magic eye doctor

Chapter 2850

Chapter 2850

The trivial matters come to an end, and the collection mode can be turned on.

Le Xiaoluoli hurriedly went to the valley of Nagano apples in the territory of Silver Horn Sheep and Crow, and plundered all the wild apples.

Afterwards, [-] puppets were unhurriedly placed in the area with camellia oleifera trees in the Silver Horn Sheep's territory, and then [-] Golden Armored puppets were cast in each of the Badger Demon and Black Crow's territories.

She went to the fish-eating crocodile and giant ape territory to clean up camellia oleifera, and sent the rest of the puppets to help collect camellia oleifera and various nuts.

Shortly after the Double Ninth Festival comes the Frost's Descent, and the tung tree fruit also enters the mature stage and can be harvested during the Frost's Descent.

The little loli who had already gone to the territory of the giant ape neighbor's house to raid the camellia oleifera returned to the territory of the crocodile-eating crocodile, and put the [-] puppets in batches into each pomelo tree area, and arranged for them to collect oil Tung fruit.

Puppet beasts are good at mining. Picking tung tree fruit is similar to picking ore. They get started after a little learning. They go into the oil forest and first pick up the fruit on the tree, and then pick up the fruit that fell on the ground in a carpet-like search method.

The human race likes to collect strange resources. The orc races in various territories are amazed and secretly delighted. It is great that the human race does not rob them of the rare resources that are essential for their cultivation!

Little Loli arranged the puppet army clearly, and she went to the kiwi fruit growing areas in the fish-eating crocodile territory and the forest giant ape territory, and picked all the kiwi fruits that could be picked.

The fish-eating crocodile is a carnivore, and it is dispensable to kiwi fruit, but the forest giant ape likes kiwi fruit very much. Seeing the slices of fruit being picked up by the human race, it hurts like a heartbreak.

My heart hurts and my liver hurts, but I can't show any emotions.

The forest giant apes are so regretful that their intestines are green. If they knew that there would be such a day, they would not help the fish-eating crocodile when they were killed!
There is no regret medicine in the world.

The great apes only hope that the human race will not stay for long, and that she will not come to pick their fruits next year.

Little Lolita didn't care whether the giant ape was in pain or not. She plucked a lot of fruits and was in a happy mood. She continued to expand her business areas and patronized those orc territories that had a lot of tea trees and tung trees, or delicious nuts.

All the orcs: "..." They didn't surround the hunters, why did she come to grab the fruits in their territory?

They were bitter in their hearts, and because the human race was too cruel, they dared not speak out.

Where little Loli passed by, there were no fruits of all kinds of plants. In addition to leaving a piece of bare tree trunks, there was also a resentment of animals.

Of course, she didn't forget the Chongyang wine she brewed when collecting resources. When she returned to the camp in early October, she put away a large number of jars and vats, leaving only fifty large jars.

The rice stuffed with distiller's mother becomes soft after more than a month of sealed fermentation, and there is still a small amount of natural distiller's mother. If it is washed again, it will be rice wine after being left for ten days and half a month.

Little Lolita's newly brewed wine was used as the raw material for making bad fish. She only sealed the fifty remaining jars, poured the previously brewed Lingzhi soup into the jars, and sealed them again.

After completing a process, she ran away again, and returned to the camp seven days later. She used the newly brewed rice wine that had been washed with Lingzhi soup and the rice had completely melted, mixed with the natural distiller's grains that had not been washed, and mixed it with the prepared condiments. Reprocess bad fish.

The tanks and barrels with bad fish are also wrapped in cowhide, and they are still placed in wooden sheds to let them ferment naturally.

She only made [-] tanks of bad fish, and she left like the wind, hurrying up and continuing to mop up resources.

While Little Lolita and her friends were busy collecting resources, the footsteps of the seasons kept moving forward. The weather on the plateau was getting colder every day. In mid-October, the snow line on the peak had moved down to the middle of the mountain.

Winter is coming, and a large number of animals have migrated from the alpine meadows to the plains below the mountains.

In late October, the plains also snow from time to time.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts braved the severe cold and insisted on collecting the fallen tung trees in the tung tree forest. Their persistence only lasted until the beginning of November, because the snow was getting thicker and thicker. No queue.

The two masters and the beasts returned to the camp with a lot of resources. They did not see the little loli/little fairy. They rested for two days and started working in full swing. Master Xuan made a spiritual meal, and the beasts and Major Yan hung up the marinated fish Smoked, and marinated fish or animal meat.

The snow fell one after another, and within a few days of November, the snow on the ground was already three feet high. The snow-covered mountains were like long dragons, and the mountains were like wax figures.

The land on the plateau has also entered a one-year rest period. All things need to accumulate enough strength, and when the spring comes, they will recover and start a new reincarnation.

Little Lolita also retrieved the scattered puppet people and puppet beasts, preparing to go back to the camp for the winter.

She hurried back to the camp, it was already the last day in early November.

Seeing the little fairy coming back, the four humanoid beasts left the beasts they were processing and ran to meet the little fairy. When the little fairy got off the spirit boat, they surrounded her and went to the wooden shed where Brother Xuan made the spiritual meal.

The beasts moved the chairs for the little fairy, washed their hands with hot water, squeezed their shoulders, or took out the delicious wild fruits they found and placed them on the plate.

Four humanoid beasts surrounded the little fairy, as attentive as little bees busy gathering nectar.

Young Master Yan's heart was flooded with sour water, he had never enjoyed such considerate care from his beast friends!

Xuan Shao: "..." I'm not jealous, but I feel a little sour.

