magic eye doctor

Chapter 2811 Can't grab the limelight

Chapter 2811 Can't grab the limelight

A space storage device with a radius of ninety feet seems useless on its own, but if it accumulates to a certain amount, its power cannot be underestimated.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao convinced themselves, and with an extremely confident and serious attitude, they worked hard every day to refine the storage space. Little Lolita didn't stop, and they kept working hard.

Le Xiaoluoli knows better than anyone how amazing the number of herbivores in the secret realm is, and it is unimaginable how many storage containers are needed to clean up a group of herbivores.

In order to have enough storage devices as prey, she also refined them day and night. In the first eight months, she refined space devices ranging from a thousand to fifty thousand feet, and then spent two months refining a space device that was 20 to [-] feet.

She can multi-purpose the refining tool, and can divide the spiritual consciousness into dozens of parts and engrave the formation and talismans at the same time, so she refined 28 large and small storage devices in ten months.

With a large number of storage containers, I continued to refine the parts of the puppets, and refined some containers suitable for storing fresh milk such as camel milk, cow milk, and goat milk, and refined a bunch of gadgets.

After being locked in the cave for a whole year, little Lolita came out.

Xuan Shaoyan, who had been a caveman for [-] months, almost wept with joy, thank God, they finally don't have to refine the space device anymore!
The non-stop refinement of the storage device for a whole year has caused them to have a deep shadow on the storage device, and it has reached the point where they want to vomit just looking at the ore.

Finally got off work, like a runaway wild horse, Xuan Shaoyan rushed out of the cave and ran into the canyon, jumping up and down, very happy.

The outside has nothing to do with the high clouds and white sky, the air is not very good, the sky is full of haze, but in their hearts, the sky is wide and the land is vast, and it is extremely beautiful.

After twelve months of retreat, they are almost suffering from enclosure phobia.

Little Lolita has long been accustomed to retreating. To her, a year is about ten days and half a month. She calmly put away the unused spirit stones before leaving the cave.

She still didn't dismantle the formation in the cave, and flew to the foot of the mountain and entered the spirit boat.

The puppets and the four humanoid beasts would return to the spirit boat every month, either to send back the storage container full of ore, or to come back for a breath of air.

There are two small basins in the cabin of the spirit boat, one basin is a storage container for ore, and the other basin is an empty storage container.

There are only more than [-] empty storage containers, and most of the storage containers with ore have been accumulated.

Little Lolita calmly put away the storage container full of ore, sat at the table, and divided the storage container.

Most of the receptacles she refines are drop-shaped gemstones with a small hole at the tip, which can be strung with a rope, or set into a ring or bracelet, or set on some decorations.

She even numbered each "gem".

Le Xiaoluoli sat in the chair, took out gems, took out silk beads, tied them, and wove them into beautiful bracelets or necklaces.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao, who had been bouncing around outside for a few laps, had had enough tossing around, and ran back to the spirit boat, seeing the little loli who was busy knitting ropes and beads, with a shocked face.

All the storage containers they forged were regular rings or bracelets, or small buttons, or gem shapes, and they never thought of numbering them or stringing them together as beads.

This is all due to lack of experience and knowledge!

The two young masters sat down, took out their finished product, and silently came up with an idea: How about carving a number on it by hand?

In the end, the two of them didn't pay for the storage, worrying that manual engraving would destroy the stability of the storage device or accidentally damage the array, and destroying the space device would not be worth the loss.

The four humanoid beasts and the puppet people swept all the way in all directions, and they had gone 10,000+ miles away. After receiving a message from their brother, they and the puppet people rushed back to the place where the spirit boat stayed.

Le Yun sets off in a spirit boat, and distributes the storage containers to the beasts and Yinyue and Sihuo brothers and sisters when flying in the sky. Each beast and each puppet hold 1 storage containers as containers for collecting prey .

She gave Yanshao Xuanshao, Huluwa, Yinyue brothers and sisters, and Sihuo brothers and sisters a storage bag with a container for storing fresh milk, and asked them to collect milk from camels, cows, sheep, horses and other animals.

Shui Dun and Baiyin Yingsheng are monsters, no matter how they cover up, it is difficult to block their blood, so they are not suitable for collecting fresh milk.

Hearing that fresh milk can make many delicacies, Cucurbit Baby nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The three little friends, Baiyinyingsheng and Shuidun, were not envious either. They were monsters with strong energy and blood, so close contact with herds of herbivores would scare herbivores, but they could hunt happily.

People and beasts who have been assigned storage containers take silk to string the space containers and string them into strings of hanging beads, which can be hung around the neck when used, and then stuffed into the gem space.

The spirit boat flew for a day, traversed most of the secret realm, crossed the vast desert, and flew to the savannah connected to the desert in the east.

