magic eye doctor

Chapter 287 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 287
Yan Xing dared to lecture her when the little loli fell to the ground. To tell the truth, he was happy and worried. The happy thing was that the little loli found a trap and came to save him regardless of the danger. The worry was that she knew nothing about the situation. Just like this, if the rope breaks, or there is a dangerous object in the trap, the little loli running like this is equivalent to sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

"..." Le Yun was just down-to-earth, but instead of being praised and grateful, she was spit on, and the whole person was not very happy. Who was she running here recklessly?

He suddenly disappeared. Why did she come to find him in the first place without fear of difficulties and obstacles, regardless of danger?
It's not because he is afraid that he will be seriously injured, and if it drags on for a long time, it will endanger his life, so he uses his ingenuity, uses local materials, makes useful tools, takes action at the first time, climbs into the trap himself, and takes risks.

As a result, she crawled into this unknown place in the dark, and he didn't appreciate it, and said she was reckless?
Damn you big bastard!
Le Yun wanted to look at the handsome Yan Yan, and in the end, for the great image of the doctor's benevolence, she didn't burst into anger, but rolled her eyes unhappily: "Who told you that you are possessed, and you were trapped when you caught rabbits and rabbits without catching people. Companion, anyway, I want to help you collect the corpse."

"I..." Yan Xing wanted to argue a few words, but the facts speak louder than words. He did not catch the rabbit, and he fell into the trap himself. You say, what can he say?

There was nothing to say, and looked up at the sky with embarrassed eyes: "Uh, actually, what I want to say is that you don't need to risk yourself, you can throw a rope down and I'll just climb up, and now no one is outside to accept it, how can we go out?"

"Why are you in a hurry to go out? I'm going to explore and find treasure." Le Yun looked around slowly, explaining: "I have to remind you, I calculated rough steps, from the mouth of the pit to the bottom, it is about 29 meters , be careful when you go up, I'm worried that the vines won't be able to bear the weight of your calf."

Is he as heavy as a cow?
Being eliminated by Little Loli, Yan Xing is depressed, will Little Loli die if she doesn't speak poison for a day?Is it fun to always hit him like this?
Depressed in his heart, he didn't dare to complain, no matter how little Loli scolded him, he disappeared, and she ran down to find him regardless of the danger. This alone shows that she is someone who can share weal and woe.

For the sake of Little Lolita caring about his life and death, he didn't care about her tongue, Yan Xing persuaded himself to be magnanimous with the spirit of Ah Q, look at the top, 29 meters, what a big pit!
Le Yun raised her mobile phone to look left and right, and saw the mixture of trees and soil and gravel in the tunnel, she couldn't help smacking her tongue: "Tsk tsk, Yanren, it's not right to say that you are weak and possessed, you fall from such a high place, you It turned out to be safe and sound, no lack of arms or broken legs, you either saved the earth in your last life or your ancestors accumulated virtue, so you are lucky."

"I'm not stupid. It's impossible for me to open my eyes and let myself fall to the ground. When I fell, I caught the tree. The tree fell to the ground first. Of course, I couldn't kill me. I was also injured. You didn't see it." When it comes to why it didn't break , Yan Xing proudly explained the reason, he grabbed two trees halfway, and when they landed, the trees hit the ground first to lose their momentum.

"My nose is fine. I smell the blood on your body. You can jump, jump and talk. That little injury doesn't matter to you."

What if the little loli doesn't care about herself?Yan Xing touched his nose and felt a little sad. He clearly said that he was injured, and Little Loli also smelled blood, and he was still not ready to bandage his wound, he was unloving!
Handsome Yan stopped talking, Le Yun didn't bother to study what he was doing, put down her backpack, took out a hatchet, ran to the pile of debris with a flashlight, ran to a place, and used the hatchet as a hoe to pull the broken tree Stubble and dirt gravel.

Before Yan Xing approached, he stood beside the messy dirt pile and watched from the wall. Soon, Little Loli pulled out a gray rabbit from the dirt.

That rabbit was the one he was chasing. When the ground collapsed, trees, turf, people and animals were not spared, and all fell into the deep pit.

Humans are advanced intelligent creatures, they know how to protect themselves and save themselves. If they are not seriously injured, rabbits will not be so lucky, and they will sacrifice honorably.

