magic eye doctor

Chapter 2798

Chapter 2798
Classmate Le led the little fox to search for treasures in the pond. After searching around, he only found a dozen or so ground flame lotus, and five pieces of fire ointment of different sizes.

I ran around the magma pool and measured its size. The underground magma pool has a radius of more than 300 miles, and the pool is surrounded by dragon pattern black rocks.

Although only one fire crystal was caught, the little loli was satisfied, Yunlan's aura was just like that, and a fire crystal could be cultivated in the underground magma pool because it was a confined space, and the fire aura could not escape.

If it is not a closed magma pool, it may not be able to accumulate fire crystals, but at most a few pieces of fire ointment can be condensed.

After scooping up all the treasures of the fire element, Le Yun returned to the cave. The magma pool is the center of heat, which is too unfriendly to people. There are no underground magma columns and air waves in the cave, so it feels a little better.

When she got to a safer place, she asked the little fox, "Little fox, have you kept track of the time?"

Because the little fox helped catch the treasure, the whole fox was beaming and played with its beard. Hearing the question, he nodded hurriedly: "Remember, from the time you left to the time you caught this fox, it took three years and two years. moon."

The answer given by the little fox was unexpected, and Le Yun was dumbfounded. She stayed in the teleportation formation for three years and two months? !

The long-distance teleportation array is equivalent to being in the torn space-time channel. When people are teleported, they have no sense of time, and there is no distinction between day and night.

Le Yun felt that she should have been in the teleportation formation for more than three to five months, but who knew it was more than three years!
The next moment, her face changed drastically. She had stayed in the teleportation array for more than three years, which meant that it hadn't rained on Lingzhi's space for more than three years!

If there is no rain in the central area of ​​Lingzhi Space for three years, there is no problem. However, if the vegetation on the hilltops does not receive artificial rainfall, it is not known whether they can survive.

Don't be in a hurry, no matter how urgent you are, don't rush for a while. If the vegetation on the mountain peaks have not survived, the rain may not be able to save them now.

She calmly put the little fox on the formation plate again, and sent it to the cave wall: "This divine gold is not bad, try your little claws to see if you can dig it."

"Dragon pattern rock gold, little girl, you are a treasure even if you fall into a fire pit, does Yunlan know about you?" The little fox looked at the black rock wall with exquisite, beautiful and regular textures, and couldn't help but sympathize with Yunlan. monk.

Yunlan's monks probably never dreamed that a certain little monk they had seen before was a golden thigh that could take them flying!
If there is a little girl, Yunlan will definitely have a large number of Mahayana promoted immortals, and there will be boundless immortals.

The little fox sympathized with the monks in the Yunlan Spirit World for three seconds, raised his small claw, pressed it on the rock wall, and grabbed a bowl-sized divine gold ore with one claw.

"Oh, little fox, you are amazing, your little claws are harder than rocks, and the task of mining is also entrusted to you." Le Yun couldn't help but, the little fox is a proper miner!

The little fox whose claws are harder than rocks: "..."

"Actually, this fox is able to easily dig this kind of rock because of the spiritual root attribute. If it encounters other divine gold, this fox's small claws are no different from ordinary iron."

He felt the need to explain, otherwise the little girl would have to catch him as a miner every day.

"In the future, it will be discussed how many kinds of divine gold you can dig, and how much divine gold you can harvest this time is up to you." Le Yun quickly sent two storage containers that were [-] feet wide, laughing so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

The little fox accepted the storage container resignedly: "Little girl, you won't let this fox do the work alone, will you?"

"Other little helpers will not be able to help when they come out, but will only increase my burden. Only you and I are capable of this job. You go to work for the time being, and when I rain on the Lingzhi space, come and share the joys and sorrows.

This kind of divine gold is very useful, and it is one of the materials for the promotion of the spiritual plant space to the divine weapon. You must dig more. The spiritual plant space is promoted to the divine weapon. After revitalizing it, build a small ocean to stock the sea pot cattle. "

Le Yun kindly drew a big cake, then moved the egg baby out, trying to let it absorb the ignition aura.

The airtight underground space, isolated from the outside world, is a jeopardy of fire, rich in fire aura.

Dan Baobao has been in the dark underground cave for countless billions of years. It is very cold and lacks yang energy. Sunlight can replenish yang energy, and the aura of earth veins is also very beneficial to Dan Baobao.

Little Loli put the egg baby on the array she was stepping on, and then took the swallowing snail to rain on the Lingzhi space.

After Dan Baobai came out, the first four weeks were as calm as before, and after a while, the fire aura from moxibustion heat seemed to find a home, and rushed towards Dan Baobao.

The fire aura gathered together, turned into a fire dragon and circled Danbaobao, like a red halo surrounding him.

Le Yun took a look, Baby Dan likes fire aura, this is a great thing, let's make way for Baby Dan!

So, she decisively put away the long warm ice on the formation plate, and ran to the little fox by herself, letting Baby Egg occupy the place alone, absorbing the fire energy as much as she could.

The little raccoon stared straight at it: "Hey, little girl, Eggy is amazing, he has such a high affinity for fire aura, could it be that he is a fire-attributed beast?"

