magic eye doctor

Chapter 2851

Chapter 2851

Little Lolita is too busy to cook, what should I do?
Xuan Shao sighed sadly, accepting his fate as the chef, racking his brains to think about what hard dishes to prepare as the main course of the New Year's Eve dinner.

Young Master Yan, he himself is a young fry cook, and he has no right to express his opinion on the matter of Little Lolita not going to the kitchen.

Little Lolita said that she would not cook for spiritual food, so she went to collect the ingredients prepared by the puppets, and put them into the spirit boat building where they lived.

It's almost Chinese New Year, and it's time for the puppets to have a holiday.

After packing up all the tools used by the puppets, Little Loli caught the gourd baby alone and asked the gourd baby to help her with another important job.

Water Dun, Yingsheng Baiyin and the three big monsters have different attributes, so they have not been assigned jobs for the time being.

The gourd baby followed the little fairy.

Le Xiaoluoli took the gourd baby to the wooden shed she placed five miles away from the area where the puppet man processed the ingredients, took out a wooden pier with a three-meter-diameter and one-meter-deep hole dug in the middle, and poured it down. Put some fatty fish in and take out a sledgehammer to beat the fish.

"Little Fairy, do you want to make fish balls?" Calabash Baby's eyes sparkled.

When Brother Xuan makes beef balls, he beats the beef hard with a big wooden hammer, beats the beef until it becomes soft and rotten into minced meat, and then makes meatballs. Such beef balls taste like Q-bombs.

It is said that the beef balls made by beating beef with wooden hammers are the most authentic method of beef balls. The taste is unmatched by the beef balls made from machine-ground or minced beef.

"No, what I made is a delicacy called 'fish paste'. I make it now, and I can taste it by this time next year."

"Good things are worth waiting for! Little fairy, let me do the job." Calabash Baby's blood boiled when she heard this, and Xiong Jiu grabbed the sledgehammer and took over the work.

Le Yun stepped aside decisively, and taught Cucurbit Baby how to swing the hammer.

Cucurbita got started very quickly. After teaching it once, he knew how much strength to use and how high to lift the hammer. Holding a big wooden hammer, he beat the fish vigorously.

While swinging the hammer, he humbly asked for advice: "Little fairy, can fish paste be made only from the meat of this kind of white fish?"

"That's not true. Most fish meat can be used to make fish paste, but the efficacy and taste are not as good. The fish paste made from this kind of white fish meat is more effective."

Le Yun did not disclose the miraculous effect of fatty fish for the time being, but also guessed Cucurbita's thoughts, and offered a "sweet date": "When you and your friends have free time, you can also choose some big fish with fine meat and remove the bones. , When you are ready, pound it into minced meat, and I will make altar fish paste for you.

However, to make fish paste special Fei Lingzhi, you have to prepare enough raw materials for seasoning first. The fish must wait until the seasoning is prepared before pounding. The fish paste made by pounding the meat and mixing the seasoning is authentic . "

"Hey! The boys and I will work hard. The little fairy is the best! The little fairy is awesome!" Calabash Baby was so excited that she almost jumped up, the seasonings are not a problem, just try to find it!

As long as the little fairy is willing to help cook delicious food, everything else is fine.

The gourd baby was in a good mood, and the sledgehammer was up and down. The sledgehammer beat the fish like raindrops, and the pieces of fish became soft at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Le Yun became a melon-eating crowd for a while, and put a chair and table beside her, took out the fleshed fat fish bones, put on gloves, and cut open the fish head and shell with a waist knife to get the brain.

Based on the principle of being diligent and inquisitive, Huluwa asked another [-] whys, and thus learned that when making fish paste, fish brain marrow should be mixed into minced fish meat, and fish brain marrow is also the raw material for making fish paste.

He felt that he had learned something new.

Shui Dun and Baiyin Yingsheng were curious about what task the little fairy had assigned to Fujiguo, and after a while they also went to visit the wooden shed where the little fairy kept the jars.

The three saw the gourd baby beating the fish with a sledgehammer, and felt very happy. After watching it, it was blown back to the cooking place like the wind, and continued to work.

The three big monsters were embarrassed to join in the fun, but their hearts were like cats scratching their heads, full of curiosity.

The gourd baby swung the hammer for a while, feeling that the job was too easy, and enthusiastically suggested that the little fairy dig another wooden pier, so that he could swing his bow left and right, and beat two pits of fish at the same time.

Satisfied with the gourd baby's diligence and progress, the little loli took out a wooden pier and a big wooden hammer, and poured some fatty fish meat into the wooden pit.

The gourd boy moves two wooden blocks closer, with a hammer in his left hand and a hammer in his right hand, working happily while swinging the hammers. Whenever one hammer is swung up, the other hammer falls, and the two sledgehammers fall together, flying up and down .

He swung the hammer very happily, so that within an hour, the fish meat in the two large pits on the wooden piers was softened and rotten, and it could even be called fish paste.

Little Loli was very pleasantly surprised, and took out a tooth jar carved from the jade teeth of a white jade elephant monster, poured minced fish into the tooth jar for storage, and then put a batch of fatty fish meat into the wooden pier pit.

The tooth jar is very large, and the minced fish meat is only a bottom.

Knowing that the fish paste should be stored in the tooth jar, Huluwa worked harder.

Gourd Baby worked hard for a day with the hammer, and finally accumulated enough surimi to fill the tooth jar.

