magic eye doctor

Chapter 2806 Immortal Artifacts

Chapter 2806 Immortal Artifacts
Le Xiaoluoli murmured for a long time, but actually wanted to trick the human-headed bat to see if it knew some secrets of the demons, for example, whether the demons were planning any terrifying conspiracy or secretly implementing any long-term plans.

After grumbling for a long time, a certain demon didn't mention any secrets of the demon clan, which shows that it has no status in the demon clan and is just a worthless demon.

Like the dragon soul that seized the silver flood dragon's blood, it is more powerful than this demon. That demon soul has seized the silver flood dragon, and is still lurking under the noses of so many Mahayana monsters in the Silver flood dragon family. Find.

It's a waste of time to talk nonsense with worthless demons.

Not wanting to waste any more saliva, Le Yun urged Ling Jian to kill the demons, and all the immortals who formed a pact with the demons were executed, so it was naturally impossible to let the demons go.

The purple lightning-shaped flame was blazing, and it no longer devoured the human-headed bat's wings bit by bit like before, and began to spread its whole body.

The human-headed bat turned into a ball of fire. It was in great pain and howled unwillingly: "I am an immortal bliss. Drink my blood to live forever. I have value..."

Le Yun was not moved at all, and let the flame burn the human-headed bat.

The voice of the human-headed bat was shrill, and the scream disappeared in less than half a cup of tea.

After waiting for a while to confirm that the soul of the human-headed bat was completely gone, Le Yun let the flame leave, and the demon corpse still let it stay in the mirror space for the time being.

When she was talking nonsense with Fanxian Kan, she had been watching Fanxian Kan to analyze whether he had any powerful contracted beasts and how many contracted beasts he had.

After observation, it was found that he had signed a contract with two living creatures. It was a contract for life, and the rest of the contracts were inanimate objects, such as flying swords, natal tools, refining furnaces, puppets, etc. contract.

When Kan's soul dissipated, a life contract with him was severed, indicating that the contract was a master-servant contract. Kan's mortals were masters, and when the master died, the servants died. When the Kan's mortals died, their servants fell Immediate death is the disappearance of a life contract.

The other life contract did not disappear immediately when Kan's mortal spirit dissipated, indicating that it was a contract of equality.

The members of the Kan family are proud and arrogant, and their eyes are on the top of their heads. It is difficult for ordinary monsters to enter their eyes, and it is impossible to form an equal contract.

Le Yun also wondered if the Kan family's mortals had contracted a pure-blooded monster with ancient blood, but who knew, when they entered the cave, they found that there was a devilish energy.

The mortals of the Kan family actually made an equal contract with the devil knot, which has no bottom line, which is equivalent to willingly falling into the devil, even if he is a fairy, he is also classified as a fallen fairy or an evil fairy.

If he didn't form a pact with the devil, he would be considered guilty of a serious crime. Le Yun was going to capture him, set up an altar, and hand him over to Yunlan's heaven to judge.

If Yunlan Tiandao strikes that guy with lightning and knocks him out of his wits, then he deserves what he deserves. If Tiandao only takes his life but not his soul, and gives him a chance to reincarnate, she won't mind her own business.

Unexpectedly, the mortals of the Kan family were in league with the devil, and Le Yun didn't want to give that kind of scum a chance to reincarnate, so she decided to solve it by herself.

Now even the demons have been eliminated, and hidden dangers have been swept away.

Le Yun checked the cave, and found no other secrets except for the arrangement of arrays and talismans on the cave wall, so she walked out of the cave and took back the talismans outside.

It is still useful to keep the stone cave, temporarily keep the rune array light screen at the entrance of the cave and the array disk in the cave.

Little Loli flew in the air, flew from the air to the ground, landed on the rocky canyon ground between the peaks, enlarged the spirit boat, and landed.

The people and beasts who had been shocked several times had already regained their senses, rushed out of the spirit boat, and squeezed next to the little loli/little fairy, asking questions incessantly.

The two handsome guys and the four beasts kept asking questions, and Le Yun waited for them to finish their questions before answering them one by one.

The basic question was answered, but Xuan Shao still couldn't believe it: "The sea of ​​sand here is really artificially created by that guy?"

"Yes, it was caused by humans. After I surveyed the topography in all directions and drew a map, you will know that it is not too difficult to turn a place with high vegetation coverage into a sea of ​​sand."

Little Lolita answered Xuan Shao's question, and Yan Xing also asked the question in his heart: "Little Lolita, you said that they have been trapped for nearly a million years, and they are not ghost cultivators, so how could they live so long? How many millions of years does a mortal have a lifespan?"

"If you don't eat the spirits of heaven and earth to increase your life, the lifespan of a mortal is 12 years. When the time limit expires, if you don't become an earth immortal and don't have life-extending spirits, you can only reincarnate.

