magic eye doctor

Chapter 2807 Return to Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2807 Return to Heaven and Earth
Little Loli played with a fairy magic weapon like a pen, playing with all kinds of tricks, and the spear seemed to be as light as nothing, and the light moved with the gun, and the brilliance was as dazzling as the lights of the dance hall.

The cat named "Curiosity" popped up in Young Master Xuan's heart again: "Little beauty, is this magic weapon heavy?"

"Guess." Le Yun tossed the plum blossom spear, and the long spear swished in front of Xuan Shao, pricking the ground with a bang, standing proudly like a winter plum blossom.

Xuan Shao trotted for two steps, went to grab the plum blossom gun, he thought it would be only three to five thousand catties at most, but he didn't pick it up, and the other hand also went up to help.

Grasping the barrel of the gun with both hands, he pulled out the plum blossom gun like a carrot, but the plum blossom gun didn't move!

No matter how hard he tried, the plum blossom gun remained motionless.

Xuan Shao exerted all his strength, until the veins in his hands burst out, but he still didn't move it a bit.

"Master Xuan, can you do it?" Yan Xing stood beside him.

"You can do it, you come." With so much strength that he couldn't carry the plum blossom gun, Xuan Shao let it go in frustration, and Yan Shao, who was not used to sarcastic remarks by the side, fought back with his backhand.

Yan Xing: "..." He just wanted to play tricks!

Being stared at by people and beasts, he couldn't give up without a fight. For the sake of his own image and not being treated as a coward, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward.

Standing in front of the plum blossom gun, Yan Xing loosened his muscles and bones, and then he held the gun barrel with both hands, and then secretly exerted strength, who knows, he poured all his true energy into his hands, and did not move the plum blossom gun a bit.

He tried three times in a row, exhaled, and backed away: "It's too heavy, I can't lift it!"

He turned his head to look at the beast friends again: "You guys have high cultivation bases, why don't you try it?"

A certain brother actually encouraged himself to make a fool of himself, the four humanoid beasts were very straightforward, they all took two steps back and shook their heads in unison, no one was fooled.

"We're not good at using long guns."

For good reason.

After the instigation failed, Yan Xing took a few steps back and found a step for himself: "Little Lolita, how much does this celestial artifact weigh? Is it as heavy as Sun Houzi's golden cudgel?"

"It's much heavier than the golden cudgel. This plum blossom spear is nine feet six inches long, of gold and fire attributes, and weighs seventy-two thousand three hundred and nine catties.

This weight can only be moved by people or monsters of the Nascent Soul level, and below the Nascent Soul level, even if the contract recognizes the master, it will be difficult to use it to exert its power. "

"So heavy?"

Man and beast clicked their tongues.

"This is the normal weight. No matter what shape an immortal artifact is in, its lightest weight is more than [-] catties. Even if it is not that heavy when it is cast, the moment it becomes an immortal artifact, its weight will increase by itself.

If the two of you can't afford this plum blossom gun, then you have no destiny for the fairy weapon, and you will find someone who is destined for it later. "

Le Yun stretched out her hand to call, recalled the plum blossom gun, and put it in the storage container for collection.

People and beasts could see clearly, little loli/little fairy only waved, and the plum blossom gun flew off the ground into her palm, obedient like a child.

"Little beauty, you can handle it. Don't tell me it has no destiny with you?" Xuan Shao was quite strange. The little beauty played with a gun as easily as a blade of grass. Could it be that the fairy weapon has no destiny with little loli?

"All unowned fairy artifacts are destined to me." Le Yun grinned: "My spiritual root is special, and I am attracted to spirit treasures of various attributes. Bao, everyone is willing to get close to me."

Four humanoid beasts: "..." What kind of fairy is Little Fairy!

Xuan Shao's eyes widened in surprise: "Bug, I'm sure, you are the biggest bug in the world!"

Yan Xing thought of the treasure in his sea of ​​knowledge, if the little loli was with them that time, there must be nothing wrong with him.

Naturally, he didn't have the nerve to ask, and changed the question instead: "Little Loli, the soul root of the dead guy is suitable for refining weapons. Is the fairy weapon a natal magic weapon he made himself?"

"No, he didn't forge the plum blossom gun himself. He or the Kan family snatched it from other places. In the past hundreds of millions of years, the Kan family has robbed countless spiritual treasures. Fan Xian in the Kan family Naturally, it is necessary to configure the fairy weapon to show off the status."

The era of plum blossom guns was too long ago, and Le Yun didn't use the plug-in eyes to trace the maker and previous owners of plum blossoms. After all, there was no need to check.

Knowing that the immortal weapon was not made by a dead guy, Yan Xing smiled happily: "That's good! This shows that his level of refining is not so good, so I can rest assured!"

If a certain mortal's refining level is very high and can refine immortal weapons, he will be under a lot of pressure!

After all, he is Jin, Lei Linggen, and Heavenly Flame, and his innate conditions are no worse than the Kan family's Mortal Immortal with Jin Huo Earth Lingen.

If he is not good at refining weapons, in the future, Xiao Luoli may use the Kan family's mortal as a teaching material to teach him.

Invisibly, there was less pressure, Young Master Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and stopped asking questions.

Young Master Xuan didn't feel the pressure, he was Mizuki Spiritual Root, he made up his mind to follow the path of food kitchen and talisman array cultivation, with weapon refining as a minor.

