magic eye doctor

Chapter 289 Someone is coming

Chapter 289 Someone is coming
Because of the water vapor in underground tunnels and dark rivers, there is no so-called warm in winter and cold in summer.

Young Master Yan and Classmate Le Xiao are not people who are afraid of the cold and are not sensitive to temperature, but they don't like the feeling of being cold and icy. In addition, there are mosquitoes running around, so they ate dry food around five o'clock. ready to lie down.

You don't need to support the tent in the tunnel, just slip the sleeping bag out, put it on the ground and get into it to get a good night's sleep.

Yan Xing was worried that Little Loli would not sleep honestly at night, or that something would climb up in the dark river, so he put the sleeping bag on the side of the dark river and acted as the guardian of the law.

In order not to be taken advantage of by handsome Yan in the middle of the night, Le Yun moved the sleeping bag about one meter away from handsome Yan, and put a backpack in the middle as a spacer.

Like a little loli guarding against thieves, Yan Xing expressed her frustration, stared at Longmu, and her tone was a little low: "Little loli, do you need to move that far? I won't take advantage of you."

"Who knows if you will, in case you want to avenge your personal revenge, pretend you have nocturnal wandering syndrome, and kick me a few times in the middle of the night, I won't suffer in vain."

"I'm not that narrow-minded." Yan Xing's hands were itchy and he wanted to beat someone up. The stinky little loli really has the ability to force a refined and gentle person into a violent person.

"Know the person, know the face, but don't know the heart. I'm a girl, and girls should have a sense of self-protection." Yan Shuai is generally good, but the purpose of him and Liu Shuai's approach to her may not be simple, so she doesn't want it. Be a close friend with him.

Yan Xing almost vomited blood, when did he have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the little loli?No!He swears by the personality of a soldier, except that at first he thought about letting Little Loli pay off her debts with a kiss, and later, after learning about Little Loli's ups and downs, he no longer had that kind of thought.

"I've been your bodyguard for so long in Province F. Is there anything I do to make you feel uneasy?"

"No, it's quite honest, but from time to time, girls should always be cautious, not only against strangers, but also against acquaintances."

"!" Yan Xing was really about to vomit blood. After all, Little Loli still didn't trust him. He asked calmly, "Am I a stranger or an acquaintance?"

"Half-cooked." I am more familiar than strangers, and a little bit worse than acquaintances, not particularly familiar.

Yan Xing had nothing to say, he was acting as a bodyguard and helping her to cover up with her, and he turned a blind eye to her digging for medicine and raising little black monkeys, he still failed to achieve this level. Little Lolita's trust can only mean that the bear child is too difficult to handle, and it also shows that the bad influence of the good deeds done by the bear child at Little Sixteen has not been eliminated, and Little Loli still cares.

Handsome Yan didn't say a word, Le Yun happily arranged the sleeping bag and asked in a leisurely manner, "Men Yan, I'm free now, would you like to receive acupuncture massage before going to bed?"

"Yes!" Yan Xing answered quickly, massage, must be a treatment step that will help him to flourish as soon as possible, who would refuse.

He answered decisively, and asked in a low voice, "Are you still going to need a needle?"

"No needles, you need to take off your clothes."

"Yeah." Yan Xing hummed, put down the flashlight, spread out the sleeping bag, neatly ripped off his clothes, took off the waterproof and breathable rushing jacket, and took off his close-fitting autumn clothes and trousers, wearing only one pair of trousers. , lying down on the sleeping bag by himself, lying like a stiff silkworm.

"I'm fine." He felt very embarrassed, closed his eyes and pretended to be a corpse.

Yan Shuai finally made a quick turn, no longer fiddling, but Le Yun was impressed. This is probably what people call "one time, two times familiar". He has experienced acupuncture several times, and he is probably used to it.

When everyone lay down, she slowly raised her feet, moved to the place where handsome Yan put his sleeping bag, knelt down and sat down behind his head, raised his head on her knees, and massaged his head first. Points on the shoulders.