Le Yun landed the spirit boat on the grassland, rested for a night with her friends, and taught humans and beasts how to hunt and collect fresh milk efficiently the next day.

She taught on-site for one day, and watched the hunting work of the handsome guys, beasts and puppets on the second day, and she was very happy to be the shopkeeper, and left in a spirit boat.

Little Loli went to investigate the route of the river that was diverted by Kan's Fanxian. After traveling for three months, she found out the route of each river, and then drove the spirit boat to the volcano group in the south of the secret place. Mountain.

After entering the inner circle of the volcanic mountains, it took half a month to replace the puppet man, the big leader of the puppet beast, and the core pivot parts of the hundreds of captains refined by Kan's mortals with those refined by himself. activation.

She assembled a puppet beast with the parts refined by the mortals of the Kan family, and made the number of puppet beast leaders into ten again.

Then, Little Loli happily sent the puppet leader to lead the puppet people, and the puppet leader led the puppet group to collect volcanic ash.

Kan's Fanxian has a big plan. The puppets and puppet beasts he built can be used as legions, and the configuration is also extremely high. They are all equipped with corresponding weapons and shields, and there are at least ten spare weapons.

The puppets and puppet beasts are also equipped with large-scale space devices, each with two large-scale space devices of 19, 15, and [-], as well as a storage device of [-] and [-], and two other spacers of [-] The spirit stone spirit marrow of the weapon is used as a reserve resource.

The legions of puppet people and puppet beasts created by Fanxian Kan can not only fight, but also have the specialty of mining.

Now, this sum of resources fell into the hands of little Lolita, and she made the best use of it.

The leader of the puppet people and the leader of the puppet beast each led a team, each responsible for one direction, sweeping the volcanic ash from the inside out.

Student Le Xiao went into the conical crater of an active volcano in the volcanic group, cleared the gravel and volcanic ash, dug a moderately sized stove in the fissure and crater where the flames erupted, and lined up [-] smelting furnaces. Material.

In order to prevent the dust from falling from the sky, she placed the array disk, and the array disk mask kept the powder dust outside. The dust produced by the eruption of magma from the crater inside the array disk mask can be cleaned once a day with dust removal.

Using the ground fire refiner can not only save a sum of flame stones, but also improve efficiency.

The flame of the volcano keeps erupting continuously, and the material melted into a liquid can always maintain a liquid state and high temperature, so there is no need for the refiner to be distracted to control the fire temperature.

Little Loli placed twenty refining furnaces, and each furnace was stuffed with a large pile of ore.

There are large and small smelting furnaces. The material in the small furnace is first melted into a liquid, and the molten liquid in the small furnace is used to refine the spirit boat.

Basically, the refining of the spirit boat here is completed, and all the ores in the big furnace are melted, and the weapons can be refined after the impurities are disposed of.

There is a ground fire to help me melt the materials myself, and I can supply them completely. Little Lolita can refine three to four spirit boats a month.

The first thing to be refined is the spirit boat with a speed of 500 million miles.

Whenever a spirit boat is born, Changhong will come to congratulate it.

The volcanic mountains are surrounded by Gobi Desert and deserts, even if the Changhong appears frequently, it will not cause a sensation or attract big monsters, and the little loli just concentrates on refining the weapon.

The puppet leader and the puppet leader return about every ten months, send back a large amount of volcanic ash collected or high-quality spiritual ore picked up by scavenging, and then exchange some empty storage containers to leave.

Le Xiao took the time to mix the volcanic ash with the soil dug in the Qianchuan Swamp, then added some fertilizer and the spiritual field soil dug in the Yaoguang Palace, and mixed it into a batch of spiritual field soil.

Not to mention, there is no better way to mix volcanic ash and swamp soil. The volcanic ash is extremely dry, and the moisture content of the swamp soil is high. When the two kinds of soil are mixed, the moisture content of the soil is just right.

The spiritual field soil mixed with several kinds of soil is a bit higher quality than the spiritual field soil dug in Yaoguang Palace.

After making a batch of spiritual field soil, Le Yun spread the soil over the four vacant areas of the coniferous spiritual planting space. She personally moved some Chunhua Qiushi trees that Kan's planted in his spiritual planting space into her own spiritual planting space. , took Zhiren Zhima to plant it on the ground by himself.

At the same time, some spiritual fruit trees and precious spiritual plants were also moved to the coniferous spiritual plant space, and handed over to Zhima, the Zhiman, for planting.

A large amount of vacant land was paved with spirit field soil, and all of them became spirit land. Zhi Ma Ke, the man of Zhi, was happy, and planted crops in the area set aside by the little fairy for them to grow corn. He happily planted spirit plants and inspected them every day.

After planting the Chunhuaqiushi tree, the little loli did not enter the spiritual planting space again. She only artificially rained once every few days, and the rest of the time was devoted to the important matter of refining the spirit boat.

