magic eye doctor

Chapter 2825 Carve up the thunder

Chapter 2825 Carve up the thunder
Whenever a fairy weapon or divine weapon is born, it must experience a thunder disaster, but Le Xiaoluoli is special. She has never been struck by lightning, whether it is Jindan, Yuanying or Mahayana. When the space was born, there was no thunder catastrophe from heaven, and even the birth of the ancestor artifact was not thunder catastrophe.

Heavenly thunder is the mighty power of heaven, and it is also a tempering for immortal artifacts and artifacts to experience thunder disasters.

When the conifer tree was born, it had never been robbed by lightning. At this time, when the thunder fell, the conifer tree, like those plants that have been dry for hundreds of years and have long been hungry and thirsty, finally encountered the sweet frost and greedily absorbed the thunder and lightning.

The coniferous tree absorbed all the lightning, and Young Master Yan was also freed.

He was "ruthlessly" pushed away by the branches and leaves, his body slid down from the surface of the branches and leaves, and was thrown into the air again when he reached the edge, like a kite with a broken string, smashing towards the ground.

After a few breaths, the black jerky Yan Shao hit the grass with a "bang".

What a resounding sound.

Shui Dun, who was staying on the spirit boat, also felt his heart tremble, and then because of being too nervous, his muscles tensed and he couldn't move.

The long-eared bear and vajra ape outside the Thunder Tribulation Field also trembled when the owner landed on the ground.

The two big monsters were too nervous to move.

They knew that the owner of the contract was not in danger of life, but the sense of danger in their hearts had reached its peak.

It stands to reason that the following thunderstorms are twice as much as the previous round, and the owner was seriously injured in the first round of sky thunders, how can the subsequent thunder tribulation be survived?
They formed a master-servant contract with the owner, and they can help the owner to block the thunder, but the two of them can at most inherit one round of sky thunder.

I don't know how to resolve the two big monsters of Lei Jie for the owner, and I am anxious for a while.

Yan Xing, who was hit by the thunder and fell from the tree, landed with his face facing the loess and his back facing the sky—commonly known as "dog chewing mud".

He threw himself into the arms of Mother Earth, the pain made his chaotic brain clear up a little, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and it took a few seconds before he could see things, and he also knew that he landed like a dog.

Rationality made him understand that at this time, a salted fish should turn over, but in fact, the spiritual power in his dantian and meridians had been exhausted while resisting the lightning, and his limbs were stiff and numb after being attacked by lightning, not to mention turning over, even a finger Can't move.

The body couldn't move, but fortunately, the spiritual sense could still be used, so he immediately pulled more than a dozen pieces of spiritual marrow from the storage container and threw them around, and used the exercises to absorb the spiritual energy.

There are two pieces of spiritual marrow that he "puts" in the palm of his hand, holding the spiritual marrow, he has the real sense that he is still alive.

There is only one thought in my mind - cultivating immortals is so dangerous!

It's no wonder that Cucurbit Doll, Tengguo and Chihuahua are afraid of thunder disaster, Tianlei is too... fierce!

Heaven is mighty!

At this moment, when he was on the scene, Yan Xing really felt the horror of Tianlei. Human beings are really too small in front of the mighty power of heaven and earth!
Someone Yan was struck half dead by a bolt of lightning, and Le Yun didn't sympathize with him at all. That bastard relied on his good foundation, strong body, and Lei Linggen, so he didn't have much sense of crisis, so he will be taught a lesson now!
If you haven't been beaten, you don't know the pain.

Only those who have been beaten and suffered pain will have a long memory.

A certain Yan was struck by lightning, and he should have a long memory in the future. If he doesn't have a good memory, don't say anything, give up treating him, and he can do whatever he wants.

Generally speaking, Yan was taught a lesson by Mr. Tiandao, and Le Yun was very happy to see the results. Of course, it was one thing to be happy to see Yan suffer, but another to care about it.

In the current situation, it is impossible to really care about Yan's life or death.

As soon as Le Yun lifted her foot, she quietly appeared next to Handsome Yan, squatted down, wrapped her hands with spiritual power, and helped Yan to turn him over.

After being "touched" by someone's body, Yan Xing realized that little Lolita was here. One can imagine how complicated his mood was at that time. Whenever he was in the most distress, little Lolita was always the first to appear by his side.

It's okay to be seen embarrassingly by others, but always being seen embarrassingly by the little lolita, this feeling is super... heartbreaking.

Yan Xing, who was supported by the little Lolita from facing the loess and back to the sky, turned his back to the loess and faced the sky, his heart was so stuffed that he didn't want to speak.

In fact, even if he wanted to speak, his limbs wouldn't allow him, his muscles were numb, and he couldn't even open his mouth, so what to say.

Le Yun glanced at Yan Yan, except for the white whites of his eyes, his whole body was pitch-black, and he looked like a piece of charcoal.

Yan, who was burned into a stick by Tianlei, looked like a completely different person compared to his once infuriatingly handsome and glorious face.

That way, don't say that his mother wouldn't recognize him when she came, even if his great-grandmother came in person, she wouldn't recognize him.

Now, Le Yun was happy, stretched out her white and tender jade fingers, and poked Yan's dark face curiously: "Oh, a handsome guy is a handsome guy, this handsome face has obviously turned into a scorched black Charcoal head, the body has become a human stick, but it still does not affect the overall appearance."

Yan Xing at the scene of the death: "..." Can you show mercy and save him some face? He wants some face anyway.