"I can't be sure yet." Le Yun didn't make a definition. Baby Dan hasn't fully developed yet, so it's impossible to determine his attributes and types. The future growth space is unlimited.

It's nothing unusual for Baby Egg to absorb fire aura, the main reason is to find out what kind of beast egg it is.

Le Yun analyzed the data and found that Baby Egg did not feel any discomfort after absorbing the fire aura, and then began mining with peace of mind.

Without any magical tools for mining, she can only wrap her hands with real yuan, and use her hands as an excavator. With one claw, she can only dig out ore at most one foot square.

The dragon pattern black rock god gold has the function of isolating the spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness is completely useless, so mining becomes a single physical activity.

The rock itself is very hard, and it has been smoked and baked by underground magma for countless years. Even a little bit of impurities has been refined away.

Practice has proved that it is more efficient to dig a small piece of land.

The little fox digs mines one by one with one paw, and only grabs a piece the size of a bowl each time, with his hands interlaced at a very fast speed.

After comparison, Le Xiao did not pursue the size of the ore, and grabbed a piece the size of a football with one claw each time, with his hands staggered, like a mechanical arm, catching it non-stop.

Also because of the baby egg, the temperature in the cave dropped several degrees.

Eggy is like a bottomless pit, greedily absorbing the fire aura, Le Yun turns Baby Dan over every few days, and as he continues to absorb the fire aura, the icy aura on the egg's body disappears a bit.

Three months later, Baby Dan's vitality was doubled, and the speed of absorbing the fire spirit energy finally slowed down.

As they kept digging day and night, the little loli and the little fox also dug a wide pit in the rock wall of the cave, harvesting a large pile of divine gold ore.

After another five months, Baby Dan finally had enough to eat and stopped absorbing the fire spirit energy.

The temperature on the surface of the cave and the magma has dropped by nearly ten degrees.

The egg baby was full, and Le Yun took it back to the star core space. She and the little fox dug the mine day and night for two months before looking for the exit.

There is no sunlight in the depths of the strata, and the little fox is not afraid of light. He did not return to the star core space, so he squatted on the little girl's shoulder and accompanied her to explore together.

Little Loli walked along the cave on a formation plate, and caught a ground flame lotus that flowed with the magma on the way.

The cave is very long and tortuous.

The winding cave stretches for hundreds of miles with forks, forks and forks, like the water veins of an underground river, forming an underground fire vein system.

The little loli took the little fox along the cave along the mainstream direction, and at the end of it was also a closed magma pool, which was relatively small, less than 3000 meters wide.

The little fox went out again to salvage the two ground flame lotus in the pond.

Little Lolita went to explore other underground fire veins.

The network of underground fire veins is very wide, connecting underground magma pools one after another. There are several small fire veins connected to small craters, and small volcanoes are all active volcanoes.

Some fire veins are connected to underground magma pools that have temporarily become extinct volcanoes, some fire veins are connected to magma pools that have not yet erupted, and several fire veins are connected to magma pools of large active volcanoes.

Little Lolita explored along the fire veins, looking for fire treasures. As a result, after wandering around the fire vein network for several months, she found no trace of fire crystals except for a dozen ground flame lotuses and three pieces of fire ointment.

Fortunately, I found another special kind of jade paste-green jade paste.

There is a green jade vein at the bottom of the volcano group, which is adjacent to a fire vein. A rock wall was eroded by the fire vein and a large hole was formed. The high temperature of the magma melted the jade mine into a large hole.

Because of the moxibustion of magma and the infection of fire aura, the impurities in the green jade ore were also melted away, which was very pure. Over the years, jade paste was condensed in the large cave area.

The green jade paste in the big hole on the green jade vein line is like a pool, more than 500 feet in length and width.

When little Loli found the ground, she couldn't help being elated, she accepted all the green jade paste, and excavated a large amount of green spirit jade by the way.

The green jade purified by ground fire moxibustion has a delicate texture, and it has become a natural warm jade. It generates heat slightly when held in the hand.

In addition to being used as body-protecting jade, it is also the best raw material for making thermal insulation jade boxes. Jade boxes are made of jade, and then the array is drawn, which is a natural incubator.

Such good things are hard to find with a lantern, so naturally they must be collected.

The little fox's attitude is very clear: the little girl likes it, so dig it!
In addition to the green jade cream, little loli also dug up the red jade mine.

The scarlet jade spirit jade mine was originally an ordinary red jade mine, but because it was too close to a fire vein, it was transformed into a spirit jade mine by the fire aura. Its jade red is like a raging fire, and its color is bright.

The fire aura in the Red Spirit Jade Mine is very strong. Given time, if Yunlan's aura gradually increases, that Lingyu vein can also be upgraded to a fire-attributed Fire Spirit Stone Mine, and perhaps in the future it will be able to cultivate fire-type gods crystal.

After walking through the interconnected fire veins of the underground fire vein network, no other fire spirit treasures were found, so little loli decided to leave the underground fire vein network without wasting any more time.

(End of this chapter)

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