magic eye doctor

Chapter 2842 Reinforcements are coming

Chapter 2842 Reinforcements are coming
The four humanoid beasts and two human beings staying in the spirit boat nearly dropped their eyes when they saw groups of golden armored puppets.

They haven't been together for nearly 30 years in the secret realm. Little Fairy/Little Lolita spent more than ten years refining the spirit boat, and she was still cleaning up the monsters in the secret realm for more than ten years, so she didn't have time at all. Refining so many puppets.

When did Little Fairy/Little Lolita have so many puppets?

The human-shaped bestiality and the human beings couldn't figure out when the little fairy/little loli refined the puppet, so they looked straight at it.

The puppet group was summoned and appeared, speeding up the formation, the leader and the captain saluted the master together: "The golden armor guard is ready, please let the fairy decree!"

"These goats with four horns have offended this fairy several times. If you look carefully, if they don't submit today, they will kill without mercy. Then they will flatten the goat territory and slaughter all the goats with four horns on their heads. "Le Yun nodded and pointed to the Silver Horn Flock.

The puppet army responded in unison, looking at the flock with a strong fighting spirit and murderous intent.

Being stared at by more than four times as many battle puppets as herself, the scalps of more than ten thousand silver horn sheep were numb, and her heart and lungs were chilling when she heard the orders from the human cubs, the human cubs... She actually thought Take the opportunity to destroy the Silver Horn Sheep Clan!

The sheep are in a dilemma, retreating is a shame, but a way out, not submitting, keeps the pride of the Silver Horn sheep family, but may lose the whole family.

The plum blossom spear in Le Yun's hand pointed directly at the big ram: "Is it war, is it surrender?"

The huge sheep were forced to retreat by the human race, and the big ram lowered his proud head: "The sheep...surrender!"

The result of not submitting will be a catastrophe. Although surrendering loses face, at least the continuation of blood and descendants is preserved.

In front of the human race with the supernatural ability to restrain the blood of the Silver Horn Sheep, the pride of the monster will only become the fuse of the genocide. The big ram chose to submit in order to continue the blood of the Silver Horn Sheep.

In addition to submitting, the sheep clan has no choice.

"It's not going to happen. Surrender early and surrender late. Sooner or later you will surrender. It would be great to know the time and affairs early, so why waste so much effort and so much talk.

For the sake of your knowledge and interest, I will not steal the survival resources of your sheep clan and your accumulated collections. Wherever you lived before, you still live, and this fairy will collect whatever resources you want. "

Le Yun calmly retracted the plum blossom gun, then placed the spirit boat on her shoulder in the air and zoomed in.

After the spirit boat was enlarged, the defensive array was closed first, so that the Silver Horn Clan could see clearly which people and beasts were in the spirit boat.

"The people and beasts in this magical aircraft are my companions, and they will collect or move in this territory in the future. You can see clearly, restrain your sheep clan and don't provoke them. Whoever thinks about playing tricks behind the scenes, I will The fairy will definitely capture it and all the sheep of its bloodline, big and small, to be skinned and cramped."

The Terrans let the Goats recognize her companions, and the Silver Horn sheep were forced to accept unequal arrangements.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the seven beasts in the spirit boat stood straight and proud.

Especially the long-eared bear and Vajra ape, the corners of their mouths are almost raised to the sky, this is the importance of following the adults!
When Silver Horn Sheep saw Vajra Ape and Long-Eared Bear who had taken refuge with the Human Race, he was filled with hatred and anger, and almost yelled at the traitor.

The three big monsters are now backed by the human race, and the sheep can only hold back when they are full of dissatisfaction.

Le Yun made the Silver Horn Sheep pay their respects to her companions, put away the golden armored puppet and the building boat, jumped back into the spirit boat, and drove the spirit boat to visit the territory of the Silver Horn Sheep.

As soon as Flying Treasure left, the Silverhorn sheep herd immediately dispersed, and the soldiers split up to inform the sheep clan in each area not to provoke the big evil star of the human clan.

As for how many of the two sheep teams that went out to hunt one after another survived, the sheep family has no time to count, let alone take care of the lambs who escaped.

Little Loli flew to the huge mountain range on the east side of the Chuanzi territory in the spirit boat, flew at low altitude, and paraded around the mountains in the Chuanzi Basin in a counterclockwise manner.

Follow the giant mountain range in the east to the horizontal mountain range in the north, then from east to west, to the giant mountain range in the west, then fly south to the Hengduan Mountain range in the south, and then turn around and fly above the small and medium mountain range in the middle of the territory.

The territory of the Chuanzi Basin is indeed an ideal habitat for the orcs. There are more than a dozen Lingquan Valleys, Lingquan, and Lingquan Lakes in the two giant mountains in the west and east, and the small and medium-sized mountains in the middle. There are many mineral deposits in the mountains.

The small and medium-sized mountain range in the middle is broken by a rift zone about 120 million miles from south to north. It is a small plain with a width of more than 7000 miles. The giant river from the northeast diverges nearby, and the main path flows southward along the canyon. A branch trail passes through the rift valley between the small and medium ranges to the Grand Canyon to the west.

There are rich geothermal resources in the depths of the medium-sized mountains in the north of the plains and runoffs, and the rivers and lakes between the mountains are hot springs.

Because of the geothermal heat, the climate of the small and medium-sized mountains in the north and the surrounding area of ​​more than a hundred miles is different from that of the surrounding areas, which belongs to the tropical rainforest climate.

When the spirit boat flew to the tropical rainforest area, and there were tens of thousands of plants that were only found in tropical areas, Xuan Shaoyan could hardly believe his eyes. There is a tropical rainforest in the plateau?

is it possible?