Yan Xing: "..." Little Loli must be a dog!
Le Yun pulled out the gray rabbit, put it aside with a smile, gathered the branches and leaves and the messy withered grass, moved it to one side, found a few stones and placed it in the shape of a stove, then cut the rabbit's belly, discarded the internal organs, and put it on the rabbit. Stuff some salt and five-spice powder in the stomach, stuff the medicinal materials, put it aside, and make some mud and dough to wrap the gray rabbit.

Wrap a gray rabbit into a mud egg, make a fire, wait for the fire to ignite, and then roast the mud egg on a stone stove.

"Little Loli, you've used up the water, and you won't be able to go out and have no water to drink. You will cry. Besides, this place seems to be an underground tunnel with no ventilation. If you burn a fire in such a place, you may be smoky. Suffocation." When Little Loli was cleaning up the rabbit, Yan Xing didn't speak, and waited for her to burn the scrambled eggs before lecturing. He felt that it was necessary for Little Loli to suffer a little, otherwise she would do what she wanted. Wei's personality will suffer a lot in the future.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Le Yun sat guarding the fire, her eyes crooked like crescent moons when she smiled, and that smile was so cute.

"You're quite clever most of the time." What does stupidity have to do with what he said?
"That's not it, anyway, I won't cut my way back," Le Yun smiled, revealing neat little silver teeth: "I won't tell you that this tunnel is connected to the underground river, there will be water; I will tell you that there is a vent in this tunnel and river, and the smoke from the fire will find the vent and go out, and it will not smoke to death."

Tell me or not, you said it all?For the little loli who is occasionally wacky and humorous, Yan Xing also did not withdraw, and was ashamed to ask: "How do you know that the tunnel is connected to the underground river?"

"There's the smell of river water in the air." Le Yun tilted her head and looked at the handsome guy Le: "Brother Yan, I found the rabbit, and this is my food, so you can find your own way for your food."

囧, can you tell the difference so clearly?Yan Xing stared helplessly: "Are you really going to explore? This looks like an ancient tomb, there may be traps, it is very dangerous."

"Of course I'm going," Le Yun clenched her fist excitedly: "The tomb mechanism is very interesting, isn't it?"

The excitement didn't last for three seconds, he turned sideways with a serious face, and looked straight at handsome Yan: "Yanren, if you don't want to go, wait for me here or I'll take you out first, if you want to go with me, we must make an appointment for three chapters. ."

"Chapter Three?" Yan Xing looked at Little Loli with the eyes of a dinosaur. It seems that he discovered this place first, and Little Loli even had the cheek to negotiate with him. What's the matter?

"Yes, about three chapters," Le Yun nodded her head solemnly: "First, if you find good things, I will pick them first; second, if there are not many things, I will give them all; Three, if you agree, I'll take you to explore."

Yan Xing was stunned, he would never tell her that he had been to the tomb of the immortals, but Little Loli actually said that he took a person who had been through the tombs of immortals to do it. It was really "a toad yawns - such a big tone"!
Moreover, is this dirty method too domineering, she chooses the first choice, and she chooses the rest to give him, she accounts for [-]%, why doesn't she become a robber!
In the past, he only said that Little Loli's vicious tongue was unreasonable, but now he realizes that she has a shameless face, and, even if she is thick-skinned, she is so shameless that she is so righteous and arrogant.

The three views were subverted again, and Yan Xing was happy: "Why should I agree?"

"I don't agree, it's okay to disagree." Le Yun smiled leisurely, her little devil's claw suddenly stretched out, and pointed at handsome Yan's back.

Yan Xing guessed that Little Loli might change her face, so she guarded her hand and kept an eye on her. However, he didn't expect that she did not touch his chest this time, but shot her back, when she felt the wind on her back. When he just had the idea of ​​dodging, her finger poked down.

When that finger poked, his back suddenly numb, and his muscles stiffened. The next moment, Little Loli's fingers hit his waist and shoulders again, and then hit the acupoints on his chest.

As she moved her fingers like flying, Yan Xing's whole body stiffened. She just opened her mouth to say "just kidding", but found that she couldn't make a sound. Do it, just click on his numb hole, and click on his dumb hole, too... too cruel and inhumane.

He was in a hurry, very anxious, wanted to speak, but couldn't say it, couldn't move, couldn't express what he meant, and was in a cold sweat.

"Hmph, I don't eat and drink fine for a toast, I'll tell you in black and white, even if you can escape my acupuncture, you can't escape my incense, the end of non-cooperation is to be a statue, you, just stay honest. ." Le Yun gave Yan handsome guy an acupuncture point, hummed his beard and stared at him, thinking that he was in the way, picked him up, and moved him to the place where he put his backpack.

