magic eye doctor

Chapter 2826 Survive

Chapter 2826 Survive
The Thunder Tribulation came as soon as it was said, and as the rumbling thunder rolled across the sky, a purple-gold thunder dragon that was a meter thick came out through the clouds and descended at the speed of lightning flashing across the sky.

From Jindan to Nascent Soul is a qualitative leap. Similarly, the power of Thunder Tribulation of Nascent Soul cultivators has also skyrocketed exponentially compared to Jindan Thunder Tribulation.

It is also a ten-thousandth-thick sky thunder pillar, and there is nothing to be seen from the outside. The power of the sky thunder of the Yuanying class is more than ten times the power of the sky thunder of the Jindan class.

The thunder is mighty and mighty, and its power shakes the Quartet.

Xuan Shao, who had already been prepared, flew up more than ten feet to meet the purple-gold thunder dragon without fear, and met the purple-gold thunder dragon in the air, and quenched his body with lightning.

He carried the thunder with his flesh and blood, absorbed the spiritual marrow and tempered his whole body with the power of thunder and lightning. The meridians, internal organs, six lungs, and muscles were torn and restored by spiritual power. The newly repaired meridians and muscles were followed closely The incoming thunder and lightning tore apart, and then was restored by spiritual power.

Destruction and recovery, reincarnation interpretation.

One round of thunder calamity and nine sky thunders, the whole body tissue was torn nine times, and every time the meridians experienced tearing and recovery, they were also able to expand once.

Every time, the pain was so painful that Xuan Shao was so painful that he wanted to cry a few times but couldn't cry out. He couldn't help it, he couldn't open his mouth, so he could only enjoy the sourness silently.

Xuan Shao easily withstood the first wave of sky thunder, followed by the second wave, third wave and fourth wave. He suffered four rounds of sky thunder, because the speed of skin recovery could not keep up with the speed of sky thunder striking people, It was also burnt black.

Being struck by lightning again and again, the benefits are obvious, his meridian has been expanded several times.

When Xuan Shao's fourth round of sky thunder ended, Yan Shao also ushered in the last round of sky thunder.

With the little loli blocking the seven rounds of sky thunder on her behalf, Young Master Yan also got enough time to recuperate and absorb enough spiritual energy.

The meridians and dantian aura soared, Yan Xing summoned a flying sword, flew high into the sky, stood a foot away from the little loli, filled his whole body with spiritual power, and went all out to meet the last round of thunder.

The last round of sky thunder has not yet begun, but the faint aura has already frightened the green elephants in the distance, and the beasts under the sky covered by robbery clouds are silent like cicadas.

The thunder has not moved, but the momentum has become.

After brewing enough momentum, the last round of sky thunder struck the ground with a loud "crack" that shook the earth. The purple lightning was more than three times thicker than the previous one, a full one or two feet thick.

The thunder pillar that Tianwei manifested and pardoned could no longer see the purple color, but was as pitch black as a black ink pillar.

The power of the last round of thunder was ten times that of the previous one.

If it hadn't been for Le Yun's presence, if he had changed someone else, he might have thought that Yunlan's way of heaven would not tolerate Young Master Yan, and he wasn't going to give him a way out, and take his life back in one fell swoop when he was promoted to Lei Jie.

"Little Lolita, have I offended God?" Yan Xing also found out that the thunder disaster was different, and felt guilty. His thunder disaster was even weirder than that of True Monarch Yumou who was going through the disaster in Golden Lion City.

"You know what's in your heart." What Le Yun could say, she couldn't say in front of God that because he got too many resources, he was being targeted by the god who was dying.

When did he offend God?Yan Xing thought to himself that he hadn't done anything harmful, so why did he offend God?

He wanted to ask little loli when he had offended God, but the thunder was in front of him, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart and save them for later to find out the root cause.

Although Yan's last wave of thunder calamity came fiercely, it was still far inferior to that of a non-human thunder calamity of Dongchen Yulan Sect, so Le Yun was not prepared to try the thunder with her own body.

She decisively intercepted the sky thunder in mid-air, and gave half to the coniferous tree to digest, and the remaining half, she used four-fifths to condense the thunder beads, and the remaining one-fifth of the sky thunder was distributed to the righteous master who crossed the catastrophe. .

The conifer took half of the thunder and lightning, happily absorbing it for itself.

Little Lolita also controlled the power of thunder and lightning, gathered it between her hands, and condensed it into a ball.

Only Yan Shao, the righteous master who crossed the catastrophe, only withstood the five thunderbolts of a round of sky thunder. His spiritual defense was shattered by the sixth sky thunder, and he was knocked down from the sky again.

Paji, the person fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Before he could tell the difference between east, west, north and south, the thunder that followed immediately landed with a bang, and was about to crash into the ground.

As a result, Young Master Yan's figure was no longer seen at the scene, but a thunder pillar stood upright on the grass, connecting the sky and the earth, emitting a dazzling purple light.