Losing the figure of the fairy plum blossom gun, the eyes of the four humanoid beasts fell on the corpse of a certain fairy, sucking saliva again in vain.

Hearing the sound of swallowing, Le Yun felt helpless, she could only pretend that she didn't hear it, turned around and squatted next to Kan's Fanxian's body, and kept kneading with her hands.

Beasts are greedy, they are foodies, this is a fact.

It is also a fact that the body of Kan's Mortal Immortal is alluring.

Immortals ate spiritual fruits and spiritual things, and realized a certain amount of power of the Dao, and their bodies possessed aura. After the immortals fell, if their bodies were not destroyed, their bodies would be an excellent tonic in the eyes of the orcs. .

Immortal Kan's Fan was dead to the core, his aura dissipated, it was the best delicacy for the beasts, and it was normal for them to drool with greed.

Dozens of handprints were made, and another handprint was placed on the Qihai acupoint of the corpse. With a vague grasp, a yellow-brown branch-shaped object was grabbed.

The yellowish-brown branch-shaped thing is about the thickness of a one-year-old child's wrist, crystal-like, translucent, with branches but no leaves.

That is the immortal root of Kan's mortal, which is of earth attribute.

After the monk survived the tribulation of immortal thunder, his spiritual root naturally undergoes a qualitative change, and he is promoted to immortal root.

The four humanoid beasts and the two handsome men who swallowed their saliva at a certain body gasped when they saw the extracted fairy root.

The little fairy/little loli actually pulled out the fairy root of the celestial being, this... this is too amazing!

The shocked Beast and the two young masters had an idea in their hearts: what kind of thick thighs did they hug!
When a part of Kan's mortal's spiritual root was pulled out, a breath of life and vitality escaped.

Le Yun grasped the earth spirit root of Kan's mortal fairy, just like when she was vines for sweet potato seedlings in her hometown, she pulled one end towards her. will be back.

She grabbed a fairy root and pulled it forcefully out of the body of Kan's Mortal Immortal.

A complete celestial root is like a tree-like ditch left on the ground after the river dries up from a high altitude. It is forked. The fairy root branches of the lower body of the Manchu.

Le Yun held a celestial root that he grabbed with his left hand, and then grabbed it with his right hand.

The second time I caught it was a metallic celestial root, a golden celestial root, as beautiful as topaz.

Finally, extract the immortal root of the fire attribute.

When the last celestial root was separated from the body, although the body of Kan's Fanxian still exuded an invisible fragrance, its allure had dropped several times.

The immortal's body itself has a certain aura, Kan's mortal has eaten a lot of longevity peaches, his flesh and bones have been nourished, even without the immortal root, he still has the quality of longevity peaches, eating his Although flesh and blood are not as good as eating longevity peaches can give you a hundred years of life, at least you can increase your life by about 30 years.

Little Lolita doesn't want the beasts to eat the body of Kan's Mortal Immortal, it's not because she pities or fears that someone is a Mortal Immortal, but because she doesn't want the beasts to be exposed to hidden food.

Eating meat is addictive. If the beasts become addicted to eating the flesh and blood of immortals, and later cultivate to a high level, hunting immortals from time to time, then their journey to immortality will be difficult to go far.

Forcibly extracting the three fairy roots of Kan's Fanxian, Le Yun grabbed the three colored tree-like crystal strips, put away Kan's Fanxian's remnant body and the small basin containing the space storage device, and let the two The handsome guy and the beasts find a safe place to meditate.

She didn't wait for people and beasts to ask, she explained the reason herself: "This guy has absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and his actions are not human. I will crush his immortal root and return the spiritual energy to heaven and earth.

Immortal celestial roots store not only the immortal power transformed from aura, but also the power of the Dao. The rules of the Dao comprehended by mortals are very shallow, but there are also a little bit.

But the power of all rules is mysterious. When it dissipates, it usually turns into a breath of vitality, which is pure and mysterious. It is a great opportunity for you to comprehend a little bit of it. Even if you can't comprehend the profound meaning, it is good to feel the vitality . "

The four human-shaped beasts and Yan Shaoxuan who were sucking saliva from time to time dispersed immediately, about two feet apart from each other, and sat cross-legged on the spot, ready to be enlightened.

Le Yun moved to an open space more than ten feet away from people and beasts, twisted her right hand, and crushed the fire-attribute fairy root in her hand.

That bright red fairy root didn't look big at first glance, but when it shattered, the red light bloomed and turned into a ten-foot-thick pillar of red light that soared into the sky.

The pure red aura beam burst out again in a blink of an eye, turning into countless red light spots, fading and fading in the air.

At the same time, a strong vitality suddenly appeared, like a tornado born on the ground, spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The vigorous vitality covered tens of thousands of miles wide, and the red light spots slowly merged with the sky.

When the pure vitality and aura returned to heaven and earth, Le Yun crushed the golden immortal root again.

The golden fairy root turned into a golden beam of light, and then burst out, and then another strong vitality swept through the sky.

The spiritual energy and life force in the golden fairy root lasted for about a cup of tea, and also silently merged with the air.

Le Yun crushed the last earth-type celestial root.

The earth-type fairy root is a little smaller than the golden fire fairy root, but the aura is the thickest, and the aura escapes, making people feel the warmth of a mother.

Even the vitality is gentle.

The aura and vitality returned to the earth, and the aura among the dry and stuffy mountains became stronger and full of vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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