magic eye doctor

Chapter 2841 Surrender

Chapter 2841 Surrender
The King Kong ape, the long-eared bear, and the silver-horned sheep of the twelfth and eleventh ranks were in full swing, when the flock suddenly withdrew, and the three big monsters would not do anything, they rushed to catch up.

Seeing the mutton skewers running away, the four humanoid beasts stopped doing it, and ran after the sheep with their nets.

Xuan Shaoyan and Shaoyan looked at each other.

The two of them were deliberating whether it would be better for the poor Kou Mo to chase after them, or to make trouble for the mutton skewers, when they heard a deafening bang and looked up.

Over there, Little Lolita and a ewe had gone to the sky hundreds of feet high to fight at some point, and a silver horn on the ewe's head collided with the plum blossom gun in Little Lolita's hand.

One person and one sheep are separated by about one mile. The plum blossom spear and the horn of the goat collide with each other, and no one will let the other.

The sound of force colliding, that is, the horns of the silver horn sheep collided with the plum blossom spear, force collided with force, and there was an explosion sound of landslides and landslides.

The bare-eyed ewe stepped on the ground with all four hooves, arched her body, poured her strength into the silver horns and four hooves, and pushed forward.

Le Yun held the plum-blossom gun in both hands, motionless.

Force head-on, no one will let anyone else.

Bearing the thrust of the silver-horned sheep, after a few breaths, Le Yun turned her right hand a bit, putting the body of the gun against her forearm to make it easier to use force, and the tail of the gun against her waist, freeing her left hand.

Then, when she was ready, she quickly withdrew her hand and let go of Gunhuamei. Taking advantage of the moment when the Silver Horn Sheep rushed forward due to the sudden loss of strength of the spear against its horn, she moved to the side of the ewe, raised her left hand, Put the caught fishing net towards the rushing Silver Horn Sheep.

The Silver Horn Sheep rushed forward, but the scene of smashing the human race into pieces did not appear. It hit a gray and white patch, and was knocked back a few feet.

When looking for the human race, they saw a block of gray grids in front of them, and a human magic weapon floating in the air in the distance.

The human race... The human race is not far away, holding a magic weapon like a spider web in his hand, and he is in the spider web.

The Silver Horn Sheep realized that he was defeated, and was so angry that he slammed into the spider web like a square grid again. All the strength was accumulated in that collision, and the horns of his head collided with the gray vertical and horizontal stripes of the thin grid, shaking the mountain for a while.

In fact, only the inside of the fishnet swayed, and outside, the fishnet just swayed a bit.

The silver horn sheep was ejected by the rebound force and hit the bottom of the fishing net heavily. It was hit dizzily, and its vision was blurred.

The silver-horned sheep hit the wall without giving up after being caught in the net, Le Yun wanted to ask it, does it have a headache?

Can it not hurt?

Silver Horn's head hurt so badly that he couldn't even remember who he was for a while.

Before it could recover, it lost consciousness the next moment.

Little Lolita calmly threw the fishing net and sheep into the storage container, then summoned the plum blossom gun and carried it on her shoulders, moved to the two handsome men standing in a daze in the air, and walked towards the spirit boat.

"The silverhorn sheep's army is coming soon, tell your little friends to take it easy."


Little Lolita tidied up the silver-horned sheep neatly, and the two handsome guys stared at her with starry eyes, only to realize she was coming after hearing her words.

The two young masters followed little Lolita back to the spirit boat, and only then did they pursue the whereabouts of their little friend.

The sheep are divided into groups and run towards the northeast or north at the speed of shooting stars chasing the moon. The four humanoid beasts and three big monsters holding fishing nets are chasing after them. No matter what level of sheep they are, they will come back with the net when they catch up. .

A flock of sheep were chased like bereaved dogs.

When the sheep were escaping, no one thought of the first silver-horned sheep that was struck by lightning, and the few monsters chasing the sheep also ignored it.

The silver-horned sheep that was on fire all over its body was a little slow. When the flock of sheep ran far away, it ran to the water source and jumped into the pond in the meadow. Puffs of white smoke.

Oil oozes from the flame-burned muscles of the Silver Horn sheep, and white flecks of oil also emerge from the water.

The silverhorn sheep jumped into the water to put out the fire, wailing in pain. After putting out the fire, it quickly climbed ashore.

Le Yun observed the whereabouts of the beasts, drove the spirit boat to catch up with the burnt silver-horned sheep, and brought the sheep back with a net, and couldn't help laughing.

Xuan Shao also looked at the sheep that had been roasted until its surface was half-cooked, his eyes lit up: "This is very good, if the flame is bigger, it can be called a barbecue skewer."

Le Yun also laughed so that the flowers trembled: "No, look, this sheepskin is already cooked, and it is still a little burnt. If you scrape and wash it, it must be browned and browned."

Yan Xing looked at his masterpiece and his face became hot: "Well, this is the first time I use the power of thunder and lightning, and I don't know how to control the power. I will practice more in the future and strive to become a qualified kebab expert as soon as possible."

"Then go for it." Le Yun encouraged without distraction, and threw the half-baked sheep back into the ordinary space device.

The silverhorn sheep were thrown into a storage container that could not store live animals, and died silently. That kind of death was not bad, at least it died without pain or fear.

After picking up a sheep, little Lolita drove the spirit boat to chase the four humanoid beasts, picked up each of the beasts back to the spirit boat, and brought back the sheep they chased and killed.