Busy condensing the music rhyme of the thunder beads: "..." A thunder spirit root can't even withstand a fifth of half of the sky thunder, Yan Shuai is still too weak!
There is a saying that you have to be strong to strike iron. If you want to gain a firm foothold in the world of cultivating immortals, you must have enough confidence. Yan has a chance to be handsome, but he is not strong enough. Let him break into the world by himself. I guess it will be cold .

Le Yun was quite helpless, thinking that after the trip to Leizhou and the baptism of Yan's Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, she shouldn't have to worry about Yan anymore, but who knew that guy was only a little better than the crispy mage .

Yan Xing, who was thrown into Mother Earth's arms, was knocked out of shape by the thunder. Fortunately, he was not slow to react, and exhausted his last bit of consciousness to activate the last two layers of close-fitting robes of defense.

The outer layer of the last two layers of robes suffered a thunderstorm, and the defense cover burst when the eighth thunder struck. Fortunately, the robe that fits the most closely was made by Xiao Luoli herself, which blocked it. The last two thunders.

The last thunderstorm was over, and the thunder disaster was over.

Yan Xing at the bottom of the deep pit didn't even have the energy to scold his mother. He looked up at the plate-sized hole above his head, silently acting like a frog in the well.

What else can he do?
He wanted to fly out, but the conditions did not allow it.

As long as he still has energy, he won't be knocked out of the sky.

The true energy was exhausted, and the spiritual consciousness was also exhausted. Yan Xing even lost the spiritual consciousness to extract the spiritual marrow, so he simply laid his corpse on the ground and laid it flat to die.

Handsome Yan was knocked to the ground, Le Yun didn't care about him, he concentrated on gathering the thunder beads, and quickly cut off the connection between the thunder beads and the thunder when the last thunderbolt closed in.

After the sky thunder pillar dissipated, she compressed the thunder force to the extreme, condensing a thunder bead the size of an egg.

In one lightning tribulation by Handsome Yan, she condensed a total of eight thunder beads.

Because each round of thunder calamity is stronger, the condensed thunder beads are also bigger and bigger, and the power contained in it is gradually increasing.

After getting eight Thunder Pearls, little Lolita was still very happy, put the last Thunder Pearl in the jade box, and flew to the grass without any haste, to catch Handsome Yan.

The sky thunder stopped the thunder, and a large pit with a diameter of about two feet wide was exposed on the green grass. The surrounding area of ​​the pit was scorched black and black by the force of lightning, and it was about seven or eight feet deep.

Flying down beside the pit, Le Yun stretched her head and glanced down, seeing Handsome Yan lying flat at the bottom of the deep pit, she was immediately happy, a certain guy was struck by lightning for two rounds, not only was he blackened by smoke Yes, the head, the face and the skin are torn apart, and I can no longer see the human face clearly.

Someone Yan lay flat on the bottom of the pit, and his posture was quite graceful.

Little Lolita was in a good mood, so she didn't leave in a hurry, and generously used her spiritual sense to roll up the man and move him out of the deep pit, laying him flat on the grass so that he could continue to lie down.

Handsome Yan looked very scary, but he was not seriously injured. When Heaven bestows spiritual energy, he can recover by absorbing some spiritual energy.

Le Yun didn't feed Handsome Yan the pill, so he moved to the area where Xuan Shao crossed the lightning calamity, and stood in the safe area to watch Xuan Shao being struck by lightning.

The thunder calamity of a certain human race is over, and the green elephants have not yet come to their senses. The eyes of a group of green elephants can't help but follow a certain human cub.

The human cubs moved from one side to the other, and the eyes of the group of green elephants also moved from one side to the other.

When Yan Shao's last round of sky thunder struck down, Xuan Shao also ushered in the fifth sky thunder.

When Little Lolita passed by, Master Xuan's fifth thunder had also been struck, and he was absorbing the spiritual essence.

The vajra ape, who was guarding his own master, also saw the shocking scene of a human cub protecting another human monk from lightning, and the ape was stunned.

When the human cub flew over, King Kong ape jumped up excitedly, rushed to the human cub, and then stood up straight.

Beside him was a giant ape that was almost twice as tall as him. Wannian Xiaozuozi Leyun also knew that he was portrayed as a dwarf in a Lilliputian country, so he was very puzzled. What was the meaning of the big ape running over?
The big ape didn't speak, and she couldn't figure out what the King Kong ape wanted to express, so she selectively ignored it and studied Xuan Shao's situation first.

Xuan Shao suffered several thunderstorms, his meridians and dantian expanded several times, and even his sea of ​​consciousness expanded. Compared with the Jindan stage, it is no longer the same.

Before, because handsome Yan got a chance, his meridians and dantian were opened up once, which was several times stronger and wider than Xuan Shao's meridians and dantian.

Now, Shao Xuan himself has opened up the dantian and meridians with the thunder, and he has almost caught up with Handsome Yan. If Shao Xuan can hold on to the thunder of the Yuanying stage, after this wave of tempering, Xuan Shao's body index will be the same as Handsome Yan goes hand in hand.

For this reason, little Lolita is very pleased. Xuan Shao is worthy of being the number one among the juniors in the ancient cultivation world. He is talented and hardworking. Even if he does not have her protection, he will definitely be able to flourish in other cultivation worlds .

