Chapter 290
The tunnel fork has changed from three to five, which originally meant that it became more complicated. Yanxing also studied it carefully. At first, Xiao Luoli said that there was an intruder, but she couldn't react at first.

intruder intruder...

Little Loli's words swirled in his mind, and his eyes were still scanning the mouths of the five tunnels. After about half a minute, his thoughts paused: "Little Loli, do you think there are other people?"

When Le Yun said that there was an intruder, she turned on her senses of hearing and smell calmly, listening to the noise in the tunnel, and distinguishing how far the other intruder had traveled from the smell left in the air. If I want to say something to him, his reflex arc is really long.


"There are really tomb robbers?"

"How do you know it's a tomb robber?" How could handsome Yan decide to be a tomb robber?What if it accidentally fell in like they did?
"It's not a thief, what are you doing in the tomb?"

"According to you, you are also a tomb robber?"

"I was passing by." Yan Xing finally knew why Little Loli's tone was a little rushed. The feeling was because he and she were also in the underground tomb palace. He said that the people who came to the maze were all tomb robbers, including them.

Le Yun stopped arguing with handsome Yan, and was honest with Yan people. It was only herself who was angry. Listening to her surroundings, she didn't hear any vibrations, indicating that the person had gone a long way, and there was no need to scout.

She didn't have much curiosity. Whether it was a tomb robber or someone who entered by mistake, there are only three possibilities to enter the nine-curved veranda: First, there are professionals who can find the route to the life gate or the route to the center of the formation. Then, In any case, eventually she and them will meet;

Second, if those people don’t have enough food and can’t find a way out, they will only be trapped on the way to death; third, uh, that refers to people who are very unlucky, who made a wrong choice and strayed into the door of death, stepping on the organ and being arrested within minutes. Killing, or accidentally entering the center of the agency, triggering the agency to change the formation, and finally trapping oneself in the corridor of fascination with no way out, the end is still a dead end.

Therefore, Le Yun had no intention of looking for other intruders. If there was no danger, she would take the other intruders out by the way when she retreated. If there was danger, she would of course run away with oil on her feet.

Don't blame her for being cold-blooded, after all, saving people is out of a humanitarian spirit, not a legal obligation. Morally speaking, there is a morality to save people, but legally speaking, there is no obligation to save others.

What's more, she is the only daughter of the Le family, and her father and new mother need to support her. If something happens to her, her father will have a hard time living without spiritual support.

Others have gone to an unknown corner, what are you waiting for?Le Yun was no longer entangled, strode high, and went straight to the first tunnel on the left hand side.

The little loli was in a trance, and she vowed not to turn back.

The two are either one after the other, or go hand in hand, traversing the intricate and endless tunnels.

The tunnel, which has not seen the sun for many years, is cool and empty. Occasionally, there is water seepage in some places, and stalactites condense. Some places even have tiny moss, and some places condense a layer of white dust. , you may be able to find that there are actually frescoes carved on the stone walls.

However, due to how many years it has gone through, the frescoes are lightly scratched, and the pictures are hidden in the color of the stone walls.

In a tunnel, four backpackers walk in it like ghosts, all of them are wearing large black backpacks and waterproof and moisture-proof black peaking trousers.

The four of them are all men, one of them is about fifty years old, more sensual, with a beer belly, holding a small mahogany sword in one hand, and a compass in the other, walking ahead, occasionally chanting words, but no one Hear what he is chanting.

The other three are all between [-] and [-] years old, two are neither fat nor thin, one has a face with a Chinese character, relatively fair, giving the impression of an intellectual; , is the healthy kind of red and black; the other is a thin man, the shortest among the four, that is, what people say is the essence.

The faces of the four were slightly pale, their lips were scorched, a bit like they were dehydrated, their hair seemed to have not been washed for a long time, there was a layer of greasy dirt, and their hairstyles were also messy. There were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and he looked tired.

The group did not walk fast, the beer-bellied old man's footsteps were still strong, the black-faced man and the thin, short youth were out of breath and weak, while the white-faced man was more top-heavy and his steps were vain.

