magic eye doctor

Chapter 2812 Heaven and Earth Galaxy Disk

Chapter 2812 Heaven and Earth Galaxy Disk

Cucurbit Baby collected a lot of spiritual fruits, and Shuidun Baiyin Yingsheng also found several rare spiritual plants and collected a large number of plant seeds.

Le Xiaoluoli treated them equally and praised the cleverness and hard work of the beasts.

Compared with the beast friends, Xuan Shaoyan is less likely to be compared to a scumbag.

The two handsome pots were almost depressed by the blow, and they were silently sad for half an hour, then went to the grass to set up the dishes, and cooked with great enthusiasm.

The beasts also helped, lighting up the fire, roasting fat rabbits, pheasants, lambs, whole cows, and roasted whole camels that they were thinking of.

Humans and beasts have been hunting for more than ten years, and little loli has been refining weapons in the crater for 15 years. All of them are inevitably mentally fatigued and need to rest and relax to transfer their emotions.

So a group of friends played happily for a few days, and had enough of eating spiritual food.

Enough playing, keep going to work.

Little Lolita gave each of her little partner and the puppet [-] spacers as spares, and also gave Cucurbita and the others a dozen containers for collecting fresh milk, and drove the spirit boat back to the volcanic mountains in the south to continue refining .

This time, she first refined a thousand large space vessels ranging from 20 to 50 feet, one hundred thousand storage vessels, and three thousand water storage containers.

Afterwards, two spiritual planting spaces were refined, one with a radius of five hundred miles and the other with a radius of three thousand miles. Because of the high-grade materials, the spiritual planting spaces were filled with five-color lights and five rainbows to congratulate them when they were released. .

After refining so many things, she has entered the realm where she can refine everything with ease and with her hands. Little Loli set up 120 refining furnaces to melt materials at the same time.

It took her four months to melt the required materials into a liquid, prepare them properly, and refine the large array disk.

It took a day to shape the array plate, and then it was endlessly engraved array magic symbols. After each layer was carved, another layer of molten liquid was poured on the array plate, and the thickness was thickened before engraving the array of immortal symbols and divine patterns. .

Little Lolita carved the array plate day after day and month after month. After eight months, the array plate finally completed the last layer of formation spell prohibition.

The diameter of the freshly baked array plate is 360, five feet, nine feet, nine inches, nine feet, nine feet, nine inches nine, and 99 feet thick.

When the formation plate was completed, the volcanic mountains were full of rays of light, and twelve rainbows flew from all directions into the formation mask, and one end of the rainbow merged with the formation plate.

Immediately afterwards, twelve more rainbows flew in the sky, and they were about nine feet apart on top of the first twelve rainbows.

Just a few breaths later came another rainbow, the same twelve, nine feet above the second rainbow, followed by the third and fourth waves...

Wave after wave of rainbows rush towards the moon at the speed of meteors chasing the moon, and the heads of the rainbows bow down and gather in the center of the rainbows.

The rainbow seems to be stacking arhats, layer by layer, but in a blink of an eye, one hundred and eight layers of rainbows are gathered above the array.

Immediately afterwards, the stars in the sky brightened, and nine silvery-white rivers of stars hung down from the high sky.

The nine galaxies also fell in the middle of the rainbow, and the rainbow light with the power of the galaxies covered the entire surface of the array.

Le Yun opened her mouth, unable to come to her senses for a while.

After a long while, she hurriedly grabbed an umbrella and opened it, and then grabbed the little fox out.

The little fox was working in the star core world, and the little girl moved out of the space and grabbed her tail. Just now, she yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"" superior.

As soon as he sat down, he saw the rainbow layer on the bronze-colored array and the nine star rivers hanging between the sky and the earth, and his feet became weak with fright, and he fell down again.

He hung in the air and dangled, then swayed and turned back to the little girl's wrist. Still in disbelief, he stretched out his claws and rubbed his eyes.

Open your eyes again, yes, the rainbows gather together, and the galaxy hangs down.

"One, two, three..." The little fox counted the layers of the rainbow, counted how many layers there are, and asked in fear: "Little girl, you... What kind of Pokémon did you make?"

The music rhyme of the little heart bouncing in the chest, swallowed: "I... just made a heaven, earth and galaxy disk. I didn't make any innovations. I made it according to the pictures in the inheritance. The galaxy disk you discussed."

"You...refined successfully?" The little fox couldn't believe what shocking news he had heard.

The little girl has a lot of ancient inheritances. I don't know where she found the magical treasure of "Heaven, Earth and Galaxy Plate". She drew a picture with great interest and grabbed him to discuss.

He remembered that he said that it was the legendary ancestral artifact, as far as he knew, no one had ever refined it!
High-level artifacts include fairy artifacts, sub-artifacts, artifacts, super artifacts, heavenly artifacts, and ancestor artifacts. The ancestor artifacts are the highest level of artifacts.

It is said that the weapons refined by the ancestors of various ethnic groups in the ancient times, or the weapons used, because the weapons followed the owner to fight in all directions, they also made great achievements, and were later revered as ancestral artifacts.

The Ancestral Artifact in the Myriad Worlds of the Later Generations means that it possesses a certain power similar to the Ancestral Artifact of the ancestors, or it is extremely powerful and has the legacy of the Ancestral Artifact.

