magic eye doctor

Chapter 288 Good things are mine

Chapter 288 Good things are mine
Someone wants to take you to gain insight, how to break it?
Yan Xing's answer is very positive: go!

Little Lolita rushed forward like she was happy. He didn't say a word, and followed behind with his luggage on his back. Little Lolita said that it must be a magical place to gain knowledge.

The walls of the tunnel are excavated smoothly and neatly, without too many concavities and convexities, the ground is also flat, and the air is humid and not annoying, just like the weather in the rainy season in nature.

The little girl rushed forward in a muffled voice, Yan Da had long legs, so she didn’t have to chase her hard, and followed her footsteps easily. Because the ground didn’t feel any ups and downs, she wasn’t afraid of falling and somersaults, so he didn’t use the flashlight most of the time to save power. .

The tunnel is dark and long, as if it is endless, and the sound of walking footsteps echoes gently, making people feel particularly empty and lonely.

After walking for a while, the front of the tunnel is divided into three parts, and the shape and height of the entrance are exactly the same.

Young Master Yan thought that Little Loli would have to think twice about choosing a route, but the fact made him smack her tongue. Little Loli didn't even think about it at all, she plunged into a tunnel on the left, and moved forward as if she had lost her life. rush.

As a follower, he decided not to ask one hundred thousand why, and silently sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman. After running for a while, there was another fork in the road ahead, and Little Lolita continued to walk through the tunnel on the left hand side.

Moreover, such a situation is far from over, with forks appearing at intervals, testing people's ability to bear, and can drive people who have difficulty in making choices insane in minutes.

Young Master Yan thought that Little Loli would keep choosing the road on the left. In fact, her choice was also changing. First, she chose the left, then the right. Choices are constantly changing.

Keep walking, keep choosing directions.

Yanxing occasionally looks at his watch. There is no mobile phone signal in the tunnel, but the watch and clock are running normally, indicating that the magnetic field in the tunnel has not undergone qualitative changes.

After walking around for about two hours, he clearly felt that the air was getting more and more humid. He vaguely guessed the reason. If it was correct, he might be approaching the underground river.

The fact is the same. After walking for seven or eight minutes, the height of the tunnel ahead suddenly increases. When the flashlight shines on it, there is no wall in the distance, but pitch blackness.

The breath of the tide and the wind blowing.

Great, so great!Yan Xing was so surprised that Little Loli actually found the underground river!

He was about to praise the little Loli vigorously, but the little child spread his feet as if he had found a treasure, and ran forward with an "Ouch" shout.

Yan Xingjong has a spirit, and the little loli ran away without saying hello, which is too unloving.

Le Yun, who was running away, could read the mind of handsome Yan, if she could read the mind of handsome Yan, she would have to stomp his face with her feet. She showed him a lot of knowledge, and he dared to say that she was unloving and deserved to be beaten!
She didn't know what handsome Yan was thinking, so she ran forward happily, the sound of stomping shoes was as close as gongs and drums, and the wind whistled as people flew over.

Xin Xinran's music rhythm rushed to the edge of the tunnel, and the light of the flashlight was projected into the distance.

At the end of the tunnel is a huge underground river with a width of more than fifty meters.

The dome of the sky is uneven and is about seven or eight meters high. Because the water is stable in winter and the water level is not too high, a wide riverbed is exposed. The edge of the riverbed is high and low, and the quicksand in the river is washed ashore, forming a dark river beach.

The sand on the beach is both sand and silt, scattered stranded stones, and occasionally traces of tree roots.

The flow of the river is gentle, and the sound of flowing water cannot be heard. The river in the dark river is calm. In the dark and deep underground, the tides have their own laws.

The entrance of the tunnel faces the dark river, the top of the tunnel is flush with the top above the dark river, and the edge of the beach is about two meters lower than the entrance of the cave. There should be a drop of at least seven meters from the river surface.

Looking at the traces of water soaking on the edge of the river beach, the water level has never exceeded the tunnel, so there is no residual silt and debris in the tunnel.

Although the dark river is not directly connected to the outside world, the soil accumulates, mosquitoes proliferate, and when it sees light, it rushes towards the light source with the momentum of moths flying towards the fire.