Two of the four had their headlights on to illuminate the road, and walked together in the empty tunnel. The footsteps of different weights reverberated, giving people the feeling of being in an apocalyptic fox alone.

The darkness is endless, and there are five more tunnels in front of the tunnel.

The four of them walked slowly to the fork that needed to be chosen. The old beer-bellied man faced the tunnel in the middle, mobilized the compass, and analyzed the orientation and angle. Soon, he chose the orientation representing Ji and walked into the second tunnel on the right.

The three men behind followed closely, walking into the endless long road again.

"Master Ao, can we... really get out?" The long black color infects the surrounding, and also infects people's hearts, and there is despair in the tone of the speaker.

They have been walking for five days, and each time they think that the end of the tunnel is the exit. However, the reality is always so cruel, the end of the tunnel is still the tunnel, endless.

Five days, not five hours. After five days, I don't know how far I have traveled, but people are still in the tunnel. It is conceivable how much pressure everyone has in their hearts.

Do you really want to be inexplicably trapped in this strange place?

Everyone's emotions are on the verge of collapsing, but the hope for life makes life strong, and he warns himself over and over that he will go out, and he will definitely go out!

"Four eyes, we can definitely go out."

"Four eyes, don't worry, we will definitely find the life door."

Before Master Ao spoke, Monkey Jing and Heiguotou comforted Siyan. Siyan was the nickname of the white and clean man. He was originally wearing glasses, so he was called Siyan by people.

Monkey King is the nickname of a short and thin man. He is thin and short, as flexible as a monkey. He is called Monkey King in the industry. The black-faced man is born with a dark complexion, and no matter how he takes care of it, he is not white, like the bottom of a black-burning pot, hence his name. Said black pot head.

Master Ao is a person from the rivers and lakes. He is nicknamed Yi Gua Ling. He only counts one hexagram, never two hexagrams.

The four are not old acquaintances. Four Eyes, Heiguotou, and Monkey Spirit are old acquaintances, and they are also a team. Master Ao is an explorer who acts alone. team.

The four accidentally stepped on the trap in the ancient tomb, fell into the underground river, were washed to a dark beach, and then found a tunnel. They went into the tunnel to find a way out, and ended up trapped in it.

Now, five days have passed, and the tunnel is still endless. Because of the lack of food and water, the hope of the four eyes has been wiped out little by little, and the hope of surviving is more and more slim.

Although Hou Jing and Hei Guotou no longer had much hope of getting out of the labyrinth below, they still tried their best to calm themselves and appease their companions.

"Brother, don't panic, we can go out." Master Ao also understood the feelings of his companions, and walked forward without looking back, explaining: "I did a hexagram when I was washed here by the water. Even though the trip has gone through untold hardships, there are no surprises, but when the time comes, it will definitely bloom."

"Master, when will the time come? It will soon be evening again." Heiguo had a dark face on his head, and he was a little weak.

"The chance should be on Brother Houjing. Brother Houjing's life-lord will meet a noble person during the application process today, and he will be sheltered by a noble person. We will surely turn a bad luck into a good one, and the road ahead will be bright."

Four Eyes heard that Monkey King has the fortune of noble people. When encountering noble people, he can turn bad luck into good luck. His decadent spirit is refreshed and his heart is motivated. He feels that his feet are lighter, and walking is no longer as heavy as lead.

"Am I lucky?" Monkey Jing was stunned. He is a commoner who does a small business to support his family. This year, he has neither made a lot of money nor lost a lot. Generally speaking, he can afford to support his family. As for the so-called noble person, he does not encountered.

"You have." Master Ao smiled meaningfully: "The noble person does not necessarily mean the person who can bring you great wealth and honor, and the luck of a noble person does not mean that you have embarked on the road of great wealth and honor since then, who can borrow your luck. It is the luck of the nobles that allows oneself to escape disasters, and the person who can make oneself safe and sound, whether it is an official, a farmer, or a passerby, is his own noble person."

"Oh." Monkey Jing understands that the noble person is not about status, but whether he can take advantage of the blessings of others to protect him at that time.

"Master Ao, it's already 23:23 p.m.." Shen Shi, that is, from [-]:[-] p.m.
Besides, this is a tunnel that goes deep into the ground for unknown number of meters. Who would come here?If you meet a noble person, could that person fall from the sky?

