses, and occasionally fire paste.

(End of this chapter)

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