The four humanoid beasts were lower in cultivation, and their speed was not as fast as the three big monsters of the twelfth rank. They chased and killed the silver-horned sheep of about the same rank, while the long-eared bear and the Vajra ape were fast, chasing and killing the ten teams of the eleventh and twelve ranks. Silverhorn sheep.

After taking back four humanoid beasts, we went to find three twelfth-order beasts.

When a vajra ape and a long-eared bear were picked up, a team of silverhorn sheep also appeared in the distance. Le Xiaoluoli went to pick up another vajra ape calmly and continued to hunt the sheep openly.

Even, when she was less than five miles away from the large group of sheep, she got off the net and brought back two sheep of the tenth rank.

There were more than 500 sheep in the flock ready to reinforce, but less than [-] sheep escaped in the end, and the sheep that escaped a little rushed into the large army, complaining sadly about the cruelty of the human race.

The new flock exceeded [-], and the leader was a Dzogchen ram from the late Mahayana period.

The flock of sheep saw with their own eyes that the silver horn sheep were chased and fled in all directions by the human race, and also saw the human race capture two silver horn sheep in front of them, and they were angry and hated.

The huge flock of sheep, with the remnants of the defeated soldiers who fled back, continued to fly forward leisurely, and flew to a distance of less than [-] feet from the human race, and the whole detachment stopped quickly.

The flock is well-trained, and there is no panic when it stops suddenly. There is no phenomenon of you squeezing me and you squeezing you, and all the members are neat and tidy.

The leading big ram was larger than the leading sheep in the flock hunting in the canyon outside the secret, and the five-inch-long tip of the silver horn became transparent.

Four human-shaped beasts and three beast-shaped big monsters, seeing the huge flock of sheep, they all had one expression: Oh!So many kebabs!
Le Yun held a plum blossom gun in one hand, got out of the spirit boat, and stood in front of the flock of sheep with big thorns, her eyes wandering around the flock of sheep. Don't blame her for looking at the sheep in the wrong way, these are the ingredients.

Swept by the eyes of the human race, Silver Horn Sheep couldn't help but shudder.

The big ram took a few steps and came to the front of the team: "Human race, if you release my clan members back, our clan will not embarrass you and let you go."

"Pfft, didn't you guys wake up?" Silver Horn Sheep looked like "the boss is my second son", and Le Yun was not happy: "It was you who took the initiative to go to the canyon to hunt this fairy. You were the ones who did it, you all bullied this fairy, can this fairy still fight back?

The sheep caught by this fairy with his ability, why should I pay you back?To tell you the truth, it is still impossible to pay back even half a sheep.

I give you two choices, the first is to go to war directly, and when this fairy kills your Silver Horn Sheep Clan, this territory belongs to this fairy.

Second, if you surrender, the territory still belongs to you, and the resources in this territory can be collected by this fairy at will. "

Isn't the lamb crazy?

Who hasn't been frivolous yet? Le Yun is not afraid of the silver horned sheep, so he directly turned back
The Silver Horn Sheep were so angry that they almost ran away in place.

The big male sheep was also furious, suppressed the fury, and stared at the human race: "Human race, don't bully the sheep too much, you are only a few people, and our sheep flock has [-] people."

"The [-] people in your flock are nothing more than mobs. Most of them are low-level lambs. It's okay to make up the number. If you really want to fight, those lambs won't be effective.

Presumably the group you brought is almost your main force. The remaining big monsters cannot exceed [-]. The overall strength of your sheep clan is too weak.

With your current combat strength, this fairy only needs to send a small team of guards to kill you all. "

"Human race, you are too much! We silver horn sheep are not easy to bully!"

Being despised by the human race, the sheep were so angry that they wanted to poke their hooves. How have they Silverhorn sheep ever suffered such idleness?Even a mortal of the Kan clan a hundred years ago would not have dared to be so arrogant to the Silver Horn Clan.

Le Yun didn't care if the sheep clan was angry or not: "If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk nonsense."

The Silver Horn flock was angry, but they had to suppress their anger.

The big ram softened his attitude: "Human race, you return our fellow race, and we can talk about everything else."

"Impossible." Le Yun didn't let go at all: "Either go to war, or surrender, you don't have a third choice."

"Human race, do you really think that our silver-horned goats are afraid of you?" After being smeared by the human race in front of the whole family, the big ram couldn't hold back his raging anger.

"It's useless to say it, just let the horse come and fight." Le Yun flicked his sleeve, threw a building boat hidden in the sleeve into the air, and then moved out four puppet leaders, forty captains and forty thousand Golden armor puppet.

The puppets with shiny armor, fully armed and with weapons in hand, appeared in thousands of pieces in the air, neatly arrayed, and the golden aura vibrated so that the air hummed faintly.

Seeing the magic weapon thrown by the human race, the Silver Horn Sheep clan felt bad. The next moment, they were shocked when they saw the golden armored men appearing in groups.

They can't sense the blood and vitality of the golden-armored man, that is to say, the golden-armored man is not a living thing, they may be fighting puppets!
Battle golems are emotionless fighting machines that only kill, either at the command of their master or until the golem itself is completely destroyed.

The silver-horned sheep looked at the golden-armored men who were so dense that they merged into a golden light, and then looked at the cub-like human race, their eyes were full of fear, the human race came prepared!

(End of this chapter)

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