They can live for more than one million years without dying because there is a kind of spiritual peach called longevity peach in this secret realm. Eating a spiritual peach can increase one hundred years of life. With spiritual peaches, it is not difficult to live a million years.

Kan's Fanxian should have a spiritual planting space, and he transplanted the spiritual peach tree into the spiritual planting space. He also planted a few spiritual peaches in the depths of the plateau mountains in the east and north. When I surveyed the landform, I saw the protection of the spiritual peaches. array disk. "

"Can Lingtao be eaten unlimited times?" Yan Xing added another question.

"No, there is a limit to the number of times you can eat spirit peaches. No matter what level of fairy you are, you can eat up to [-] pieces. If you eat more than this number, it will be the same as eating ordinary spirit fruits. It will not increase your lifespan."

Longevity peaches are Chunhuaqiushi peaches, which are generally spiritual fruits only found in the Daluo Heaven Realm. There are very few small worlds, and it takes a great chance to find a complete and firm Chunhuaqiushi peach.

There are longevity peaches in the secret territory, and the ruins of Zhushen/Shenxianchi in the underground of Leizhou, all of which show that the Yunlan spirit world has a previous life.

"Eighteen thousand, it means that you can gain 180 million years of life, my God, I want to eat it too!" Xuan Shao was shocked and covered his chest, oh my god, eating a spirit peach can increase your life by a hundred years, such a good thing, He also wants to have it!
The beasts are also salivating for the Longevity Peach, oh, who wouldn't want to eat something that can prolong life?
Knowing the reason for the longevity of a certain mortal, Yan Xing asked again: "Little Lolita, can you beat a mortal?"

"You think I'm an omnipotent god, can I defeat mortals? Even if mortals are the bottom of the immortals, they are still immortals, and monks below non-immortals are two levels of different levels.

Without the help of various magic weapons of the same level as Fanxian, I can last at most half an hour with Fanxian desperately. "

"Can it last that long?" People and beasts were shocked again. Didn't they say that there is a world of difference between the power of ordinary immortals and non-immortal monks?

The handsome guy and the beasts looked like curious babies, and Le Yun had no choice but to explain: "It's not because I'm strong in battle, it's mainly because my spiritual root attribute is quite special, and some methods of mortals are ineffective against me, such as the air banning technique." However, the five elements sealing technique, the five elements binding technique, and the heavenly net woven with the power of immortals can't trap me.

Some of Fanxian's spells can't trap me, and I have my own methods. If I can't beat Fanxian, it's okay to escape. "

Both humans and beasts didn't make a sound, there was only a "hissing" sound of gasping, and then a look of frustration, the little loli / the little fairy can fight the mortals, and they, whether they are fighting alone or meeting Lianxu / Transformation gods have to kneel.

The two and four humanoid beasts were hit hard, and they almost suffered from depression collectively.

The handsome guy and the beasts looked deeply shocked, Le Yun would not give them chicken soup for the soul, moved to a place a little far away from the people and the beasts, and threw the human-headed bat out.

The human-headed bat's soul was dissipated, and its huge body was fully revealed. It was more than thirty feet long, and its wings could cover more than fifty feet.

Most of one of its wings was burned off, and the other was broken in half, leaving only a layer of skin and flesh less than two feet wide.

A layer of flesh and blood on the surface of its body was burnt away by the flames, and it was completely shattered. It was as black as a black charcoal head just pulled out of a charcoal-burning brick kiln.

The unrecognizable demon corpse, in addition to the body odor, also has a burnt smell.

The stench made the two young masters and the four humanoid beasts, who were immersed in frustration, directly cover their noses, and even fanned their hands in disgust to drive away the stench.

"It stinks, it stinks!"

"Little fairy, it smells so bad, you don't want to pack it up and use it as food?"

"Wow, I don't want to eat the meat of this demon."

The four beasts made up their own brains and screamed.

"..." Le Yunmo felt an urge to catch the beasts and beat them up, but after thinking about it, forget it, this is a beast that he raises, what else can he do!
She ignored the chirping beasts, took out the talisman, and first performed a purification on the first bat to eliminate the remaining magic energy.

Then he took out a pair of special gloves and put them on, took out a magic sword with a few talismans, and swung the sword at the joints of the chicken's feet and legs.

Demons are very special creatures. Some demons have no form and no body, and some demons are also flesh and blood.

Le Yun hacked more than a dozen swords, chopped off the two chicken feet, and then pulled off the ring-shaped storage device covering the neck of the chicken feet and the chicken feet.

There is a ring-shaped storage device on the neck of each chicken foot, and each chicken paw has two claws with storage devices. There are six storage devices in the human-headed bat.