Once again, his head rested on Little Loli's knees, and Yan Shi couldn't help tensing her muscles. Little Loli had a pair of skillful hands, massaged acupoints, and the blood flowed smoothly. Soon, his tense muscles relaxed and he enjoyed the massage therapy happily. .

After Le Yun massaged handsome Yan's head and shoulders, she moved to his left hand side, helped him massage his abdomen and hands, and then went to his right hand side, following the order of first left and then right to help him dredge his blood circulation.

Rome was not built in a day, and the blockage of many blood vessels and meridians of handsome Yan was not caused by one day. It cannot be dredged at one time, and he needs to take it slowly. If you don't stop, there will be more damage in a short period of time, and you must rest for a long time.

Handsome Yan's body temperature rose sharply, but she didn't take it seriously. In front of him, he was a handsome and elegant young man with a cold nature. In private, he was sometimes cruel and cruel, occasionally shy, and changed every time he stripped off his clothes. He was as shy as a little daughter-in-law, so it was because of his shyness that his body temperature rose after stripping off his clothes, so there was no fuss.

Le Xiaoxiao helped Yan Shuai massage from head to foot, and finally pressed Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the foot, and pressed it several times to end the massage work.

After enjoying the full body massage, Yan Xing felt a little drowsy, but he still remembered where he was. After the massage, he got up, folded the sleeping bag and zipped up, wrapping himself into a silkworm baby.

"Look at what, while the meridians are open now, hurry up and practice the exercises." Le Yun saw that handsome Yan, who was hiding in the sleeping bag, secretly looked at herself with a blushing handsome face, and choked him angrily.

"Ugh," Yan Xing said with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, seeing the little loli get up and walk towards the entrance of the tunnel, wrapped in a sleeping bag and propped up her upper body: "Where are you going?"

"Help you press your stinky feet, I'll wash my hands, and run to the toilet to take a shower." Le Yun grabbed the flashlight and took two steps, looked sideways, and when she saw handsome Yan remembered, she glared angrily: "Why don't you hurry up and practice? When I come back, you haven't settled down yet, I don't mind tapping your acupuncture point and throwing you on the beach to feed the mosquitoes."

"In the evening, I just want to help you as a company." Yan Xing was choked very wrongly.

"Is there day and night here?"

"...Don't be so fierce, girls should be gentle." Yan Xing also understood that he had inadvertently exposed his IQ, and he was a little bit arrogant, weak, and people lay down.

"Tenderness depends on the object. If you are gentle with you, I will be mad at you every minute. Remember, don't follow me. When I come back and see that you are not in peace, it means that you are definitely not honest, and you will be a stone statue vigil at night."

Who will follow her?

Yan Xing wanted to roar violently, he was not a hooligan, he would do something worthless.He glared at Little Loli secretly and didn't care about her. He was a man and couldn't have the same knowledge as a little girl.

Little Loli is the master of what she says. When she came back and found that he didn't practice the exercises, he would definitely let him eat and walk around. He didn't want to be a stone statue to feed the mosquitoes, so he just lay down and practiced silently.

At first, he couldn't get into tranquility, but when Little Loli and Dianshuguang left the tunnel, he quickly meditated and entered the best state of cultivation.

Playing the music with a flashlight, I walked around the sand on the beach, walked to the rocky place to wash my hands by the river, listened to the sounds around me, sensed that handsome Yan was practicing the exercises, and quickly flashed back to my plug-in space.

Little Huihui fell asleep again, and when he saw his little human companions appear, he jumped out of the nest again. He didn't see anyone one day, and he especially missed the humans who gave him good things to eat.

Le Yun stretched out her fingers and let Xiao Huihui play with her fingers. While teasing it, she ran to the medicine field. She was busy with time and didn't let it go. Climbing up and down, she was busy picking the fruit sparse and taking care of the medicinal materials in the medicine field.