The long-eared bear and King Kong ape, who were so anxious, didn't see how a certain human cub walked into the Thunder Tribulation Field. When they found out, the human cub had already arrived beside their contractor.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and a certain human cub seemed to be unaware of it, and was still playing with their pawn. The two monsters were so shocked that their eyeballs almost popped out.

The Qingxiang tribe, who watched the human race cross the thunder disaster from above the jungle, was also stunned to see the human cubs stepping into the area of ​​the thunder disaster.

Le Yun had originally been bullying Yan, whose muscles were so stiff that he couldn't speak, so he poked him vigorously, and then he felt relieved. He was so handsome, but he was still struck by lightning!

It can be seen that being handsome is not everything!
Feeling happy, Le Yun withdrew her little hand and said slowly: "Take it easy, quickly absorb the spirit marrow, replenish the spirit energy, and wait until the last round of thunder strikes before you go to be struck by lightning."

Yan Xing: "..." With him like this, the little Lolita didn't even try to comfort him, and even urged him to be struck by lightning, so that his life would be shortened!

Le Yun didn't care whether Yan was angry or not, she flew lightly into the sky with her little hands behind her back, and reached the height of the coniferous tree top, standing side by side with the tree.

The last thunder of the first round of sky thunder has also been struck, and a wave of powerful coniferous trees are obtained for free. The leaves are extraordinarily bright and the trees are extraordinarily energetic.

After the first round of sky thunder stopped, less than thirty breaths later, the second wave of sky thunder started with an explosion that seemed to tear the sky apart.

When the purple-black thunder and lightning drilled out of the Jieyun, the thunder pillar was slightly thicker, and its power doubled.

Le Yun, standing in the air, looked at the pillar of thunder that was striking at Yan, and did not move at all until the thunder was about ten feet away from the top of the tree, and then moved under the thunder and intercepted it.

She divided the sky thunder into two parts, and gave two-thirds of the sky thunder to the coniferous tree. She attracted a third of the sky thunder herself, and used her spiritual power to gather the sky thunder between her two hands, and condensed it into a ball. .

The coniferous trees happily absorb the thunder.

Le Yun had the experience of condensing the power of thunder and lightning into thunder beads, and it was quite smooth at the time, using spiritual power and consciousness to compress the power of thunder and lightning, and compressed it into thunder beads.

At first, the power of lightning that was condensed together and then compressed was only as big as a soybean. As the thunder struck one after another, the power of lightning gathered more and more, and the thunder beads became bigger and bigger.

The Qingxiang tribe looked dumbfounded.

The long-eared bear and the vajra ape also turned into statues as if struck by lightning from a sunny day.

Le Yun compressed the power of thunder and lightning with ease, and didn't miss a trace of the power of thunder and lightning.

The second wave of sky thunder was divided between a tree and a human cub.

When the nine thunderbolts struck in a row, a thunderball the size of a pigeon condensed in the little Lolita's hand, rather like a black pearl, with a purple light on its surface.

A little small?
Looking at her own achievements, Le Yun felt a little disgusted, took out a jade box and put it in, ready to grab the third thunder.

Yan Xing also saw clearly how little Lolita intercepted the sky thunder and condensed the thunder beads, and she was in a bad mood.

He didn't even hold back the first wave of thunder, and the little loli solved it so easily?

It's fine for little loli to cut off Tianlei, but she also... made effective use of it?

People are more popular than dead people.

Having seen the strength of little loli, Yan Xing felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He didn't even care about the difference between him and little loli. As little loli was so strong, he might not be able to catch up with him even if he took a rocket. superior!

What's more, on the way of cultivation, he has no rockets to sit on.

There is no shortcut, and when he reaches the height of little Lolita, she may have already gone to the heavens.

Even if he wanted to catch up, it must be "a lame man chasing his wife—the more he chases, the farther he goes".

Just thinking about it, Yan Xing was almost suffocated.

Le Xiao had no time to take care of Yan, and waited nervously for the third wave of thunder.

The third round of sky thunder soon started again, doubling its power again.

In the eyes of other creatures, Tianlei, which is awe-inspiring and inviolable, is extremely cute in Le Yun's eyes. This is the source of her spiritual plant space and thunder beads, a proper source of heaven and earth power!
When the thick, black purple thunderbolt struck down, she did the same thing again, cutting off the sky thunder and dividing half of it to the coniferous tree, and attracting half of the condensed thunderballs herself.

The third wave of thunder disaster was more powerful than the previous wave, and she directly led away half of the condensed thunder beads. The condensed second thunder beads were as big as a ping-pong ball, and their power was several times that of the previous one.

Le Yun was very satisfied, the fourth wave of sky thunder came, and as usual, the sky thunder was divided into two.

The power of the thunder robbery doubled, but the little human cubs blocked the heavenly thunder to gather the thunder force like a game, and the Qingxiang patriarch was completely convinced.

The fourth round of thunder was over, and little Lori got a more powerful and rounder thunder bead.

When Yan Shao's fifth wave of sky thunder began to strike, a miniature version of Xuan Shao also condensed in Xuan Shao's dantian, and the sky thunder was also faintly waiting to strike.

Xuan Shao got up, grabbed a spiritual marrow stone in each hand to absorb the spiritual energy, and at the same time threw a lot of spiritual stones, spiritual marrow and crystals to form a gathering array to supply spiritual energy for himself.

Then, he flew into the sky.

He flew more than a dozen feet above the round leaf tree, while absorbing spiritual power to fill his dantian, while waiting for Tianlei.

The two pieces of spiritual essence in his hand turned into dust in the blink of an eye, and he quickly took out two more pieces of spiritual essence and held them in the palm of his hand. Just as he absorbed half of the spiritual energy of the spiritual essence stone, there was an explosion in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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