Heiguotou is half-believing in numerology and the like. Like his pedestrian, the nature of his work is very special. To put it bluntly, it is a fight, and to say it is ugly, it is a tomb robbing. Admit death.

It is inherently unethical to fight back and forth. If someone digs someone's grave, if according to numerology, the owner of the tomb should be retributed, however, with so many back fights, how many are retributed?

There are not many people who get retribution, but there are quite a few people who get rich overnight. Even if some people are caught in the game, they are not greedy enough, and they don’t know how to stop, so they are exposed; those who make a lot of money die in the end. The inability to manage the family caused the family to fight for the family property, or it was caused by their own extravagance.

Therefore, Heiguotou sees more clearly, does not despise Jianghu Fengshui warlocks, and believes in the letter, and does not blindly believe Jianghu warlocks as gods.

Master Ao heard Heiguotou's implication, and knew that he didn't believe his words very much, and he didn't explain much. He was very confident in his divination, and the fortune-telling calculated that the monkey spirit would be lucky on that day, and the auspicious time should be at the time of Shen, then, to Time to see for yourself.

Master Ao stopped talking, Monkey Jing and Heiguotou Siyan didn't talk nonsense. They reserved their strength and followed Master to the other end of the long tunnel.

Handsome Yan and Classmate Le Xiao, who were walking in the labyrinth tunnel together, passed one fork after another without rushing, and their speed was several times faster than that of Master Ao and his group.

Yan Xing followed Little Loli at a trot speed. When Little Loli found other intruders, she said to speed up and rushed to the center of the formation before evening to avoid accidents. As a military man, his physical strength was very strong. Yes, it is a piece of cake to run thousands of miles under load, so he carried a backpack that was not heavy, and trot all the way without difficulty.

Not to mention Le Xiaoxiao, if she hadn't considered taking care of handsome Yan, she would have turned on the rush mode and ran forward by herself.

After walking through another fork in the five-choice road, Le Yun's sensitive nose captured the smells it had captured, and the smells scattered in the air rushed into her nose. Her brain was like a washing machine spinning at high speed, analyzing the details. according to.

In just a snap of the fingers, the information from the smell feedback to the brain's analysis was finalized. There were four foreign intruders, all of them were painted, and there were wounds on their bodies. Moreover, some people's wounds may not have been treated in time and have festered.

After collecting the information, Le Yun frowned and speculated based on the smell that the four were not too far away from them. If there were no accidents, the two sides would meet on a narrow road.

"Men Yan, other intruders also entered this tunnel." In order not to suddenly see people and scare handsome Yan, out of humanitarianism, Le Xiao gave a friendly reminder to handsome Yan.

"Hey, you said other people are also there?" Yan Xing followed Little Loli and ran. He was surprised to hear Little Loli mention other people who had broken through the maze, right? Come face to face?

To tell the truth, he doesn't want to meet other people, whether it's an enemy or a friend. The enemy may have a fight, but it's not terrible. What he is hesitant about is whether he will use all his strength when he fights with people, or will he have the ability to fight. reserved?

If you meet ordinary people, you may have to go the same way. He doesn't want to form a team with others. How good is he and Xiaoluo. When you are hungry, share food and drink water when you are thirsty. He is very willing to give Xiaoluo his food. Li chose, others were strangers, so he didn't want to donate the small amount of dry food he brought to unrelated guys.

In general, knowing that he might meet other people, Young Master Yan was depressed and unhappy. He didn't want to let Little Loli mind her own business. If he had the right to dictate the affairs of Little Loli, he would definitely ask him to ignore the encounter. No matter who, everyone walks their own Yangguan Road and crosses their own single-plank bridges.

"Well, let's go, maybe we will meet." Le Yun ran away lightly.

Young Master Yan followed Little Loli's footsteps with a thud, and the two trotted for a while, and sure enough, they saw a light flickering in the darkness ahead.

Just when they saw the light spot looming, at the other end of the tunnel, Master Ao, who was leading the way, also saw a faint light in the distance, and they were overjoyed: "Brother Monkey King, your nobleman has appeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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