Before the two of them reached the edge of the tunnel, the little mosquitoes arrived and danced around the surface of the flashlight.

Le Yun drives away the mosquitoes, looks up at the sky dome, and looks down at the beach of the dark river. My heart is particularly shocked. Oh my god, the underground river in front of me is even better than the underground river in Shennong Mountain!

Yanxing, who was half a step behind, stood beside the little loli and turned on the brightest flashlight. A beam of strong light illuminated a wide area. When admiring the giant underground river and beach, I couldn't help but smack my tongue, darling, Kyoto When was there such a large underground river, and why never heard from geologists?
Le Yun stared at the beach where the mud and sand were mixed, and was about to move: "Brother Yan, you agreed before that the good things are mine. You are not allowed to pick up things on the beach before I go to choose them."

"!" Yan Xing was holding a flashlight to observe the vaulted dome of the dark river, and when he heard the old words of Little Loli repeated, he felt helpless: "You can go and pick it up, even if you pick up gold, I don't care about you. ."

The stones in the dark river are no different from the stones on the surface of the river. A pile of broken stones, whoever likes it, picks it up, and he doesn't bother to waste his energy carrying a bag of stones as a treasure.

"People who don't rob me are good people, handsome Yan, are you hungry? I'll eat first, then I'll go pick up stones when I'm full."

Handsome Yan was not interested in the stones and strange things on the beach, Le Yun was overjoyed, put down her backpack, sat on the edge of the tunnel, and slowly looked for dry food.

"Yeah." Yan Xing responded cooperatively, took off his backpack, and imitated Little Loli to sit at the entrance of the tunnel, sticking her feet out of the tunnel, stepping on the uneven stone walls on the edge of the dark river.

Le Yun found her own milk-cooking pot, took out the pancakes, gave two to handsome Yan, and ate one for herself, wrapped the rest for dinner, put away the pot, picked up the scrambled eggs she made, and smashed it hard. break.

The mud egg was knocked out, and a fragrant smell rushed out, wafting away, with a strong fragrance.

"Gu Dong-" Yan Xing smelled the fragrance and was so greedy that he was drooling. He was already hungry, and because Little Loli kept running, he was too embarrassed to say lunch.

Le Yun smashed the mud egg and smashed the mud block with force. Each time a piece of mud was removed, golden rabbit meat was exposed. Because the rabbit hair was stuck to the concrete, when the mud was dried, the skin peeled off with the mud block.

Peel off the mud block, and peel off a golden roasted rabbit, the skin is clean and shiny.

Taking out the lid of the boiling milk pot, Le Yun cut the rabbit meat with a Swiss Army knife, gave one of the hind legs of the rabbit to herself, and gave the rest to Handsome Yan.

Yan Xing was holding most of the rabbit, his eyes were frighteningly bright, he cut off the head of the rabbit and took a bite, hey, delicious!The skin is crispy and the meat is tender, the most important thing is the medicinal taste, fragrant and crispy.

He devoured it, chewed off the rabbit's head, cut off a rabbit's front leg, wrapped the remaining half, and kept it for the evening, begging the rabbit and eating pancakes. Life couldn't be more wonderful.

His mouth was full of oil, Yan Xing thought, if Little Lolita cooks him another delicious meal, then it can be negotiated with three or seven points, and it can be changed to nineteen points.

"Little Loli, where did you learn this mud-burning rabbit? It's delicious." You must give Little Loli a compliment after eating happily.

"When I was young, my grandfather went to the mountains to learn medicine. My grandfather sometimes burned rabbits to eat like this." Because of a good grandfather, Le Yun has witnessed many survival skills in the wild since childhood, and her ability to survive in the wild is excellent.

Yan Xing was jealous, it was good to have a great grandfather, his grandfather, forget it, not to mention it.

Filling her belly, Le Yun felt that she was enough to kill two cows, packed her things, found a bag, picked up a hatchet, and happily prepared to set off, seeing handsome Yan also ready to follow, blinking her beautiful Wang Wang Xing eyes : "Brother Yan, go take a bath when you've had enough fun, and wash yourself. I'll give you medicine then. After your wound heals, you can go on an adventure tomorrow."