Xuan Shao, who didn't know that he was praised, frantically absorbed the spiritual energy released by the spiritual marrow and the spiritual stone array piled on the ground, and the consumed spiritual energy was also recovered to seven or eight.

Naturally, it was impossible for the sky thunder to wait for people to recover before striking, and the sixth thunder came in an orderly manner.

Xuan Shao once again shouldered the sky thunder with his flesh and blood, and tempered his body with the power of thunder and lightning to temper his sea of ​​consciousness.

Le Yun: "..." Xuan Shao is a ruthless person!

Xuan Shao, the ruthless man who dared to induce the thunder to temper the sea of ​​consciousness, was still standing firmly on the flying sword, his limbs trembled and his skin was cracked by the lightning.

After the sixth wave of the nine thunderbolts, Xuan Shao's face was cracked with blood, and the back of his hand was covered with lightning-like lacerations.

Without realizing it, he quickly grabbed out the Essence Stone and absorbed it with his dark face dripping with blood.

Le Yun personally witnessed the process of Xuan Shao crossing the thunder calamity, and there are only two words in her heart: Admiration!
The liquid of Tianlei is nothing, and those who dare to induce Tianlei to refine the sea of ​​consciousness are definitely ruthless people. After all, the sea of ​​consciousness is more important than the heart for monks.

The broken heart of a high-ranking monk can still recover. If the heart is broken, the body will die at most. As long as the spirit remains, he can also become a soul cultivator or become a skeleton clan.

If the sea of ​​consciousness is breached, the soul cannot escape the fate of being severely injured. If the sea of ​​consciousness is destroyed, it basically means that the soul will dissipate.

Xuan Shao led Tianlei to open up the sea of ​​consciousness. If one is not right, he may become stupid.

However, Young Master Xuan did it recklessly. He has a strong control over Tianlei. He induced one-third of Tianlei to temper the sea of ​​consciousness, and the remaining two-thirds of the thunder and lightning were divided into two parts, one part to temper the five internal organs. Six internal organs, one quenched body.

The power of the sky thunder was dismantled, and the destructive power it caused became less, which was within Xuan Shao's tolerance.

Women are not ruthless, their status is unstable, and monks are not ruthless, their cultivation base is unstable.

Xuan Shao was ruthless to himself, and the effect was immediate. After a wave of thunder, his sea of ​​knowledge and meridian dantian were expanded to varying degrees.

After the sea of ​​consciousness, dantian, and meridian are expanded, they have a certain power of regeneration, and the speed of absorbing spiritual marrow and spiritual energy is also extremely fast, which can quickly replenish the consumed true energy.

When Xuan Shao had recovered to about [-]% of the real energy consumed, the seventh wave of sky thunder also came.

Not surprisingly, Young Master Xuan still did the same, digesting the seventh and eighth waves of thunder.

The power of the ninth round of thunder and lightning was enormous, even though Xuan Shao tried his best, he still couldn't digest all the power of thunder and lightning, and only attracted three quarters of the thunder and lightning to temper his body.

The lightning bolts that he failed to block hit the top of the round leaf tree, and the round leaf tree that had been used as a decoration accepted Yu Lei with a polite smile.

"Brother is mighty!" Baiyin Yingsheng was so excited when he saw it, Brother Xuan actually managed to resist Lei Jie, so proud of him!

"Brother Xuan is mighty!" Huluwa, Shui Dun, and Zhiren Zhima also cheered loudly, Brother Xuan fought the thunder disaster with his own strength, it's amazing.

Yan Shao, who was flat, heard the applause of a few beasts, soured into lemon essence. He was also crossing the thunder calamity, so why didn't the little beasts cheer for him?

Xuan Shao, who was struck by lightning, was irrigated and nourished by the more ferocious lightning love than the previous eight rounds, and he couldn't even scream.

It was so fucking painful.

After suspecting for the nth time that he might be sent away directly by this wave of thunder calamity, the severe pain that could almost break his soul weakened.

After a while, Xuan Shao could see things in his field of vision, the pain that pierced his bones disappeared, his limbs felt relaxed, and he knew that the last wave of thunder was over.

Instantly, he became excited.

Oh my god, he made it through!

He forcibly held Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, he was so capable!
Xuan Shao was proud of his hard work and super endurance ability to resist lightning strikes. He blinked happily and slowly moved his stiff neck.

Feeling that his limbs could indeed move, he raised his head excitedly, and saw the sky thunder retracted into the robbery cloud, and the layers of robbery clouds were slowly dissipating around.

Thunder Tribulation is really over.

Feeling very happy, Young Master Xuan couldn't help but put his hands on his waist, and screamed excitedly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). Let the thunder disaster come more violently next time!"

As the human cubs diverted their attention to the group of green elephants, it was easy to digest the shocking fact that the human cubs entered the thunder robbery field to help others block the thunder and were still safe. Shocked, he looked at the young human cultivator with the eyes of a fool.

Could it be that this human race was stunned by lightning?
(End of this chapter)

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