Yan Xing was so angry in his heart, didn't he just nod his head immediately, did he need such a brutal acupuncture to make him a stone statue?

Nai He became a mute, and even if he wanted to roar, he couldn't roar, and Ren Xiaoluoli, who was watching, moved herself away as an obstacle and watched her go to burn the hare in a dashing manner.

No one was chattering, and Le Yun was satisfied. Burning the fire for about an hour, the mud egg was burned red and red, removed from the fire, waited for it to cool for a while, and tied it with a cane pulled from the soil. , you can carry it in your hand like a watermelon.

Packed up her things and put on her backpack, she didn't leave immediately, but walked towards handsome Yan. Yan Xing saw the little loli's backpack and was very anxious. When she saw her approaching, her irritable heart was barely stable. , Little Lolita also knew that she had come to help him solve his acupoints, which was a bit of a conscience.

However, he was wrong!

Little Loli didn't help him unblock the acupoints, but took out a pill from her small backpack and stuffed it into his pocket, wrinkling her face and scolding: "The surnamed Yan, the acupuncture points will be automatically unlocked in four minutes, don't listen to anyone. The words will suffer in front of you, and you will have a long memory in the future. Don’t carry me. It may take three or two days to come back. Finally, a friendly reminder, don’t try to climb the rope, the vines on it can’t bear your weight, and don’t try to run around. If you’re right, this tunnel is just one of the labyrinths. If you get lost in the maze, no one will save you."

"..." Yan Xing was so angry that he vomited blood, stinky little loli, really wanted to leave him alone!He swears by his personality that if she dares to do that, when he goes out, he will catch her and beat her ass!
He was so anxious that his teeth were itchy, his dragon eyes glared angrily, but unfortunately, he was in the acupuncture point, and staring was not lethal. Moreover, even if he was not acupointed, Le Xiaoxiao was not afraid of his eye knife, she rightly thought he was blinking, He turned around neatly, carried her backpack, carried her burnt egg, and walked towards the end of the tunnel.

The little girl walked unrestrainedly and gracefully.

Young Master Yan stared at the little back, so angry that her internal organs and six lungs were about to explode. Damn little Loli, who is used to her bad temper?

He wanted to chat with the parents of Lejia about life, but the parents of Lejia actually indulged the strange temperament of Little Loli, which was simply teaching the flowers of the motherland and destroying the three views of the future pillars of the country.

Hurry, gas!
Yan Xing, who was left behind, was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Little Loli walked a few meters, and suddenly turned back, her voice was as crisp as a bell: "Brother Yan, I'll give you one last chance, do you want to go with me? If you want to follow me, you have to obey me without any rules, and you have to abide by the three chapters of the contract. , if you agree, blink your left eye."

Little Loli has a little conscience!
Little Loli didn't really leave, and Yan Xing's anger that was stuck in his heart dissipated half, Yiyan blinked his left eye, he didn't say that he absolutely disagreed with her proposal, he just wanted to bargain with her That's it.

Even though it was far away, Le Yun could see handsome Yan blinking, she smiled brightly, she ran back with a dab, and ran back to handsome Yan for a while, stretched out her fingers and poked several places on his chest, smiling as always. Clean and innocent: "Brother Yan, are you sure you agree with the conditions I said?"

"Agree, I agree!" Yan Xing nodded hurriedly, he didn't want to be set here as a stone statue, no matter what kind of treaty Xiao Luoli asked her to sign, he accepted it.

"You said it earlier, if you agreed earlier, you'd have it." Le Yun took an inch, stretched out her fingers and poked at handsome Yan with a smile, and slapped him fiercely to solve the acupuncture points.

After a slight numbness, the muscle stiffness disappeared. Yan Xing glared at Little Loli resentfully while moving his hands and feet: "Acupuncture every time, you don't need this trick."

"Okay, if you don't need it, you don't need it. I'll take medicine next time." If you don't need acupuncture points, it's not bad to ask him to try the medicine.

"When I didn't say anything." Yan Xing murmured, ran to get the backpack, what a joke, Little Loli's medical talent is many times higher than her martial arts talent, he will give it to her only when his brain is flooded. test medicine.

"It's settled, you have to listen to me."

"Humph." Yan Xing put on his bag, buckled the belt, and walked to Little Loli.

"Okay, I'll take it as your agreement, all the good things are mine, and I've decided so happily!" Le Yun proudly held her head up, and rushed forward with small eight-character steps: "Come on, I'll take you. Long experience to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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