The four beasts surrounded the little fairy, talking about how many resources they had collected, and then decisively offered their treasures and handed over the resources in their hands.

What they handed over was the [-]% of the [-]%, and the [-]% that belonged to them was kept, and they would share it together when they were free.

The little beasts were laborious and clever, Le Yun put their resources from last time into their pockets, and then picked some spiritual plants and berries and put them in a storage bag as rewards for the little beasts.

And let them process some spiritual plants for later use, and then marinate as much fish as possible, and when they get a certain amount, she will make bad fish for them.

The four humanoid beasts cheered and took the reward given by the little fairy, and they spun aside like the wind, and did not process the ingredients anymore. They first processed the Lingzhi pickled fish.

The little beasts went to work, and Le Yun was not idle. She went to the Ruyi House on the meadow to set up a forging room, and entered the Ruyi House to refine kitchen knives for the beasts.

She melted all kinds of ores from the four human-shaped storage bags, removed impurities, added several kinds of monster bones and horns, fused the materials, divided them into seven parts, molded them into shapes, and cooled them to shape the rough tires. , and then hammered.

After five days and five nights, seven kitchen knives were completed.

This time, there was no strange thing about the same furnace material and different quality of finished utensils. The seven kitchen knives were all fairy-level.

The first wave of rainbow came just after noon of the day, and the four humanoid beasts also guessed the reason for the rainbow's arrival, so they all ran to the door of Ruyi's house and squatted.

There are seven waves of rainbows before and after.

After the last wave of rainbow disappeared for about half a stick of incense, the door of Ruyi House opened from the inside.

The four humanoid beasts rushed to the door, stretched their necks and looked inside Ruyi's room. When the little fairy looked over, all of them smiled like flowers.

"Little Fairy...", the voices were called out one after another, intimate and full of dependence.

"The knives are finished, come in and see what kind of scabbards are suitable for you." Le Yun beckoned to four beasts who kept the rules and did not break into the refining equipment.

Four humanoid beasts rushed into the wishful room, ran beside the little fairy, and watched the freshly baked knives.

Le Yun summoned the cooled knife from the top of the furnace, put it on the forging table for the beasts to see for themselves, and then took out the leather scabbard.

The four beasts chattered and picked up knives to make gestures.

The seven kitchen knives have the same shape and weight, and the quality is the same, there is no difference.

After playing with it for a while, he put down the knife and squeezed to the little fairy again, and told him what color handle he wanted, and helped him divide the leather and cut the wood.

Little Loli prepared all the materials, first installed the handle of the knife, and then made the scabbard. According to the requirements of the beasts, gems were inlaid on the scabbard and the knife cup, and patterns were drawn.

After the scabbard was finished, several chains and hooks were refined.

The scabbard was tied with a chain and clasp, and the four humanoid beasts took their own knives to identify themselves with blood, and then put the scabbard into the sheath, and buckled the scabbard on the belt as an ornament.

The four beasts took three waist knives that they didn't recognize their owners, ran out of Ruyi House, and gave the knives to Brother Yuan and Brother Xiong, and they ran to show off their treasures in front of their friends.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao are so jealous, they almost didn't get pink eye.

Yuan Dayuan Er and Xiong Shan were very excited when they got the gift. They found a piece of animal skin and put it around their waist as an apron, then cut the animal skin for a belt, and hung up the waist knife.

The three big monsters also ran to show off their gifts in front of their buddies.

Xuan Shaoyan looked at the three beast companions wearing "leather skirts", and had a sense of seeing the evolution of apes in primitive society to civilization.

It is hard for them to say that their little friend is like an orangutan in a primitive society, and they nodded solemnly: "It's very beautiful! This match is so natural, novel and refined."

Ape Great Ape Two and Long-eared Bear were in a happy mood.

The four humanoids are in a great mood.

The seven beasts sat down to work with a beautiful mood.

The beasts went to show off their treasures, Le Yun closed the door of Ruyi House again, set up more than a dozen large furnaces, melted the jade ore, purified it, then mixed some other materials, added the spirit stone ore, and refined the fresh-keeping box.

The main materials of the fresh-keeping box are jade and spirit stone, and a little other ore is mixed in order to enhance the firmness and toughness of the material.

The fresh-keeping box that does not depict the talisman magic circle only needs to fuse the materials, shape it, and cool it. It is easy to make. Little Lolita can make tens of thousands of them in a day, and [-] in a day and a night.

Locked in Ruyi House, she devoted herself to refining tools, refining 20 ordinary fresh-keeping boxes, [-] space fresh-keeping boxes with talisman formations like space vessels, [-] jars, and [-] pills. bottles, [-] three-foot-square and one-foot-square fresh-keeping boxes each.

Little Loli made a lot of crisper boxes, put away the smelting stove three days before the new year, poured the ashes into several large stoves, moved them to the wooden shed, and put a few whole sheep on them to roast.

Master Xuan was overjoyed when he saw a certain little loli finally appearing: "Little beauty, I'll just wait for you. What shall we eat for Chinese New Year?"

"Oh, you still provide a la carte service? If possible, I would like to eat chicken stewed with tea mushrooms." Le Yun was greatly surprised, Xuan Shao was so considerate, this is really a good chef who must bring home and travel.

"No, no, no, I'm waiting for you to show your talents." Xuan Shao's smile was stiff, he obviously didn't mean that.

Little Lolita shook her hands: "Don't count on me, I'm too busy to cook."

Young Master Xuan: "..." So, they don't have the New Year benefits this year?

(End of this chapter)

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