"Oh, I'll walk around for a while, and then I'll go wash." Little Loli wanted to help herself with medicine, Yan Xing was full of joy, and Little Loli had a knife and a tofu heart, she didn't really care, she probably thought he If the wound was not treated properly, he would not be given any medicine in order not to waste the medicine.

Le Yun was in a hurry to pick up things, regardless of whether handsome Yan really knew what to do, climbing from the edge of the tunnel to the beach, Le Dian Ledian touched the target.

The sand on the beach is also wet, and when you step on it, you can leave shallow footprints. Yan Xing slowly followed behind the little loli, watching her look here and there, sometimes picking up a stone, sometimes picking up a smooth root. Slippery roots, especially speechless, what's the use of those things?
After walking for a while, he didn't stick to her anymore. Little Loli was far away from the river. The beach was dry and there was no silt that could swallow people. There was no danger, so don't worry.

Instead of being a bodyguard, he stepped on the rocks and approached the river to study the river surface. The river was deep and dark. He stood and watched for a while and found fish.

The fish are big and small, the big ones are three or four pounds, and the small ones are as big as a finger.

There are fish in the dark river, which means that a certain section of the river is connected with the surface river, so the fish can travel freely.

Yanxing scouted for a while and walked along the beach near the water. He originally wanted to pick up the twigs, roots and twigs on the beach as firewood. After walking around, he found that the twigs were scattered, but there were too few, even if they were all picked up Probably not enough for one meal.

When the branches are not enough for firewood, he also saves his worries, does not do useless work, walks slowly, slowly finds better-looking stones, picks up beautiful stones that look good, and pockets them with his coat, when it is inconvenient to carry He sent them back to the beach near the tunnel and piled them up, and then went to the waterfront to find them.

When Handsome Yan was no longer following behind her butt, Le Yun was overjoyed, wandering around on the beach, secretly throwing the things she picked up into the space where Handsome Yan could not see.

Turn around, go around for a while, crouch between a pile of sand, mud and rocks, pry the ground with a hatchet, pry it for a while, dig a circular hole around a place, and then slowly clear the pile of debris. Dirt sand, get rid of some silt, and pick up a bronze ware buried in the sand full of patina - a high-footed bowl with a missing mouth.

When she dug out something, Le Yun hurriedly threw it into the space, covered it with sand and sand, and pulled it through the chaotic rocks. Ceramic jars, a few ceramic fragments of various sizes, and a few broken pieces of bronze.

Every time she found a piece of broken porcelain, she didn't say anything, secretly threw it back into the space, messed up the sand pile, and then slowly went to other places to find something.

The beach facing the tunnel is the bend of the underground river. It has been alluvially formed into a beach all year round. The bend beach is not too wide, with a total length of about 30 meters. There are exposed rocks, sand, rocks, and silt. There are stalactites.

Le Yun swayed around on the beach and ran everywhere she could go. The silt and wet sand near the river were easy to sink into, so she didn't go to visit.

Walk all over the beach where you can walk, lift the things you have pulled to the place where the rock meets the river, squat on the rock to wash, wash the things clean, and put them back into the tunnel to drain.

Yan Xing picked up several pockets of stones, piled them on the rocks on the edge of the beach, and waited for Little Loli to come back. When she saw her pick up a bag of things and put them in the tunnel to dry in the shade, she followed and looked at them curiously. Most of them were stones. , with several roots that have been washed away by water.

What is a tree for?

He didn't understand what Little Lolita was doing with picking up a few broken branches, and he admired it for a while, um, there were a few stones that were very beautiful in appearance, vaguely like the shadows of animals and plants.

"Little Loli, I helped you pick up all the beautiful stones on the Linshui Beach. See if you like it." After appreciating the stones that Little Loli picked up, he felt more balanced. Several of the stones are very beautiful. They are much prettier than the ugly stones that Little Loli picked up. They should be able to catch her eye.

Le Yun curled her lips. She had already spy on the entire river beach, and she knew exactly where the auras were. The stones that Handsome Yan picked up were only a few with faint auras.

Handsome Yan is so knowledgeable that she knew that helping her pick up stones would not hurt his confidence, so she readily responded and climbed onto the beach to see the stones he picked up.