Humans were busy chopping down old herbs and picking flowers and fruits. Little Huihui grabbed the collar of the human and played for a while, climbed on top of her head, grabbed a bit of hair, and chewed leaves and flowers by himself.

Le Yun can't stay in the space for too long. After picking the medicinal materials and fruit sparse that have to be processed, she doesn't care about the yam whose vines have withered. Originally, the yam should have been dug when the vines withered this time. , you can only keep it until you go back to school and then collect it.

Dispose of the things in the medicine field, then go to pick lotus flowers, lotus leaves, lotus pods, and also take out a few lotus roots, dig out together with the lotus leaf stems, put the lotus roots in a pot, and the lotus leaves, lotus stems, lotus pods and lotus flowers are loaded in baskets. A lot of each is collected.

The large ink tank with well water is the best place to grow lotus root. The lotus root grows better than the crops in the medicine field. The tank is densely packed.

After harvesting the lotus root, Le Yun picked dragon fruit again, watered the dragon blood tree, bread tree, ancient fern, and fruit trees, and held a torch to illuminate the pear and apple trees. Those two fruit trees completed several periods of withering and flourishing, which is equivalent to three years. The age of the tree, the flower buds are finally produced, and there is a tendency to bear fruit.

After the work is done, put the little ash back in the nest, prepare it with food, water, and bath water, and quickly leave the space.

Back to the dark river, Le Yun listened first, the surroundings were quiet, and handsome Yan should still be practicing. She was relieved and returned to the tunnel lightly. Seeing that handsome Yan lay like a zombie, she too Sit and meditate, then sleep.

She went to bed early, she woke up before four o'clock, while handsome Yan was still in a state of meditation, she quietly disappeared, went back to the space for a walk, went back to the tunnel before five o'clock, and got out of the sleeping bag. , do morning exercises.

As Little Loli said, unobstructed meridians are the most suitable for practicing Qigong. Yan Xing practiced while sleeping. She slept very well. When she woke up at the time set by her biological clock, she found that Little Loli was already meditating. Get dressed and run to wash.

Le Yun didn't finish her morning exercise until six o'clock. She went to wash her face and eat dry food with handsome Yan. After eating pancakes and rabbit meat yesterday, they couldn't cook porridge. They could only eat bread and eat kudzu to lighten their load.

Fill up the energy, full of strength, go.

Yan Xing's wounds were all healed, and his whole body was full of energy. In order to express his gratitude, he grabbed a bag of stones from Little Loli and put it in his backpack to help her share the weight.

The stone weighs about five or six kilograms, and it doesn't matter to him. He walks like a fly, no matter how fast or slow the little loli is, he will follow him step by step.

I embark on the road of exploration again, and when I reach the fork, I need to choose again. The first fork point, one is the tunnel that came from yesterday, the other is leading to the dark river, there is only one left, there is nothing to tangle, The one that doesn't go will do.

From the second bifurcation point a choice is required.The decision maker is a little loli, Yan Dashao doesn't need to think about it, he only needs to remember the rules and directions, and he can piece together a map in his brain.

Then, after walking for a long time, the tunnel is still endless, as if it will never end.

"Little Lolita, when will this end?" When he was tired from walking and sat down to eat dry food, Yan Xing finally couldn't hold back and asked the question he wanted to ask a long time ago. He counted silently and did a total of 73 The second option, based on the route distance, is more than 100 miles.

"The Jiuqu Veranda is called the Jiuqu Veranda. There is a main line of 99 and [-] ecstasy corridors. I took the shortest road to the center of the formation. I expect to arrive at the center of the formation in the evening."

Yan Xing: "..." I feel tired and don't love it.

The two ate dry food, continued to walk, and did several multiple-choice questions. The choice intersection was no longer three, but five.

Standing in front of the new option door, Le Xiao classmate frowned slightly: "There are intruders."

(End of this chapter)

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