It is not surprising that there are hot springs on the plateau, but there are tropical rainforests with a length and width of more than [-] miles, which is too unscientific.

The environment and climate of the Great Wilderness are too outrageous, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao don't know what words to use to describe their mood.

Compared with the fuss of the two brothers, the four humanoid beasts are much calmer. Needless to say, the three big monsters are native beasts, and they don't feel that the forest in the Silverhorn sheep territory is as warm as spring in winter. something is wrong.

Little Lolita is well-informed, and she doesn't think it's unreasonable to have a tropical rainforest in the Great Wilderness. She really likes the territory of Chuanzi, and the resources are so rich!
The two huge mountain ranges in the Chuanzi Basin each have four or five valleys that grow pure natural forest trees, that is, the modern fruit called apple, and several valleys have wild pears, all of which are fruitful.

There are large areas of Alpine Camellia oleifera trees in various mountains in the basin, and the Camellia oleifera trees in many places are connected together, and the proportion of Camellia oleifera trees has reached 40.00%.

In addition to Camellia oleifera, there is another economic fruit tree - tung tree.

The oil extracted from the fruit of the Camellia oleifera tree is edible oil, and the oil extracted from the fruit of the tung tree is industrial oil.

In addition, hazelnut groves are second only to camellia groves in nuts.

The reason why Le Xiaoluoli likes the basin territory is that there are Camellia oleifera and tung tree, and another reason - the basin is the place where bleeding fungus is produced.

The mountains and canyons and meadows of the entire basin are all places where bleeding bacteria are produced. There are seasonal bleeding bacteria all year round, and the bleeding bacteria in autumn are also thriving.

There are also bleeding bacteria in the meadows and jungles of the Qianchuan Plateau, and the fourth-order bleeding bacteria can be collected to the top of the sky, while the bleeding in the Yinjiao sheep territory is of high quality, and the third- and fourth-level bleeding bacteria are common.

After running around, Le Yun collected the data of the species and was overjoyed.

Of course, happy to be happy, and did not stop here, the Silver Horn Sheep is the first stop after autumn to settle accounts, and then we will go to the territories of the fish-eating crocodile, forest giant ape, black crow clan, and badger monster clan , Talk to those monsters and chat about life.

Little Loli flew around the mountains in the tropical rainforest in the spirit boat, then turned around and flew south.

The basin is very wide, no matter how fast the spirit boat is, it took half a day to complete a circle.

It was past noon when Little Loli's spirit boat flew back to the Hengtan Mountains in the south of the basin. She didn't stop for a moment, and then continued to fly south, preparing to climb over the mountains, from the lunar arc-shaped Grand Canyon where she camped yesterday to the fish-eating crocodile. territory.

The territory of the fish-eating crocodile is in the south of the Moon Arc Canyon, and there is another small canyon to pass through the Moon Arc Canyon. Its territory is about 24 miles away from the Moon Arc Canyon.

The little fairy is going to settle accounts with the fish-eating crocodile, and the seven beasts are very happy. After all, who can resist the delicious crocodile meat!

After noon, the sun finally penetrated the thick clouds to shine on the earth, the moisture was evaporated by the wind and the sun, and the air was dry and clean.

There is no lingering and erratic mist between the sky and the earth, and the visibility is also wider. Looking at the basin valley and Hengduan Mountains from the spirit boat, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the sky is as clear as washing.

The peaks of the Hengduan Mountains soar into the sky, and the lines of the mountains are like dragons.

The spirit boat shuttled between the Hengduan Mountains, from north to south, over the passes and peaks, and headed towards the moon-shaped Grand Canyon.

When the spirit boat finally crossed the majestic mountains of the main peak of the Hengduan Mountains, crossed the continuous mountains, and entered the territory of the moon-shaped Grand Canyon, Le Yun noticed that the atmosphere above the Grand Canyon was different!

The moon-arc-shaped Grand Canyon is next to the secret realm, and the big monsters squatting outside the secret realm use the clouds as their hiding places. When she wiped out the invading monsters before, the big monsters hiding in the clouds were silent. Evacuated, went elsewhere.

When she went to the Silver Horn Sheep Territory, the number of big monsters in the clouds above the Moon Arc-shaped Grand Canyon had decreased a lot, and there were only about 100 scattered ones.

When she took a trip to the territory of the Silver Horn Sheep, the number of big monsters in the clouds above the canyon increased suddenly, and there were thousands of big monsters by visual estimation.

It's definitely not a good thing for so many big monsters to gather in the same direction.

Le Yun found out that the situation in the cloud group was different, so she didn't change her face. As long as the group of high-level monsters didn't take the initiative to target her, she didn't care why they gathered.

The enemy does not move, I do not move.

If the enemy takes the initiative to attack, teach them how to be a beast.

Quan Dang didn't know that monsters and beasts gathered in the clouds in the sky, Le Yun continued to fly south in the spirit boat, secretly monitoring every move in the canyon.

The group of monsters in the cloud remained hidden.

The spirit boat sailed south for about [-] li, and far ahead, a huge blue cloud appeared in the originally empty space.

The cyan cloud covered an extremely wide area, densely covering a large area of ​​the sky, as if a forest had grown in the sky, and the trees and forests stretched into patches, a vast expanse of green.

The aura belonging to a monster, accompanied by a strong fighting spirit, rushed straight forward from the blue cloud, and dispersed in the air first.

Le Yun suddenly realized—the reinforcements of the fish-eating crocodile are here!
(End of this chapter)

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