Little Loli didn't choke herself for the first time, Yan Xing was very energetic, and ran behind her butt to the place where the stones were piled to sit and accompany her to choose.

Le Yun pulled the stone pile apart. It was important not to choose slowly, pick and choose, and pick out five stones.

"Little Lolita, this one is so beautiful, don't you want it?" Little Lolita picked around and picked up only a few stones, not even a few beautiful stones. Yan Xing was particularly stunned. The stone that Wan Xuan picked up didn't fit into the eyes of the little loli, what is this?
"It looks good from the outside, but it's ok for viewing purposes, but I don't have that much space in my backpack to accommodate it." Le Yun glanced at it, handsome Yan was holding a few beautiful stones that had been polished by sand. It's good to put it in a fish tank or flower pot as a decoration.

"The ones you picked are useful?" Yan Xing rubbed the sympathetic sweat on the beautiful stone, and the poor stone was actually rejected.

"This piece, this piece, this piece contains minerals that are beneficial to the human body, which can be boiled and used as medicine; this piece is a fossil with a fish tail on it, and this piece may be an animal bone fossil." In order to prevent handsome Yan from saying She didn't know the goods herself, so Le Yun showed him the stones she had picked out and indicated their uses.

"..." Looking at the left and right, Yan Xing just couldn't tell the difference between the ore stones with beneficial components, and as for the fossils, there was nothing special about it, anyway, his intuition didn't respond in particular.

Little Loli didn't want a few beautiful stones, but he found them more pleasing to the eye, so he didn't want to throw them away, put them in his pockets, climbed back into the tunnel, and put the stones in his backpack.

Little Loli didn't sway around. He took a change of clothes and went down to the river to take a bath. The river was far away from the tunnel. He was not afraid of Little Loli peeking. He took a bath in the shallow water and changed clothes. , happily climbed back to the tunnel.

Le Yun took out her own wound medicine to help handsome Yan to smear the wound. Every wound did not fall on her head, back, hands and legs. As a result, her small bottle of medicine was almost used up.

The fragrance of the medicine is so strong that even mosquitoes dare not approach.

Little Lolita's medicines are all precious, the wound is covered with medicine, and the cool, refreshing feeling seeps into the skin from the wound, and the whole body feels comfortable. Loyal enough.

He was secretly overjoyed when he heard Little Loli ask, "Brother Yan, do you remember the route?"

"Route, what route?" Young Master Yan's thoughts didn't keep up with Little Loli's pace, and it felt like he was scratching his head.

"It's the route I took you here." Le Yun almost wanted to shoot handsome Yan with her claws, and said that she would give him a lot of knowledge. He wouldn't take her words for granted, would he?

"I remember seven, seven, eight, eight, any questions?"

"Have you researched the eyebrows?"

"The tunnel is like a maze, I haven't figured it out yet."

"This is one of the ecstasy formations, it's called the nine-curve veranda. Remember the rules of choosing a direction when I go. As long as you know the rules, you can find a way out no matter how you go. I used the Qinglong route before. Rivers generally have outlets."

"You know formations?" Yan Xing was stunned. Little Lolita was only 14 years old, how could she know so many things?
"I've seen a lot of lost things from ancient books, and I know a little about some formations." Le Yun looked at the dark river, her clear eyes were a little gloomy: "In the future, you will do tasks or break into them for various reasons. For places like this formation, don’t be curious, withdraw as soon as possible, if you haven’t left for more than seven days, you will have no choice but to intruder, and your life and death will be unpredictable.”

"Is there any special reason?" Yan Xing's breath stagnated slightly, he still remembered that his seniors went into an ancient tomb to find the missing archaeological experts. They also nearly folded inside, and the tomb later turned out to be the tomb of a fairy.

"I can't say more about the specifics. I can only tell you that the place with the nine-sentence veranda is either the Spring and Autumn Tomb or a special underground palace. No matter what it is, it is not a place that ordinary people can be curious about."

"So, what's here?"

"I don't know at the moment, but I will go into the Nine-Bend Veranda Formation tomorrow and see if it is the Great Tomb of the Emperor of the Ancients or the Cemetery of the Ancient Immortals."

Yan Xing: "..." Didn't you say you can't be curious, still go?
(End of this chapter)

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