Classmate Le Xiao poured the powdered condiments, the spirit plants and fish brains that had been pounded into pulp in advance into the tooth jar, and stirred them with the surimi evenly, compacting them layer by layer.

Finally, a hole is made in the middle of the minced meat, and Lingzhi soup is poured into it, and then the hole is covered tightly, and the lid of the cylinder is closed, and then sealed with beeswax.

The tooth jar is wrapped with several layers of cowhide and sheepskin, and it is still placed in a wooden shed for natural fermentation.

The gourd baby watched the process of the little fairy mixing the minced fish meat, memorized the steps, and then went to work with a hammer, continuing to beat the fish meat.

There was a baby who was too diligent and curly, and Le Xiaoluoli was too embarrassed to be lazy, so she stayed up all night with the gourd baby.

The gourd boy worked all night long, and the minced fish he saved filled a horn tank dug by a rhinoceros monster.

Little Lolita made another jar of fish paste to ferment.

Huluwa continued to beat the fish meat, but it was no longer a white-fleshed fish, but the crocodile meat of a fish-eating crocodile with bones removed. He hammered day and night, and successfully prepared two tanks of fish paste.

It was already New Year's Eve, little Lolita called it a day, and ran to the kitchen shed with Huluwa.

Xuan Shao racked his brains and cooked a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, and what's more, he ate hot pot.

The two handsome guys set up a large table with a hollow in the middle, put a big stove, and ate hot pot around the table. The base material of the hot pot was stewed chicken with tea mushrooms.

After eating the dishes she ordered, Le Yun's whole body brightened.

After eating the New Year's Eve dinner in a lively manner, they ate fried seeds and nuts around the stove.

Outside the mask of the array, white snow was flying, and the cold air was pressing. Inside the array, the fire was warm, and laughter continued.

After chatting happily for a while, Yan Shaoxuan handed over the resources collected by the two of them and the vajra ape long-eared bear to little loli, and they and the four humanoid beast friends gathered their shares together and divided them evenly.

New harvest, little Lolita's pockets are bulging.

Because of the gratifying harvest of the previous year, on the first day of the first day of the new year, the little loli cooks, soaks vermicelli, and makes hot and sour screw noodles for handsome guys and beasts that they have been thinking about for decades.

Delicious and appetizing sour bamboo shoots and sauerkraut, delicious sea shells and conch, and springy and chewy vermicelli are so delicious that people and beasts almost swallow their bowls.

After eating a spiritual meal, the eyes of the beasts looking at the little fairy were all twinkling.

While sitting down to eat, the long-eared bear shrunk into a small ball, rolled and crawled to the little fairy's feet, hugged the little fairy's legs, and grinned foolishly.

The long-eared bear has shrunk down to the size of a cub. It is a fluffy ball with two long ears on top. It is cute and naive.

Le Yun was so cute that she held up the small one and put it on her knees, rubbing the big ears of the big monster who looked like a little child: "Oh, you can shrink your body so small, it looks like this." A little cub just full moon, so cute!"

The long-eared bear huddled its arms and legs, grinning against its honest face.

Yan Shaoxuan was dumbfounded, oh my god, that big bear can be so cute? !
"Little bear, you are willing to act like a spoiled child to me today, is there something else?" Le Yun grabbed the ears of the mini long-eared bear, having a great time.

"Yes, there is something to do." The long-eared bear pressed its hands and feet to its belly, super nervous: "Little fairy, I want to seek some benefits for my family and the Vajra ape clan. Our long-eared bear Vajra ape clan is also good at collecting, and can identify There are a lot of bleeding bacteria and spirit grass, please give me a chance, let the big monsters of our two families help collect resources and exchange them for storage containers.

You don’t need to give them more, you can just replace them with one or two spacers with a width of one or two hundred feet. One or two spacers collect some berries that are not easy to preserve under natural conditions every year for the cubs and pregnant mothers to survive the winter . "

The long-eared bear is living a good life, and he doesn't forget his family. He wants to do something for the family, which is good.

Le Yun really likes the kind and righteous beasts, so she readily accepted: "Okay, you still remember your mother clan, and it is reasonable to fight for opportunities for them appropriately.

I agreed to this transaction. When the temperature rises in spring, ask your little friends to send you Hui people. You go back and discuss with the family, and then arrange to send a big demon gang to collect them. "

"Thank you, little fairy! We will definitely urge the big monsters in the clan to work hard and not cause trouble for you." Vajra ape long-eared bear beamed with joy. Little fairy is a good person, a very good person!
The four humanoid beasts are not jealous at all, they don't have any ethnic groups, one beast used to feed the whole family without hunger, but now they follow the contractor/little fairy, no matter where they go, they don't have to worry about how the bloodline family is doing, which is good.

The long-eared bear didn't cross the river and demolish the bridge because of his goal. He didn't run away, and continued to be a little cub, letting the little fairy rub his ears and fur.

The little loli had a lot of fun masturbating the bear. She turned a little bear over and over and made various tricks.

The long-eared bear was super cool after being plucked, while the diamond ape looked chilly, and if there was no necessary requirement for the secret rubbing decision, they would not shrink their size, lest they be kneaded by the little fairy.

New year, new weather, at the beginning of the new year, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao also gave themselves a holiday, not working from the first to the fourth day of junior high school, and enjoying life to their heart's content.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Chef Xuan Shao worked hard to make spiritual meals.

(End of this chapter)

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