Three years later, the storage containers reserved for collecting volcanic ash were not enough, so she temporarily put aside the spirit boat refining work, and spent another half a year refining a large number of storage containers and storage bags.

Little Lolita was busy refining the spirit boat in the volcano mountains, while Yan Shaoxuan and his beast friends started hunting mode with nine puppets, and they were busy every day.

The three beasts who couldn't milk, would go to collect low-level spiritual plants, medicinal plants or plant seeds whenever hunting exhausted their true essence and consciousness.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and Huluwa mainly collect fresh milk, and only hunt when it is not the season when the herbivores give birth.

As a puppet, collecting fresh milk and hunting are the same.

Humans, puppets, and beasts capture hundreds of millions of herbivores every year, but that number is still just a drop in the bucket for the herds on the prairie.

Little Lolita spent 15 years refining spirit boats in the volcanoes. Not only did she complete the 500 million-kilometer spirit boats in the order, but she also made [-] more spirit boats.

Because there are too many spirit mines, she also refined one hundred spirit boats with a speed of tens of thousands of miles, and ten spirit boats with a speed of two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, and fifty million miles each.

A large number of spirit boats were refined, and a large amount of spirit ore was consumed. However, in general, only [-] ore-loading spacers were empty.

The puppet people and puppet beasts also swept into their pockets the volcanic ash and spiritual mines that were conveniently collected in the volcanic mountains.

Le Yun estimated that there might not be much storage in the hands of Yan Shao and others. After refining the spirit boat, she also took a vacation for herself to find her friends.

The movement of Yan Shaoxuan Shao and his party had a certain orbital change. They first moved southward, reached the hilly plain in the south, then moved eastward for several thousand miles, then northward, and then eastward.

If the north-south and east-west lines of the secret realm are drawn into a Cartesian coordinate system, humans and beasts mainly move in the fourth quadrant, and their footprints also involve part of the second quadrant.

Today, a group of small partners has advanced eastward to the edge of the hilly area of ​​the Eastern Great Plain, and is about to enter the eastern plateau.

When Little Lolita's spirit boat flew from the sky, the little friends rushed over to greet her friends.

Le Yun collected all the puppets before going to find Shao Yan and Xuan Shao, found them near them, and parked the spirit boat on the small plain among the hills.

She picked a good location and stopped at the foot of a hill. The trees on the hill were verdant, a small stream originated from the rocks at the foot of the hill, and the grassy ground was dotted with flowers. The scenery was picturesque.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and his friends dispersed to hunt in an area a hundred miles wide, and people and beasts came to gather at the mooring of the spirit boat one after another.

As soon as the beasts entered the spirit boat, they turned into beast shapes, and all rushed to Xiao Fairy's side, either lying on her knees or squatting on her shoulders, or hugging her arms.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao: "..." A beast who forgets his friends when he sees sex!

The beasts were licked by the little fairy, their bones were so happy that their bones were crisp, and they all excitedly offered treasures and asked for credit.

"Little Fairy, I caught a lot of good fish."

"I caught 10,000+ small Tan sheep."

"I caught a lot of camels, including Bactrian camels and alpacas."

"Rabbits, there are so many fat and big rabbits, braised in soy sauce, spicy, stir-fried, you can cook them in any way you want!"

The little beasts chattered endlessly, and Xuan Shao and Yan Shao couldn't get in their mouths at all.

The two young masters took out a few plates of wild fruits, and treated them as melon-eaters.

Le Yun saw a wild purple-skinned melon among the wild fruits of the two handsome guys, and was very surprised: "You have discovered a purple cantaloupe. It seems that there are many unexpected gains."

"Yeah, the treasure land of the secret realm is very magical, and occasionally there are small surprises."

The two were a little embarrassed.

As a result, before they had time to show their performance, the gourd doll jumped on the ground and turned into a human form, happily moving things out, such as purple cantaloupe, fiery red cantaloupe, pearly white papaya, ringed banana, golden and white watermelon.

There are also more than a dozen kinds of small fruits, as well as two large baskets of black ganoderma and mushrooms, these few items have already filled the entire table.

"Little Guozi, you have found a precious and rare spiritual fruit, and you have also found a spiritual fruit-level myrtle. Oh, it's amazing, you are a well-rounded little treasure hunter."

Le Yun had fun watching it, it's incredible, Cucurbit Baby found watermelon, papaya and cantaloupe seeds of spiritual fruit level, and also found a spiritual fruit tree of blueberry.

The gourd baby was praised so that her eyes were full of stars.

Yan Shaoxuan Shao: "..." Well, they forgot that there is a gourd baby of the plant type. With the gourd baby, it is too difficult to steal the limelight!

(End of this chapter)

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