Demons are similar to monsters. Demons with flesh and blood are monsters below the Nascent Soul stage. When the Nascent Soul stage takes human form, its appearance in human form is very similar to that of monsters and humans.

Changeling fiends also have access to storage.

Le Yun put the pulled storage container in a small wooden basin, and threw away two Evil Elimination and Purification Talismans, first put away the demon corpse, and then threw out the corpse of Fanxian Kan.

Kan's mortal was also burned beyond recognition by the flames, like a piece of dry human charcoal.

Even though a layer of his flesh and blood was burnt away, it was as black as charcoal, but there was still a strange smell, not a bad smell, but a faint fragrance.

The body of Kan's Fanxian is like a delicious barbecue, very tempting.

Even First Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan felt that the piece of black charcoal was extremely fragrant, and they had the urge to go up and take a bite, that kind of thought came out of nowhere.

The four humanoid beasts, who originally disliked demon corpses, all stared at a charred corpse, gulping wildly.

"It smells so good, I want to eat it."

"Little fairy, can this be eaten?"

The beasts panicked with greed, and the more they looked at it, the more greedy they became.

"I can't." Le Yun ruthlessly rejected the glutton's request to eat the beast, and quickly touched the corpse.

When burning someone in the Kan family, she carefully controlled the spiritual fire, focusing on avoiding someone's storage device, and trying not to destroy the space storage device.

The body of someone from the Kan family was also severely burned, his flesh and blood were eaten away by the fire, and his storage was basically not affected by the flames.

Kan's Fanxian wears two armlet-style storage containers on each of his left and right hands, three gemstone-studded bracelets on his left wrist, and a ring on each of his four fingers except for the index finger.

On his right wrist he wore two gold bracelets set with gemstones, and there were also rings on each of his little, ring and middle fingers.

In addition to those space devices, he also wore a necklace inlaid with dozens of gemstones around his neck, a pair of beautiful earrings, and ankle bracelets.

There used to be a golden crown on his head, but his hair was burned and the crown fell off.

Le Yun swiftly pulled off all the unburnt items on Kan's body, and threw the space device into the small basin used to purify the space device for purification.

The Immortal Kan is more afraid of death. The armbands on his left and right arms are defensive magic weapons, the bracelets and rings on his left and right wrists are also defensive magic weapons, and the ankle bracelets are pure magic weapons.

The necklace itself is a space device, and the inlaid gemstones have space devices and defensive magic weapons. His hair crown and earrings are also defensive or offensive magic weapons.

Originally, his robe and boots were also magical weapons, and his whole body was inseparable from the magic weapon from head to toe, almost armed from hair to teeth.

The earrings and anklets were burned by the spiritual fire for a while, and they were scrapped, but the hair crown and bracelets were not damaged.

The defensive artifacts taken from Kan's mortals were purified in another basin, and were not mixed with the space artifacts.

Ignoring the items being purified, I found a few more talismans and patted them on the abdomen of the burnt corpse. When the talisman light turned into a circle, both hands made handprints and hit the dantian area surrounded by the talisman light, which belonged to the Fanxian of the Kan family.

After a dozen or so breaths, a small light beam glowing with five colors flew out from the scorched corpse's dantian.

Le Yun, who had been prepared for a long time, caught the flying light with quick eyes and quick hands.

When the light beam was caught, it swelled in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a plum blossom gun, which was nine feet long, with a golden shaft and a red tip.

The plum blossom gun with five-color light is a fairy treasure, that is, a fairy weapon.

The long spear flew out from the dantian of Kan's mortal celestial being, and once again saw the light of day, the body of the spear shook three times in a row, and the light burst into bloom, as gorgeous as fireworks blooming.

The four humanoid beasts were so greedy because they couldn't pick up the corpses, they finally turned around and didn't look at a certain corpse, lest they couldn't help but want to pounce on it and eat a few mouthfuls.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were also worried that they would not be able to control themselves when watching the little loli touching the corpse, and they would turn into monsters who "wanted to eat Tang Monk's meat", so they also turned around quietly, trying to keep out of sight.

The two and four beasts turned their backs, so I didn't see the little Lolita/Little Fairy pulling a bunch of things from Kan's Fanxian and then taking things from his dantian.

Until a dazzling light flashed from behind, the two people and the four humanoid beasts suddenly turned around, and suddenly saw a magic weapon that was being held by the little loli/little fairy and was blooming in brilliance.

Forced to read the book, Xuan Shaoyan, who had been instilled with a lot of knowledge in his mind, saw the brilliance of the magical artifact, and blurted out: "Immortal artifact?!"

"Damn, it's a fairy weapon. Unfortunately, it's not a growth type." Le Yun held the fairy plum blossom spear in his hand, and turning his fingers, a long spear rotated in different patterns in his palm, as simple as turning a pen.

(End of this chapter)

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