No one knows the specific power of the ancestral artifact, but there are still some legends passed down from generation to generation. It is said that when the ancestral artifact was born, there were [-] rainbow stairs and a galaxy hanging down from the ground.

The number of galaxies depends on the level of the ancestral artifact. Generally, there are five galaxies. The more galaxies, the greater the power of the ancestral artifact.

The formation plate refined by the little girl has [-] rainbow steps, which is undoubtedly an ancestor artifact.

He thought that the little girl's interest in a certain galaxy array was temporary, and he had already forgotten about that.

Unexpectedly, the little girl practiced refining without making a sound, and she was still able to achieve it!
Little girl, if you don't make a song, you can make a big hit!
This kind of ability to do big things is rare in the sky.

The little fox's heart was beating crazily, beating completely out of order, Goddess of Creation, please take care of your precious little girl!It's too dangerous for her to do big things at every turn!

He is afraid.

I'm afraid that the little girl's big trouble will alarm some sleeping old guys in other worlds, let those old guys get up from the ground, and the world will be over!
Le Yun didn't know why the little fox was so excited, and nodded her head: "Didn't you see that the array was just released, and then it was like this. I actually don't know whether it is a success or not."

The little fox's hands trembled, so you still say that you are not sure if it will succeed or not?

Is it nice of you to be like this in Versailles?

"Little girl, you...why do you suddenly want to practice this?" The little fox was flustered, oh my god, he was afraid that one day the little girl would suddenly want to practice something even more terrifying.

"This secret realm is a formation eye. It was originally a five-element spiritual land. A mortal scum wanted to turn this place into a jedi, destroying the terrain of mountains, rivers and rivers. Most of this spiritual land has become a desert. I am not trying to save it. Just a moment.

It will take more than 200 million years for this place to repair itself without accidents, and it will take at least 5000 years if the rivers and mountains are artificially rectified.

It is impossible for me to stay here for so long, so I thought of making a heaven and earth galaxy plate and bury it in the central area of ​​this place, let the galaxy plate guide the vitality and luck here, and let the mountains and rivers recover themselves according to the direction guided by the heaven and earth galaxy plate . "

"The Xinghe Pan has been refined, are you still willing to put it down?" the little fox asked a lot.

"It's worth it, the Xinghe plate was originally refined for this place, and the landform map drawn on it is also the mountain-shaped landform here."

"You... cow!" The little fox was speechless, only a pair of golden pupils were wide open, the little girl really dared to think, and she was willing to bury the ancestral artifact-level galaxy in the secret realm.

This is probably the reason why the little girl is the darling of all worlds. For him, he... probably must be reluctant to bury such a precious ancestral artifact in a certain secret realm, especially if this secret realm is not where he is rooted.

The little fox felt sorry for the Ancestral Artifact, and didn't raise any objections. He just felt pity in his heart, and his eyes were fixed on the array in the sky.

The rainbow and the galaxy poured power into the river array, which lasted for half an hour. The galaxy first returned to the sky, and then the rainbow retreated layer by layer like when it came.

In the blink of an eye, the Milky Way and the rainbow dissipated, leaving only a large bronze-colored array in the sky.

The big formation plate has been solidified, and only the talismans and divine patterns engraved on the surface can be seen.

Le Yun put the little fox on his shoulders and squatted, holding an umbrella in one hand to block the light, brought the Xinghe plate in front of him, shrunk it down to the size of a millstone, and then admired it.

The little fox was so excited that he jumped on the Xinghe plate, this is an ancestor artifact!

The ancestor whose family was lucky enough to get the fragment of the star core may have never seen the appearance of the ancestor artifact, but he was lucky enough to see it!

so excited!
The little fox, who was so excited that he couldn't help shaking his hair fluffy, jumped up and down on the formation disk, feeling the magic of the formation disk and the majestic power contained in the formation disk.

For the Xinghe plate that she successfully refined, Le Yun herself also felt that it was a novelty. She originally thought that it would be great if it could become a super artifact, but who knew it was super class.

What is the reason that makes the formation plate become an ancestor artifact, don't ask her, she can't answer even if you ask her.

If she had to give an answer, she thought it might be...sincere.

It is estimated that her sincerity in wanting to save the secret realm moved the heavens and the earth, so the will of the heavens and the earth fulfilled her and made the artifact she refined become an ancestor artifact.

Le Yun studied the formation plate repeatedly, and then reviewed her own refining process, recalled her mentality and mood of refining the galaxy plate, and learned the rules of the road of refining tools from it.

The little fox lay on the formation plate, no matter how many times the little girl turned the formation plate over and over again, he would never slap his paws.

When the little girl seemed to recover from the state of enlightenment, he jumped over and hugged the little girl's hand, pouring chicken soup very tenderly: "Little girl, while you still have the feeling of refining weapons, hurry up and make another one. Maybe another ancestral artifact can be produced!"

"No, I have a feeling that the birth of a spirit treasure of this level requires chance. It is already a great chance to achieve this one in this place, and it is impossible to refine a second one."

The little girl was not dizzy by the joy, she was still very clear-headed, and the little fox didn't encourage her anymore: "Well, chances come and go."

Le Yun has studied the Xinghe plate, and she is calm and composed. She wanted to put the array plate into the storage container, but she put it away, even the coniferous tree spiritual plant space can't do it.

A magical ancestral artifact with a temper of its own.

Fortunately, it was finally included in the star core world.

This proves that the star core space is the most precious treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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